Republican Senate Candidate a Birther

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Ah so you were being ironic when you claimed your Birther post was 'serious and honest'

Page after page, and all you libs are doing is playing dodge and deflection games.

My point stands.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

all YOU'RE doing is lying and whining

The topic is birthers. You race baiting pieces of shit like to assume that the cause is racism, but I just told you the real reason.

None of you can bring yourself to even address it.

AT some point, I win by default.

white supremaist who doesn't think kids should be taught about slavery has a lot of nerve calling anyone else a race baiter. I just tell the truth. but I am curious how one gets to be as filled with hate as you are. I feel badly for you.

you're pathetic.
And . . . I'm guessing that the OP and the liberal amen chorus have no clue about the actual evidence on the matter. But you can never get liberals to engage in a substantive discussion about the evidence because they very quickly realize that they have no good answers for the obvious discrepancies and contradictions relating to Obama's birth documentation.

For example, the About the Author entry in the promotional booklet that touted Obama's first book way back in 1991 matter-of-factly stated that Obama was born in Kenya. The few liberals who will engage the issue float the lame argument that the literary agent wrote that sentence, and indeed the entire About the Author entry, without consulting Obama. Aside from the fact that this is just not how it works, that literary agents and publishers usually have authors draft their About the Author entry, there is the question, Why was everything else in the About the Author entry accurate? How did the literary agent know, for instance, that Obama was "raised in Indonesia and Hawaii"? That phrase immediately follows the statement that he was born in Kenya. And, again, all the rest of the info in the entry was accurate. Where did his literary agent get that info? Obviously, from Obama.

The simple fact of the matter is that back then Obama never dreamed this would be an issue because at that point he never dreamed he'd be running for president one day.
While I cannot say that I have never lied in my life- I certainly wasn't lying when I said that 'seriously and honestly' are two words which don't describe your posts.

If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I mention, "liberals", and "commies", and you don't even see that, all you see is race or ethnicity.

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

My point stands, if you can hear it past the voices in your head.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

You listed nationalities and then act surprised because I responded with nationalities. :cuckoo:
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

I didn't flee liar, I just have a real life.
Yup, lying and fleeing is what you do. Just check this out...
You are too illiterate and stupid to discuss with. You too are dismissed.
^^^ lying and fleeing.​
Do people realize that the birther movement is moot and is no more than an opinion now?
Here it is from Politifact, a left wing nut organization:
According to the article, the theory that Obama was born in Kenya “first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.”

The second article, which ran several days after the Politico piece, was published by the Telegraph, a British paper, which stated: “An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.”

Both of those stories comport with what we here at wrotetwo-and-a-half years earlier, on Nov. 8, 2008: “This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.”

Claims about Obama’s birthplace appeared in chain emails bouncing around the Web, and one of the first lawsuits over Obama’s birth certificate was filed by Philip Berg, a former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general and a self-described “moderate to liberal” who supported Clinton.
This is exactly why I wanted you to prove your bullshit ... because I knew you couldn’t.

Moron... from your link...

but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.

...your own link say it was sent by “supporters,” not, “staffers.” And your link says nothing about Hillary instructing supporters to make those claims.

You lied and got caught. No big deal, it was expected since Hillary never said Obama was born abroad.


Look you illiterate fuck, supporters, staffers, what the fuck ever, it started not with trump, not with the GOP it started with Hillary. If you think she had nothing to do with that you are as stupid as you are illiterate.
Nope, you’re lying again as it did not start with Hillary. As you’ve been shown repeatedly, it started on a rightwing website...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS
A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.


Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Great- so you are confirming that:
a) Hillary Clinton never went Birther
b) Her campaign never went Birther
c) That some 'anonymous' source went Birther and
d) Trump was just a gullible fool, who fell for the Birther lies.

More..i wonder why he deleted the mames?

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Clinton staffer on anti-Obama email chain (UPDATED)


12/05/2007 02:52 PM EST

I've obtained a copy of the email sent to Jones County, Iowa Democratic Chairman Gary Hart, by a Clinton volunteer.

