Republican Mega-Donor: GOP 'Faces Irrelevancy' If It Won't Compromise On Gun Control


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Al Hoffman, Republican Mega-Donor: GOP 'Faces Irrelevancy' If It Won't Compromise On Gun Control


"I believe the Republican Party faces irrelevancy if we as a party don’t gain a little rational nexus as far as gun control is concerned. I personally believe President Obama is right on the issue of gun control," he said, clarifying that he considered himself a "conservative Republican."
"We really ought to follow what the American public wants and there’s a clear consensus that they’re in favor of stricter gun control," he said.

Hoffman also extended his criticism to top gun rights advocates, claiming that the nation has been "terrorized by the NRA and [its CEO] Wayne LaPierre" in the contentious debate over gun violence that has emerged since the December massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. According to Hoffman, continued Republican resistance to gun control measures would provide Obama and Democrats with fodder to help defeat GOP lawmakers in the next election cycle.

Hoffman served as national co-chairman for former President George W. Bush’s presidential campaigns and eventually supported GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the 2012 election cycle. He needled Republicans during the debt ceiling debate in 2011, when he wrote an op-ed for The New York Times asking lawmakers to "embrace the principle of compromise" and "open the door to tax increases" as part of a grand bargain.

While Hoffman's comments are likely to rub many Republicans the wrong way, they underscore a broader point about how the general populace views some of the more viable gun control provisions currently up for debate in Congress. As the Senate prepares to consider a compromise bill this week to expand the current background check system for gun purchases, recent polling by HuffPost/YouGov found that with a 90 percent approval rate, such screening procedures are more popular than apple pie, baseball and kittens.
itsd not just guns.

they are marching the party straight into the trash can.

They dont seem able to stop
When Obama gets thru with his destructive policies and all the unhappy, disillusioned followers have had enough and the pedulum swings back to electing a Republican, what will all of you "death knell' folks use as an excuse for the Republican party not being irrelevant?
Fuck his money.

One more reason money corrupts. This is no different than when the gays threatened to pull their money unless obama switched his position on gay marriage.
Just goes to show you that you can be really smart about some things and dumb on others. When will liberals "compromise"? More federal government control on many issues is always a loss for conservatism and a win for liberalism no matter how small. How is that a compromise? How about enforcing the current laws?
There's no such thing as compromise with liberals, their ideology makes no allowances for other people's viewpoints.
See, you have to click on the links:

Republican mega-financier Al Hoffman of North Palm Beach is at it again.
The former Republican National Committee finance chairman and George W. Bush-appointed ambassador to Portugal...

Now, if you wish to delude yourself that the former Republican National Committee finance chairman is donating to Democrats, be my guest.

It wouldn't be the first time you were deluded and it won't be the last.
The anti-gun loons cannot present an argument based on someting other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty; this is why they are losiong, and wil always lose the argument re: guns.

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