Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

We need a leader who has some balls and isn't afraid to stand up to the insane faction in our world instead of trying to appease them.

Is that what bush was? Maybe you didn't notice, but that made things worse.
ChL10956002 Your concern that Obama is making a mistake has just become absolutely irrelevant. The five permanent members on the UNSC have just stepped up:

Major Nations Hold Talks On Ending U.N. Sanctions On Iran Officials

Your stepped up US Senators are the laughing stock of the entire world now,

Their pissy-assed Teapublican stunt just fully backfired.

The US Senate has no jurisdiction over France Russia China and the UK. Plus Germany is involved in the talks.

The UNSC will surely act if the spectre of a GOP Presidential win in 2016 looms on the horizon. Only the President can issue a veto of UNSC Resolutions.

Like I have said, the world will act without us. These senators just lowered our standing in the world.

Nope, they haven't. A lot of people are glad they spoke out against this ridiculousness.

Poll I saw said they are a minority.

Post it. Of course, you are untrustworthy.

Only 28% support it. I expect that to keep dropping.
Poll Americans Think GOP s Iran Letter Was Inappropriate

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

That is something to think about...

No, HERE is something to think about . . .

Along with setting off a mad race to attain nuclear weapons that would involve Saudi Arabia, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that a nuclear Iran would arm terrorists that would strike at the United States.

This brings to mind the recent Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington, DC. The plan called for setting off weapons of mass destruction.

While there is disagreement on what should or shoudn't be done there is general agreement that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.

Which raises the question, How would the world change if Iran goes nuclear?

As stated above, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other oil rich states have said they would do whatever they needed to do to acquire nuclear weapons. Imagine, multiple nations becoming nuclear powers overnight. As Secretary Hague said, the proliferation of nations with nuclear weapons would unsettle the world order. It would increase the likelihood of nuclear weapons being used, stolen, and falling into hands of terrorists.

Can Iran be stopped from attaining nuclear weapons?

Edit: Oops, forgot the link. Exclusive Analysis Would a Nuclear Capable Iran Change the World - Secure America Now
Like I have said, the world will act without us. These senators just lowered our standing in the world.

Nope, they haven't. A lot of people are glad they spoke out against this ridiculousness.

Poll I saw said they are a minority.

Post it. Of course, you are untrustworthy.

Only 28% support it. I expect that to keep dropping.
Poll Americans Think GOP s Iran Letter Was Inappropriate

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
You said many supported. You challenged it was a minority so I posted the percent. You were wrong as usual.

Gonna get worse with more coverage.
We need a leader who has some balls and isn't afraid to stand up to the insane faction in our world instead of trying to appease them.

Is that what bush was? Maybe you didn't notice, but that made things worse.

That is why I think, if the US gets involved with another country's problems, we reserve the right to occupy such country/countries for as long as we see fit.
Nope, they haven't. A lot of people are glad they spoke out against this ridiculousness.

Poll I saw said they are a minority.

Post it. Of course, you are untrustworthy.

Only 28% support it. I expect that to keep dropping.
Poll Americans Think GOP s Iran Letter Was Inappropriate

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
You said many supported. You challenged it was a minority so I posted the percent. You were wrong as usual.

Gonna get worse with more coverage.

Those are people who don't think the letter itself was a good idea. It says nothing about how they actually feel about Iran getting nuclear power, and if they are intelligent and educated Americans, they know that it is a terrible idea.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

That is something to think about...

No, HERE is something to think about . . .

Along with setting off a mad race to attain nuclear weapons that would involve Saudi Arabia, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that a nuclear Iran would arm terrorists that would strike at the United States.

This brings to mind the recent Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington, DC. The plan called for setting off weapons of mass destruction.

While there is disagreement on what should or shoudn't be done there is general agreement that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.

Which raises the question, How would the world change if Iran goes nuclear?

As stated above, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other oil rich states have said they would do whatever they needed to do to acquire nuclear weapons. Imagine, multiple nations becoming nuclear powers overnight. As Secretary Hague said, the proliferation of nations with nuclear weapons would unsettle the world order. It would increase the likelihood of nuclear weapons being used, stolen, and falling into hands of terrorists.

Can Iran be stopped from attaining nuclear weapons?

And your plan is? Send a letter to Iran lowering our standing in the world? Yes that will help.
We need a leader who has some balls and isn't afraid to stand up to the insane faction in our world instead of trying to appease them.

Is that what bush was? Maybe you didn't notice, but that made things worse.

That is why I think, if the US gets involved with another country's problems, we reserve the right to occupy such country/countries for as long as we see fit.

Doesn't work and we can't afford it.
Poll I saw said they are a minority.

Post it. Of course, you are untrustworthy.

Only 28% support it. I expect that to keep dropping.
Poll Americans Think GOP s Iran Letter Was Inappropriate

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
You said many supported. You challenged it was a minority so I posted the percent. You were wrong as usual.

Gonna get worse with more coverage.

Those are people who don't think the letter itself was a good idea. It says nothing about how they actually feel about Iran getting nuclear power, and if they are intelligent and educated Americans, they know that it is a terrible idea.

We were discussing what people thought of the letter. Try to keep up.
Let's take a look at some real in-depth polling statistics . . . since most people don't click on my links or bother to read the material, I took the liberty of posting it for you all.


