Republican Strategist predicts trump Impeachment

Firing incompetent civil servants is a nothing. Representing his son is imaginary.

What incompetence? And he most definitely did lie about his son's meeting.

He dictated the Russian adoption lie cause...."there was no collusion.".....and there is no reason for the truth about the meeting coming out. He sure acts like a guilty SOB.

The obstruction of justice evidence against trump is miles deeper than the evidence against Nixon was. And Nixon was prepared to be cooked. trump is not smart enough to realize how screwed that he is.
Why would a so called Impeached president be re-elected? FUNNY!

Why would a so called Impeached president be re-elected?

If Bill could have run, in 2000, 2004, 2008, etc...

Could he have won?

Bill wasn't a jerk that insulted people...

not the issue

He could have been reelected at last one, possibly two more times after being impeached.

Unless removed from office, nothing stopping an impeached president from being reelected.

The 22nd Amendment limits Presidents to two terms or 10 years total if completing a prior president's term.

I'm aware of that.

I was stating that impeachment, unless removed from office, would not hinder reelection.

Then why did you say this:

"He could have been reelected at least one, possibly two more times after being impeached"

He had already served a full term.
Congress can proceed with impeachment if they take the house.................but the trial is in the Senate........

So the Dems need both in majority........not gonna happen............


He will be Impeached in the House but acquitted in the Senate....just like Clinton. Then his political life will be over....thank goodness...

Yes, you've been very proficient at prior election predictions

Congress can proceed with impeachment if they take the house.................but the trial is in the Senate........

So the Dems need both in majority........not gonna happen............


He will be Impeached in the House but acquitted in the Senate....just like Clinton. Then his political life will be over....thank goodness...

Yeah, it sure ruined willie. LMAO

You have to have a reason to start an impeachment proceeding...there is none...

There are many reasons from abuse of power to obstruction of justice. trump tweeting against either Mueller or Amazon will be a good start.

This will never happen... and if by some chance it did, we all know what will happen the next time a Democrat is in the White House and the Republicans own the House and possibly the Senate as well.

It all depends on two things....

-the status of ongoing law suits against trump and his crime family...including the investigation that the Democratic House will initiate.

-the findings of the Mueller probe which may find obstruction of justice or violation of Federal election laws....and even treasonous criminal actions.

There are Democratic member of Congress that are chomping at the bit to either take this orange clown down or neuter him for good.

This will never happen... and if by some chance it did, we all know what will happen the next time a Democrat is in the White House and the Republicans own the House and possibly the Senate as well.

It all depends on two things....

-the status of ongoing law suits against trump and his crime family...including the investigation that the Democratic House will initiate.

-the findings of the Mueller probe which may find obstruction of justice or violation of Federal election laws....and even treasonous criminal actions.

There are Democratic member of Congress that are chomping at the bit to either take this orange clown down or neuter him for good.

They'll find nothing substantial, or nothing the Clinton's haven't done themselves. It's all political grand standing. But that's what Liberals do instead of trying to help Americans. What's it like constantly being on the wrong side of a Pro-American agenda?
Everyone knows that if the Democrats take control of the House and/or Senate they will push for Impeachment of Trump....despite the fact that none of their attempts to remove him so far - which includes exposed sedition and treason - has worked so far and despite the fact that going on 2 years now all their witch hunt has done is to expose the crimes and collusion perpetrated by Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Holder, Lynch, Comey,McCabe, Strzok, etc....

Being exposed for rigging their primaries, Hillary being exposed as being a felon who could not win her party's nomination, and the historic loss of Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump has driven the Leftist Extremists bat sh!t crazy, unable to accept the result of the election. They are intent of stripping the American people of the legal outcome of the Democratic election based on the simple fact that their ideology, their agenda, and their 2-time Loser criminal candidate were rejected....AGAIN...and they are driven by overwhelming HATRED.

Yes, everyone knows that if the Democrats take control of even one Branch of the US government they will seek to effect treason by attempting to carry out their overthrow of this government.

SSDD...they're just getting worse.
There's already a coup attempt - but actual impeachment? Not unless The Democrat Party can find a way to do it in secret.
They have proven to be so mentally unstable I don't think they wil try to hide it at all...

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?

This will never happen... and if by some chance it did, we all know what will happen the next time a Democrat is in the White House and the Republicans own the House and possibly the Senate as well.

It all depends on two things....

-the status of ongoing law suits against trump and his crime family...including the investigation that the Democratic House will initiate.

-the findings of the Mueller probe which may find obstruction of justice or violation of Federal election laws....and even treasonous criminal actions.

There are Democratic member of Congress that are chomping at the bit to either take this orange clown down or neuter him for good.

Jebus, what planet do you live on?

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