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Republicans 40 Year Refusal To Invest In Infrastructure Begins To Cripple US Economy

Clinton x 8 years, Obamaā€™s x 8 years! Infrastructure?
Hello? Do nothing Congress? Esp. with Obama..after his first two years--that was that. Blame aside..Trump could have kept the deal..and that is right now.

So you admit that for the first two years of the Obama Administration, Democrats controlled the White House and Congress? Will you also admit that they had a HUGE stimulus fund to work with? So why didn't they fix infrastructure then?

If you'll recall, Nancy Pelosi and Barry promised that their stimulus would create hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready jobs"! If you'll also recall...they handled that stimulus so badly that most of that money was spent on keeping their supporters in the public sector employed.
Well, there was this thing called a recession? Some even called The "Great Recession'? There was a lot going on..and many things that needed fixes. Apparently they got it right..since the economy that Trump inherited seems to be doing well.

Infrastructure has been one of those things promised by both parties and kicked down the road for a long time..we can continue to go back into the past to assign blame..or we can move forward. Trump has an infrastructure bill--let's see what is in it. But there seems to be a lot of petty 'pay the Blue States back' stuff going on. If it continues..the bill will stall--a true bipartisan effort is required..Trump has yet to show he has those kind of chops.

Midterms are coming--after that..it is very likely that gridlock will rule--unless a precedent for bipartisan cooperation has been set.

I'm not optimistic.

Ah, dude? If they got it "right"...then they wouldn't have had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs their stimulus actually created! The fact is...your guy Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a US recession in modern economic history. Do you know how you can tell? They had one increase in the Fed rate from the time Barry got elected until when Trump got elected. Why? Because the economy was so shaky. Since Trump was elected we've had 3 increases to the Fed's interest rate with another one due shortly!

"Infrastructure" has become the far left's clarion call for more money to be siphoned out of the private sector and funneled through government...which means more money for them to give out as they see fit. You HAD the money to do serious infrastructure improvements but you squandered it. You had gasoline tax dollars for decades that were supposed to go to repairing our highways but politicians on both sides used THAT for other things as well! You liberals don't want to fix infrastructure...you simply want a bigger slush fund to play with so you can do more give-a-ways to buy more votes! It's what you do...it's who you are!

What a pile of bullshit that post is. Republicans have thwarted every attempt at infrastructure, kicking the can over to states which are increasingly Red States where the libertarian wing of the party refuses to pass taxes to pay for infrastructure. The result is a complete failure by either party to do infrastructure repairs or improvements.

Worse, theyā€™ve left it up to the free market. If ABC Company needs a bridge built to their facility, the state/municipality would say ā€œLet them build itā€. ABC would say ā€œThis is what we pay taxes for!ā€ And theyā€™d be correct in that regard. But in the end, nobody builds the bridge.

Trump is proposing that businesses partner with government for infrastructure improvements for extra tax credits. No economist in their right mind will endorse the scheme which allows the corporation to get a tax credit for building infrastructure, and deductions for materials and labour, meaning that the company gets to double dip on the costs of providing the improvements.

Oh, and the company gets to pick and chose what infrastructure is to be repaired/replaced. Any pet projects which aid the company, like ABCā€™s aforementioned bridge, would be eligible even if the project only benefits ABC.
Wow. So now it is the republicans fault when the democrats do not do something and the republicans fault when they do not do something.

With that logic, the democrats literally can do no wrong.

The ideological blinders that have guided the Republican party since the Reagan administration are slowly but surely crippling our economy. One area where that is most evident is in our transportation infrastructure where the Republican refusal to consider any federal investment as valid has led to the deterioration of the very pathways that fuel our economy.

In one of its last acts of stupidity for 2017, the Trump administration has cancelled the agreement that the federal government had with the states of New York and New Jersey to not only restore the badly damaged rail tunnels between those two states but also build a new, third tunnel as well to relieve the congestion at that critical rail hub. The agreement meant that the federal government would split the cost of that project with the two states.

This is the second time an agreement to restore this important rail link and the busiest transit hub in the entire country has been sabotaged by Republicans. In 2010, then New Jersey Governor Chris Christie backed out of a similar project, saying the state could not afford it. Instead, he funneled the money saved into the stateā€™s own dwindling transportation so he would not have to raise the stateā€™s gas tax and position himself for a presidential run.

Amtrak estimates that the two existing tunnels have less than 15 years left before they totally breakdown and there is no guarantee that one or both of these salt-ravaged tunnels might fail earlier. It is estimated that if just one tunnel failed, it would slow rail traffic through the Northeast by 75% and create a regional economic crisis.

The truly sick part of all this is that, if Christie had gone ahead with the plan in 2010, there was a possibility that the new tunnel would be coming into service this year. Instead, it will be another decade before this restoration project will be completed, if at all. It is thought that this current cancellation may be yet another political ploy by Trump and the Republicans and that this will be folded into the so-far mythical Trump infrastructure plan in order to woo Democratic votes. But even that might be a tough sell if Trumpā€™s plan is just another corporate giveaway in the form of public-private partnerships.