[UPDATE: A Clinton staffer who also received the email responded instantly by denouncing it, but didn't forward it to campaign-higher ups, a copy of his email indicates.]

It's one of a couple Obama-Muslim-smear emails circulating widely, and one of the ones Jonathan Martin and I wrote about in October. It's probably the most vicious of them: It states the underlying hint -- that Obama is some sort of Muslim Manchurian candidate -- explicitly.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!!

The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.

But the email thread indicates that along with Hart, a Clinton staffer named Ryan Callanan received the email back on November 21. Filings confirm that Callanan is a staffer, though I wasn't able immediately to confirm his role on the Clinton campaign, and he didn't respond to an email.

To be clear, he was a recipient of the email, like Hart, not the sender; there's no evidence he forwarded it to others on the campaign, or even read it, though I'm asking those questions.

The email, with the people's email addresses and the names of other recipients removed (by me) is below.

UPDATE: The Clinton campaign forwards Callanan's immediate response to the email which, though he didn't pass it on to the campaign, reflected his disgust at it:

From: Ryan Callanan
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:49 AM
To: 'Judy'
Subject: RE: Meet Barack Obama]

I’ve gotten this forward before. It’s racist and ignorant. I can’t believe that people believe this stuff.


UPDATE: The email address for the sender is associated online with the name "Judy Rose," and there's a Judy Rose as one of 250 membersof Clinton's Iowa Women's Leadership Council.

Here is the email sent by Judy Rose. Try quoting the part in there where she claimed Obama was not born in Hawaii.....

To: [Gary Hart]
From: Judy

To: xxx xxxxx, Ryan Callanan , xxx xxxxxx,
xxxx xxxxx, Gary Hart ,
xxxx, xxxx, xxxx
Subject: Fw: Meet Barack Obama]
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 01:19:38 -0600

X-MSMail-Priority: High

----- Original Message -----

*Sent:* Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:42 PM
*Subject:* Meet Barack Obama]


*Subject:* **Who is Barack Obama?**

*_Most_* of this appears to be true! *I shutter to
think!! *Scary guy!

**We checked this out on ''. It is factual. Check for yourself. ****

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it.


We checked this out on ''. It is factual.
Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita , Kansas .

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii . When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya . His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia . When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia . Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.'

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta .

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background.
ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran (Their equivalency to our Bible, but very different beliefs)

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!!

Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!

Clinton staffer on anti-Obama email chain (UPDATED)


Was it this part...?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu , Hawaii

That’s some evidence you got there about Hillary’s staff being the first to spread the rumors of Obama not being born in Hawaii — an email which stated he was born in Hawaii. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."
Only to someone who is delusional and uneducated and has no idea what communists are or what pepe who are left of center believe.

But you keep on telling yousf that garbage as you support the giu who worked with Russia.


If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

Exactly how do you determine 'ideology' by looking at someone? Lets look at President's again and see which one you claim doesn't 'look American'


Hmmm what is the 'look' that Obama has that make you claim he doesn't look American?

I specifically said, "look at any of you liberals" YOu libs don't all loo alike. Obviously I was not referring to your literal "looks" but suggesting that one look at your actions, policies and ideology.

Which, to any traditional American, does not "look" like one of US.

Now, are you done pretending to be stupid in order to dodge my point, and are ready to actually address what I said, you race baiting moron?
If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."
Only to someone who is delusional and uneducated and has no idea what communists are or what pepe who are left of center believe.

But you keep on telling yousf that garbage as you support the giu who worked with Russia.


If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

Exactly how do you determine 'ideology' by looking at someone? Lets look at President's again and see which one you claim doesn't 'look American'


Hmmm what is the 'look' that Obama has that make you claim he doesn't look American?

His actions, policies and ideology, same as Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.

Why are you pretending to be so stupid?
SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Ah so you were being ironic when you claimed your Birther post was 'serious and honest'

Page after page, and all you libs are doing is playing dodge and deflection games.

