CDZ republican voters


VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.
Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.

Obviously they don't share the political or economic or cultural views of the Left and think that those issues are more important than any benefit they might receive, directly or indirectly, from "soaking the rich".
That sure is a loaded question. Republicans tend to align more with the principle that I beleive in than democrats. I am not wealthy, but I do not stigmatize those that are purely based on that fact.

Most high level democrat politicians are wealthy by the way.
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Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.
Can you stand the truth, if you can't quit reading now. Fact is I have not choice but some people I just don't vote for and skip that office. I use to be mosly Democrat but after the 60s I started to change because of several reason. one: I was refused a set at the Democratic Convention because I was not a Female, black or gay. This was just wrong. Next was the inside view of how the party was sponding to the movement to a division within the party. The party now is not even a shadow of what it was. I have over the years needed assistance in Fed troubles and I got assistance. Sorry but the Progressive have taken over and I do not agree. enough said.
Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.

/---- We want to strive for it and for our kids to have the opportunity as well. So we need to stop DemocRATS from destroying the free enterprise and burdening us with socialism.

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Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.

Because democrats nowadays only represent minorities, thugs, and third world immigrants who will lower wages and crush our already overburdened safety nets. Then of course, democrats seem to want a huge number of muslims imported to this country so we can suffer more and more terrorist attacks like what Europeans are now experiencing. They also want eventual complete gun confiscation so we can't protect ourselves, just like Europeans. Not that republicans give hoot about the working class. They never have, but at least they're right on about keeping the muslims out of the USA. At least Trump is, or so it far.
Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.

Jobs, low taxes, low cost of living , freedom, strong defense ...

Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.

In general I think you'll need to isolate groups of the population to find out why they voted for Trump.


Many on the labor side felt (rightfully so?) ignored by the Democrats and NAFTA.

Some weird celebrity thing? / Trump did out on a show, good? Like a WWE event but he did put on a show.

Hilary is kinda difficult to like. Not that I have to want to hang with my President but that cost her votes.
Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.
Can you stand the truth, if you can't quit reading now. Fact is I have not choice but some people I just don't vote for and skip that office. I use to be mosly Democrat but after the 60s I started to change because of several reason. one: I was refused a set at the Democratic Convention because I was not a Female, black or gay. This was just wrong. Next was the inside view of how the party was sponding to the movement to a division within the party. The party now is not even a shadow of what it was. I have over the years needed assistance in Fed troubles and I got assistance. Sorry but the Progressive have taken over and I do not agree. enough said.

The progressives who kicked who out of the party sure did take over. Proudest and one of the most shameful moment in post WWII American History the last time a 3rd party mattered.
Question,reasons why people that are not wealthy vote republican? For more accurate results democrats should not participate.
The Have-Nots Have Been Had by the Haves

Liberal leaders are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. That's why they are called "Limousine Liberals." That explains their pushy "Born to Rule" attitude. They don't have minds of their own, but are driven solely by an indelible class instinct to come up with an agenda purposely designed to disgust the White working class. When they were first shown on TV in the 1960s, it represented nothing more than the millionaires who own the public media showing us pictures of their kids.

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