Republican State Legislators Need to Ignore The Corrupt Ballot Count And Send Trump Electors no Matter What

Republican State Legislators Need to Ignore The Corrupt Ballot Count And Send Trump Electors no Matter What
Yeah, you do that. That will go over real well with the public.
By the way, if you want to gain a supermajority of support from the public to can the Electoral College, that's how you do it.
Trump and his staff and army of lawyers are engaging the public right now to expose the ongoing fraud and illegalities in this election in blue states.

By thje time these guys have to pull the trigger, people will be strongly behind it and the party rank and file convinced it is the only way to avoid revolt.

And I do mean REVOLT, with people killed in the streets and hanging from lampo posts.

This is bloody war.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
I agree. By whatever means possible we must resist.

This is the last option or we have to fire the first shots in the civil war.

Let the Communist scum fire the first shots in response to us sending Republican Electors.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
I agree. By whatever means possible we must resist.
They still counting votes you cry baby. Trump told you to vote in person democrats voted by mail amd votes are still counted.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
I agree. By whatever means possible we must resist.
They still counting votes you cry baby. Trump told you to vote in person democrats voted by mail amd votes are still counted.

Trump told us to vote in person so our votes couldn't be disputed.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
I agree. By whatever means possible we must resist.
They still counting votes you cry baby. Trump told you to vote in person democrats voted by mail amd votes are still counted.
They are still manufacturing votes as they stopped counting several times to recalibrate and see how many votes Biden needs.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.

What 'ballot stuffing' scandal?

You mean that baseless batshit conspiracy that Trump is whining about on national television?

There's a reason why he's whining rather than presenting evidence of it court.

The lack of evidence.
You people are freaking crazy, and anyone who talks like you is crazy. Why are you supposedly so pro American and so against letting people freaking votes count.
Not ILLEGAL votes, retard
You have about as much evidence of illegal votes being counted as the god damned commission Trump founded when he first got into office. It Boggles my god damned mind how even when the people you supposedly trust can't find shit you still don't believe it.

They are still manufacturing votes as they stopped counting several times to recalibrate and see how many votes Biden needs.
Take it to court you empty headed conspiracy theory nut job. Oh, but wait, judges don't usually take dumb ass suppositions as proof do they. Shit you're out of luck.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

View attachment 411971

You know I had this discussion with my adopted brother about this election and I for one am sick of both sides and just give up!

Both sides have to have it their way or death to our nation and values and I told him I will witness a Civil War and he asked me which side am I on?

The answer is I am on neither side and will fight to protect the innocent and weak but outside that I will let the two sides slaughter each other and just go on with my life because this is not a fight I am fighting...

I am wondering why so many can not see the reality that the Senate staying Red and how Pelosi lost seats in the House which mean the Democratic Party is weak!

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.

It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!

Anyhoo, I am tired and will sleep and if you want to rape and pillage the village do so but do not wake me!
You people are freaking crazy, and anyone who talks like you is crazy. Why are you supposedly so pro American and so against letting people freaking votes count.
Not ILLEGAL votes, retard
You have about as much evidence of illegal votes being counted as the god damned commission Trump founded when he first got into office. It Boggles my god damned mind how even when the people you supposedly trust can't find shit you still don't believe it.

They are still manufacturing votes as they stopped counting several times to recalibrate and see how many votes Biden needs.
Take it to court you empty headed conspiracy theory nut job. Oh, but wait, judges don't usually take dumb ass suppositions as proof do they. Shit you're out of luck.
You are such a blithering fool.

Welcome to my ignore list, dumbass.

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.
It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!
Anyhoo, I am tired and will sleep and if you want to rape and pillage the village do so but do not wake me!
And we continue to let the party of crime, fraud and machine politics go unopposed yet again?

How many times do we let them rob the public?
Five more times? A Million?


Yeah, go back to bed dude, and let the world whiz on by.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

View attachment 411971

You know I had this discussion with my adopted brother about this election and I for one am sick of both sides and just give up!

Both sides have to have it their way or death to our nation and values and I told him I will witness a Civil War and he asked me which side am I on?

The answer is I am on neither side and will fight to protect the innocent and weak but outside that I will let the two sides slaughter each other and just go on with my life because this is not a fight I am fighting...

I am wondering why so many can not see the reality that the Senate staying Red and how Pelosi lost seats in the House which mean the Democratic Party is weak!

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.

It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!

Oh, it would fuck the GOP. They'd lose their entire grievance, white supremicist and conspiracy base. Which would leave them a shell of a party.

It would most likely strengthen the Democratic party's they'd be the single largest party left by a huge margin.
Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.
It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!
Anyhoo, I am tired and will sleep and if you want to rape and pillage the village do so but do not wake me!
And we continue to let the party of crime, fraud and machine politics go unopposed yet again?

How many times do we let them rob the public?
Five more times? A Million?


Yeah, go back to bed dude, and let the world whiz on by.

They did not steal the election and Biden did win but the GOP is in great position in 2022 to retake the House and win in 2024.

Even if you subtract Pennsylvania Biden will win with Nevada which mean it is over...

Only Trump voting base thought Trump would win this election but no one from the left thought it would be this close and failing to capture the Senate sent a major signal the Democratic Party is weak!

They will lose big in 2022 and in 2024 they will be handed a defeat when Harris fails to retain her Oval Office seat...

Now remember voting ended and if discovered votes postmarked after November 3rd are counted and are not rejected by the courts including the USSC then yes you are correct cheating happened but votes postmarked before the 3rd of November or on the 3rd of November should be accepted as long as they meet the criteria to be counted which mean signature is correct and the person is living resident of where they voted...

