Republican legislator slams Muhammad Ali

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Ali said ....You are not willing to stand up for my rights, why should I go over there to fight for someone elses?
First, the fact that black people are free in this country right now goes to show that people DID stand up for the rights of black people. Secondly, he wasn't alive during the Civil War, he was not enslaved at any point, people today need to quit pretending they were the ones enslaved, and not the people YEARS ago, before any of them were even born. Thirdly, the American Military gives their lives for the rights of everyone in the United States, himself included, he'd be fighting for his own rights, too.
Actually that's your opinion, which really isn't worth anything.

Perhaps it will sink in on a Wednesday in November when President Elect Clinton is taking her victory lap and your messiah is blaming the ______________ for his losing.
Another opinion that is worthless. Any more worthless opinions?

Well, since you put it that way, lets see what' you're made of little man.

I don't think drumpf gets as many electoral votes as Romney. Do you think other wise?
How is you stating a worthless opinion and asking a dumb question a test of what I'm made of?

Shows you're too much of a pussy to take a stand, for one Lucy
That makes absolutely no sense.
I have no doubt a few were idiots as you will find in any group. But I do notice you did not cite any examples. In fact, you proved my point beautifully. Thanks.
This guy is so respectful
Lots of these guys, too
And these people

If you'd like more links, let me know, there's no shortage of Liberal slander, libel, and hate towards dead conservatives. Living ones, too, for that matter.

Well, I was talking about this board.

You’re correct, there is plenty of idiots on the liberal side of the ledger….
Perhaps it will sink in on a Wednesday in November when President Elect Clinton is taking her victory lap and your messiah is blaming the ______________ for his losing.
Another opinion that is worthless. Any more worthless opinions?

Well, since you put it that way, lets see what' you're made of little man.

I don't think drumpf gets as many electoral votes as Romney. Do you think other wise?
How is you stating a worthless opinion and asking a dumb question a test of what I'm made of?

Shows you're too much of a pussy to take a stand, for one Lucy
That makes absolutely no sense.

Have someone explain it to you. You have to have backbone to understand.
Ali said ....You are not willing to stand up for my rights, why should I go over there to fight for someone elses?
First, the fact that black people are free in this country right now goes to show that people DID stand up for the rights of black people. Secondly, he wasn't alive during the Civil War, he was not enslaved at any point, people today need to quit pretending they were the ones enslaved, and not the people YEARS ago, before any of them were even born. Thirdly, the American Military gives their lives for the rights of everyone in the United States, himself included, he'd be fighting for his own rights, too.

We are talking 1966 a period when blacks were denied the right to vote, black churches were being bombed, Jim Crow was still in full force

There were even people who insisted on calling him Cassius Clay instead of his legal name
We are talking 1966 a period when blacks were denied the right to vote, black churches were being bombed, Jim Crow was still in full force

There were even people who insisted on calling him Cassius Clay instead of his legal name
In that case, while I understand how he felt, he'd have still been fighting for himself and everyone he cares about, and Republicans were still fighting for his rights.
Well let see...

Donald John Trump got the doctor to excuse him from the Vietnam War... Richard Bruce Cheney also was excused from the Vietnam War... William Jefferson Clinton was a Draft Dodger... George Walker Bush hid in the National Guard... Ali went to prison because he refused to go to Vietnam...

If Ali is or was a coward then the same could be said for those I mentioned in this response but I am willing to bet many will object and claim those like Trump, Cheney and Bush had legitimate excuses while bashing those like Ali and Clinton...

At least Ali said no and went to Prison for it and had he been born white to a privilege family those calling him a coward would be making excuses for his refusal to fight in Vietnam...
If it were WW2, then maybe you have a point. If it's Vietnam, Iraq 1 or 2, or any other modern conflict which is fought by poor people for the benefit of rich people, then they should NEVER feel guilty.

Would you die so some rich person can make an extra $100 million a year? Really?
If I were called upon to serve my country in any way, I certainly wouldn't dodge. I'd serve my country proudly. However, it's physically impossible for me to serve in the military. I'm not sure how drafts work in those cases, but I'm about 90% sure they only draft able-bodied people. I'd also like to point out that rich people can get drafted for either Iraq war, so claiming that only poor people can get drafted is ignorant(Military Selective Service Act).
Interestingly, there was a thread on here recently on John Wayne, and all the RWrs praising him to the hilt for being a 'true American hero.' He dodged the military: he didn't fight for his country or serve his country. This during WWII. Not a conscientious objector, just didn't go. Stayed home.

