Republican Tyranny: Michigan is the proof of concept.

One reason companies were run into the ground might have something to do with all those MBA's on the payroll. It might pay to let a few workers into the boardroom or the management meetings, don't ya think?

Management was certainly part of the problem that got the auto industry in the mess. But the government rules on unions has made recovery impossible. And it drove a lot of companies in other industries under or out as well.

I spent the bulk of my career as a supervisor and a manager and understand that job number one for many managers is keeping their own job and the job of those subordinates who make them look good. I know, I spent the bulk of my career in management and was amazed by the pettiness of some very well educated and seemingly intelligent.

That said, other than the obvious (ADA, Minimum Wage Rules, fuel taxes and safety concerns) which government regulations caused the auto industry crisis?

I've noticed in my almost 20 years in sales that the managers were never actually great salespeople themselves.
Management was certainly part of the problem that got the auto industry in the mess. But the government rules on unions has made recovery impossible. And it drove a lot of companies in other industries under or out as well.

I spent the bulk of my career as a supervisor and a manager and understand that job number one for many managers is keeping their own job and the job of those subordinates who make them look good. I know, I spent the bulk of my career in management and was amazed by the pettiness of some very well educated and seemingly intelligent.

That said, other than the obvious (ADA, Minimum Wage Rules, fuel taxes and safety concerns) which government regulations caused the auto industry crisis?

I've noticed in my almost 20 years in sales that the managers were never actually great salespeople themselves.

is that not the way it is in most industries?.....the managers were not as good as the people they manage...
ok....why did you not tell Editec that when he brought up Maine?...maybe you should keep up yourself....but thats ok.....i have found that most "Liberals" have a hard time saying that Democrats/Liberals have had a big part in fucking up this State......i know,i know, only Republicans fuck things up....

What big part was that? Did Democrats pass a bill that deferred taxes if you invested in a third world country? Really? Oh wait..that was Eisenhower. Did Democrats encourage the auto industry to start building plants overseas? No wait..that was conservatives.

So go for it, Harry..must of been the high taxes..right?



dance Sallow dance......ill vote for ya....let me know when you want to answer what i asked.....but dont worry your no different than all the other "lefties" when asked about this State....they dont want to admit that their fellows had a big part in this States problems your not alone....its not a sin Sallow to admit that Democrats can fuck up good things too...dont worry about what Truth will think of you.....:eusa_angel:

Can Democrats fuck things up? Sure. But for the most part..and over my life time..nobody fucks things up more then a Republican. Most of the big bailouts have occurred because of some "grand" republican/conservative idea about the economy and how it should be run.

And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.
What big part was that? Did Democrats pass a bill that deferred taxes if you invested in a third world country? Really? Oh wait..that was Eisenhower. Did Democrats encourage the auto industry to start building plants overseas? No wait..that was conservatives.

So go for it, Harry..must of been the high taxes..right?



dance Sallow dance......ill vote for ya....let me know when you want to answer what i asked.....but dont worry your no different than all the other "lefties" when asked about this State....they dont want to admit that their fellows had a big part in this States problems your not alone....its not a sin Sallow to admit that Democrats can fuck up good things too...dont worry about what Truth will think of you.....:eusa_angel:

Can Democrats fuck things up? Sure. But for the most part..and over my life time..nobody fucks things up more then a Republican. Most of the big bailouts have occurred because of some "grand" republican/conservative idea about the economy and how it should be run.

And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.

:doubt:You're delusional while you completely ignore the fact that the corrupt democrats have had almost destroyed this state. The Republicans have to clean up the mess. Stick to things you know something about, whatever that is. It certainly isn't MI politics and madcow is worse than you
dance Sallow dance......ill vote for ya....let me know when you want to answer what i asked.....but dont worry your no different than all the other "lefties" when asked about this State....they dont want to admit that their fellows had a big part in this States problems your not alone....its not a sin Sallow to admit that Democrats can fuck up good things too...dont worry about what Truth will think of you.....:eusa_angel:

Can Democrats fuck things up? Sure. But for the most part..and over my life time..nobody fucks things up more then a Republican. Most of the big bailouts have occurred because of some "grand" republican/conservative idea about the economy and how it should be run.

And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.

:doubt:You're delusional while you completely ignore the fact that the corrupt democrats have had almost destroyed this state. The Republicans have to clean up the mess. Stick to things you know something about, whatever that is. It certainly isn't MI politics and madcow is worse than you

Another post with exactly zero by way of facts.

Good stuff.
Engler handed the dems a vibrant fiscally sound state and they managed to destroy it in record time
Anyone want to talk about Corzine and Governor Christie?? Tell me who cleaned up after who???
Can Democrats fuck things up? Sure. But for the most part..and over my life time..nobody fucks things up more then a Republican. Most of the big bailouts have occurred because of some "grand" republican/conservative idea about the economy and how it should be run.

And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.

That's just too funny. The liberal fantasy world...
not talking about Clean Sallow.....and somehow i think you know that.....Yorba Linda is a Republican little stronghold and its pretty fucking clean too.....and explain the fucking mess California is in....

There's not much to explain. California voted not to raise taxes and then voted to put people into prison after "three strikes". Like most other services if you put more stress on costs money.

In any case..this isn't about's about Michigan. Do keep up.

I'm not sure how the subject of Michigan got deflected on to my lovely home state...well, maybe I do...deflection is what the RW does best, but you are correct about what has added to California's budget problem.

