Republican Senate Candidate a Birther

Here it is from Politifact, a left wing nut organization:
According to the article, the theory that Obama was born in Kenya “first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.”

The second article, which ran several days after the Politico piece, was published by the Telegraph, a British paper, which stated: “An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.”

Both of those stories comport with what we here at wrotetwo-and-a-half years earlier, on Nov. 8, 2008: “This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.”

Claims about Obama’s birthplace appeared in chain emails bouncing around the Web, and one of the first lawsuits over Obama’s birth certificate was filed by Philip Berg, a former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general and a self-described “moderate to liberal” who supported Clinton.
This is exactly why I wanted you to prove your bullshit ... because I knew you couldn’t.

Moron... from your link...

but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.

...your own link say it was sent by “supporters,” not, “staffers.” And your link says nothing about Hillary instructing supporters to make those claims.

You lied and got caught. No big deal, it was expected since Hillary never said Obama was born abroad.


Look you illiterate fuck, supporters, staffers, what the fuck ever, it started not with trump, not with the GOP it started with Hillary. If you think she had nothing to do with that you are as stupid as you are illiterate.

You brain-dead conservative loser. Supporters are not staffers and Hillary is not responsible for what her supporters do unless she instructed them to spread the word that Obama was not born in Hawaii; which she didn’t do.

So you lied. And as expected, got caught lying.

Again, here was your claim (emphasis added to highlight your lies)...
Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.
Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.
Yeah she did — no, she didn’t, as you were lying when you made this claim and the link you offered does not say she did.

she had one of he staffers do it — another lie. No Hillary Clinton staffer was involved with that email. Your own link identifies them only as supporters. And nothing in your link indicates Hillary “had” them send it. Lie #3.

under her direction lie #4 — nothing in your link states she directed anyone to send any such email.

Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. — two more lies. It wasn’t sent by Hillary’s campaign according to your link AND the link claims the email sent by supporter(s) was sent in April, 2008. I already posted a link to the rightwing website where it actually started, a month earlier in March, 2008.

You lose moron. — another lie. The moron loser turns out to be you; the moron loser who lied 7 times in only 2 short sentences.


Staffers, supporters, matters not. The point of my post, that you are ignoring, is that it didn’t start with the GOP. I lose nothing, you just are illiterate.

You have a serious brain malfunction.

Supporters are not the same as staffers.

Under Hillary’s direction is not the same as not under Hillary’s direction.

March, 2008 came before April, 2008, not after.

And Hillary never questioned Obama’s place of birth.

Other than that, ya got pretty much nothing right.
Last edited:
A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.


Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Great- so you are confirming that:
a) Hillary Clinton never went Birther
b) Her campaign never went Birther
c) That some 'anonymous' source went Birther and
d) Trump was just a gullible fool, who fell for the Birther lies.

More..i wonder why he deleted the mames?

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Clinton staffer on anti-Obama email chain (UPDATED)


12/05/2007 02:52 PM EST

I've obtained a copy of the email sent to Jones County, Iowa Democratic Chairman Gary Hart, by a Clinton volunteer.

[UPDATE: A Clinton staffer who also received the email responded instantly by denouncing it, but didn't forward it to campaign-higher ups, a copy of his email indicates.]

It's one of a couple Obama-Muslim-smear emails circulating widely, and one of the ones Jonathan Martin and I wrote about in October. It's probably the most vicious of them: It states the underlying hint -- that Obama is some sort of Muslim Manchurian candidate -- explicitly.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!!

The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.

But the email thread indicates that along with Hart, a Clinton staffer named Ryan Callanan received the email back on November 21. Filings confirm that Callanan is a staffer, though I wasn't able immediately to confirm his role on the Clinton campaign, and he didn't respond to an email.

To be clear, he was a recipient of the email, like Hart, not the sender; there's no evidence he forwarded it to others on the campaign, or even read it, though I'm asking those questions.

The email, with the people's email addresses and the names of other recipients removed (by me) is below.

