Republican-lead Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax

the left wing idiot liberals think they are so smart... nope!

Millennials are running form the climate alarmists bull shit...

In that case they'll suffer as will their children and grandchildren. I thought you conservatives all believed in lock-step every word written by the Founders. Did you miss their concern for our posterity? Need I remind you, "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" means the liberty to breath clean air, have access to clean water and soil not polluted. Or do you believe poisoned air, water and soil is less important than the right to speak freely or have a gun?
Hmmmmm............. Really think the millenials don't care about what the future holds for them? I am not seeing that at the college I attend. Of course, I am taking science classes, so I am speaking with the most intelligent of the younger people.
Do you know what an Emeritus Professor is? I won't make you look it up. It's an old retired guy, former professor who may or may not have kept up on new discoveries or research and may or may not lecture on things which will benefit him financially.

To Wry Catcher: Nobody benefits more than Al Gore whose research, and religious lectures, begin and end at a consensus agreed upon by pseudo-scientists who want a lifetime spot at the public trough. In Gore’s case he is hoping to rake in hundred of millions through Wall Street in order to repay his investors.

Now I don't know this Emeritus Professor, but all of the climate change deniers accuse researchers of lying to get funding from the government, and the climate change deniers don't know any of these researchers either.

So, turn around is fair play (though it may not be worth anything.

To Wry Catcher: It is long past making denial meaningless. United Nations “researchers” discredited the entire environmental fraud time after time. The parasite class no longer believes the environmental scam, but they have no place else to go.

Oh, we know who Dr. Lindzen is, all right. He has a history of whoring his credentials to the highest bidder. He testified before Congress that smoking was harmless. And, testified before Congress that CO2 was not a factor in climate change, after the energy companies paid him $2500 for that days work. Yes, we know full well who Lindzen is, and what he is.

To Old Rocks: A $25,000 fee for testimony for the energy industry is hardly a cult on par with environmental freakazoids.

the left wing idiot liberals think they are so smart... nope!

To Billy_Bob: You got that right:

Rush Limbaugh: If the Republican establishment is gonna leak and if they want to get some news out, I have discovered The Politico is where they go. So that's where I went, and, lo and behold, I found a story. It says here, "Republicans Outfox Democrats on Climate Votes." I said, "Really? When's the last time this happened? When's the last time the Republicans outfoxed the Democrats on anything?" So of course, I was intrigued. Here's what it says: "The GOP accepts the notion of climate change -- but not the way Democrats wanted them to. Senate Republicans head-faked Democrats on climate change Wednesday, agreeing in a floor vote that the planet's climate was changing, but blocking language that would have blamed human activity.

"In a complicated maneuver that was the first politically perilous test for Senate Republicans, the new majority party split up the votes that Democrats had hoped would force the GOP into an awkward roll call on whether they believed in the science behind climate change -- just hours after President Barack Obama slammed Republicans in his State of the Union address for dodging the issue. "But Republicans made an eleventh-hour change in strategy on two Democratic attempts to divide them -- with Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe, their most vocal denier of humans' effect on the climate, joining a leading liberal in a symbolic vote on whether global warming is 'real and not a hoax.'

"'There is archeological evidence of that, there's Biblical evidence of' the climate changing, Inhofe, the chairman of the Environment and Public Works panel, said on the floor before signing onto a proposal from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) that stopped short of linking climate change to human activities, such as burning of fuels like coal and oil." So apparently, the Democrats tried to run a scheme on Republicans to get them to agree with the premise that global warming is man-made and that there needs to be government action to stop it.

The Republicans said, "Yeah, we'll agree with you that the climate's changing," and then they stopped there. But when I read the original report, it didn't have this clarification in it. So I wonder how many average, ordinary, everyday consumers of news think the Republicans have changed their mind on global warming and now bought into it? Because the news that it was not that, that it was the Republicans agreeing, "Ah, the climate's changing," which it is. I mean, you'd be a fool to disagree with that. It's always changing.

GOP Explainer: Climate Change and Amnesty
January 22, 2015

GOP Explainer Climate Change and Amnesty - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Hmmmmm............. Really think the millenials don't care about what the future holds for them? I am not seeing that at the college I attend. Of course, I am taking science classes, so I am speaking with the most intelligent of the younger people.

To Old Rocks: You could speak to geniuses until the cows came home and you’d still be as dumb as dish water.
Hey Flanders, I find it entirely appropriate that you take your climate science from an obese junkie. Fits right in the with profile of a willfully ignoranant dunce.
Correct me if I'm wrong (and the link is provided), but it appears that "Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53°F (0.85ºC) from 1880 to 2012..."


And I'll ask this once again... will this same Senate appropriate the necessary funds, force the closure of entire industries, and put the tens of millions out of work that is necessary to REDUCE the world's temperature by 1.53 degrees F? :dunno:

I wooden bet on it.

