Republican Voters Rush To Vote At The Polls - Democrat Voters Still On The Way in 7k-Man Traffic Jam


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I ran across this article and had to share because it / the title is funny as hell!
--- As it turns out, it is a really good article as well that shows how 'Tone Deaf' Democrats are.

Trump’s mob rushes to vote, Dems’ still in Mexico

"It turns out that people across the country vote their pocketbooks and choose results over resistance. Republicans are trouncing Democrats by 15 points in the category of who best handles the economy.

Another big issue where the far-left liberals just don't seem to understand normal Americans is illegal immigration, and specifically the so-called "caravan." Yes, that's what everyone calls the horde of migrants storming through Mexico and making their way to our border.

They (Americans) wonder why their country would welcome with open arms people who barged across the border even as disabled veterans sleep on the street. They wonder if liberal politicians simply see the migrant mob as future Democratic votes. And they wonder why illegal immigrants should be able to find work when many Americans still cannot.

It doesn't matter where people come from, whether it be Central America, Europe or any other part of the world. If they come illegally, most Americans think it's not fair and President Trump agrees. Not only would allowing this crush of people into our country be an insult to the millions of Americans who went through the legal process, it would be unfair to Americans who need help and are not getting it, like the 40,000 homeless veterans on the street on any given night."

BTW, Democrats / Snowflakes, unless Democrats can somehow slip in amongst the invading force, register them to vote, and give them all absentee ballots (which I do not put past the Democrats after thy rigged primaries, cheated in debates, registered illegals to vote, and allowed felons to vote in 2016), these 'future DNC voters' will not make it in time to vote and save the Democrats from losing again in the up-coming mid term elections.

:p Just sayin'....

Laura Ingraham: Mobile mob highlights Democrats' tone deafness


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