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by Hart Research Associates (D) and Public Opinion Strategies (R). March 1-5, 2015. N=approx. 500 adults nationwide.


"And, thinking about Iran: As you may know, the United States is currently in negotiations with Iran that would limit, for at least ten years, Iran's ability to produce nuclear material. The deal would not end Iran's nuclear program, but would delay Iran's ability to produce enough materials to make nuclear weapons. In return, the United States and other Western nations would ease economic sanctions that have been imposed on Iran, and would eventually allow Iran to use nuclear power for other purposes, like energy. Do you think that this agreement will make a real difference or will not make a real difference in preventing Iran from producing nuclear weapons?"


make a real
Will not
make a real
% % %

24 71 5

Gallup Poll. Feb. 8-11, 2015. N=837 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.


"Next, I'd like your overall opinion of some foreign countries. ... What is your overall opinion of Iran? Is it very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?"


Favorable Unfavorable No opinion
% % %

11 84 6

12 84 4

9 87 4

"Next, I am going to read you a list of possible threats to the vital interests of the United States in the next 10 years. For each one, please tell me if you see this as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat at all. ... Development of nuclear weapons by Iran."


Critical Important Not
% % % %

77 16 5 2

76 18 4 2

83 16 1 -

CBS News/New York Times Poll. June 20-22, 2014. N=1,009 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.


"Do you favor or oppose the United States working with Iran in a limited capacity in order to try and resolve the situation in Iraq?"


Favor Oppose Unsure/
No answer

% % %

53 39 8

Gallup Poll. March 22-23, 2014. N=1,012 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.


"For each of the following countries, please say whether you consider it an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United States. How about Iran?"


An ally Friendly but
not an ally
Unfriendly An enemy Unsure
% % % % %

2 10 41 41 6

2 8 38 45 8

2 8 34 51 5

3 14 44 34 5

CNN/ORC Poll. Nov. 18-20, 2013. N=843 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.


"As you may know, the U.S. and other countries have imposed strict economic sanctions against Iran while that country has nuclear facilities which could eventually allow it to produce its own nuclear weapons. Would you favor or oppose an interim deal that would ease some of those economic sanctions and in exchange require Iran to accept major restrictions on its nuclear program but not end it completely and submit to greater international inspection of its nuclear facilities?"


Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %

56 39 5

66 27 8

55 41 4

45 51 4

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Nov. 14-17, 2013. N=1,006 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.


"Thinking now about the situation with Iran: Would you support or oppose an agreement in which the United States and other countries would lift some of their economic sanctions against Iran, in exchange for Iran restricting its nuclear program in a way that makes it harder for it to produce nuclear weapons?"


Support Oppose Unsure
% % %

64 30 7

"How confident are you that such an agreement would prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons: very confident, somewhat confident, not so confident or not confident at all?"


Not so
Not confident
at all
% % % % %

4 32 27 34 3
Post it. Of course, you are untrustworthy.

Only 28% support it. I expect that to keep dropping.
Poll Americans Think GOP s Iran Letter Was Inappropriate

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
You said many supported. You challenged it was a minority so I posted the percent. You were wrong as usual.

Gonna get worse with more coverage.

Those are people who don't think the letter itself was a good idea. It says nothing about how they actually feel about Iran getting nuclear power, and if they are intelligent and educated Americans, they know that it is a terrible idea.

We were discussing what people thought of the letter. Try to keep up.

I am not just talking about the letter, but the idea behind the letter. Try to think outside the box and party politics.
Just keep in mind, dummies, that a nuclear Iran means a lot of changes in the ME, and NONE of them good.
Only 28% support it. I expect that to keep dropping.
Poll Americans Think GOP s Iran Letter Was Inappropriate

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
You said many supported. You challenged it was a minority so I posted the percent. You were wrong as usual.

Gonna get worse with more coverage.

Those are people who don't think the letter itself was a good idea. It says nothing about how they actually feel about Iran getting nuclear power, and if they are intelligent and educated Americans, they know that it is a terrible idea.

We were discussing what people thought of the letter. Try to keep up.

I am not just talking about the letter, but the idea behind the letter. Try to think outside the box and party politics.

Then you don't follow a conversation very well. But I guess since you were wrong you are jumping around to hide that.
Here is the kind of insanity that is Iran. THESE are the people that are going to acquire nuclear power with OUR graces, thanks to Mr. Obama.

The 12th Imam The Mahdi and Iran Today


They really believe this shit and won't hesitate to try to bring it on. This is what should be of concern to everyone! Barack Obama is gambling with world security.
Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.
You said many supported. You challenged it was a minority so I posted the percent. You were wrong as usual.

Gonna get worse with more coverage.

Those are people who don't think the letter itself was a good idea. It says nothing about how they actually feel about Iran getting nuclear power, and if they are intelligent and educated Americans, they know that it is a terrible idea.

We were discussing what people thought of the letter. Try to keep up.

I am not just talking about the letter, but the idea behind the letter. Try to think outside the box and party politics.

Then you don't follow a conversation very well. But I guess since you were wrong you are jumping around to hide that.

Obviously, you are just another internet idiot who does not understand just how serious a matter this is.

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