Seems to me though that sort of project would put millions into work.
--- which is all the more reason they won't.
Eat your pancakes and shut your hole.

Do you know what an Emeritus Professor is? I won't make you look it up. It's an old retired guy, former professor who may or may not have kept up on new discoveries or research and may or may not lecture on things which will benefit him financially.

To Wry Catcher: Nobody benefits more than Al Gore whose research, and religious lectures, begin and end at a consensus agreed upon by pseudo-scientists who want a lifetime spot at the public trough. In Gore’s case he is hoping to rake in hundred of millions through Wall Street in order to repay his investors.

Now I don't know this Emeritus Professor, but all of the climate change deniers accuse researchers of lying to get funding from the government, and the climate change deniers don't know any of these researchers either.

So, turn around is fair play (though it may not be worth anything.

To Wry Catcher: It is long past making denial meaningless. United Nations “researchers” discredited the entire environmental fraud time after time. The parasite class no longer believes the environmental scam, but they have no place else to go.

Oh, we know who Dr. Lindzen is, all right. He has a history of whoring his credentials to the highest bidder. He testified before Congress that smoking was harmless. And, testified before Congress that CO2 was not a factor in climate change, after the energy companies paid him $2500 for that days work. Yes, we know full well who Lindzen is, and what he is.

To Old Rocks: A $25,000 fee for testimony for the energy industry is hardly a cult on par with environmental freakazoids.

the left wing idiot liberals think they are so smart... nope!

To Billy_Bob: You got that right:

Rush Limbaugh: If the Republican establishment is gonna leak and if they want to get some news out, I have discovered The Politico is where they go. So that's where I went, and, lo and behold, I found a story. It says here, "Republicans Outfox Democrats on Climate Votes." I said, "Really? When's the last time this happened? When's the last time the Republicans outfoxed the Democrats on anything?" So of course, I was intrigued. Here's what it says: "The GOP accepts the notion of climate change -- but not the way Democrats wanted them to. Senate Republicans head-faked Democrats on climate change Wednesday, agreeing in a floor vote that the planet's climate was changing, but blocking language that would have blamed human activity.

"In a complicated maneuver that was the first politically perilous test for Senate Republicans, the new majority party split up the votes that Democrats had hoped would force the GOP into an awkward roll call on whether they believed in the science behind climate change -- just hours after President Barack Obama slammed Republicans in his State of the Union address for dodging the issue. "But Republicans made an eleventh-hour change in strategy on two Democratic attempts to divide them -- with Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe, their most vocal denier of humans' effect on the climate, joining a leading liberal in a symbolic vote on whether global warming is 'real and not a hoax.'

"'There is archeological evidence of that, there's Biblical evidence of' the climate changing, Inhofe, the chairman of the Environment and Public Works panel, said on the floor before signing onto a proposal from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) that stopped short of linking climate change to human activities, such as burning of fuels like coal and oil." So apparently, the Democrats tried to run a scheme on Republicans to get them to agree with the premise that global warming is man-made and that there needs to be government action to stop it.

The Republicans said, "Yeah, we'll agree with you that the climate's changing," and then they stopped there. But when I read the original report, it didn't have this clarification in it. So I wonder how many average, ordinary, everyday consumers of news think the Republicans have changed their mind on global warming and now bought into it? Because the news that it was not that, that it was the Republicans agreeing, "Ah, the climate's changing," which it is. I mean, you'd be a fool to disagree with that. It's always changing.

GOP Explainer: Climate Change and Amnesty
January 22, 2015

GOP Explainer Climate Change and Amnesty - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Hmmmmm............. Really think the millenials don't care about what the future holds for them? I am not seeing that at the college I attend. Of course, I am taking science classes, so I am speaking with the most intelligent of the younger people.

To Old Rocks: You could speak to geniuses until the cows came home and you’d still be as dumb as dish water.

Too Funny; I was waiting for the numbskulls to come out with all their guns blazing before I handed them their asses... Hat Tip.... You took my fire.. I was hoping the fools brigade were going to go into Obamagasams over the vote and go out on a limb....
did man cause it


and can we do anything about it.


We certainly cannot

I agree. But I will stop trying to be sarcastic. Climate change is in essence the change of weather patterns from one day to the next. It also changes given where a place is on any given part of the planet.

It is the height of hubris to even purport to know the answers to those questions. It's like somebody turning on a football game at the two minute warning and proceeding to pontificate on where the home team went wrong back in the first half.
the left wing idiot liberals think they are so smart... nope!

Millennials are running form the climate alarmists bull shit...

