Republican Strategist Helped Conservative Party of Canada


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
The Conservative Party of Canada has been in power in Canada since 2006, so they must be doing something right. That is true, they did do something right, they requested help from the GOP. Frank Luntz, a Republican Strategist counseled an influential group of conservatives in Canada back in 2006 on how to maintain power. Looks like the advice helped considerably. I'll bet they likely had help beforehand as well.

KANATA, Ont. -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government should do its best over the coming year to dig up embarrassing information on the former Liberal administration and portray it as corrupt, a prominent Republican pollster counseled an influential group of Conservatives Saturday.

Speaking a day after meeting with Harper, Frank Luntz described the Conservatives as allies of the Republicans and urged them to discredit the Liberals so thoroughly that it will be years before they make it back into power.

"I want you to do something for me because I know you might be able to make this happen," Luntz told more than 200 members of the Civitas Society gathered in a suburban Ottawa hotel Saturday. "Your Liberal government was corrupt. It was disgusting. The way they wasted your hard earned tax dollars was a disgrace.

"I want you to leave here committed to insisting that the Conservative government hold that previous Liberal government accountable, that you do oversight, that you do investigation, that you continue doing it for the next year so that every Canadian knows and will never forget and will never allow another government to steal more from them," he said to applause.

American strategist teaches Tories tips on keeping power.

Republican campaigners also helped out with the 2011 Federal election in Canada. The Conservative Party of Canada was subsequently re-elected with a majority government.

In at least two Conservative-won ridings with reported election irregularities, Front Porch Strategies had US staff on the ground – possibly against Elections Canada rules barring foreign campaigning. In the wake of the “robocall” voter suppression scandal, the Republican-tied U.S. firm hired by 14 Conservative campaigns admitted on Friday to having had U.S. staff working "in the trenches" during the 2011 elections, in an apparent violation of the Canada Election Act which bars foreign political involvement.

Tories may have broken 2011 election rules with US Republican campaigners in Ontario | Vancouver Observer

What I'm getting at is if Republican strategists are able to help Canada elect a Conservative government, which is quite a feat given the large number of liberals in Canada, they should consider using similar strategies for the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Given how bad the Republicans have been, Harper and company should perhaps consider hiring Democrats.
I believe that no one wants to be associated with the Democrats right now, including the Democrats. The mess that has been created with Obamacare will not go away anytime soon. Many families and businesses are losing their health plans. Not to mention major issues with the website. Even if Obamacare gets repealed prior to the 2014 elections (which is a good possibility), the damage will already have been done. Democrats are not in a good position right now.

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