Republican-lead Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax

Did any of you notice what was not said in the declaration? Hmmmm? Did ya? There is no mention of man causing it! Not one iota!
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

The first amendment, which failed 59-40, was introduced by Sen John Hoeven (R-ND), and states: "Climate change is real; and human activity contributes to climate change." It also agrees with the State Department study which "suggest that significant impacts to most resources are not expected along the proposed Project route" for the Keystone pipeline.

The second amendment, which failed 50-49, went one step further and stated "climate change is real (and) human activity significantly contributes to climate change." The inclusion of "significantly," as well as the exclusion of the language reaffirming that the Keystone XL pipeline will not have a significant impact on the proposed route resulted in only five Republicans supporting it, instead of the 15 that supported the Hoeven amendment.​
Did any of you notice what was not said in the declaration? Hmmmm? Did ya? There is no mention of man causing it! Not one iota!
a majority of the Senate, including 15 Republicans, are also on record stating that human activity contributes to climate change.
Did any of you notice what was not said in the declaration? Hmmmm? Did ya? There is no mention of man causing it! Not one iota!
Senate Votes 98-1 That Climate Change Is Not A Hoax - NBC News

The first amendment, which failed 59-40, was introduced by Sen John Hoeven (R-ND), and states: "Climate change is real; and human activity contributes to climate change." It also agrees with the State Department study which "suggest that significant impacts to most resources are not expected along the proposed Project route" for the Keystone pipeline.

The second amendment, which failed 50-49, went one step further and stated "climate change is real (and) human activity significantly contributes to climate change." The inclusion of "significantly," as well as the exclusion of the language reaffirming that the Keystone XL pipeline will not have a significant impact on the proposed route resulted in only five Republicans supporting it, instead of the 15 that supported the Hoeven amendment.​

And the one that was finally passed REMOVED any reference to humanity.

Let's see that same Senate appropriate tens of trillions of dollars, shut down entire industries at the cost of tens of millions of jobs, and then forcibly increase utility rates 10-fold.

Fucking bullshit.

Hey Straw man, haven't seen Dorothy lately. Where's she been?
Your obtuse caboose done left the station long ago.

Get a grip, Brotch. :slap:

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