UPDATE: The Clinton campaign forwards Callanan's immediate response to the email which, though he didn't pass it on to the campaign, reflected his disgust at it:

From: Ryan Callanan
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:49 AM
To: 'Judy'
Subject: RE: Meet Barack Obama]

I’ve gotten this forward before. It’s racist and ignorant. I can’t believe that people believe this stuff.


UPDATE: The email address for the sender is associated online with the name "Judy Rose," and there's a Judy Rose as one of 250 membersof Clinton's Iowa Women's Leadership Council.
That’s a different email. Judy Rose’s email was not about where Obama was born and she was dismissed from her position when it was discovered by the campaign that she had sent that email. So clearly, not under the direction of Hillary.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.


Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

Damn you are retarded if Hillary supporters are not Hillary what were they Obama supporters ?

Is he retarded or a liar?

Probably both.

Spits the moron who lied 7 time in 2 sentences in his failed attempt to show Hillary started birtherism.
Once again...READ IT AND WEAP


The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.

You are wasting your time. These lefttards have skulls thick enough to stop cannon shot.

LOL says the idiot who we have shown lied about Hillary and her campaign.

Just because you are an illiterate moron doesn’t make me a liar. You proved nothing because you can’t even understand and what you read.

LOL shall I show everyone your lies again? Glad to:

Pred: when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Pred: Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

The facts show that you were lying.
You claimed Hillary Clinton questioned Obama's citizenship- the facts show that she never did.
You claimed that she had one of her staffers do it- the facts show she never did- you lied.
You claimed that no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did- the facts show they never did- you lied.

But then again- Birthers always lie.

You keep posting your stupidity. It’s unnecessary because we all are aware of it.

I’m not saying I never said that, I’m accurately pointing out that you are too illiterate to understand it on the context it was written.

You are much too stupid for me to continue arguing with. You are dismissed.

I keep posting your stupidity

LOL shall I show everyone your lies again? Glad to:

Pred: when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Pred: Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

The facts show that you were lying.
You claimed Hillary Clinton questioned Obama's citizenship- the facts show that she never did.
You claimed that she had one of her staffers do it- the facts show she never did- you lied.
You claimed that no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did- the facts show they never did- you lied.

But then again- Birthers always lie.
Yes its true that you want to blame Hillary for Trump's Birther idiocy.

No what's true is you and your Ilk wants to take no responsibility what so ever for it and that's false.


Since I have been battling idiot Birthers since 2008- why should I take responsibility what idiots like Joe Arpaio or Donald Trump lie about?

I don't know why you so desperately want to believe that Joe Arpaio and Donald Trump are just the gullible dupes of Hillary Clinton- but no matter how much you want to believe it- its not true.

Because Andy Martin started it.

Some anyomous Judy Rose who got fired by Hillary's camp in Iowa..

Then Sheriff Joe took over then Trump

Those are the facts , deal with it.

Well I am glad that you agree that Predfan is lying when he claims that Hillary Clinton started the Birther movement.

Andy Martin didn't start it- but he was the first to bring it to national attention. The concept that Obama was born outside the United States was first mentioned in the Free Republic in March 2008.

Some anonymous person mentioned it in the Clinton campaign- and that went nowhere. The campaign didn't use it, the press never heard about it- other than it being another Trump lie it went nowhere.

After Andy Martin, the proponents of Birtherism were several other looney tunes before the looney tunes name Trump and Arpaio.

There was Mario Apuzzo- a looney attorney- and Leo Donofrio and Charles Kirchner and my favorite Orly Taitz- Dentist- Real Estate Agent- Lawyer- Birther.

The only politicians to actually make use of the idiot Birthers were Arpaio and Trump.

Yea I know he was full of it , I followed the story to closely (spl?) When I lived in Chicago and moved to South Carolina..

Do you have a link about these yahoos? I don't remember them in the story, just out of curiosity..

There was Mario Apuzzo- a looney attorney- and Leo Donofrio and Charles Kirchner and my favorite Orly Taitz- Dentist- Real Estate Agent- Lawyer-Birther.
Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.

Yes she did. And I've never been a birther. I don't fucking care, but I'm not letting you lying lefties go scott free.