My point stands.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

all YOU'RE doing is lying and whining

The topic is birthers. You race baiting pieces of shit like to assume that the cause is racism, but I just told you the real reason.

None of you can bring yourself to even address it.

AT some point, I win by default.

white supremaist who doesn't think kids should be taught about slavery has a lot of nerve calling anyone else a race baiter. I just tell the truth. but I am curious how one gets to be as filled with hate as you are. I feel badly for you.

you're pathetic.

1. Nothing I have every said on this site gives you justification to call me a white supremacist, you race baiting piece of shit. Fuck you.

2. I think that kids should be taught about slavery, just not the way you race baiting demagogues do it.

3. YOu do not tell the truth, you are a filthy liar.

4. Try having moronic race baiting asshole call you vile names falsely for a couple of decades, and you will understand why I am completely done with you assholes.

THAT all being said,

My point stands.

You liberals do not look like Americans, not to traditional Americans.

IMO, that is the basis of Birthism.

Do any of you fuckers have the Moral Courage to actually address my point or are you all intellectual cowards, with the ethics of a crack whore.
If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I mention, "liberals", and "commies", and you don't even see that, all you see is race or ethnicity.

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

My point stands, if you can hear it past the voices in your head.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

You listed nationalities and then act surprised because I responded with nationalities. :cuckoo:

I mentioned types of communism.

Try to be less crazy.
Nope, you’re lying again as it did not start with Hillary. As you’ve been shown repeatedly, it started on a rightwing website.

You have "shown" nothing. The liberal version of "shown" is to repeat a talking point and then act like you just won the argument.

It is well known in political circles that the questions about Obama's birth documentation were first covertly floated by the Clinton campaign. No, Hillary never publicly questioned his birthplace, but her campaign fed this issue to others.

By the way, who found that photo that showed Obama in African garb that surfaced during the 2008 campaign? No serious person denies that Hillary's campaign found that photo and arranged for its release.

Anyway, here's another question that liberals have yet to answer: How do you explain the huge discrepancy between Dr. Chiyome Fukino's 2008 description of Obama's birth certificate and the birth certificate that Obama released in 2012? You'll recall that in 2008, Dr. Fukino, the head of Hawaii's Department of Health, "authenticated" Obama's birth certificate in response to doubts about Obama's birthplace. In that "authentication," Fukino said that the birth certificate was "half handwritten" (Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims).

Now, go take a look at the birth certificate that Obama released in 2012. Tell me how in the world anyone could look at that document and conclude that it was "half handwritten."

When Fukino published her "authentication," the birth certificate had not been released, and there was no prospect that it was going to be released.

Either Fukino was drunk and/or legally blind or the Obama birth certificate (long form) that she saw was not the same one that Obama released in 2012.
Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."
Only to someone who is delusional and uneducated and has no idea what communists are or what pepe who are left of center believe.

But you keep on telling yousf that garbage as you support the giu who worked with Russia.


Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

Exactly how do you determine 'ideology' by looking at someone? Lets look at President's again and see which one you claim doesn't 'look American'


Hmmm what is the 'look' that Obama has that make you claim he doesn't look American?

I specifically said, "look at any of you liberals" YOu libs don't all loo alike. Obviously I was not referring to your literal "looks" but suggesting that one look at your actions, policies and ideology.

Which, to any traditional American, does not "look" like one of US.
Clearly your definition of a 'traditional American' is a Conservative Republican.

Because Americans voted by a large margin to elect Barack Obama twice- despite the lies of Birthers like Trump.
Nope, you’re lying again as it did not start with Hillary. As you’ve been shown repeatedly, it started on a rightwing website.

You have "shown" nothing. The liberal version of "shown" is to repeat a talking point and then act like you just won the argument.

It is well known in political circles that the questions about Obama's birth documentation were first covertly floated by the Clinton campaign. No, Hillary never publicly questioned his birthplace, but her campaign fed this issue to others.