This isnā€™t the only major rail project that the Trump administration has kiboshed. In July, the federal government backed out of an agreement with the state of Maryland and the rail company CSX to raise the height of the Howard Street Tunnel in Baltimore in order to allow double-stacked rail cars to easily access the Port of Baltimore. Double-stacked rail cars comprise over 75% of intermodal rail traffic in the country and this will only increase in the future. This will be especially true on the East Coast in both Baltimore and New York as shipping traffic from Asia increases with the opening of the expanded Panama Canal.

This refusal to recognize any valid investment by the federal government, which Republican have engaged in since the Reagan administration, has led to the slow but steady erosion of our transportation infrastructure, which was once the envy of the world. And that erosion will soon begin to cripple this country economically.

Republicansā€™ 40 Year Refusal To Invest In Infrastructure Begins to Cripple US Economy
What the hell do we need modern infrastructure for as long as the Uber rich got huge tax cuts with the republican bill, now law.
Thatā€™s the only thing that matters ( to DT and his cult)
"Republicans 40 Year Refusal To Invest In Infrastructure..."

Libs / snowflakes are such lying / hypocritical douche bags.... The Democrats had a near super majority control of Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Barry's 1st 2 years.

Nothing was stopping them from passing infrastructure legislation ...but nothing but crickets out there when you mention that.

Democrats were too busy arming Mexican Drug Cartels and passing a nearly $1 trillion failed non-jobs 'Jobs' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self- / DEMOCRAT-Serving Pork.

Democrats fill their own pockets and screw Americans when in charge then lament about the 'poor American people' when not in charge...

In 2015 Congress sent President Obama an infrastructure bill which he signed into law. But of course you donā€™t know that. It was way back 2 1/2 years ago.
Only problem it wasnā€™t enough and our bridges, roads and transportation systems need another huge boost.

But you idiots are more obsessed with a wall and giving the rich more money they donā€™t need.
I sincerely hope you lose a tire or your alignment goes out. While youā€™re sitting there waiting for a tow truck you can feel real good your POS rich president made his friends even richer and bragged about it too.
"Republicans 40 Year Refusal To Invest In Infrastructure..."

Libs / snowflakes are such lying / hypocritical douche bags.... The Democrats had a near super majority control of Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Barry's 1st 2 years.

Nothing was stopping them from passing infrastructure legislation ...but nothing but crickets out there when you mention that.

Democrats were too busy arming Mexican Drug Cartels and passing a nearly $1 trillion failed non-jobs 'Jobs' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self- / DEMOCRAT-Serving Pork.

Democrats fill their own pockets and screw Americans when in charge then lament about the 'poor American people' when not in charge...

In 2015 Congress sent President Obama an infrastructure bill which he signed into law. But of course you donā€™t know that. It was way back 2 1/2 years ago.
Only problem it wasnā€™t enough and our bridges, roads and transportation systems need another huge boost.

But you idiots are more obsessed with a wall and giving the rich more money they donā€™t need.
I sincerely hope you lose a tire or your alignment goes out. While youā€™re sitting there waiting for a tow truck you can feel real good your POS rich president made his friends even richer and bragged about it too.
You're an idiot, Reasonable! We've been paying taxes on the gasoline and oil we buy for decades now...taxes that were SUPPOSED to go towards highway repair! Large portions of that tax money however has been diverted by our politicians (both Democrats and Republicans!) to finance other things! Blaming Donald Trump for your car getting knocked out of alignment is laughable! You want to blame someone? Blame the people who spent that money on OTHER things!

The ideological blinders that have guided the Republican party since the Reagan administration are slowly but surely crippling our economy. One area where that is most evident is in our transportation infrastructure where the Republican refusal to consider any federal investment as valid has led to the deterioration of the very pathways that fuel our economy.

In one of its last acts of stupidity for 2017, the Trump administration has cancelled the agreement that the federal government had with the states of New York and New Jersey to not only restore the badly damaged rail tunnels between those two states but also build a new, third tunnel as well to relieve the congestion at that critical rail hub. The agreement meant that the federal government would split the cost of that project with the two states.

This is the second time an agreement to restore this important rail link and the busiest transit hub in the entire country has been sabotaged by Republicans. In 2010, then New Jersey Governor Chris Christie backed out of a similar project, saying the state could not afford it. Instead, he funneled the money saved into the stateā€™s own dwindling transportation so he would not have to raise the stateā€™s gas tax and position himself for a presidential run.

Amtrak estimates that the two existing tunnels have less than 15 years left before they totally breakdown and there is no guarantee that one or both of these salt-ravaged tunnels might fail earlier. It is estimated that if just one tunnel failed, it would slow rail traffic through the Northeast by 75% and create a regional economic crisis.

