Republican Kari Lake Increases Lead In Arizona Governor Race

Why? It's just another way of voting. Utah has had for years without a hitch, and they are Republican.
Itā€™s not just another way of voting. Itā€™s a way to cheat to a win by harvesting ballots. The Dems check to see who hasnā€™t yet voted, and then go to their house and collect their ballot - all the while having the opportunity to manipulate the voter with lies about why they should vote for the Dem.

In this case, they went to homes and told ignorant, gullible people that they needed to vote for the Dem to save democracy from the evil Republicans.

Thereā€˜s a reason political activists working the polls arenā€™t allowed to start telling the voter as they are handed a ballot all the evil things that will happen if they vote Republican. Yet we know now allow people to go door to door to talk ignorant, uninterested people into completing their ballots?

Dems have found a way to negate Republicansā€™ votes.

Fully 75% of people donā€™t like the direction Biden and the Dems have taken this country - and yet Biden defiantly says he isnā€™t going to change a thing! What a nasty POS that dementia patient is!
Itā€™s not just another way of voting. Itā€™s a way to cheat to a win by harvesting ballots. The Dems check to see who hasnā€™t yet voted, and then go to their house and collect their ballot - all the while having the opportunity to manipulate the voter with lies about why they should vote for the Dem.

In this case, they went to homes and told ignorant, gullible people that they needed to vote for the Dem to save democracy from the evil Republicans.

Thereā€˜s a reason political activists working the polls arenā€™t allowed to start telling the voter as they are handed a ballot all the evil things that will happen if they vote Republican. Yet we know now allow people to go door to door to talk ignorant, uninterested people into completing their ballots?

Dems have found a way to negate Republicansā€™ votes.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that was true?

How are these elections so close then?
It also results in long, drawn-out counts and the opportunity for shenanigans. If some Americans donā€™t want to go to the polls to vote, as weā€™ve done for generations, then they have willingly given up their right to vote.

Dumbest thing you've ever posted....and in your case, that is saying quite a bit.
We have to get rid of mail ballots. The Dems used COVID in 2022 to allow a steal, and now that it worked so well, they are keeping the scheme going: keep delaying and delaying and delaying until you can hunt up enough ballots to overtake your opponentā€˜s lead.

And whatā€™s this I hear about a ā€œpower black-outā€ in one of the tight races still collecting ballots? Is that the ā€œaaaaakā€¦..a toilet is leakingā€ excuse, version 2.0?
And you claim to have a graduate degree?

Now THAT is funny.
Itā€™s not just another way of voting. Itā€™s a way to cheat to a win by harvesting ballots. The Dems check to see who hasnā€™t yet voted, and then go to their house and collect their ballot - all the while having the opportunity to manipulate the voter with lies about why they should vote for the Dem.

Got any proof of that odd claim or is it another conspiracy theory? Utah and some other states have had it for years without a peep from you people.

In this case, they went to homes and told ignorant, gullible people that they needed to vote for the Dem to save democracy from the evil Republicans.
That sounds like a fairy tale.

Thereā€˜s a reason political activists working the polls arenā€™t allowed to start telling the voter as they are handed a ballot all the evil things that will happen if they vote Republican.
They are also not allowed to tell voters all the evil things that will happen if they vote Democrat. Isnā€™t that great? Kudos to our wonderful election workers who persevered despite Republican death threats, threats against their families, harrassment etc.

Yet we know now allow people to go door to door to talk ignorant, uninterested people into completing their ballots?
Where and what are the state election laws? Nothing wrong with getting out the vote, Republicans do this as well.

Dems have found a way to negate Republicansā€™ votes.
So having people vote is now negating Republican votes?

Fully 75% of people donā€™t like the direction Biden and the Dems have taken this country - and yet Biden defiantly says he isnā€™t going to change a thing! What a nasty POS that dementia patient is!

Not liking the direction means many things. It does not mean that people like what the Republicans are offering either.

It isnā€™t the Dems fault you did crappy, it is all on you. You had everything going for you: crappy economy, historical trends in midterms, unpopular president. Yet you chose crappy extremist candidates who threatened the integrity of our election process, and you badly underestimated public anger over reproductive rights.

It is all on you. Quit blaming the Dems for your failures. There are no participation trophies in this game.
Got any proof of that odd claim or is it another conspiracy theory? Utah and some other states have had it for years without a peep from you people.

That sounds like a fairy tale.

