Republican Women In Florida Livid Over DeSantis Stabbing Them In The Back Over Alimony Law

The only number the usmb simpletons need to know, is 51.9%.

That’s the percentage of women compared to men voters in Florida. And they’re expecting a 6% surge in registrations next year due to the Roe decision.

See you at the polls fellas.
Poor, poor skrewey.
Why are you going after DeSantis? He has less chance of being president than Poopeypants again.
DeSantis, whose presidential campaign is going great right now, decided to take a break from harming children and marginalized communities to do something nasty to his own base of right-wing Republican white women. He signed a measure that bans permanent alimony and rewrites the formula for other kinds of alimony. Only existing non-modifiable agreements are not subject to the new terms. If they are modifiable, as many are, that means a flood of cases in Florida are about to be reopened and will overwhelmingly harm Florida women.

'This is a death sentence for me': Florida Republican women say they will switch parties after DeSantis approves alimony law.

“He (DeSantis) has just impoverished all the older women of Florida, and I know at least 3,000 women across the state of Florida are switching to Democrat and we will campaign against him, all the way, forever,” Camille Fiveash, a Milton Republican who receives permanent alimony, said in a phone interview Friday.

Fiveash, a 63-year-old with serious medical conditions, said she can’t afford another legal fight over alimony.

Brilliant move Ronny. The one group of voters nobody can afford to lose.
skrewey, Louie and Dewey.....
Never the less, there are divorce settlements that require the husband to pay alimony until the death of either spouse.
my dumb fuck libturd brother is still paying 20 yrs later...lolol........never followed my advice.......................she's 73 yrs old and still works and is active....................her parents lived well in their 90's......lololol

i told the dumb fuck to do it different....but being a dumb broward county libturd, he deserves it
As soon as they run headfirst into individual responsibility and realize they will no longer get money from someone else, they become Democrats. Sounds right.
Yes, keeping freaks like you from chopping their genitalia off is obsessing about them. Come on mooth you’re this fucking close to step 4. Just call me a fascist for being against your child mutilation and get it over with.
MAGAts sure have an obsession....thanks for showing more of it.
DeSantis, whose presidential campaign is going great right now, decided to take a break from harming children and marginalized communities to do something nasty to his own base of right-wing Republican white women. He signed a measure that bans permanent alimony and rewrites the formula for other kinds of alimony. Only existing non-modifiable agreements are not subject to the new terms. If they are modifiable, as many are, that means a flood of cases in Florida are about to be reopened and will overwhelmingly harm Florida women.

'This is a death sentence for me': Florida Republican women say they will switch parties after DeSantis approves alimony law.

“He (DeSantis) has just impoverished all the older women of Florida, and I know at least 3,000 women across the state of Florida are switching to Democrat and we will campaign against him, all the way, forever,” Camille Fiveash, a Milton Republican who receives permanent alimony, said in a phone interview Friday.

Fiveash, a 63-year-old with serious medical conditions, said she can’t afford another legal fight over alimony.

Brilliant move Ronny. The one group of voters nobody can afford to lose.
Most women today work and are fully capable of supporting themselves

Child support still requires financial assistance from the husband but not alimony
Most women today work and are fully capable of supporting themselves

Child support still requires financial assistance from the husband but not alimony
Wow these Dimmer women sure are lazy.....they need convenience abortions to get rid of the undesirable results of the nights of partying.....then expect lifelong payments from divorced husbands for the rest of their lazy nonworking lives....surprised they even have the energy to actually vote.
Like this, you lying dumbfuck?
And that is why these kids should name the doctors and the hospitals who performed these procedures.....I know I should believe all "I didn't mean to really be trans" kids at their word -- but if we really want to shame the doctors and hospitals, we gotta name them......

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