Since you are repeating the Birther lies- your protests that you are not a Birther are pretty lame.

Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's citizenship- you are just lying.

But hey- that is what Birthers do.

It was a supporter and according to some, a staffer who said it. If you think
Hillary had nothing to do with that, you’re more stupid than first thought.

It was not a staffer to some other than imbeciles like you who lie about it by falsely claiming it was s staffer.

And Hillary had no more to do with a supporter sending that email than Trump did with you posting on this forum.
You are wasting your time. These lefttards have skulls thick enough to stop cannon shot.

LOL says the idiot who we have shown lied about Hillary and her campaign.

Just because you are an illiterate moron doesn’t make me a liar. You proved nothing because you can’t even understand and what you read.

LOL shall I show everyone your lies again? Glad to:

Pred: when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Pred: Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

The facts show that you were lying.
You claimed Hillary Clinton questioned Obama's citizenship- the facts show that she never did.
You claimed that she had one of her staffers do it- the facts show she never did- you lied.
You claimed that no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did- the facts show they never did- you lied.

But then again- Birthers always lie.

You keep posting your stupidity. It’s unnecessary because we all are aware of it.

I’m not saying I never said that, I’m accurately pointing out that you are too illiterate to understand it on the context it was written.

You are much too stupid for me to continue arguing with. You are dismissed.

Pred it was a stupid story from the get go, it was interesting and fun to make liberals cry about it on the internet .

For some reason whites couldn't believe a black child could be born in Hawaii, make it to Chicago and end up president...

Yep- Arpaio and Trump couldn't believe that a black child could be born in Hawaii, make it to Chicago and end up President. Even when the State of Hawaii repeatedly told them yes it was true.
A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.

You lying asshats pretend the birther thing didn't start until Trump.

lol- now you are just another lying asshole lying about what I said.....typical Birther tactic.

I said that Trump was the first candidate to go full Birther- which he did for 5 years against Barack Obama.

Birthers started in 2008.....but until Trump went full Birther in 2011....Birthers were a motley collection of unknown wingnuts.....but when Trump went Birther- Birtherism went mainstream- and he became the Dear Leader of the Birthers.

How’s the weather on that planet? Here on earth, it’s chilly.
Your brain is frozen. Nothing you said was true but you still maintain it even after being shown it was completely false.

Such dedication to one’s own hallucinations. Impressive.
Here it is from Politifact, a left wing nut organization:
According to the article, the theory that Obama was born in Kenya “first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.”

The second article, which ran several days after the Politico piece, was published by the Telegraph, a British paper, which stated: “An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.”

Both of those stories comport with what we here at wrotetwo-and-a-half years earlier, on Nov. 8, 2008: “This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.”

Claims about Obama’s birthplace appeared in chain emails bouncing around the Web, and one of the first lawsuits over Obama’s birth certificate was filed by Philip Berg, a former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general and a self-described “moderate to liberal” who supported Clinton.
This is exactly why I wanted you to prove your bullshit ... because I knew you couldn’t.

Moron... from your link...

but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.

...your own link say it was sent by “supporters,” not, “staffers.” And your link says nothing about Hillary instructing supporters to make those claims.

You lied and got caught. No big deal, it was expected since Hillary never said Obama was born abroad.


Look you illiterate fuck, supporters, staffers, what the fuck ever, it started not with trump, not with the GOP it started with Hillary. If you think she had nothing to do with that you are as stupid as you are illiterate.

You brain-dead conservative loser. Supporters are not staffers and Hillary is not responsible for what her supporters do unless she instructed them to spread the word that Obama was not born in Hawaii; which she didn’t do.

So you lied. And as expected, got caught lying.

Again, here was your claim (emphasis added to highlight your lies)...
Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.
Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.
Yeah she did — no, she didn’t, as you were lying when you made this claim and the link you offered does not say she did.

she had one of he staffers do it — another lie. No Hillary Clinton staffer was involved with that email. Your own link identifies them only as supporters. And nothing in your link indicates Hillary “had” them send it. Lie #3.

under her direction lie #4 — nothing in your link states she directed anyone to send any such email.

Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. — two more lies. It wasn’t sent by Hillary’s campaign according to your link AND the link claims the email sent by supporter(s) was sent in April, 2008. I already posted a link to the rightwing website where it actually started, a month earlier in March, 2008.

You lose moron. — another lie. The moron loser turns out to be you; the moron loser who lied 7 times in only 2 short sentences.


Staffers, supporters, matters not. The point of my post, that you are ignoring, is that it didn’t start with the GOP. I lose nothing, you just are illiterate.

You have a serious brain malfunction.

Supports is not the same as staffers.

Under Hillary’s direction is not the same as not under Hillary’s direction.

March, 2008 came before April, 2008, not after.

And Hillary never questioned Obama’s place of birth.

Other than that, ya got pretty much nothing right.

You are too illiterate and stupid to discuss with. You too are dismissed.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.


Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS
I am reposting your post because it just shows what idiots Birthers are


Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

You leftists are so fucking stupid, no wonder reality kicks you stupid asses all the time.

Someone asking for clarification does start the Birthers movement.

How fucking stupid are you people? I mean I had a good idea how stupid you were but how far down does that rabbit hole go?
Moron... the person seeking said clarification did so on a rightwing site.

Now do you understand that Hillary didn’t start the birther movement, a rightwingnut did?
This is exactly why I wanted you to prove your bullshit ... because I knew you couldn’t.

Moron... from your link...

but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.

...your own link say it was sent by “supporters,” not, “staffers.” And your link says nothing about Hillary instructing supporters to make those claims.

You lied and got caught. No big deal, it was expected since Hillary never said Obama was born abroad.


Look you illiterate fuck, supporters, staffers, what the fuck ever, it started not with trump, not with the GOP it started with Hillary. If you think she had nothing to do with that you are as stupid as you are illiterate.

You brain-dead conservative loser. Supporters are not staffers and Hillary is not responsible for what her supporters do unless she instructed them to spread the word that Obama was not born in Hawaii; which she didn’t do.

So you lied. And as expected, got caught lying.

Again, here was your claim (emphasis added to highlight your lies)...
Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.
Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.
Yeah she did — no, she didn’t, as you were lying when you made this claim and the link you offered does not say she did.

she had one of he staffers do it — another lie. No Hillary Clinton staffer was involved with that email. Your own link identifies them only as supporters. And nothing in your link indicates Hillary “had” them send it. Lie #3.

under her direction lie #4 — nothing in your link states she directed anyone to send any such email.

Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. — two more lies. It wasn’t sent by Hillary’s campaign according to your link AND the link claims the email sent by supporter(s) was sent in April, 2008. I already posted a link to the rightwing website where it actually started, a month earlier in March, 2008.

You lose moron. — another lie. The moron loser turns out to be you; the moron loser who lied 7 times in only 2 short sentences.


Staffers, supporters, matters not. The point of my post, that you are ignoring, is that it didn’t start with the GOP. I lose nothing, you just are illiterate.

You have a serious brain malfunction.

Supports is not the same as staffers.

Under Hillary’s direction is not the same as not under Hillary’s direction.

March, 2008 came before April, 2008, not after.

And Hillary never questioned Obama’s place of birth.

Other than that, ya got pretty much nothing right.

You are too illiterate and stupid to discuss with. You too are dismissed.

Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn’t make your lies become true.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.


Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

Damn you are retarded if Hillary supporters are not Hillary what were they Obama supporters ?

Are Trump supporters part of the Trump campaign? Is Trump responsible for what every supporter of his says- or does?

The Facts are pretty straight forward
  • Joe Arpaio is an idiot Birther- and running for the Senate as a Republican
  • Arpaio is the second most prominent Birther, after Donald Trump
  • Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's place of birth or citizenship.
  • Clinton's staff never questioned Barack's place of birth or his citizenship
  • Donald Trump went full Birther for 5 years - and only stopped after he got the GOP nomination.

Once again...READ IT AND WEAP


The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.
You do realize that’s not the same email sent by the Hillary supporter in April, 2008, don’tcha?

