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Republican Senate candidate says rape pregnancies are "God's will"

What Mourdock said was not graceful but it represents his moral position. Abortion is right or it is wrong.......there is no middle ground
He views all conception as an act of God

We, as a nation have to decide where we are going with the abortion debate. Banning abortion even for rape used to be a third rail for Republicans. They would not touch it. Now, even their vice presidential candidate embraces it

We will have to see how voters respond

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how young women will respond. It's their bodies these old dry cod men are wanting to control.

Hell...I'm an old man and I damn sure wouldn't want them to have anything to say about what my primary care provider and I decide what is good for me.

To their credit, Republicans don't care. They are putting out Senate candidates who openly embrace ending all abortion. No more sniping at the edges.....they want an outright ban and say so
It will once again cost them the Senate
But social conservatives don't care
If Romney is elected, it will mean the end of Roe v Wade
Romney knows better than to say he will support legislation to end abortion. He knows he can stack the Supreme Court with conservative judges and it will take about fifteen seconds for conservatives to push an anti-abortion case in front of them
President Hugh B. Brown, counselor in the LDS First Presidency said:

“I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping stones to progress. We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed. Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant. Only error fears freedom of expression. . . This free exchange of ideas is not to be deplored as long as men and women remain humble and teachable. Neither fear of consequence or any kind of coercion should ever be used to secure uniformity of thought in the church. People should express their problems and opinions and be unafraid to think without fear of ill consequences. . . . We must preserve the freedom of the mind in the church and resist all efforts to suppress it.”

(Hugh B. Brown, The Abundant Life: The Memoirs of Hugh B. Brown, ed. Edwin B. Firmage (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1988), 137-39; Hugh B. Brown, “An Eternal Quest—Freedom of the Mind,” a speech delivered at Brigham Young University, 13 May 1969, in Speeches of the Year (Provo, UT): Brigham Young University Press, 1969); rpt. In Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 17 (Spring 1984): 77-83)

We all have to start talking and stop yelling.
My friends, be careful when folks speak for God and His Plan.

Such folks want power over you.

Lol, fool. I want no power over you. I could care less about you. As for speaking FOR God, no need to. He has spoken for Himself in His word.

You hear God speaking.... like voices in your head?

Or did you mean to say, God speaks when other people (pastors) tell you what he said.
My friends, be careful when folks speak for God and His Plan.

Such folks want power over you.

Lol, fool. I want no power over you. I could care less about you. As for speaking FOR God, no need to. He has spoken for Himself in His word.

You hear God speaking.... like voices in your head?

Or did you mean to say, God speaks when other people (pastors) tell you what he said.

Actually the pastors see visions........of $100 bills
I had forgotten about this thread :p

If conservative women don't mind havin' creepers like Lyin' Ryan telling them what they can & can't do w/ their own bodies then they are some wacked out females.
I know it's hard for you Godless heathenistic democratic liberals to understand this, but God DOES create ALL life.

Yeah Yeah.......and you're gonna rise up from the grave, meet a ghost in the sky floating on a cloud and fly off to paradise and live forever. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

Close but no cigar scrote. Here's some advice my daddy gave me when I was but a wee little lad. I think I'll share it with you because you come off like such a moron and I feel sorry for you. Here it goes; "It's far better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you the fool, than to open it and remove all doubt". It's good advice scrote, you should take it to heart.
What I don't understand is how someone can be so damned ego-centric as to truly and honestly believe that their own religious views are the only ones that are valid--or that it's even acceptable, much less logical, to make statements based on one's religious views and purport them to be objective facts.

No, you're right, you don't understand it, and as long as you remain a Godless heathen you will never understand it. God Himself works against you ever understanding it.

2Thess 2:10 with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

So you're a racist, a wannabe tough guy, AND a religious nutter!


You hit the moronic American trifecta.


Spoken like a true scrote.
What Mourdock said was not graceful but it represents his moral position. Abortion is right or it is wrong.......there is no middle ground
He views all conception as an act of God

We, as a nation have to decide where we are going with the abortion debate. Banning abortion even for rape used to be a third rail for Republicans. They would not touch it. Now, even their vice presidential candidate embraces it

We will have to see how voters respond
It's sickening. My God, the arrogance of these asswipes.

No, what's sickening is you thinking it's ok to make another human bieng pay for your irrepsonsible behavior. The arrogance of you asswpes, thinking your comfort is more important than a baby's life.
jtpr, and 2ndAmendment too, and all the rest of you imagining yourselves to be "christians":

Like I said, you can bet your last french fry that rich republican women will be having abortions. It's been historically proven. Now, if they're the bastions of religious piety, why do they have abortions while their men say other women can't?

Think really really hard about the vacation bible school you went to (I know damn well most of you never regularly attend church.) Did the God they taught about speak to ancient prophets? Yes. Did the God they taught about speak to modern politicians? No. Never. So in the past two years all of the sudden these old fucks are able to both hear and interpret the REAL God's will? No.

They created a god in their own image, a miserable, desperate, closeted asshole that hates and villifies the poor (Jesus helped the poor,) hates women (Jesus was known for giving women more equality - a radical thing in those days,) hates other races and religions (Jesus wasn't like that,) favors the rich (you know, the camel through the eye of a needle...)

Yer goddamn right I don't worship that false idol that the bible warns against. You are fools for doing so.

Is there a Presbyterian church near you? Go there. A lot. Every week between now and New Year's. The enlightenment will do you a great deal of good. You'll be much happier when you return to the right path.
I know it's hard for you Godless heathenistic democratic liberals to understand this, but God DOES create ALL life.

What I don't understand is how someone can be so damned ego-centric as to truly and honestly believe that their own religious views are the only ones that are valid--or that it's even acceptable, much less logical, to make statements based on one's religious views and purport them to be objective facts.

No, you're right, you don't understand it, and as long as you remain a Godless heathen you will never understand it. God Himself works against you ever understanding it.

2Thess 2:10 with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Actually, I think you've helped me see the light. I understand now. Stupidity is the most powerful force in the universe.
what is really scary is that there are a lot more fundies like him who binder their women thusly. Thanks but us non-fundies are doing just fine ;)
The Republican crazy train has run off the rails.

They are going to lose the presidency and the Senate.

And then the demographics of 2016 will really be against them.

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