It is my position on this and if you want to go out running into the streets and screaming “ La Revolution “ then by all means do so...
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

View attachment 411971

You know I had this discussion with my adopted brother about this election and I for one am sick of both sides and just give up!

Both sides have to have it their way or death to our nation and values and I told him I will witness a Civil War and he asked me which side am I on?

The answer is I am on neither side and will fight to protect the innocent and weak but outside that I will let the two sides slaughter each other and just go on with my life because this is not a fight I am fighting...

I am wondering why so many can not see the reality that the Senate staying Red and how Pelosi lost seats in the House which mean the Democratic Party is weak!

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.

It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!

Oh, it would fuck the GOP. They'd lose their entire grievance, white supremicist and conspiracy base. Which would leave them a shell of a party.

It would most likely strengthen the Democratic party's they'd be the single largest party left by a huge margin.

You would be shocked how many people from the left that might vote for Trump like candidates.

You are very unwise to think Trump just appeal to the fringe right...
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

View attachment 411971

You know I had this discussion with my adopted brother about this election and I for one am sick of both sides and just give up!

Both sides have to have it their way or death to our nation and values and I told him I will witness a Civil War and he asked me which side am I on?

The answer is I am on neither side and will fight to protect the innocent and weak but outside that I will let the two sides slaughter each other and just go on with my life because this is not a fight I am fighting...

I am wondering why so many can not see the reality that the Senate staying Red and how Pelosi lost seats in the House which mean the Democratic Party is weak!

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.

It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!

Oh, it would fuck the GOP. They'd lose their entire grievance, white supremicist and conspiracy base. Which would leave them a shell of a party.

It would most likely strengthen the Democratic party's they'd be the single largest party left by a huge margin.

You would be shocked how many people from the left that might vote for Trump like candidates.

You are very unwise to think Trump just appeal to the fringe right...

Nah. You vastly overestimate the appeal of Trump to left leaning folks.

And vastly underestimate the damage that shattering the GOP would do to the power and influence of those who are now part of it. Especially if the democratic party remains whole.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

View attachment 411971

You know I had this discussion with my adopted brother about this election and I for one am sick of both sides and just give up!

Both sides have to have it their way or death to our nation and values and I told him I will witness a Civil War and he asked me which side am I on?

The answer is I am on neither side and will fight to protect the innocent and weak but outside that I will let the two sides slaughter each other and just go on with my life because this is not a fight I am fighting...

I am wondering why so many can not see the reality that the Senate staying Red and how Pelosi lost seats in the House which mean the Democratic Party is weak!

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.

It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!

Oh, it would fuck the GOP. They'd lose their entire grievance, white supremicist and conspiracy base. Which would leave them a shell of a party.

It would most likely strengthen the Democratic party's they'd be the single largest party left by a huge margin.

You would be shocked how many people from the left that might vote for Trump like candidates.

You are very unwise to think Trump just appeal to the fringe right...

Nah. You vastly overestimate the appeal of Trump to left leaning folks.

And vastly underestimate the damage that shattering the GOP would do to the power and influence of those who are now part of it. Especially if the democratic party remains whole.

Democratic Party is not whole though...

The Democratic Socialist section of the Party is causing a massive rift within the party and could cause the Democratic Party to lose in 2022 and 2024.

Also you fail to see Trump appeal along with the reality many Americans are sick of the two major political parties and it shows with Trump base...

Not all that voted for Trump were Republican and many Regancrats voted for Biden, so that is telling you something...
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
When Democrats ignore court orders and refuse to allow Republicans to verify the votes in their role as poll watchers, IT IS NOIT A VALID VOTE.

It is FRAUD, and I will be damned before I let these fucking commie pigs steal this election.

View attachment 411971

You know I had this discussion with my adopted brother about this election and I for one am sick of both sides and just give up!

Both sides have to have it their way or death to our nation and values and I told him I will witness a Civil War and he asked me which side am I on?

The answer is I am on neither side and will fight to protect the innocent and weak but outside that I will let the two sides slaughter each other and just go on with my life because this is not a fight I am fighting...

I am wondering why so many can not see the reality that the Senate staying Red and how Pelosi lost seats in the House which mean the Democratic Party is weak!

Trump next move would be better to strengthen his base and start his own political party that his base can build on giving the American Voter a third option.

It would most likely mean the death of the GOP and could even weaken the Democratic Party but this is his best course of action than fighting the way you are suggesting!

Oh, it would fuck the GOP. They'd lose their entire grievance, white supremicist and conspiracy base. Which would leave them a shell of a party.

It would most likely strengthen the Democratic party's they'd be the single largest party left by a huge margin.

You would be shocked how many people from the left that might vote for Trump like candidates.

You are very unwise to think Trump just appeal to the fringe right...

Nah. You vastly overestimate the appeal of Trump to left leaning folks.

And vastly underestimate the damage that shattering the GOP would do to the power and influence of those who are now part of it. Especially if the democratic party remains whole.

Democratic Party is not whole though...

Its whole enough to beat the Republicans at their strongest. And shattering the GOP will only make the Democrats stronger.

The Democratic Socialist section of the Party is causing a massive rift within the party and could cause the Democratic Party to lose in 2022 and 2024.

The democratic socialist section of the party is tiny. And Trump creating his own party will in not make it any larger. And *they* certainly aren't going to be voting from Trump.

Trump leaving the GOP will strip it of its core constituency. It will do virtually nothing to the Democratic party.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
No, I disagree.
We should hang a few folks.

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