Republican legislator slams Muhammad Ali

The fact you RW people don't understand the difference is yet another indication of your total ignorance of history, of social norms, and just a general lack of education, as well as you are all very, very dumb and narrow minded.
I beg your pardon?

I happen to be a "RW" person, and I know for a fact that we don't all have such a failing.
Aren't you the dude who believes 'white privilege' doesn't exist?
Face it....................terrorists don't belong to just one religion, all religions have some kind of fringe wing that thinks it's okay to go against the rule of one of the 10 Commandments that states "thou shalt not murder".
Don't be so disingenuous, you know the overwhelming amount of terrorism is Islamic.
That is a pretty big claim since there almost as many kinds of terrorism as there are definitions e.g, cyber, eco, narco, and state.
I don't really get the point of this thread. Ali DID dodge the draft. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it doesn't mean we should not speak it.

He didn't dodge the draft. He flat out told them he wasn't going.
He DID dodge the draft. He DID have his first medical review and flunked it. He PASSED the second one.

You may even recall his little poem about the army RE-judging him to see if he was "wiser or worser". He went through TWO medicals and THEN converted.
If you had researched the conscientious objector status situation, you would have had a more insightful response other than 'my husband said so and I believe him' :rolleyes:
It's literally legal Draft Dodging. He's still a Draft Dodger.
Do you consider getting multiple deferments to be legal draft dodging?
"Tennessee Republican" is practically a synonym for "shitty human being".

Its pretty much a given that the moment a popular figure dies, there will be some jerk somewhere.
It would be nice if people just acknowledged the man's/woman's passing without comment if you cannot say something comforting to the family and the mourners.

I cringe whenever a republican or conservative passes away because I know there will be some liberal nutjobs who will be out for blood. But then I'm almost always surprised at the discretion, class and dignity my fellow liberals exercise. When a liberal passes away, I'm never surprised by the amount of venom conserve-hate-ives spew; it's almost like they are involved in a contest.
Bullshit on liberals being respectful when a conservative dies. Recall Justice Scalia, Reagan, Thatcher, Falwell? I'll tell you the beer will flow and the celebration never-ending when this current crop of social dictators giving us ObamaNation, ObamaCare and ObamaStagnation finally kick the bucket someday.
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The fact you RW people don't understand the difference is yet another indication of your total ignorance of history, of social norms, and just a general lack of education, as well as you are all very, very dumb and narrow minded.
I beg your pardon?

I happen to be a "RW" person, and I know for a fact that we don't all have such a failing.
Aren't you the dude who believes 'white privilege' doesn't exist?
Does it?
But talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

I know better than to make stupid bets on a message board. If you think that's me running away, it isn't. It's pretty sad you have to substitute a real argument with a wager.

Go. Away.
On the contrary...
It is the perfect example of an Internet gas bag being revealed. The stakes are 10 wks of an avatar being next to your name; basically nothing. That you're not willing to risk "nothing" shows you're all talk.

Pretty pathetic
Is this some weak form of self reassurance? Go inflate your ego somewhere else. People make bets only when they have nothing of substance to offer debate wise.
"Tennessee Republican" is practically a synonym for "shitty human being".

Its pretty much a given that the moment a popular figure dies, there will be some jerk somewhere.
It would be nice if people just acknowledged the man's/woman's passing without comment if you cannot say something comforting to the family and the mourners.

I cringe whenever a republican or conservative passes away because I know there will be some liberal nutjobs who will be out for blood. But then I'm almost always surprised at the discretion, class and dignity my fellow liberals exercise. When a liberal passes away, I'm never surprised by the amount of venom conserve-hate-ives spew; it's almost like they are involved in a contest.
Bullshit on liberals being respectful when a conservative dies. Recall Justice Scalia, Reagan, Thatcher, Farwell? I'll tell you the beer will flow and the celebration never-ending when this current crop of social dictators giving us ObamaNation, ObamaCare and ObamaStagnation finally kick the bucket someday.

I have no doubt a few were idiots as you will find in any group. But I do notice you did not cite any examples. In fact, you proved my point beautifully. Thanks.
But talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

I know better than to make stupid bets on a message board. If you think that's me running away, it isn't. It's pretty sad you have to substitute a real argument with a wager.

Go. Away.
On the contrary...
It is the perfect example of an Internet gas bag being revealed. The stakes are 10 wks of an avatar being next to your name; basically nothing. That you're not willing to risk "nothing" shows you're all talk.

