Republican Panic Caused Inflation - Thanks Fox!

What is Velocity of Circulation?

Velocity of Circulation refers to the average number of times a single unit of money changes hands in an economy during a given period of time. It can also be referred to as the velocity of money or velocity of circulation of money. It is the frequency with which the total money supply in the economy turns over in a given period of time.

If the velocity of money is increasing, then the velocity of circulation is an indicator that transactions between individuals are occurring more frequently. A higher velocity is a sign that the same amount of money is being used for a number of transactions.
A high velocity indicates a high degree of inflation.
Numbnuts people were doing a lot better when trump was president.
There's a reason the Fed tracks the velocity of money. It tells them whether they should increase or decrease their balance sheet.

The fact the velocity of money kept decreasing after 2008 prompted them to keep printing more money out of a fear of deflation.

Studies show that Republican panic about the economy and their economic expectations actually caused inflation. Republicans projected outlandish inflation fears and the authors say that these inflationary expectations actually turned into inflation:

“We find strong positive and significant effects of inflation expectations on inflation itself.... A one percentage-point increase in 1-year or 5-year inflation expectations lead to a 1.3 or 2.3 percentage point increase in inflation, respectively.”

They figure that inflation would have topped out around 5% and would currently be at 1.7% under rational expectations.

The results are quite eye opening. If the paper is right, we're paying a huge price for the Trump/Fox-induced economic panic that continues to irrationally infest Republican voters.

Study suggests Republican panic caused recent inflation - Kevin Drum

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Fucking bizarre!
Numbnuts people were doing a lot better when trump was president.
Except for those million Americans he killed off.

Trump was benefitting from the Fed's constant stimulus.

In fact, Trump demanded they keep doing it.
There's a reason the Fed tracks the velocity of money. It tells them whether they should increase or decrease their balance sheet.

The fact the velocity of money kept decreasing after 2008 prompted them to keep printing more money out of a fear of deflation.

There's a reason the Fed tracks the velocity of money. It tells them whether they should increase or decrease their balance sheet.


Trump urged Mnuchin to pressure Fed’s Powell on economic stimulus in explosive tirade about coronavirus​

President Trump, in an explosive tirade Monday, urged Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to encourage Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell to do more to stimulate the economy, three officials familiar with the exchange said, revealing the president’s mounting fury as his administration struggles to corral economic fallout from the novel coronavirus.

Trump has frequently complained about the Fed in public for at least two years, but his latest effort to pressure Mnuchin to privately push for action has not been previously reported.
There's a reason the Fed tracks the velocity of money. It tells them whether they should increase or decrease their balance sheet.

The fact the velocity of money kept decreasing after 2008 prompted them to keep printing more money out of a fear of deflation.

Velocity of Circulation refers to the average number of times a single unit of money changes hands in an economy during a given period of time.

Calculated as the ratio of quarterly nominal GDP to the quarterly average of M2 money stock.

M2 doesn't measure the turnover of money.
Before the pandemic:

Trump calls for big rate cut and economic stimulus

The US central bank should consider cutting interest rates by one percentage point and introduce "some quantitative easing" stimulus measures, president Donald Trump has said.

In a Twitter post he again complained about a strong dollar, which "is sadly hurting other parts of the world".

The remarks came hours after the president said the US economy is not falling into a recession.

The economy is doing "tremendously well", he said.

Mr Trump has posted a series of critical tweets in recent months aimed at the Federal Reserve and its chief Jerome Powell. Last week the president called him "clueless" for not cutting rates sooner.

A US-China trade war, gloomy economic data from Germany, and uncertainties over the UK's exit from the European Union have unsettled share markets.

There are also worries that the bond markets are flashing recession signals. It is now cheaper for the US government to borrow for 10 years rather than two - an indication that lenders fear short-term economic risks have increased.

Mr Trump's suggestion on Monday that the Fed should consider a return to its crisis-era money-printing programme comes despite him insisting a day earlier that the US economy was in good health.
Velocity of Circulation refers to the average number of times a single unit of money changes hands in an economy during a given period of time.

Calculated as the ratio of quarterly nominal GDP to the quarterly average of M2 money stock.

M2 doesn't measure the turnover of money.

The velocity of money is measuring the velocity of M2.

All caught up now?
Trump had no clue how to grow the economy.

He only knew how to artificially juice GDP by massively increasing government spending and printing money.

Despite his best effort, he never got close to his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
Changing everything trump did that policy
You're not going to convince me or the 65% who believe Biden is a failure but do keep going we need a good laugh at the village idiot.
Far more than 65 percent of Americans are completely ignorant of how an economy works.

"Because Biden!" takes no brain cells to parrot.

Some people choose to be ignorant and stupid, and it is dragging our country under.
Far more than 65 percent of Americans are completely ignorant of how an economy works.

"Because Biden!" takes no brain cells to parrot.

Some people choose to be ignorant and stupid, and it is dragging our country under.
Call them what you want they feel the pain everytime they make a purchase. Are you going to say the pain the feel isn't real?

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