By the way, who found that photo that showed Obama in African garb that surfaced during the 2008 campaign? No serious person denies that Hillary's campaign found that photo and arranged for its release.

Anyway, here's another question that liberals have yet to answer: How do you explain the huge discrepancy between Dr. Chiyome Fukino's 2008 description of Obama's birth certificate and the birth certificate that Obama released in 2012? You'll recall that in 2008, Dr. Fukino, the head of Hawaii's Department of Health, "authenticated" Obama's birth certificate in response to doubts about Obama's birthplace. In that "authentication," Fukino said that the birth certificate was "half handwritten" (Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims).

Now, go take a look at the birth certificate that Obama released in 2012. Tell me how in the world anyone could look at that document and conclude that it was "half handwritten."

When Fukino published her "authentication," the birth certificate had not been released, and there was no prospect that it was going to be released.

Either Fukino was drunk and/or legally blind or the Obama birth certificate (long form) that she saw was not the same one that Obama released in 2012.
t is well known in political circles that the questions about Obama's birth documentation were first covertly floated by the Clinton campaign

And by 'well known' you mean you are pulling it out of your Birther ass.

Either Fukino was drunk and/or legally blind or the Obama birth certificate (long form) that she saw was not the same one that Obama released in 2012.

Or there is additional hand written information on the original that was not included in the certified original. Or she might have been exaggerating since there is hand written information on the BC.

Regardless- there are three persons who have confirmed that they saw the original and that it shows that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

But Birthers will never believe in actual officials with access to the actual documents- not when you can rely on convicted felons or dentist/lawyer/real estate agents.....
SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."
Only to someone who is delusional and uneducated and has no idea what communists are or what pepe who are left of center believe.

But you keep on telling yousf that garbage as you support the giu who worked with Russia.


SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

Exactly how do you determine 'ideology' by looking at someone? Lets look at President's again and see which one you claim doesn't 'look American'


Hmmm what is the 'look' that Obama has that make you claim he doesn't look American?

I specifically said, "look at any of you liberals" YOu libs don't all loo alike. Obviously I was not referring to your literal "looks" but suggesting that one look at your actions, policies and ideology.

Which, to any traditional American, does not "look" like one of US.
Clearly your definition of a 'traditional American' is a Conservative Republican.

Because Americans voted by a large margin to elect Barack Obama twice- despite the lies of Birthers like Trump.
When questioned on individual issues, America is left of center.
There are more registered democrats than republicans.
That is why republicans spend a good portion of their time trying to suppress the vote or gerrymandering democratic votes into an exercise in futility.

Republicans only do well when the vote is low.
Nope, you’re lying again as it did not start with Hillary. As you’ve been shown repeatedly, it started on a rightwing website.

You have "shown" nothing. The liberal version of "shown" is to repeat a talking point and then act like you just won the argument.
Can you post without lying? While you claim I have shown nothing, I actually posted a link to the earliest know claim of birtherism on the Internet. You're just pissed because it appears on a rightwing site.

It is well known in political circles that the questions about Obama's birth documentation were first covertly floated by the Clinton campaign. No, Hillary never publicly questioned his birthplace, but her campaign fed this issue to others.
That's another lie because here is the first known claim of birtherism...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

... and that is not the Hillary campaign.

By the way, who found that photo that showed Obama in African garb that surfaced during the 2008 campaign? No serious person denies that Hillary's campaign found that photo and arranged for its release.
That's not birtherism. Birtherism is the nonsense that Obama wasn't born in the U.S..

Anyway, here's another question that liberals have yet to answer: How do you explain the huge discrepancy between Dr. Chiyome Fukino's 2008 description of Obama's birth certificate and the birth certificate that Obama released in 2012? You'll recall that in 2008, Dr. Fukino, the head of Hawaii's Department of Health, "authenticated" Obama's birth certificate in response to doubts about Obama's birthplace. In that "authentication," Fukino said that the birth certificate was "half handwritten" (Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims).

Now, go take a look at the birth certificate that Obama released in 2012. Tell me how in the world anyone could look at that document and conclude that it was "half handwritten."