They are also not allowed to tell voters all the evil things that will happen if they vote Democrat. Isnā€™t that great? Kudos to our wonderful election workers who persevered despite Republican death threats, threats against their families, harrassment etc.

Where and what are the state election laws? Nothing wrong with getting out the vote, Republicans do this as well.

So having people vote is now negating Republican votes?

Not liking the direction means many things. It does not mean that people like what the Republicans are offering either.

It isnā€™t the Dems fault you did crappy, it is all on you. You had everything going for you: crappy economy, historical trends in midterms, unpopular president. Yet you chose crappy extremist candidates who threatened the integrity of our election process, and you badly underestimated public anger over reproductive rights.

It is all on you. Quit blaming the Dems for your failures. There are no participation trophies in this game.
We are allowing people to vote! Not allowing mail-n ballots doesnā€™t mean we are not allowing them to vote. There was a reason people were required to get their asses to the polls. Otherwise, itā€™s not a true election - itā€™s a contest between who can collect the most ballots.

And the results are not on me. They are on YOU. You and others like you have voted to continue Bidenā€™s harmful policies. The majority of voters voted against that.
We are allowing people to vote! Not allowing mail-n ballots doesnā€™t mean we are not allowing them to vote. There was a reason people were required to get their asses to the polls.
What reason?

Otherwise, itā€™s not a true election - itā€™s a contest between who can collect the most ballots.

Washington has had all mail in voting since 1998, Utah since 2012 and Colorado since 2913.

Not a single complaint.

And the results are not on me. They are on YOU. You and others like you have voted to continue Bidenā€™s harmful policies. The majority of voters voted against that.
And yet another stunning example of Republican's inability take responsibility.

The majority of voters voted for what you got.
What reason?

Washington has had all mail in voting since 1998, Utah since 2012 and Colorado since 2913.

Not a single complaint.

And yet another stunning example of Republican's inability take responsibility.

The majority of voters voted for what you got.
The majority of voters voted for the Republican candidates.

You exhibit a stunning inability to admit that you have perverted the election system in order to keep anti-American Democrats in office and keep inflation high, give out other peopleā€™s money to people who refuse to work, and welcome in as many semi-literate illegal aliens to lower the caliber of America.
The majority of voters voted for the Republican candidates.

You exhibit a stunning inability to admit that you have perverted the election system in order to keep anti-American Democrats in office and keep inflation high, give out other peopleā€™s money to people who refuse to work, and welcome in as many semi-literate illegal aliens to lower the caliber of America.
Coyote has a lovely eat in kitchen but she took the picture down.
She has hers and that's all that counts.
The majority of voters voted for the Republican candidates.

You exhibit a stunning inability to admit that you have perverted the election system in order to keep anti-American Democrats in office and keep inflation high, give out other peopleā€™s money to people who refuse to work, and welcome in as many semi-literate illegal aliens to lower the caliber of America.
You and your party's inability to admit defeat and use that moment for some self reflection on why it went south is amazing.
Why don't you support your belief that shows no one uses Excel Spreadsheets as databases.

I never made that claim, lots of morons like you use Excel Spreadsheets as databases, and then whine when they do not work like a database.
More Rs voted than Ds.
You keep patting yourselves on the back over the obvious.
Exactly! Sheā€™s in such denial. Republicans received 6 million more votes than did Democrats - and thatā€™s during a midterm. Massive preference for Republicans, and to stop Democrat policies.
The majority of voters voted for the Republican candidates.

You exhibit a stunning inability to admit that you have perverted the election system in order to keep anti-American Democrats in office and keep inflation high, give out other peopleā€™s money to people who refuse to work, and welcome in as many semi-literate illegal aliens to lower the caliber of America.
Your imagination is Very Damaging.
(R) and (R) supporters need to end the "Big Lie".
Exactly! Sheā€™s in such denial. Republicans received 6 million more votes than did Democrats
Why? It's just another way of voting. Utah has had for years without a hitch, and they are Republican.
The only reason Lisa wants to get rid of mail in ballots is because it franchises more voters. MAGAts are about getting few people to be able to vote.
Uh huh...I bet you think Hobbs is gorgeous and a genius.
Sockpuppet langley shill surada and the other trump America haters want to convince us that election fraud has not gone on for decades and that Biden is so popular nfl stadiums and thousands in the streets are chanting letā€™s go Brandon sense they like him so much as potus. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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