Republican proposed assault on freedom of demonstration

Who here can remember when protest controls started? (Not a trick question)
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
Actually the law requires you to BREAK the law in some way while masked.

That is all.
SHoulda shot him.
Someone else......that vicarious living the tingly violent life.

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