Republican Strategist predicts trump Impeachment

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.
"Deep mining?" WTF? :p Sounds like Bitcoin!

The reality is CNN and MSNBC created fake news and do so to this day.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.
They are way beyond what is thought of them. They have access to military secrets in the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if in the US too. And the countries they operate in include India, "the world's largest democracy", with the highest number of voters.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
The bottom line is: how many Republicans might vote to impeach Trump and to find him guilty? But why would Republicans vote impeach and guilty?
Some Republicans might vote Trump guilty to save their seats in the Senate and some might vote to save the Republican party. It might even be that some Republicans will vote impeach and guilty because it is in the best interests of America.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

These nutcases just throw lies out there hoping that some will stick.

They have a good teacher in the Liar in Chief...
Not really.................he being attacked by everything but the Kitchen sink and is still getting stuff done.........

And your side doesn't control either one right now......................You must win first.......and the people see what is happening.......

Good Luck. Your gonna need it.

With no major war....a good economy...and good employment....he should be near 50% approval instead of 40%. He is disliked due to his mouth...which he cannot control.
You just listed the reasons why he will be reelected.

Why would a so called Impeached president be re-elected? FUNNY!
You would have to go to the Senate and actually Impeach him...............LOL

Congress can only start a trial...........and the American people would see right through it.................

About your post, impeachment is only in the House. The Senate conducts the trial, but he would have already been impeached. Congress is the House and the Senate. As written, your post makes no sense.
I stand corrected............miss typed it......yes the trial would be in the Senate.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

GREENE: Well, as far as you know, did Cambridge Analytica, using this Facebook data, influence the election in some way and help Donald Trump get elected?

THOMPSON: As far as I know, no. By the time we got into sort of the meat of the general election, they'd been completely sidelined.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

These nutcases just throw lies out there hoping that some will stick.

They have a good teacher in the Liar in Chief...

That's funny coming from a lying douchbag like you.
Congress can proceed with impeachment if they take the house.................but the trial is in the Senate........

So the Dems need both in majority........not gonna happen............


He will be Impeached in the House but squirted in the Senate....just like Clinton. Then his political life will be over....thank goodness...
Not really.................he being attacked by everything but the Kitchen sink and is still getting stuff done.........

And your side doesn't control either one right now......................You must win first.......and the people see what is happening.......

Good Luck. Your gonna need it.
He can’t even keep a cabinet together

His own people can’t stand him

No one is even applying.

He cannot even hire lawyers to defend him against Mueller. Pretty soon Trump need an assign public defender.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

Why A GOP Strategist Turned Down Working With Cambridge Analytica

GREENE: Well, as far as you know, did Cambridge Analytica, using this Facebook data, influence the election in some way and help Donald Trump get elected?

THOMPSON: As far as I know, no. By the time we got into sort of the meat of the general election, they'd been completely sidelined.
The title of that interview disqualifies that statement. There is no way for him to know, since he never worked for Cambridge.
Take it from those who actually worked for Cambridge Analytica:

Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.
You get the award for irrelevance:

And just for you:
Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

Why A GOP Strategist Turned Down Working With Cambridge Analytica

GREENE: Well, as far as you know, did Cambridge Analytica, using this Facebook data, influence the election in some way and help Donald Trump get elected?

THOMPSON: As far as I know, no. By the time we got into sort of the meat of the general election, they'd been completely sidelined.
The title of that interview disqualifies that statement. There is no way for him to know, since he never worked for Cambridge.
Take it from those who actually worked for Cambridge Analytica:

Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.
You get the award for irrelevance:

And just for you:
No one said he ever worked to Cambridge Analytics, you fucking dumb ass. He worked for the GOP. He said the GOP turned down working WITH Cambridge Analytics.

I feel like I need to take a shower whenever I respond to a poster as dumb as you.

Another grand prediction brought to us from the same people who told us 1,783 times that Trump didn't first stand a chance to get the party nomination, then right up to election night, that he didn't stand a chance to win the general election. Then that he would never make it through 2017 in office. Remember that one too? Aren't your puds sore from all the pulling you've given them over the past two years?
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

Why A GOP Strategist Turned Down Working With Cambridge Analytica

GREENE: Well, as far as you know, did Cambridge Analytica, using this Facebook data, influence the election in some way and help Donald Trump get elected?

THOMPSON: As far as I know, no. By the time we got into sort of the meat of the general election, they'd been completely sidelined.
The title of that interview disqualifies that statement. There is no way for him to know, since he never worked for Cambridge.
Take it from those who actually worked for Cambridge Analytica:

Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.
You get the award for irrelevance:

Sorry Muck, but your response itself is just one more deflection by the Left and no one is buying it. It isn't an irrelevance or a deflection to keep the story right where it belongs, when the whole point of the Trump story and "investigation" was to deflect attention away from Hillary and Obuma in the first place, right where the story belongs! And neither YOU, nor the FBI, nor the DOJ can keep it covered up!