The facts are that the state collects more taxes and fees as a percent of income than most other states, but local government has lower revenues in California. Total revenues to all governments as a percentage of income are very near the national average. On the expenditure side, the state spends less than the average for other states, but local governments spend much more. High local expenditures are financed by revenue transfers from the state that account for about 40 percent of the state’s budget. The cause of California’s unusual fiscal relationship is decades of initiatives that more severely constrain local revenues than state revenues. The state has responded by creating a system of state-local transfers that allow local governments to face a form of soft budget constraint, leading to excess local spending and lack of clear accountability for the state’s recurring fiscal crisis. Because the cause is the cumulative effect of numerous state-wide initiatives, the only plausible cure is initiative reform and revision of numerous initiatives, which most likely can be accomplished only through a state constitutional convention.

Institutional Causes of California's Budget Problem

California is an example of how a Direct Democracy might look good on paper, but when it is actually put into place, it doesn't work for shit.

You are so spot on you must work in local government. I was a manager in a law enforcement agency charged with (one of many duties) seeking, writing and managing grants.
Hey BOZO! dispute what the facts are why don't you.
Or is it always the same with you BOZO boy, ridicule and insult and then leave it at it is.
ridicule and insult are jesting....right?

That was neither an insult nor posted in humor, it was a statement of facts.. and BTW, if you going to edit someones remarks, and adding emphasis is editing, say so when you do so. It's the honest thing to do.
And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.

oh really?....the Democrats dont want the same thing?....
What big part was that? Did Democrats pass a bill that deferred taxes if you invested in a third world country? Really? Oh wait..that was Eisenhower. Did Democrats encourage the auto industry to start building plants overseas? No wait..that was conservatives.

So go for it, Harry..must of been the high taxes..right?



dance Sallow dance......ill vote for ya....let me know when you want to answer what i asked.....but dont worry your no different than all the other "lefties" when asked about this State....they dont want to admit that their fellows had a big part in this States problems your not alone....its not a sin Sallow to admit that Democrats can fuck up good things too...dont worry about what Truth will think of you.....:eusa_angel:

Can Democrats fuck things up? Sure. But for the most part..and over my life time..nobody fucks things up more then a Republican. Most of the big bailouts have occurred because of some "grand" republican/conservative idea about the economy and how it should be run.

And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.

Michigan was one of the hardest hit in the recession. We are also one of the fastest to recover. It seems Democrats are having a problem with that and claiming foul. I guess they would prefer to have their crony Democrats in Detroit continue to ruin the rest of the state with the poor management and handling of funds which have marred the city for years.

This is what the fight is over and anything to the contrary is a lie.
Hey BOZO! dispute what the facts are why don't you.
Or is it always the same with you BOZO boy, ridicule and insult and then leave it at it is.
ridicule and insult are jesting....right?

That was neither an insult nor posted in humor, it was a statement of facts.. and BTW, if you going to edit someones remarks, and adding emphasis is editing, say so when you do so. It's the honest thing to do.

sure it wasnt dont ridicule someone and then tell that person he is jerk for ridiculing would not know this because in the elite leftest stronghold you live in,the people there ridicule everyone outside the Pelosi to you its a way of you have been told before.....your snobbery shows in many of your Posts....
Can Democrats fuck things up? Sure. But for the most part..and over my life time..nobody fucks things up more then a Republican. Most of the big bailouts have occurred because of some "grand" republican/conservative idea about the economy and how it should be run.

And generally I don't see this sort of nonsense going on with Democrats. It isn't Democrats trying to suppress the vote, encourage one party rule or ignoring the opposition while claiming "compromise" is an ideological crime..that would be Republicans.

:doubt:You're delusional while you completely ignore the fact that the corrupt democrats have had almost destroyed this state. The Republicans have to clean up the mess. Stick to things you know something about, whatever that is. It certainly isn't MI politics and madcow is worse than you

Another post with exactly zero by way of facts.

Good stuff.

No it remains fact that dem policies have led to their shortcomings.

But prove me wrong and defend the youngs, It should be a good laugh. Because in Michigan doing time for crime is something you inherit.
oh yea right Michigan...:lol: here ya go..

* April 6, 2012, 6:09 p.m. ET

Motown Repair Plan
Michigan rides to Detroit's rescue.

There's nothing like bankruptcy to concentrate the mind, and that prospect finally induced the Detroit city council Wednesday to approve a consent agreement with the state of Michigan to save the day—at least for a while.

The deal will help refinance $137 million in debt but, more important, it gives Mayor Dave Bing authority to void and amend labor agreements. He'll now have the whip hand to renegotiate contracts that unions ratified earlier this year. Employee benefits make up about half of the city's parched general fund, and Detroit's largest liability is $6 billion for pensions and retiree health care.

Workers who have been loathe to concede anything more than a pay freeze will have to pay more for benefits. Many haven't been contributing a dime to their pensions. If the unions refuse to make concessions that meet the state's cost-cutting benchmarks, the mayor can impose new contracts.

The city council, which approved the agreement kicking and screaming, will retain control of day-to-day operations. But a financial advisory board will oversee the budget and ensure that city leaders fulfill the accord. City council members resent the oversight because of the implication that they're not up to the job.

Maybe they haven't been outside lately. Detroit has one of the nation's highest crime and foreclosure rates, and its schools are among the worst. The city has lost 250,000 residents in a decade and its jobless rate tops 17%. Motown's economy has been in recession for much of the last decade, but its politicians kept ratifying generous labor agreements. To pay the bills they raised taxes, which drove out more businesses and residents.

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