In that case they'll suffer as will their children and grandchildren. I thought you conservatives all believed in lock-step every word written by the Founders. Did you miss their concern for our posterity? Need I remind you, "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" means the liberty to breath clean air, have access to clean water and soil not polluted. Or do you believe poisoned air, water and soil is less important than the right to speak freely or have a gun?

I do have concern for my prosperity. Socialism and lies is not in their best interests. Global warming is a lie and a scam. It always has been and always will be.
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

United States senators are now on the record on the question of whether climate change is "a hoax." But a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
Well of course, climate change isn't a hoax. The weather changes every freakin' day. Imagine if we had no weather?

And this is why people have no faith in Congress.
Imbecile alert!

Mention climate change and a wingnut will always mention the weather


Dear NASA, What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

United States senators are now on the record on the question of whether climate change is "a hoax." But a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
Who voted no?
Let's see that same Senate appropriate tens of trillions of dollars, shut down entire industries at the cost of tens of millions of jobs, and then forcibly increase utility rates 10-fold.

Fucking bullshit.

Hey Straw man, haven't seen Dorothy lately. Where's she been?
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

United States senators are now on the record on the question of whether climate change is "a hoax." But a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
Who voted no?
The lone no vote was from Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi.

Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

The amendment was designed in part as a jab at GOP Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, who has questioned the science of climate change.

Inhofe voted for the measure, arguing that the true "hoax" is that climate change is the result of human activity.

"Climate is changing, and climate has always changed, and always will, there's archeological evidence of that, there's biblical evidence of that, there's historic evidence of that, it will always change," he said on the Senate floor. "The hoax is that there are some people that are so arrogant to think that they are so powerful that they can change climate. Man can't change climate."
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

United States senators are now on the record on the question of whether climate change is "a hoax." But a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.

Did any of you notice what was not said in the declaration? Hmmmm? Did ya? There is no mention of man causing it! Not one iota!
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

United States senators are now on the record on the question of whether climate change is "a hoax." But a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
Who voted no?
The lone no vote was from Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi.

Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

The amendment was designed in part as a jab at GOP Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, who has questioned the science of climate change.

Inhofe voted for the measure, arguing that the true "hoax" is that climate change is the result of human activity.

"Climate is changing, and climate has always changed, and always will, there's archeological evidence of that, there's biblical evidence of that, there's historic evidence of that, it will always change," he said on the Senate floor. "The hoax is that there are some people that are so arrogant to think that they are so powerful that they can change climate. Man can't change climate."
Hard to believe these assholes are running our country
Senate voting on science

More examples from the failed Republican Congress
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

United States senators are now on the record on the question of whether climate change is "a hoax." But a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.
The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure stating that "climate change is real and is not a hoax" by a margin of 98-1.

Right after Republicans stripped the stament that it was caused by humans..

Rush Limbaugh: If the Republican establishment is gonna leak and if they want to get some news out, I have discovered The Politico is where they go. So that's where I went, and, lo and behold, I found a story. It says here, "Republicans Outfox Democrats on Climate Votes." I said, "Really? When's the last time this happened? When's the last time the Republicans outfoxed the Democrats on anything?" So of course, I was intrigued. Here's what it says: "The GOP accepts the notion of climate change -- but not the way Democrats wanted them to. Senate Republicans head-faked Democrats on climate change Wednesday, agreeing in a floor vote that the planet's climate was changing, but blocking language that would have blamed human activity.

"In a complicated maneuver that was the first politically perilous test for Senate Republicans, the new majority party split up the votes that Democrats had hoped would force the GOP into an awkward roll call on whether they believed in the science behind climate change -- just hours after President Barack Obama slammed Republicans in his State of the Union address for dodging the issue. "But Republicans made an eleventh-hour change in strategy on two Democratic attempts to divide them -- with Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe, their most vocal denier of humans' effect on the climate, joining a leading liberal in a symbolic vote on whether global warming is 'real and not a hoax.'

"'There is archeological evidence of that, there's Biblical evidence of' the climate changing, Inhofe, the chairman of the Environment and Public Works panel, said on the floor before signing onto a proposal from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) that stopped short of linking climate change to human activities, such as burning of fuels like coal and oil." So apparently, the Democrats tried to run a scheme on Republicans to get them to agree with the premise that global warming is man-made and that there needs to be government action to stop it.

The Republicans said, "Yeah, we'll agree with you that the climate's changing," and then they stopped there. But when I read the original report, it didn't have this clarification in it. So I wonder how many average, ordinary, everyday consumers of news think the Republicans have changed their mind on global warming and now bought into it? Because the news that it was not that, that it was the Republicans agreeing, "Ah, the climate's changing," which it is. I mean, you'd be a fool to disagree with that. It's always changing.

GOP Explainer: Climate Change and Amnesty
January 22, 2015

GOP Explainer Climate Change and Amnesty - The Rush Limbaugh Show

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