Republican Treachery in Congress, Expect Trump to hit 60%


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
When you surrender the power of the purse -- and that's the primary power the House of Representatives has. Not a penny of money can be spent in this country by this government without the House of representatives authorizing it. Obama can spend all he wants, but if the House doesn't give him the mechanism, he can't spend any of it. But the Republicans squandered that. They gave up the power of the purse. The reason they did that is because for some inexplicable reason, they are literally paranoid and cared to death of even being accused of doing something that would shut down the government.

So to avoid even the accusation that they were going to or would ever even think of shutting down the government, they signaled that whatever Obama wanted to spend, he would get, because they figured that had less damage to them politically than the allegation that they were shutting down the government. So, very simply, ever since the Republican Party became the party of keeping the government open at all costs, we get bills like this. There's simply no stopping the Democrats. There's no mechanism. Every constitutional mechanism found in the power of the purse, Separation of Powers, the Republican Party years ago gave it away, in total fear of the media.

Now, there's also a factor that needs to be mentioned, too, and that is that many Republican donors want every bit of this money spent, and they have donated voluminously to key Republicans in order to get the money spent. So it's not all Republican fears. It's not all Republican caving. A lot of it is Republican fealty and loyalty to some of their donors. Some people today looking at this, and this is 2,009 pages....

Jeff Sessions, senator from Alabama, is calling this a betrayal, fully funding the Obama immigration agenda, the climate change agenda, increasing foreign workers. He said, "This is why Trump is now triumphing here and probably will win. The voters have come to believe that their own party's elites are not only uninterested in defending their interests, but -- as with this legislation and fast tracking the president's international trade deal -- Republican voters would not be wrong to conclude that their own Republican leaders are hostile to them, just as Democrat leaders are hostile to Republican voters."

And as Sessions points out, "This legislation represents a further disenfranchisement of the American voter." Clearly! In the last two midterm elections, the American electorate has stood up and loudly stated, 'No. We don't want this. Stop this." It didn't matter. It's so bad that over at they're making excuses for Paul Ryan. I think in some places in the left-wing media, they can't believe the scope of the betrayal. They're feeling a little guilty at how easy this has been. They're feeling a little guilty here. I'm joking, of course. But one of the columnists said, "Hey, you know, you guys need to cut Ryan some slack. He was left with a huge mess and not much time to fix it."

Isn't that what they always said with Boehner? "He was left with a huge mess"? Isn't that what they always say about Obama? "He was left with a huge mess. Man, it was much worse than he even knew. Nobody told him the truth." It seems to be a constant refrain and excuse. "According to Sessions, the American people elected Republicans to the majority in Congress in 2014 as a rejection of the Obama administration's immigration policies," and any number of other things. "'That loyalty has been repaid with betrayal,' he said. ....

Sessions added, 'As feared, the effect is to fund the president’s entire immigration agenda.'"
GOP Sells America Down the River - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Once again, the GOP leadership in Congress proves it is only concerned with the profits of their corporate donors and the rank and file conservatives that support them can go to hell as far as they are concerned.

And the White House crows about how they snookered the GOP once again, as they have every right to do sinbce they did what they boast about; made the GOP look like idiots. But who are the real idiots; the lying politicians or the idiots that keep voting for them?

He listed half a dozen budget battles where the White House won, including fighting off efforts to delay Mr. Obama’s plan to accept Syrian refugees, defeating a GOP effort to cut funding to combat climate change, stopping an attempt to block the National Labor Relations Board from expanding employer liability, and halting an effort to repeal a tax on medical devices.

“We walked into these negotiations focused on making sure that Republicans would not succeed in advancing their ideological agenda,” Mr. Earnest said. “There were a variety of attempts… and we did succeed in fighting off those efforts.”

Even on one of the few setbacks for President Obama — the lifting of a ban on U.S. crude oil exports — Mr. Earnest said the loss was not particularly troubling because the U.S. already exports 4.3 million barrels of refined petroleum per day and another 500,000 barrels of crude oil via wavers of the ban.

White House declares total victory over GOP in budget battle
And "Open Borders" Ryan totally caved on financing Obama's EO for increased immigration that circumvented Congress entirely.

A massive appropriations bill expected to be approved by Congress would provide more than $1.6 billion to resettle illegal immigrants arriving at the U.S. border through 2018.

Congress would award the massive check to the government just as the U.S. is experiencing a surge in arrivals of immigrant children at the southern border. Last week, federal agencies said they were opening two temporary shelters with 1,000 beds in South Texas to cope with the surge. A 400-bed shelter is also to be opened in Southern California.

