Republican hypocrisy at its finest: the July convention will be a gun-free zone

Republicans have only themselves to blame – again – for looking like inconsistent hypocrites.

At least the Republicans don't falsely claim to be pro-gay-rights while supporting the most gay-public-executing, gay-torturing, homosexual slaughterhouse in history, which PISSLAM IS!!! I'm sorry that liberal brains can't produce enough cognitive dissonance to understand the basic logic: if you condemn Christians for shunning gays and defend mud-slimes who SADISTICALLY TORTURE AND KILL GAYS!!!! libs don't get how BREATHTAKINGLY full of shit that makes you!!! Seriously, anyone who supports gay civil rights AND Pisslam, you are more full of SHIT to me than a drugged-out telephone psychic. I'm dead serious, you Obama liberals have the most fucked up moral compass I've seen in 43 years of life. By FAR!
Does anyone seriously think the Secret Service would allow open or concealed carry at a party convention? If you do you are one special breed of stupid.
This isn't a decision being made by the secret service. It's being made by the GOP.
They really know how to embarrass themselves don't they?

HYPOCRISY: Republicans Just Made Their Convention A Gun-Free Zone For Their Own Safety

A liberal had started a petition to allow guns at the convention to expose the hypocrisy of the GOP, and he succeeded because the republican powers at he won't allow weapons. What a bunch of pussies.


Saying "build bridges not walls" on Univision, then building a fence around the DNC convention center.


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The convention will not be a gun free zone because there will be scores if not hundreds of armed security guards. The secret service will be there for Trump. They will probably have lots of cops working the event also.
wouldnt need all the security if he was even half as good at ducking, dipping, diving and dodging through enemy sniper fire as Hillary was.
Meh, democrats whining about hypocrisy is ludicrous. Think they'd allow anyone into their convention without a photo ID?
They really know how to embarrass themselves don't they?

HYPOCRISY: Republicans Just Made Their Convention A Gun-Free Zone For Their Own Safety

A liberal had started a petition to allow guns at the convention to expose the hypocrisy of the GOP, and he succeeded because the republican powers at he won't allow weapons. What a bunch of pussies.

it will be a controlled space, with security at the perimeter, a secure perimeter, and security throughout the venue.

Most RKBA advocates have no issue with carry being restricted in controlled spaces, such as airports, courthouses, or other public venues.

The issue is when you declare a "gun free zone" and do nothing to assure the zone is truly "gun free".
They really know how to embarrass themselves don't they?

HYPOCRISY: Republicans Just Made Their Convention A Gun-Free Zone For Their Own Safety

A liberal had started a petition to allow guns at the convention to expose the hypocrisy of the GOP, and he succeeded because the republican powers at he won't allow weapons. What a bunch of pussies.

Every political event I have attended has been gun free. Your argument is rather silly. Mrs. Clinton will decry gun ownership yet is protected by those carrying guns, is that hypocritical?

When I laugh about "gun free" zones is when I see a sign that says no fire arms. As if a sign would stop anyone. It would stop me but my brother just the other day ignored a sign that said guns not permitted. I don't think it is a law but a policy that means nothing. Someone like myself who obeys laws and rules wouldn't carry a gun, plus I am not paranoid as is my apparently my brother.

So in my opinion if a place is not going to actively do something to prevent guns from entering they might as well do nothing. Or worse what they are doing is worse than nothing.
They really know how to embarrass themselves don't they?

HYPOCRISY: Republicans Just Made Their Convention A Gun-Free Zone For Their Own Safety

A liberal had started a petition to allow guns at the convention to expose the hypocrisy of the GOP, and he succeeded because the republican powers at he won't allow weapons. What a bunch of pussies.
They really know how to embarrass themselves don't they?

HYPOCRISY: Republicans Just Made Their Convention A Gun-Free Zone For Their Own Safety

A liberal had started a petition to allow guns at the convention to expose the hypocrisy of the GOP, and he succeeded because the republican powers at he won't allow weapons. What a bunch of pussies.
That's because Democrats will be attending inside.


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