Republican look across the Pond. Is there a Lesson Learned?

No, but you idiots think every President is the new Hitler, so maybe some of you should stop with the silly nonsense…

This country has had many corrupt Presidents in it history and yet both sides forget this…
ike..non corrupt........kennedy a slime ball........johnson...a slime ball... nixon.........slime ball who got shit done......Ford is clean.......Carter had impeccable integrity......Reagan clean.......Iran 1......clean but stupid and weak..............Clinton....lololololol...................Bush 2.....too GD dumb to be anything......obama....the sleaziest ever........trump.......clean as hell no indictments, all lies

not all

Tricia Nixon or Lucy Baines Johnson never wrote taking showers with their fathers
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Biden molested his daughter as much as Trump molested Ivanka and neither men did anything like that…

Stop acting like the left…
Bullshit about Ivanka. If I sired a Philly like that I'd be Rooster proud Peace Man
ike..non corrupt........kennedy a slime ball........johnson...a slime ball... nixon.........slime ball who got shit done......Ford is clean.......Carter had impeccable integrity......Reagan clean.......Iran 1......clean but stupid and weak..............Clinton....lololololol...................Bush GD dumb to be anything......obama....the sleaziest ever........trump.......clean as hell no indictmenta, all lies

not all

Trica Nixon or Lucy Baines Johnson never wrote taking showers with their fathers
Trump was not clean at all, so let stop with how he was some Saint…

I gave my list and have to say I was spot on and as for Obama… Meh…
We’re not England and believe it or not Trump isn’t that special as many of you think…

In American History the Country has had radical and corrupt Presidents:

Thomas Jefferson

Andrew Jackson

Abe Lincoln

Ulysses Grant

Theodore Roosevelt

Woodrow Wilson

Franklin Roosevelt

John Kennedy

Lyndon Johnson

Richard Nixon

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Donald Trump

Oh, James Polk I forgot about…

So Trump ain’t that special and I also forgot Lincoln VP that was Impeached…

What was corrupt about Democrat Polk.....lololol...Tell us all first. First he had no children and a lovely wife Sarah stooopid
Bullshit about Ivanka. If I sired a Philly like that I'd be Rooster proud Peace Man
Bitch I said Trump never did it you stupid fucking retard and Biden never molested his kid either!

You are no better than the fringe left that went mental over Trump being in bed with his daughter in a photo shoot back in the 1980’s or was it the 1990’s?
Trump was not clean at all, so let stop with how he was some Saint…

I gave my list and have to say I was spot on and as for Obama… Meh…
We knew we were not electing a saint with Trump Sherlock. How many indictments

Now you get busy with J K Polk son....................He worked himself to death for 4 yrs and died 6 mos later

He pledged 1 term to avoid political pressures
Bitch I said Trump never did it you stupid fucking retard and Biden never molested his kid either!

You are no better than the fringe left that went mental over Trump being in bed with his daughter in a photo shoot back in the 1980’s or was it the 1990’s?
That's not what Ashley said.......And it wasn't Ashley Madison

You study Polk yet
And this after the assassination attempt on Kavanaugh, the leftoid mobs trying to follow Justices wherever they go, the assassination of the former Japanese PM. Then Biden lights another fuse after all of that.
The evil bastards probably think if they kill a SCOTUS Justice they can get away with some revenge AND change the balance of the court. I don't think it even occurs to them that it might just begin a tit-for-tat reprisal. This nation is skating on a knife's edge.
Not going to happen.

For conservatives, to abandon Trump is to abandon what conservativism has become and stands for: anti-immigrant nativism, white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and illiberal, anti-democratic authoritarianism.
My, oh my, what evah will you do when he gets re-elected? That^ is some idiot level of incitement right there.

The trump of Britain is gone. Isn't it time to reconsider your devotion of trump?

Not really. But given the Spud in Chief's dismal failure, you might want to consider finding a new cult.
Not going to happen.

For conservatives, to abandon Trump is to abandon what conservativism has become and stands for: anti-immigrant nativism, white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and illiberal, anti-democratic authoritarianism.
jones and jimmy probably blow each other....

The trump of Britain is gone. Isn't it time to reconsider your devotion of trump?
Naaaaah, we love him. He was so much better as prez than that poor guy Biden that he'll be a shoo-in next time.
Fine, we'll pick Desantis. Just please drop the TDS.
You know trump us gonna trash him and the party. It will be spectacular to behold!

Third Party MAGA
Naaaaah, we love him. He was so much better as prez than that poor guy Biden that he'll be a shoo-in next time.
trump is nothing but a Mafia Boss that was aided into the White House by lies propagated by Poootin the war criminal. Makes you proud, does it?
Well, there isn't a cult around Boris.

Europe has seen what's happening here before, but not for 85 years or so.
Mac1958 seems to be comparing trump to churchill

I would not go that far since Sir Winston is the greatest leader of the 20th Century

But there some resemblances

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