“Out of an abundance of caution, the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services has begun a process to expand its temporary capacity to house unaccompanied children,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement last Monday.

Congress Provides $1.6B to Resettle Illegal Immigrants Arriving at Border Through 2018
Don't forget how we are now going to start giving our tax money to third world shit holes in the name of "globalist warming"
I haven't been much of a Trump supporter. I was on the Rand Paul, or Rubio band wagon.
But after seeing the shenanigans the gop pulled this week; consider me in on Trump
I thought Paul did exceptionally well.
When you surrender the power of the purse -- and that's the primary power the House of Representatives has. Not a penny of money can be spent in this country by this government without the House of representatives authorizing it. Obama can spend all he wants, but if the House doesn't give him the mechanism, he can't spend any of it. But the Republicans squandered that. They gave up the power of the purse. The reason they did that is because for some inexplicable reason, they are literally paranoid and cared to death of even being accused of doing something that would shut down the government.

So to avoid even the accusation that they were going to or would ever even think of shutting down the government, they signaled that whatever Obama wanted to spend, he would get, because they figured that had less damage to them politically than the allegation that they were shutting down the government. So, very simply, ever since the Republican Party became the party of keeping the government open at all costs, we get bills like this. There's simply no stopping the Democrats. There's no mechanism. Every constitutional mechanism found in the power of the purse, Separation of Powers, the Republican Party years ago gave it away, in total fear of the media.

Now, there's also a factor that needs to be mentioned, too, and that is that many Republican donors want every bit of this money spent, and they have donated voluminously to key Republicans in order to get the money spent. So it's not all Republican fears. It's not all Republican caving. A lot of it is Republican fealty and loyalty to some of their donors. Some people today looking at this, and this is 2,009 pages....

Jeff Sessions, senator from Alabama, is calling this a betrayal, fully funding the Obama immigration agenda, the climate change agenda, increasing foreign workers. He said, "This is why Trump is now triumphing here and probably will win. The voters have come to believe that their own party's elites are not only uninterested in defending their interests, but -- as with this legislation and fast tracking the president's international trade deal -- Republican voters would not be wrong to conclude that their own Republican leaders are hostile to them, just as Democrat leaders are hostile to Republican voters."

And as Sessions points out, "This legislation represents a further disenfranchisement of the American voter." Clearly! In the last two midterm elections, the American electorate has stood up and loudly stated, 'No. We don't want this. Stop this." It didn't matter. It's so bad that over at they're making excuses for Paul Ryan. I think in some places in the left-wing media, they can't believe the scope of the betrayal. They're feeling a little guilty at how easy this has been. They're feeling a little guilty here. I'm joking, of course. But one of the columnists said, "Hey, you know, you guys need to cut Ryan some slack. He was left with a huge mess and not much time to fix it."

Isn't that what they always said with Boehner? "He was left with a huge mess"? Isn't that what they always say about Obama? "He was left with a huge mess. Man, it was much worse than he even knew. Nobody told him the truth." It seems to be a constant refrain and excuse. "According to Sessions, the American people elected Republicans to the majority in Congress in 2014 as a rejection of the Obama administration's immigration policies," and any number of other things. "'That loyalty has been repaid with betrayal,' he said. ....

Sessions added, 'As feared, the effect is to fund the president’s entire immigration agenda.'"
GOP Sells America Down the River - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Once again, the GOP leadership in Congress proves it is only concerned with the profits of their corporate donors and the rank and file conservatives that support them can go to hell as far as they are concerned.

So in other words, what?

Most republican congressmen are cowards?
Most republican congressmen are in bed with corporate interests and are forced to do their bidding?
Most republican congressmen are somehow blackmailed because sexual or other skeletons?
Most republican congressmen are more interested in preserving their cush jobs and political careers than doing the right thing?
Our nation is doomed?
And the White House crows about how they snookered the GOP once again, as they have every right to do sinbce they did what they boast about; made the GOP look like idiots. But who are the real idiots; the lying politicians or the idiots that keep voting for them?

He listed half a dozen budget battles where the White House won, including fighting off efforts to delay Mr. Obama’s plan to accept Syrian refugees, defeating a GOP effort to cut funding to combat climate change, stopping an attempt to block the National Labor Relations Board from expanding employer liability, and halting an effort to repeal a tax on medical devices.

“We walked into these negotiations focused on making sure that Republicans would not succeed in advancing their ideological agenda,” Mr. Earnest said. “There were a variety of attempts… and we did succeed in fighting off those efforts.”