The one sent by a supporter n April, 2008 was about birtherism.

The one you talk about now was sent in November, 2007, by a staffer and was not about birtherism.

No matter how stubbornly ignorant you choose to be, you cannot later the reality the first known beginnings of birtherism started in March, 2008, on

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

Damn you are retarded if Hillary supporters are not Hillary what were they Obama supporters ?

Are Trump supporters part of the Trump campaign? Is Trump responsible for what every supporter of his says- or does?

The Facts are pretty straight forward
  • Joe Arpaio is an idiot Birther- and running for the Senate as a Republican
  • Arpaio is the second most prominent Birther, after Donald Trump
  • Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's place of birth or citizenship.
  • Clinton's staff never questioned Barack's place of birth or his citizenship
  • Donald Trump went full Birther for 5 years - and only stopped after he got the GOP nomination.

Once again...READ IT AND WEAP


The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.

You are wasting your time. These lefttards have skulls thick enough to stop cannon shot.
Hisses the coward who lies through his keyboard and then runs away when caught. :badgrin:

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters


Barack Obama's birth certificate
By Jon Swaine, New York
5:30PM BST 27 Apr 2011

The lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US has been fuelled by fringe Republicans — but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton,
Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

Damn you are retarded if Hillary supporters are not Hillary what were they Obama supporters ?

Are Trump supporters part of the Trump campaign? Is Trump responsible for what every supporter of his says- or does?

The Facts are pretty straight forward
  • Joe Arpaio is an idiot Birther- and running for the Senate as a Republican
  • Arpaio is the second most prominent Birther, after Donald Trump
  • Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's place of birth or citizenship.
  • Clinton's staff never questioned Barack's place of birth or his citizenship
  • Donald Trump went full Birther for 5 years - and only stopped after he got the GOP nomination.

Once again...READ IT AND WEAP


The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.
You do realize that’s not the same email sent by the Hillary supporter in April, 2008, don’tcha?

The one sent by a supporter n April, 2008 was about birtherism.

The one you talk about now was sent in November, 2007, by a staffer and was not about birtherism.

No matter how stubbornly ignorant you choose to be, you cannot later the reality the first known beginnings of birtherism started in March, 2008, on

This is interesting off of work so soon? Your 4 hours up at burger king?



Holyshit, the rightards are spawning. :badgrin:


a) Hillary supporters are not Hillary; and

b) the Hillary supporters who sent such emails did not start it. Your link states Hillary supporters sent those emails in April, 2008. That came after rightwingnuts posted about it in March, 2008 on a rightwing site (emphasis added to highlight the birtherism)...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

Damn you are retarded if Hillary supporters are not Hillary what were they Obama supporters ?

Are Trump supporters part of the Trump campaign? Is Trump responsible for what every supporter of his says- or does?

The Facts are pretty straight forward
  • Joe Arpaio is an idiot Birther- and running for the Senate as a Republican
  • Arpaio is the second most prominent Birther, after Donald Trump
  • Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's place of birth or citizenship.
  • Clinton's staff never questioned Barack's place of birth or his citizenship
  • Donald Trump went full Birther for 5 years - and only stopped after he got the GOP nomination.

Once again...READ IT AND WEAP


The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.
You do realize that’s not the same email sent by the Hillary supporter in April, 2008, don’tcha?

The one sent by a supporter n April, 2008 was about birtherism.

The one you talk about now was sent in November, 2007, by a staffer and was not about birtherism.

No matter how stubbornly ignorant you choose to be, you cannot later the reality the first known beginnings of birtherism started in March, 2008, on

This is interesting off of work so soon? Your 4 hours up at burger king?



As long as I work at least 40 hours a week, I’m Golden. Doesn’t have to be 8 hours a day. And I get to come and go as I please. Sweet job. Oh, and pays very well too.

You poor thing. You’re deranged beyond repair. Who said you didn’t hear about Ditka not running for office?

WTF you talking about? Your the one who said I didn't live in Illinois and didn't already hear the rumours about Obama in that time I was reading four newspapers a day, the Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times, daily heard and USA today.
No, I didn’t say that. You posted an image of a pamphlet stating Obama was born in Kenya. When asked who printed it, you replied you heard rumors then. There were no such rumors.

