Republican tax cut will not trickle down

So it is already December 11th. Are the Republicans really going to pass anything? Seems like our government took the year off with full pay.
Yet, the right wing claims, their guy, has done the most.
Oh oh !!! We have another nominee!!!

This could go all the way to the end!

You actually think something is going to get passed? Seems you get the stupid award if you believe in these clowns.
Democrats always oppose tax cuts, that's why I don't vote for them.

True! In spite of the fact that powerful Democrats were, not so long ago, strong proponents of tax cuts.

Why do we need corporate tax cuts?
They are doing fine without them

As you know, the market began to skyrocket (in spite of what the Progressive economic messiah Paul Krugman had to say the night of the election) in anticipation of a far more business-friendly atmosphere after Donald Trump was elected. I bought selected stocks over the month following the election. To a large degree, I had never invested in stocks previously. I've done extremely well with several stocks more than doubling in value, several over 50% and none without a respectable increase.

I want this to continue and grow us out of a portion of this debt.
So you're saying the 1% didn't earn their income. No argument from me on that. So since they didn't earn it, why the fuck should they get a tax cut?

No, I said they already earned their incomes and paid taxes on it. They don't need to earn incomes anymore because they're wealthy.

As pass-through entities, correct? So cutting or eliminating the tax on pass-through, which has been a part of this current bill and was a part of the Kansas tax cuts too (that failed), creates jobs and growth, how? Because that was the argument y'all made in Kansas, and that turned out to be a crock.

No... "Y'all" didn't make any argument in Kansas. Kansas is a state and they had a lot of other problems going on besides taxes. When you libtards have to drag out the old Kansas chestnut, we know you're done.

The pass through provision will allow small businesses to keep more of their profits which they are likely to reinvest in their businesses. Jobs are grown out of consumer demand and that happens when consumers have more money in their pocket.

So this is all just a bunch of bullshit intended to take away from the garbage policy you support.

Yes, everything you say is bullshit. You oppose this tax reform bill because you are scared shitless it's going to work and that will spell disaster for your failed political party in 2020.

Here's the thing, this bill is going to pass whether you like it or not. So you may as well start working on your talking points for when it starts stimulating the economy and creating massive economic prosperity.
Obama created more jobs than Bush the Dumber.

Of course he did... All those full-time employees in manufacturing who were earning $20 and hour had to take on TWO part time McDonald's jobs to make rent... he doubled the number of jobs in some families! They made way less money and lost their health care benefits but they sure helped Obama pad his job numbers! Hooray!
You actually think something is going to get passed? Seems you get the stupid award if you believe in these clowns.

NEWSFLASH: Something has already been passed. Both in the House and Senate. It's now in reconciliation (a formality). Look for the final bill to be signed before Dec. 31.
Nothing but diversion from the right wing.

That is all you have and all you use. Can you come up with explaining your position on any subject? All you have are cliches’ that mean absolutely nothing.

They continue to make that idiotic and easily disprovable claim. Despite the fact that President Trump's many accomplishments have been posted on this board numerous times. They make the claim, you give them the list, they either ignore it and claim you didn't or they call the whole list bogus and then continue on with their lies.

There isn't enough salve in the world to soothe their butthurt.
Based on what metric?
Based on the weakest recovery since WWII.

Largest collapse since then too. Thanks, Bush and Conservatives for that. So all you're doing is Monday Morning Quarterbacking the recovery that you refused to help and participate in because you were personally upset that a black guy became President, achieving something you will never be able to do.

Corporate tax rates.

The corporate tax rate has no bearing on consumer demand, business growth, or business investment.

Weird, their GDP per capita is even higher than ours..

But it grew at nearly the same rate. Which means that if it was anything like here in the US, the GDP-per-capita for the 1% grew astronomically, while per-capita-GDP grew nominally for everyone else.

Post your data and prove your own point.

No, no. It's your data, so you should know it inside and out before posting it. Seems to me you did a very rushed, sloppy job of it because you cannot speak to what the GDP growth per capita, per income group was/is. Which is something you should know before posting, specifically because you're most likely misrepresenting the growth in GDP-per-capita. Knowing that information lets us know that the "growth" in Ireland was almost entirely growth at the top, while everyone else was left behind. Just like what you say happened here. So until you can accurately defend you data set, it can't be submitted into this debate because it's rushed, sloppy, and incomplete. I actually think you have the numbers on individual income groups and their per-capita-GDP growth and are deliberately holding those numbers back because they show that while growth for the 1% was great, it wasn't for anyone else, and that the per-capita-GDP is skewed upward by the top.

And if you don't have that data, then you just admitted to posting crap you didn't bother to vet, which means you're just a troll.

To prove they made things worse you'd have to show Ireland would be better off with the old, higher rates.

Actually, that's on you to prove since you're the one making the claim that it helped them (and you haven't posted any economic numbers about Ireland this entire thread, which means you're in the "take my word for it" space. We can find this out rather quickly if you posted information about per-capita GDP growth by income group, but you refuse. Obviously because it proves my point, or because you didn't bother to put in the effort. I did. And in doing so, saw that the results of 20 years of Ireland's tax cuts are a highly volatile and unstable economy, one that contracts on average at least once a year.
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