Pretty pathetic
Is this some weak form of self reassurance? Go inflate your ego somewhere else

You give the world a superiority complex. Thanks.
In the early Christian Church followers of Christ refused to take up arms.

In as much as they [Jesus' teachings] ruled out as illicit all use of violence and injury against others, clearly implied [was] the illegitimacy of participation in war... The early Christians took Jesus at his word, and understood his inculcations of gentleness and non-resistance in their literal sense. They closely identified their religion with peace; they strongly condemned war for the bloodshed which it involved.

— The Early Christian Attitude to War.

Conscientious objector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THAT is courage.

No. Real courage is my husband, my dad, and thousands of others that put their lives on the line for YOU, and me.
Wow, you really don't know history at all.
But talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

I know better than to make stupid bets on a message board. If you think that's me running away, it isn't. It's pretty sad you have to substitute a real argument with a wager.

Go. Away.
On the contrary...
It is the perfect example of an Internet gas bag being revealed. The stakes are 10 wks of an avatar being next to your name; basically nothing. That you're not willing to risk "nothing" shows you're all talk.

Pretty pathetic
Is this some weak form of self reassurance? Go inflate your ego somewhere else

You give the world a superiority complex. Thanks.
Whatever you say oh wise one.
Here's a white privilege that existed around the time of Ali's drafting.

Vietnam War Casualties
by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Vietnam War Deaths, by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Of the 7262 blacks who died, 6, 955 or 96% were Army and Marine enlisted men. The combination of our selective service policies, our AFQT testing of both drafted and volunteers, the need for skilled enlisted men in many areas of the armed forces, all conspired to assign blacks in greater numbers to the combat units of the Army and Marine Corps. Early in the war, when blacks made up about 11.0% of our V'nam force, black casualties soared to over 20% of the total (1965, 1966). Black leaders protested and Pres Johnson ordered that black participation should be cut back in the combat units. As a result, the black casualty rate was cut to 11.5% by 1969.
What heroic act did Ali do? He talked some jumper off a ledge once. That's not heroic. He was a boxer. He got paid for each fight. Nothing heroic.

He went to Iraq and talked Saddam Hussein into letting him take home 15 American hostages. He saved the lives of 15 Americans by going alone to Iraq and using diplomacy to gain their freedom.

"At the time, Ali was in the sixth year of his battle with Parkinson’s disease. But even as he mingled with the people on the streets of Baghdad and kids in schools, questions were raised about it being yet another publicity stunt, to glorify his name in the middle east. After all, he was known for his self-promotional and trash-talking acts in his heyday.

The only thing he could gain from this trip was the freedom of 15 hostages. Hussein kept Ali waiting for over a week before he would finally engage in positive dialogue. But before he could do any of that, he had to listen diplomatically, to a man of self-praise.

After this, he managed to persuade a man who had openly disregarded the United Nations and the U.S. Government to release hostages after four months in captivity. Ali even assured Hussein that he would give the U.S an ‘honest account’ on his visit to Iraq.

Six weeks after Ali brought the hostages back home to their relieved families, Operation Desert Storm bombarded Iraq, a harsh reminder to the hostages of what could have been had it not been for Ali."

It's more than most anyone else would do.

The forgotten tale of Ali, 15 freed hostages and Saddam Hussein
Here's a white privilege that existed around the time of Ali's drafting.

Vietnam War Casualties
by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Vietnam War Deaths, by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Of the 7262 blacks who died, 6, 955 or 96% were Army and Marine enlisted men. The combination of our selective service policies, our AFQT testing of both drafted and volunteers, the need for skilled enlisted men in many areas of the armed forces, all conspired to assign blacks in greater numbers to the combat units of the Army and Marine Corps. Early in the war, when blacks made up about 11.0% of our V'nam force, black casualties soared to over 20% of the total (1965, 1966). Black leaders protested and Pres Johnson ordered that black participation should be cut back in the combat units. As a result, the black casualty rate was cut to 11.5% by 1969.
And you somehow believe this proves white privilege exists today? As a white guy, what would I feel privileged to exactly?
As a white guy, what would I feel privileged to exactly?
Not being stopped for driving or running while black, not being called 'thugs' or 'animals' by your police force with the attendant practises that go with that behaviour, not having informal culling out processes carried out when you apply for health insurance, for example.

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