How is he different from Ali? Oh yeah, he's white.
wayne was exempt at the time because of his age,mid 30's and was classified 3A.....and when he wanted to go was reclassified 1A, he was then threatened with a lawsuit if he walked away from his contract with Republic Pictures.....instead they had him tour bases in the South Pacific for a few years....he also applied for the OSS ( Office Of Strategic Services ) which was that days CIA and was accepted....but the acceptance letter went to his estranged wifes home and she never told him about it....thats the story i got....if you have anything different lets hear it...
Another opinion that is worthless. Any more worthless opinions?

Well, since you put it that way, lets see what' you're made of little man.

I don't think drumpf gets as many electoral votes as Romney. Do you think other wise?
How is you stating a worthless opinion and asking a dumb question a test of what I'm made of?

Shows you're too much of a pussy to take a stand, for one Lucy
That makes absolutely no sense.

Have someone explain it to you. You have to have backbone to understand.
You posted it, YOU explain it. Or maybe you can't explain it because you were just talking out your ass again.
If it were WW2, then maybe you have a point. If it's Vietnam, Iraq 1 or 2, or any other modern conflict which is fought by poor people for the benefit of rich people, then they should NEVER feel guilty.

Would you die so some rich person can make an extra $100 million a year? Really?
If I were called upon to serve my country in any way, I certainly wouldn't dodge. I'd serve my country proudly. However, it's physically impossible for me to serve in the military. I'm not sure how drafts work in those cases, but I'm about 90% sure they only draft able-bodied people. I'd also like to point out that rich people can get drafted for either Iraq war, so claiming that only poor people can get drafted is ignorant(Military Selective Service Act).
Interestingly, there was a thread on here recently on John Wayne, and all the RWrs praising him to the hilt for being a 'true American hero.' He dodged the military: he didn't fight for his country or serve his country. This during WWII. Not a conscientious objector, just didn't go. Stayed home.

How is he different from Ali? Oh yeah, he's white.
wayne was exempt at the time because of his age,mid 30's and was classified 3A.....and when he wanted to go was reclassified 1A, he was then threatened with a lawsuit if he walked away from his contract with Republic Pictures.....instead they had him tour bases in the South Pacific for a few years....he also applied for the OSS ( Office Of Strategic Services ) which was that days CIA and was accepted....but the acceptance letter went to his estranged wifes home and she never told him about it....thats the story i got....if you have anything different lets hear it...
Wayne skipped the war because of a lawsuit? Do you really think the movie company would have sued him because he wanted to fight for his country? VERY DOUBTFUL. Very. Ali put his career at risk for his conscientious objector status. Lost a great deal of money because of it, far more than Wayne would have lost in a lawsuit. Ali fought for his principles. Wayne had no principles.
I have no issue with what Rep. Martin Daniel wrote and how he feels. But, at the same time I have no issue with what Muhammad Ali did. I respect and both men's point of view. It was a terrible time people, why is it so hard to understand everyone had a different opinion (neither in the wrong) and both these men were passionate about how they felt.
I don't really get the point of this thread. Ali DID dodge the draft. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it doesn't mean we should not speak it.
No, he did not. He took his prison time as the price to pay for his political views. Those that dodged the draft were those that went to Canada, and people like Cheney and Trump.
hey rocks why did you not mention bill clinton too?....just thought i would ask....
If it were WW2, then maybe you have a point. If it's Vietnam, Iraq 1 or 2, or any other modern conflict which is fought by poor people for the benefit of rich people, then they should NEVER feel guilty.

Would you die so some rich person can make an extra $100 million a year? Really?
If I were called upon to serve my country in any way, I certainly wouldn't dodge. I'd serve my country proudly. However, it's physically impossible for me to serve in the military. I'm not sure how drafts work in those cases, but I'm about 90% sure they only draft able-bodied people. I'd also like to point out that rich people can get drafted for either Iraq war, so claiming that only poor people can get drafted is ignorant(Military Selective Service Act).

Good for you. You'd give up your life so rich people can get richer. I'm not sure what to think of that, certainly isn't positive.

