Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

The bombings put an END to the war. Perhaps you need an education in history.

I've got a degree in history from the University of Illinois.

Hey, on real college campuses, the ones where they dont' teach about talking snakes in Science class, most real historians agree that what prompted the Japanese to surrender was that the USSR entered the war and opened a new front of whoopass on them.

Not that we dropped two more bombs on them on top of the thousands we had already dropped.

FYI, I was educated in the liberal Massachusetts public school system. :D
Lecturing? Who is lecturing? I'm calling you out for being a terrorist apologist and defending the execution of homosexuals. Pretty hypocritical for a liberal, eh?

why is that our business.

How many young American lives are you willing to throw away to get the Iranian government to stop executing homosexuals. (Psst. Psst. They were executed under the Shah as well.)

Terrorism is not an existential threat to the United States. We should stop acting like it is.
looks like ChrisL is on another daily posting rampage to stay on that leader board w/ her HS debating tactics. Whatevs. I'm going out


Because you have nothing to add except for blindly agreeing with Joe Schmoe? Mkay, see ya! :bye1:
Lecturing? Who is lecturing? I'm calling you out for being a terrorist apologist and defending the execution of homosexuals. Pretty hypocritical for a liberal, eh?

why is that our business.

How many young American lives are you willing to throw away to get the Iranian government to stop executing homosexuals. (Psst. Psst. They were executed under the Shah as well.)

Terrorism is not an existential threat to the United States. We should stop acting like it is.

That is not the point, Joe. The point is that you are defending terrorism.
That is not the point, Joe. The point is that you are defending terrorism.

No, I just don't go into hysterics because they are delivering bombs in baskets instead of airplanes.

Our Middle East policy is to stick our dick in a hornet's nest and then complain when we get stung.
That is not the point, Joe. The point is that you are defending terrorism.

No, I just don't go into hysterics because they are delivering bombs in baskets instead of airplanes.

Our Middle East policy is to stick our dick in a hornet's nest and then complain when we get stung.

Who is in hysterics? Lol. You are defending and excusing terrorism and executions of homosexuals and oppression of women. That is all there is to it. :dunno:

I'm trying to get you to realize that there is no defense of these things and that you really need to stop making excuses for them.
Who is in hysterics? Lol. You are defending and excusing terrorism and executions of homosexuals and oppression of women. That is all there is to it.

Well, no, you see, when I see a lot of people clamoring for war and citing made up attrocities, I have to question who is making up the attrocities.

Again, if you want to go sign up and fight for Oil Company Profits, feel free.

I'm trying to get you to realize that there is no defense of these things and that you really need to stop making excuses for them.

ANd I'm trying to get through to you that none of these things are our business.

Our so-called "allies" in the Middle East sponsor more terrorism than Iran does, and they are a lot more oppressive on their women.
You poor misguided soul. What's the matter, mommy didn't change your diaper often enough?
Who is in hysterics? Lol. You are defending and excusing terrorism and executions of homosexuals and oppression of women. That is all there is to it.

Well, no, you see, when I see a lot of people clamoring for war and citing made up attrocities, I have to question who is making up the attrocities.

Again, if you want to go sign up and fight for Oil Company Profits, feel free.

I'm trying to get you to realize that there is no defense of these things and that you really need to stop making excuses for them.

ANd I'm trying to get through to you that none of these things are our business.

Our so-called "allies" in the Middle East sponsor more terrorism than Iran does, and they are a lot more oppressive on their women.

Nobody here is citing anything that is "made up." This information is found easily. The fact is homosexuality is a death sentence in Iran. End of story. There is nothing to argue about. Now, are you supporting that kind of ideology?

Sign up and fight for oil company profits? WTF are you talking about? You are starting to lose it, Joe. :)

No shit they aren't, but you are defending Iran and terrorism. There are no excuses. Stop trying to make excuses for terrorism and the murder of innocent people.

No they do not. Iran is known to be one of the biggest supporters of terrorism. THAT is why all of their neighbors hate them and don't trust them. Why don't you go look it up for yourself and learn a thing or two?
Nobody here is citing anything that is "made up." This information is found easily. The fact is homosexuality is a death sentence in Iran. End of story. There is nothing to argue about. Now, are you supporting that kind of ideology?

And again, how many homosexuals- not child molestors, but homosexuals - are executed in Iran every year? Because you have yet to give me that number.

Sign up and fight for oil company profits? WTF are you talking about? You are starting to lose it, Joe.

It just seems odd that we never gave a shit about the Middle East until we found out they had oil. I mean, are you realy this clueless?

No they do not. Iran is known to be one of the biggest supporters of terrorism. THAT is why all of their neighbors hate them and don't trust them. Why don't you go look it up for yourself and learn a thing or two?

All their neighbors hate them because they don't want their people doing what the Iranians did- throwing out the corrupt Kings and Dictators in exchange for popular leaders.

But, yeah, Saudi Arabia sponsor terrorism. Big Time. And Bin Laden wasn't hiding in Iran he was hiding in Pakistan, our supposed "Ally" which is also bankrolling the Taliban.

Why Does the U.S. Support Saudi Arabia A Country Which Hosts and Finances Islamic Terrorism On Behalf of Washington Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

“Al Qaeda, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram, the Shabab and others are all violent Sunni Salafi groupings,” Ed Husain of the Council on Foreign Relations recently wrote in the New York Times. “For five decades, Saudi Arabia has been the official sponsor of Sunni Salafism [another term for Wahhabism] across the globe.”