The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Fusion GPS's ties to Clinton campaign, Russia investigation: What to know

Bombshell: Hillary Clinton's Ties To Russia Could Topple US Government

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia

John Podesta and the Russians

Emails show Clinton ties to Russian oligarch under investigation

Pictures of Bill Clinton's $500k Speech in Moscow

Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium | Breitbart

Bill Clinton’s Soviet Connection

Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate?

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

Russian nuclear probe reveals Obama administration approved work visas for plotters
Nobody predicted that Cambridge Analytica would be so effective in their deep mining of social media data.
Their ability to identify the fears of specific voters so that they can create fake news that the individual is likely to believe and will sway their vote.

They weren't, dumbass. The Trump campaign stopped using them.
Thats flat out false, you need to provide references.
Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.

Why A GOP Strategist Turned Down Working With Cambridge Analytica

GREENE: Well, as far as you know, did Cambridge Analytica, using this Facebook data, influence the election in some way and help Donald Trump get elected?

THOMPSON: As far as I know, no. By the time we got into sort of the meat of the general election, they'd been completely sidelined.
The title of that interview disqualifies that statement. There is no way for him to know, since he never worked for Cambridge.
Take it from those who actually worked for Cambridge Analytica:

Cambridge Analytica CEO was saying he met Trump many times.
And the blueprint for Trump's victory from same company.
Lastly, Cambridge Analytica's links to Russia.
You get the award for irrelevance:

Sorry Muck, but your response itself is just one more deflection by the Left and no one is buying it. It isn't an irrelevance or a deflection to keep the story right where it belongs, when the whole point of the Trump story and "investigation" was to deflect attention away from Hillary and Obuma in the first place, right where the story belongs! And neither YOU, nor the FBI, nor the DOJ can keep it covered up!

The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Fusion GPS's ties to Clinton campaign, Russia investigation: What to know

Bombshell: Hillary Clinton's Ties To Russia Could Topple US Government

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia

John Podesta and the Russians

Emails show Clinton ties to Russian oligarch under investigation

Pictures of Bill Clinton's $500k Speech in Moscow

Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium | Breitbart

Bill Clinton’s Soviet Connection

Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate?

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

Russian nuclear probe reveals Obama administration approved work visas for plotters
All this uranium stuff occurred ten years ago. You've had plenty of time to go after it, but why not, why now? The reality is: Clinton Commits No Foul In Kazakhstan Uranium Deal

They reason nobody sent after Clinton Foundation is because, Citizens United makes it legal .. Going after it would kill the GOP's main cash cow.

The media ignores Clinton’s Russia ties? That story only refers to the $145 million already debunked. (the media tends to ignore bullshit, at least hopefully)

Fusion GPS just investigates facts, a friend of the USA, they testified to congress and transcript released. They were initially funded by Paul Singer prior to primary election. Nothing to see here really.

Just repeating the same debunked stuff on these supposed Hillary ties to Russia? Always keep in mind that Putin hates Hillary. Trump would never challenge Russia about anything, like Hillary did.

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists? Then let Mueller's investigation continue. First, they're trying to equate actual elected officials to... lobbyists? one of these is not like the other. This just demonstrates how little dirt you have on democrats, if you need to resort to lobbyists.

Podesta's ties to Russia? Mueller is investigating, let it continue. Podesta did exactly what Manafort did, and both of their firms worked together. Podesta was hacked by Russia. Its the swamp culture.

Emails show Clinton ties to Russian oligarch under investigation? Vekselberg is one of the wealthiest russians, he gave more to Trump's campaign.

Bill Clinton's 500k speech in moscow? This is just whataboutism. --> Putin hates Hillary. Trump would never challenge Russia about anything, like Hillary did.

Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium? Already debunked.

Bill Clinton’s Soviet Connection? First off, Accuracy in Media is far right and factual reporting: mixed. Bill Clinton visited Russia!!! stop the presses!!!!

Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? The best part from that is "According to an insider account, the Clinton team, put together the Russia Gate narrative within 24 hours of her defeat", but the book referenced doesnt say anything like that. Maybe he should read the book before citing the book.

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking? Good, did you read that...
"American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence."

Russian nuclear probe reveals Obama administration approved work visas for plotters? As explained by snopes Vadmin Mikerin relevation doesnt prove any quid pro quo.

Fresh evidence the Russia ‘scandal’ is a Team Obama operation? April 2017 isnt fresh. So where are the charges against Susan Rice? Hint: this was created by Nunes.

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