Republican legislator slams Muhammad Ali

You know..............back in the 1960's, Islam was considered to be a religion of peace, and, by the practices of those like Mohammed Ali, it was considered to be so.

However...............because of certain world events (look them up yourself) that happened in the late 1970's, terrorist attacks became something to be feared and looked out for.

But then again, we have Christians who are willing to shoot doctors, shoot people in churches or blow up federal buildings.

Face it....................terrorists don't belong to just one religion, all religions have some kind of fringe wing that thinks it's okay to go against the rule of one of the 10 Commandments that states "thou shalt not murder".

Murder and killing never solve anything.
why does the left constantly lie about christians 'terrorist"?

except for a few shootings, there's nothing else. McVey didn't do what he did in the name of religion, and you know that.

so why lie?
You people don't realize how often and to how many people the United States military are terrorists to them. Think about it, if you are able. Probably not as your mind is too closed.
So to support abs lie about McVey, you call our Vets terrorists.

rot in hell you vile fucking C U N T
But talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

I know better than to make stupid bets on a message board. If you think that's me running away, it isn't. It's pretty sad you have to substitute a real argument with a wager.

Go. Away.
On the contrary...
It is the perfect example of an Internet gas bag being revealed. The stakes are 10 wks of an avatar being next to your name; basically nothing. That you're not willing to risk "nothing" shows you're all talk.

Pretty pathetic
Is this some weak form of self reassurance? Go inflate your ego somewhere else

You give the world a superiority complex. Thanks.
Whatever you say oh wise one.

Pretty much all the time it seems, don't it? Look, if you're confident, you take the bet. If you're not so sure, don't take the bet. There is no shame in not thinking this small fraction of a man is any match for HRC and the most impressive resume to seek the Presidency in 28 years. Trump and his supporters are pathetic losers who want the world to stay as it was in the 1950's because they are scared of change.

Take the bet, don't take the's your call of course.

But please stop with the charade that Trump has any chance. If he wouldn't have have such a hard time manning up.
Trump is in fact racist.

The term is over used.

But it fits Drumpf perfectly
By your definition, you are a racist. The worse kind. As for Trump, you cannot show an example of Trump being racist. Not one. I dare you.

You're on crack. Either that or you are extraordinarily stupid.

"In 1993, when Trump wanted to open a casino in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that would compete with one owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Nation, a local Native American tribe, he told the House subcommittee on Native American Affairs that "they don't look like Indians to me... They don't look like Indians to Indians."
When Trump addressed the Republican Jewish Coalition in December, he tried to relate to the crowd by invoking the stereotype of Jews as talented and cunning businesspeople.
"I'm a negotiator, like you folks," Trump told the crowd, touting his book The Art of the Deal.
"Is there anyone who doesn't renegotiate deals in this room?" Trump said. "Perhaps more than any room I've spoken to."
But that wasn’t even the most offensive thing Trump told his Jewish audience. He implied that he had little chance of earning the Jewish Republican group’s support, because his fealty could not be bought with campaign donations.
"You’re not going to support me, because I don’t want your money," he said. "You want to control your own politician."
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some I assume are good people...
I don't really get the point of this thread. Ali DID dodge the draft. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it doesn't mean we should not speak it.

He didn't dodge the draft. He flat out told them he wasn't going.
Technically, that's the same thing. He just didn't act cowardly and leave the country, or use influence to escape serving, like people accuse Bill Clinton and GWB of doing. He simply felt that the war was wrong, that he wasn't about to participate in it, and he was willing to suffer the consequences of his decision. But when he made that decision, he was a different person than what he ended up being. I'm willing to forgive him, because he made amends for his choices when he was young.
Elvis served, but because of his celebrity, he was given cushy assignments. He didn't have to go thru much of the garbage that the rest of us had to because he was too important. Ali probably felt they were trying to kill him because he was black. Lots of people didn't like him back then. All they wanted to see was Ali getting knocked out.
Is it unpatriotic to go do the bidding of the rich, and fight their wars?

It is both unpatriotic and seditious to refuse to fight for your country when called upon to do so. It should be a capital offense.

Well, I disagree.

If your country called you to go deport all the Jews from the US, would you then feel that it is "unpatriotic and seditious" to do this?
The Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that Ali had legitimate religious objections

Why are Republicans still condemning Ali while nominating Trump who also ducked the war
I don't really get the point of this thread. Ali DID dodge the draft. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it doesn't mean we should not speak it.
No, he did not. He took his prison time as the price to pay for his political views. Those that dodged the draft were those that went to Canada, and people like Cheney and Trump.
Is it unpatriotic to go do the bidding of the rich, and fight their wars?

It is both unpatriotic and seditious to refuse to fight for your country when called upon to do so. It should be a capital offense.
As has been noted, the right to conscientious objection has been a right of Americans since the country was founded. It is neither seditious or a capital offense.
Is it unpatriotic to go do the bidding of the rich, and fight their wars?

It is both unpatriotic and seditious to refuse to fight for your country when called upon to do so. It should be a capital offense.
As has been noted, the right to conscientious objection has been a right of Americans since the country was founded. It is neither seditious nor a capital offense.
You know..............back in the 1960's, Islam was considered to be a religion of peace, and, by the practices of those like Mohammed Ali, it was considered to be so.

However...............because of certain world events (look them up yourself) that happened in the late 1970's, terrorist attacks became something to be feared and looked out for.

But then again, we have Christians who are willing to shoot doctors, shoot people in churches or blow up federal buildings.

Face it....................terrorists don't belong to just one religion, all religions have some kind of fringe wing that thinks it's okay to go against the rule of one of the 10 Commandments that states "thou shalt not murder".

Murder and killing never solve anything.
why does the left constantly lie about christians 'terrorist"?

except for a few shootings, there's nothing else. McVey didn't do what he did in the name of religion, and you know that.

so why lie?
You people don't realize how often and to how many people the United States military are terrorists to them. Think about it, if you are able. Probably not as your mind is too closed.
So to support abs lie about McVey, you call our Vets terrorists.

rot in hell you vile fucking C U N T
They are all over the world killing innocent men, women and children, the elderly and infants. What is the proper name for them?
You know..............back in the 1960's, Islam was considered to be a religion of peace, and, by the practices of those like Mohammed Ali, it was considered to be so.

However...............because of certain world events (look them up yourself) that happened in the late 1970's, terrorist attacks became something to be feared and looked out for.

But then again, we have Christians who are willing to shoot doctors, shoot people in churches or blow up federal buildings.

Face it....................terrorists don't belong to just one religion, all religions have some kind of fringe wing that thinks it's okay to go against the rule of one of the 10 Commandments that states "thou shalt not murder".

Murder and killing never solve anything.
why does the left constantly lie about christians 'terrorist"?

except for a few shootings, there's nothing else. McVey didn't do what he did in the name of religion, and you know that.

so why lie?
You people don't realize how often and to how many people the United States military are terrorists to them. Think about it, if you are able. Probably not as your mind is too closed.
So to support abs lie about McVey, you call our Vets terrorists.

rot in hell you vile fucking C U N T
They are all over the world killing innocent men, women and children, the elderly and infants. What is the proper name for them?
Obama gives the orders, you just called obama a terrorist.

suck on that
As has been noted, the right to conscientious objection has been a right of Americans since the country was founded. It is neither seditious nor a capital offense.

Anyone who puts their religion, race, ethnic heritage or family before the national. Is not someone I believe should be part of the nstion.

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