Well, I thought I might get drafted once, and I'm not sure what I would have done, I certainly wouldn't have gone.
Good. We didn't want people with your attitude. It would have gotten you fragged. True story.
If it were WW2, then maybe you have a point. If it's Vietnam, Iraq 1 or 2, or any other modern conflict which is fought by poor people for the benefit of rich people, then they should NEVER feel guilty.

Would you die so some rich person can make an extra $100 million a year? Really?
If I were called upon to serve my country in any way, I certainly wouldn't dodge. I'd serve my country proudly. However, it's physically impossible for me to serve in the military. I'm not sure how drafts work in those cases, but I'm about 90% sure they only draft able-bodied people. I'd also like to point out that rich people can get drafted for either Iraq war, so claiming that only poor people can get drafted is ignorant(Military Selective Service Act).
Interestingly, there was a thread on here recently on John Wayne, and all the RWrs praising him to the hilt for being a 'true American hero.' He dodged the military: he didn't fight for his country or serve his country. This during WWII. Not a conscientious objector, just didn't go. Stayed home.

How is he different from Ali? Oh yeah, he's white.
wayne was exempt at the time because of his age,mid 30's and was classified 3A.....and when he wanted to go was reclassified 1A, he was then threatened with a lawsuit if he walked away from his contract with Republic Pictures.....instead they had him tour bases in the South Pacific for a few years....he also applied for the OSS ( Office Of Strategic Services ) which was that days CIA and was accepted....but the acceptance letter went to his estranged wifes home and she never told him about it....thats the story i got....if you have anything different lets hear it...
Wayne skipped the war because of a lawsuit? Do you really think the movie company would have sued him because he wanted to fight for his country? VERY DOUBTFUL. Very. Ali put his career at risk for his conscientious objector status. Lost a great deal of money because of it, far more than Wayne would have lost in a lawsuit. Ali fought for his principles. Wayne had no principles.
he had no principals but yet got his classification changed and applied for the OSS?....which he believed rejected him....and yes Republic would have sued him because waynes movies made millions back then AND he was 35 and as far as many were concerned to old to they felt he wasnt a 25 year old guy who should go ......and i read that not too many people back then,who all knew about Wayne trying to get in,held anything against him .....hey im just telling you the story i read..
White people were his enemy.

Was he wrong? Whites treated blacks horrifically in this country.

Ali said ....You are not willing to stand up for my rights, why should I go over there to fight for someone elses?

Obviously he didn't. My three white brothers all served though so he could stay home and bash America and white people. What a hero. Not.

Ali stayed home just like Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Romney and Trump
If it were WW2, then maybe you have a point. If it's Vietnam, Iraq 1 or 2, or any other modern conflict which is fought by poor people for the benefit of rich people, then they should NEVER feel guilty.

Would you die so some rich person can make an extra $100 million a year? Really?
If I were called upon to serve my country in any way, I certainly wouldn't dodge. I'd serve my country proudly. However, it's physically impossible for me to serve in the military. I'm not sure how drafts work in those cases, but I'm about 90% sure they only draft able-bodied people. I'd also like to point out that rich people can get drafted for either Iraq war, so claiming that only poor people can get drafted is ignorant(Military Selective Service Act).
Interestingly, there was a thread on here recently on John Wayne, and all the RWrs praising him to the hilt for being a 'true American hero.' He dodged the military: he didn't fight for his country or serve his country. This during WWII. Not a conscientious objector, just didn't go. Stayed home.

How is he different from Ali? Oh yeah, he's white.
wayne was exempt at the time because of his age,mid 30's and was classified 3A.....and when he wanted to go was reclassified 1A, he was then threatened with a lawsuit if he walked away from his contract with Republic Pictures.....instead they had him tour bases in the South Pacific for a few years....he also applied for the OSS ( Office Of Strategic Services ) which was that days CIA and was accepted....but the acceptance letter went to his estranged wifes home and she never told him about it....thats the story i got....if you have anything different lets hear it...
Wayne skipped the war because of a lawsuit? Do you really think the movie company would have sued him because he wanted to fight for his country? VERY DOUBTFUL. Very. Ali put his career at risk for his conscientious objector status. Lost a great deal of money because of it, far more than Wayne would have lost in a lawsuit. Ali fought for his principles. Wayne had no principles.

Clark Gable was 41 and Jimmy Stewart was 34 when they joined up

Both flew combat missions

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