You then lamented over Ditka not running and putting an end to Obama’s political aspirations.

Yes there was rumours already in 2004 you idiot..

The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama

The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama
OCTOBER 12, 2008

The most persistent falsehood about Senator Barack Obama’s background first hit in 2004 just two weeks after the Democratic convention speech that helped set him on the path to his presidential candidacy: “Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion.”

That statement, contained in a press release, spun a complex tale about the ancestry of Mr. Obama, who is Christian.

The press release was picked up by a conservative Web site,, and spread steadily as others elaborated on its claims over the years in e-mail messages, Web sites and books. It continues to drive other false rumors about Mr. Obama’s background.

Just last Friday, a woman told Senator John McCain at a town-hall-style meeting, “I have read about him,” and “he’s an Arab.” Mr. McCain corrected her.

While certainly many Birthers also believe the lie that Barack Obama is a Muslim- that is not Birtherism.

Nobody in 2004 was questioning Barack Obama's place of birth or his being a Natural Born citizen.

So rumors about Obama being a Muslim didn't ring a bell?

The moron admits he doesn’t know what birtherism is.


Damn you are retarded if Hillary supporters are not Hillary what were they Obama supporters ?

Are Trump supporters part of the Trump campaign? Is Trump responsible for what every supporter of his says- or does?

The Facts are pretty straight forward
  • Joe Arpaio is an idiot Birther- and running for the Senate as a Republican
  • Arpaio is the second most prominent Birther, after Donald Trump
  • Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's place of birth or citizenship.
  • Clinton's staff never questioned Barack's place of birth or his citizenship
  • Donald Trump went full Birther for 5 years - and only stopped after he got the GOP nomination.

Once again...READ IT AND WEAP


The email was sent by someone identified only as "Judy" whose email address begins jcheroke. The Clinton campaign has said they are now asking a volunteer county coordinator to leave the campaign when the email came to light.

You are wasting your time. These lefttards have skulls thick enough to stop cannon shot.

LOL says the idiot who we have shown lied about Hillary and her campaign.

Just because you are an illiterate moron doesn’t make me a liar. You proved nothing because you can’t even understand and what you read.

Nothing you said was true.

Hillary didn’t instruct a staffer to spread birtherism and birtherism didn’t start in April, 2008, it started before then on a rightwing site.
So now you are just admitting you want to blame Hillary for Trump being an idiot Birther.

Because it's true lol...they were desperate to beat Obama, learn American politics will you
Yes its true that you want to blame Hillary for Trump's Birther idiocy.

No what's true is you and your Ilk wants to take no responsibility what so ever for it and that's false.


Since I have been battling idiot Birthers since 2008- why should I take responsibility what idiots like Joe Arpaio or Donald Trump lie about?

I don't know why you so desperately want to believe that Joe Arpaio and Donald Trump are just the gullible dupes of Hillary Clinton- but no matter how much you want to believe it- its not true.

So if you have been battling brithers since 2008 how come you didn't know about judy rose and Andy martin?

I had to post it on this thread
Andy didn’t start talking about birtherism until October, 2008; 7 months after it appeared on a rightwing site and the Judy’s email said nothing at alll about birtherism.
There is nothing dumber than a birther

And again the lib demonstrates his complete lack of self awareness.

Can you name anything dumber than a birther?

You .

You are the one who voted for Trump

Add that to your being a birther and that is about as dumb as you can get

Hillary was actively hostile to my interests, as are you, and you libs buddies.

Stupid would be voting for the type of people that laugh at people like me dying.

If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Ah so you were being ironic when you claimed your Birther post was 'serious and honest'

Page after page, and all you libs are doing is playing dodge and deflection games.

My point stands.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

all YOU'RE doing is lying and whining

The topic is birthers. You race baiting pieces of shit like to assume that the cause is racism, but I just told you the real reason.

None of you can bring yourself to even address it.

AT some point, I win by default.

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