Such entities “have been lavishly supported by the Saudi government, which has appointed emissaries to its embassies in Muslim countries who proselytize for Salafism,” he adds.


Then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in a December 2009 leaked diplomatic cable that entities in Saudi Arabia were the “most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”


Yet the United States keeps mum because the Saudi monarchy serves U.S. interests. Due to its pivotal role in OPEC, it makes sure that crude oil prices don’t rise above a certain level. It is a key purchaser of American weapons. It invests in U.S. government bonds. And it has acted in the past as proxy for covert U.S. actions, such as funneling arms and funding to the Nicaraguan contras.
Nobody here is citing anything that is "made up." This information is found easily. The fact is homosexuality is a death sentence in Iran. End of story. There is nothing to argue about. Now, are you supporting that kind of ideology?

And again, how many homosexuals- not child molestors, but homosexuals - are executed in Iran every year? Because you have yet to give me that number.

Sign up and fight for oil company profits? WTF are you talking about? You are starting to lose it, Joe.

It just seems odd that we never gave a shit about the Middle East until we found out they had oil. I mean, are you realy this clueless?

No they do not. Iran is known to be one of the biggest supporters of terrorism. THAT is why all of their neighbors hate them and don't trust them. Why don't you go look it up for yourself and learn a thing or two?

All their neighbors hate them because they don't want their people doing what the Iranians did- throwing out the corrupt Kings and Dictators in exchange for popular leaders.

But, yeah, Saudi Arabia sponsor terrorism. Big Time. And Bin Laden wasn't hiding in Iran he was hiding in Pakistan, our supposed "Ally" which is also bankrolling the Taliban.

Why Does the U.S. Support Saudi Arabia A Country Which Hosts and Finances Islamic Terrorism On Behalf of Washington Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

“Al Qaeda, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram, the Shabab and others are all violent Sunni Salafi groupings,” Ed Husain of the Council on Foreign Relations recently wrote in the New York Times. “For five decades, Saudi Arabia has been the official sponsor of Sunni Salafism [another term for Wahhabism] across the globe.”

Such entities “have been lavishly supported by the Saudi government, which has appointed emissaries to its embassies in Muslim countries who proselytize for Salafism,” he adds.


Then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in a December 2009 leaked diplomatic cable that entities in Saudi Arabia were the “most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”


Yet the United States keeps mum because the Saudi monarchy serves U.S. interests. Due to its pivotal role in OPEC, it makes sure that crude oil prices don’t rise above a certain level. It is a key purchaser of American weapons. It invests in U.S. government bonds. And it has acted in the past as proxy for covert U.S. actions, such as funneling arms and funding to the Nicaraguan contras.

I posted a link for you in this very thread. I'm sorry that you choose to ignore the information contained in it. Do you dispute the fact that Iran executes people for being homosexuals?

Sorry if you don't like it, but OIL makes the world go around. :) Of course we would be concerned. But again, the US did NOT take any oil during the Iraq war. I think that sufficiently proves that the war was not based on oil. I believe that is rational to think that the war was about a few different factors and not just ONE reason.

No, their neighbors don't like them or trust them because of the fact that they start trouble by sponsoring and funding terrorism, and attack other countries by proxy using those terrorists.

I'm sure the Saudis do also sponsor terrorism. I've never argued that point, so it is rather irrelevant to our discussion about Iran. Don't you think? :)
I posted a link for you in this very thread. I'm sorry that you choose to ignore the information contained in it. Do you dispute the fact that Iran executes people for being homosexuals?

I think they probably do execute a few.. Is it a big deal? Not really. It's also sort of none of our business.

Sorry if you don't like it, but OIL makes the world go around. :) Of course we would be concerned. But again, the US did NOT take any oil during the Iraq war. I think that sufficiently proves that the war was not based on oil. I believe that is rational to think that the war was about a few different factors and not just ONE reason.

Again, you are a bit dense. We didn't got to war to get oil to benefit Joe Consumer. We went to benefit the profits of big oil. I'm sorry you don't get this. We could get off oil with a carefully good plan to find alternatives. For instance, in WWII, the Japanese cut off the world's rubber supply, but we just turned around and developed alternatives.

No, their neighbors don't like them or trust them because of the fact that they start trouble by sponsoring and funding terrorism, and attack other countries by proxy using those terrorists.

I'm sure the Saudis do also sponsor terrorism. I've never argued that point, so it is rather irrelevant to our discussion about Iran. Don't you think?

Well, no it's completely relevent. The question is here is whether we should engage Iran the way we engage Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, two countries that claim to be our allies but sponsor a lot more terrorism than Iran does.

So what we are talking about here is engaging Iran on Nukes and other matters. Some things the Iranians are doing are to our benefit. For instance, they are taking care of ISIS for us. If we stopped letting the Zionists dictate our policy, we could probably find some common ground.
I posted a link for you in this very thread. I'm sorry that you choose to ignore the information contained in it. Do you dispute the fact that Iran executes people for being homosexuals?

I think they probably do execute a few.. Is it a big deal? Not really. It's also sort of none of our business.

You know if the Libertarians were in charge, back in WWII, we would've said the same thing about the Jews. Then there wouldn't be a Jew left alive today. Does that matter? Why should we care if they kill each other off?

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