Republican Women In Florida Livid Over DeSantis Stabbing Them In The Back Over Alimony Law

You keep reinforcing just how abnormal you are. Normal people don't spend their days creating such weirdass fantasies.

So why do you create such fantasies about children's genitals?

Do you get off on them?

Do you think they give you an excuse to get violent?

At this stage, you've become just an interesting study in deviant psychology.
You morons think you can chop a males dick off and he can magically be a woman and get pregnant and you think we have fantasies? You’re fucking retarded.
I think alimony started in a different time and culture. Back then, women didn't have much in the way of careers beyond nursing and teaching.

But more importantly, unmarried couples living together was scandalous and they were pariahs. Now living together doesn't raise an eyebrow, so the divorced woman can get a check and still have her man living with her.
Nursing and teaching are still very important and respectful professions to be in..... I think if men back then didn't insist on treating women like property so much, and passing these kinda laws in the first place, there will be less whining now..

But blaming it on "liberals" is the biggest of all copes....
You morons think you can chop a males dick off and he can magically be a woman and get pregnant and you think we have fantasies? You’re fucking retarded.
Worked for Caitlyn.....

And then she changed her mind......

But its cool, she is back on board again....a healthy dose self hate is a requirement for minority groups in the GOP

Why are you scared to elaborate? Is it because you were told to be outraged about this?
I live in Florida. I am pissed at him stabbing me in the back. Why cant I get permanent alimony as a man?

You morons think you can chop a males dick off and he can magically be a woman and get pregnant and you think we have fantasies? You’re fucking retarded.
And more MAGAt sexual fantasies. Funny how they drag such things as "chop a males dick off" into a thread about alimony laws in Florida. Very telling.
DeSantis, whose presidential campaign is going great right now, decided to take a break from harming children and marginalized communities to do something nasty to his own base of right-wing Republican white women. He signed a measure that bans permanent alimony and rewrites the formula for other kinds of alimony. Only existing non-modifiable agreements are not subject to the new terms. If they are modifiable, as many are, that means a flood of cases in Florida are about to be reopened and will overwhelmingly harm Florida women.

'This is a death sentence for me': Florida Republican women say they will switch parties after DeSantis approves alimony law.

“He (DeSantis) has just impoverished all the older women of Florida, and I know at least 3,000 women across the state of Florida are switching to Democrat and we will campaign against him, all the way, forever,” Camille Fiveash, a Milton Republican who receives permanent alimony, said in a phone interview Friday.

Fiveash, a 63-year-old with serious medical conditions, said she can’t afford another legal fight over alimony.

Brilliant move Ronny. The one group of voters nobody can afford to lose.
I doubt the welfare bitch was ever going to vote anything other than Democrat.

Fake news.

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