When Fukino published her "authentication," the birth certificate had not been released, and there was no prospect that it was going to be released.

Either Fukino was drunk and/or legally blind or the Obama birth certificate (long form) that she saw was not the same one that Obama released in 2012.

There is no such discrepancy. You're merely imagining one and then pretending as though anyone else is bound by your delusions. Hell, you don't even know what year Obama released is long form COLB, yet here you are, trying to establish some sort of conspiracy based upon your own made up nonsense. :cuckoo:

Meanwhile, a good portion of his long form his handwritten, including his mother's signature, doctor's signature, registrar's signature, dates of signatures. Is it "half?" Doesn't look like it but then I can't imagine how mentally disturbed one has to be to think she wasn't just generalizing, indicating that much of it was handwritten? And no evidence to show the signatures aren't authentic.
SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."
Only to someone who is delusional and uneducated and has no idea what communists are or what pepe who are left of center believe.

But you keep on telling yousf that garbage as you support the giu who worked with Russia.


SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

Exactly how do you determine 'ideology' by looking at someone? Lets look at President's again and see which one you claim doesn't 'look American'


Hmmm what is the 'look' that Obama has that make you claim he doesn't look American?

I specifically said, "look at any of you liberals" YOu libs don't all loo alike. Obviously I was not referring to your literal "looks" but suggesting that one look at your actions, policies and ideology.

Which, to any traditional American, does not "look" like one of US.
Clearly your definition of a 'traditional American' is a Conservative Republican.

Because Americans voted by a large margin to elect Barack Obama twice- despite the lies of Birthers like Trump.

Well, you're "closer" than thinking it was about race, so that's something.

And that's my point. You far left lefties, don't look like Americans to those of US that actually listen to the crap you say.

ALL OF YOU, regardless of race.

It is completely understandable that any reasonable person would find it hard to believe that you people are really Americans, as they learned to define the term as they were children.
Only to someone who is delusional and uneducated and has no idea what communists are or what pepe who are left of center believe.

But you keep on telling yousf that garbage as you support the giu who worked with Russia.



Since when can’t Cuban commies or Albanians be born in the U.S.??

I'm talking about your ideology, lefty.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

Exactly how do you determine 'ideology' by looking at someone? Lets look at President's again and see which one you claim doesn't 'look American'


Hmmm what is the 'look' that Obama has that make you claim he doesn't look American?

I specifically said, "look at any of you liberals" YOu libs don't all loo alike. Obviously I was not referring to your literal "looks" but suggesting that one look at your actions, policies and ideology.

Which, to any traditional American, does not "look" like one of US.
Clearly your definition of a 'traditional American' is a Conservative Republican.

Because Americans voted by a large margin to elect Barack Obama twice- despite the lies of Birthers like Trump.
When questioned on individual issues, America is left of center.
There are more registered democrats than republicans.
That is why republicans spend a good portion of their time trying to suppress the vote or gerrymandering democratic votes into an exercise in futility.

Republicans only do well when the vote is low.

Yet, it you dems who are the most driven to remake the population by importing Third World Voters.

How many of those poll numbers are based on successful lying to the People?
Senate candidate Joe Arpaio: Feds should focus on Obama's birth certificate instead of Russia

Senate candidate Joe Arpaio: Feds should focus on Obama's birth certificate instead of Russia

After confirming that he still believes Obama’s birth certificate was forged, the Trump surrogate said that he has evidence from forensic experts backing his claim and therefore he won’t back down from it.

Joe is no longer a law enforcement officer. Why would he- a private citizen- be holding any 'evidence' from 'forensic experts' that was gathered as part of an official investigation?

The 'evidence' is either the property of the Maricopa Sheriff's Department- in which case Arpaio shouldn't be holding it- or it is the product of the Sheriff's Department that a private citizen can have- in which case- why has that not been openly shared with the public?

Got to love it though- Trump's golden Birther boy will be the face of the Republican Senate race in Arizona.

Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

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