Even on one of the few setbacks for President Obama — the lifting of a ban on U.S. crude oil exports — Mr. Earnest said the loss was not particularly troubling because the U.S. already exports 4.3 million barrels of refined petroleum per day and another 500,000 barrels of crude oil via wavers of the ban.

White House declares total victory over GOP in budget battle

The White House didn't make the GOP look like idiots. The GOP took care of that themselves.
The piece of crap just passed by Congress shows exactly why Americans are looking for someone outside that cluster fark to lead.

Ryan is now whining that he had no choice but to do this in order to avoid a government shut down.

Americans want the government shut down!
Prepare yourselves for full on Socialism because the Republicans are going to lose the House, Senate and the Presidency. President Hillary and speaker Pelosi will cram through every leftist agenda item they missed when they crammed Obamacare down our throats. They will govern without fear because they will have such large majorities, they can tell the GOP to go fuck themselves.

The democrats can't believe the deal they got from the GOP house and Senate. Even more than what they asked for. GOP is afraid that they will be called racist for opposing Obama; so it only goes to show they will be afraid to be called sexist toward Hillary. The people are tired of the republicans and I predict they will be removed en masses when we should be winning overwhelming majorities with a GOP president.

You blew it. The fucking democrats are creaming their pants. I see no reason for having the GOP being the opposition party. They aren't opposing anything.
Prepare yourselves for full on Socialism because the Republicans are going to lose the House, Senate and the Presidency. President Hillary and speaker Pelosi will cram through every leftist agenda item they missed when they crammed Obamacare down our throats. They will govern without fear because they will have such large majorities, they can tell the GOP to go fuck themselves.

The democrats can't believe the deal they got from the GOP house and Senate. Even more than what they asked for. GOP is afraid that they will be called racist for opposing Obama; so it only goes to show they will be afraid to be called sexist toward Hillary. The people are tired of the republicans and I predict they will be removed en masses when we should be winning overwhelming majorities with a GOP president.

You blew it. The fucking democrats are creaming their pants. I see no reason for having the GOP being the opposition party. They aren't opposing anything.

Sure they are. They oppose everything. That's what put you in this position. A little common sense and maturity would have kept you viable, but bat shit crazy ruined all chances of that. The DNC will take all the marbles in the coming election, and you're still supporting people like T-rump.
Most republican congressmen are cowards?
Most republican congressmen are in bed with corporate interests and are forced to do their bidding?
Most republican congressmen are somehow blackmailed because sexual or other skeletons?
Most republican congressmen are more interested in preserving their cush jobs and political careers than doing the right thing?
Our nation is doomed?
That about covers it, though I think the first and second items account for the lions share of their craven ways.
Prepare yourselves for full on Socialism because the Republicans are going to lose the House, Senate and the Presidency. President Hillary and speaker Pelosi will cram through every leftist agenda item they missed when they crammed Obamacare down our throats. They will govern without fear because they will have such large majorities, they can tell the GOP to go fuck themselves.

The democrats can't believe the deal they got from the GOP house and Senate. Even more than what they asked for. GOP is afraid that they will be called racist for opposing Obama; so it only goes to show they will be afraid to be called sexist toward Hillary. The people are tired of the republicans and I predict they will be removed en masses when we should be winning overwhelming majorities with a GOP president.

You blew it. The fucking democrats are creaming their pants. I see no reason for having the GOP being the opposition party. They aren't opposing anything.
I doubt that the election reversals will occur as you think.

I know several former Democrats who see Trump as their best hope to turn things around.

Dont fall into despair. There are good people out there in both parties, we just have to find them and elect them.
Sure they are. They oppose everything. That's what put you in this position.
You are such a stupid fucktard.

The GOP did not oppose everything, you lying moron. They had their own agenda they tried to promote and gave up on because of their stupidity and cowardice.

Only Marxist libtards like you consider their agenda the only thing that counts as relevant, you fucking shit 4 brains.
"Republican Treachery in Congress, Expect Trump to hit 60%"


Since when is Congress doing its job ‘treachery’ – members of Congress have a responsibility to the American people, not a political party.
"Republican Treachery in Congress, Expect Trump to hit 60%"


Since when is Congress doing its job ‘treachery’ – members of Congress have a responsibility to the American people, not a political party.
Are you ever sober?
The piece of crap just passed by Congress shows exactly why Americans are looking for someone outside that cluster fark to lead.

Ryan is now whining that he had no choice but to do this in order to avoid a government shut down.

Americans want the government shut down!
Americans do not want that. 20% of loud Americans want that.

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