The truly sick part of all this is that, if Christie had gone ahead with the plan in 2010, there was a possibility that the new tunnel would be coming into service this year. Instead, it will be another decade before this restoration project will be completed, if at all. It is thought that this current cancellation may be yet another political ploy by Trump and the Republicans and that this will be folded into the so-far mythical Trump infrastructure plan in order to woo Democratic votes. But even that might be a tough sell if Trumpā€™s plan is just another corporate giveaway in the form of public-private partnerships.

This isnā€™t the only major rail project that the Trump administration has kiboshed. In July, the federal government backed out of an agreement with the state of Maryland and the rail company CSX to raise the height of the Howard Street Tunnel in Baltimore in order to allow double-stacked rail cars to easily access the Port of Baltimore. Double-stacked rail cars comprise over 75% of intermodal rail traffic in the country and this will only increase in the future. This will be especially true on the East Coast in both Baltimore and New York as shipping traffic from Asia increases with the opening of the expanded Panama Canal.

This refusal to recognize any valid investment by the federal government, which Republican have engaged in since the Reagan administration, has led to the slow but steady erosion of our transportation infrastructure, which was once the envy of the world. And that erosion will soon begin to cripple this country economically.

Republicansā€™ 40 Year Refusal To Invest In Infrastructure Begins to Cripple US Economy

So the GOP has been in charge for 40 years? How fucking stupid are you?
Before Reagan the top tax rate was 70%, since Reagan 39% at most. He even left us with 28%... The GOP loves the status quo and have blocked everything to change it.
Right wing tax cuts don't work. We have massive, right wing debt, to prove it.
Right wing tax cuts don't work. We have massive, right wing debt, to prove it.
Yes, like the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)?

Like the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and let's not forget the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Yeah, Barry and the Democrats were real 'pillars of fiscal responsibility' and 'tax dollar spending efficiency'... :p
If the snowflakes / Democrats are so incensed about how money is being 'wasted' by the Republicans by giving tax payers a little of their own money back, perhaps the next time the Democrats find themselves in charge of the House, Senate, and WH they will actually do something more fiscally responsible than to line their own and the Democratic Party's pockets with tax dollars.
Before Reagan the top tax rate was 70%, since Reagan 39% at most. He even left us with 28%..
So you believe the government is entitled to 70% of your paycheck. Typical democratic belief. You are nothing but a socialist who believes the government is entitled to a bigger percentage of your paycheck than you are.
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Right wing tax cuts don't work. We have massive, right wing debt, to prove it.
Yes, like the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)?

Like the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and let's not forget the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Yeah, Barry and the Democrats were real 'pillars of fiscal responsibility' and 'tax dollar spending efficiency'... :p
That was a previous administration. We are not comparing. Why is the right using socialism to nationalize tax cuts for the rich; adding it to the Peoples' debt is what the right is doing. Just a bunch of socialists, and don't know it.
That was a previous administration. We are not comparing.

SINCE WHEN? For 8 years - 9 - we have heard nothing but snowflakes screeching about Bush 'THIS' and Bush 'THAT', comparing Obama to Bush while blaming Bush for everything wrong during the Obama administration.

Me thinks you just don't like to be reminded of

....the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)

...the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Wasn't Obama supposed to fix all of our infrastructure problems? Wasn't that part of the reason for his massive bailouts and stimulus spending?

Looks like he lied to you..

Updated - The Obameter: Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridges

Scandal: Less than 7% of Trillion-Dollar 'Stimulus' Spent on Infrastructure | Human Events

yep, The "stimulus" was actually just the greedy corrupt Democrooks looting America for $trillions$.....drain the swamp, flush the toilet
That was a previous administration. We are not comparing.

SINCE WHEN? For 8 years - 9 - we have heard nothing but snowflakes screeching about Bush 'THIS' and Bush 'THAT', comparing Obama to Bush while blaming Bush for everything wrong during the Obama administration.

Me thinks you just don't like to be reminded of

....the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)

...the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect and is enumerated in our Constitution.

Along with paying our, right wing Debt.

Providing for the general warfare does not engender a positive multiplier and is not enumerated in our Constitution.
That was a previous administration. We are not comparing.

SINCE WHEN? For 8 years - 9 - we have heard nothing but snowflakes screeching about Bush 'THIS' and Bush 'THAT', comparing Obama to Bush while blaming Bush for everything wrong during the Obama administration.

Me thinks you just don't like to be reminded of

....the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)

...the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect and is enumerated in our Constitution.

Along with paying our, right wing Debt.

Providing for the general warfare does not engender a positive multiplier and is not enumerated in our Constitution.

Providing for defense, however, is. Face it, you're going to have to get a job.
providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect and is enumerated in our Constitution.

How were Obama and the Democrats 'providing for the general welfare' of American citizens by spending / adding:

...nearly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

--- How was spending U.S. Tax Dollars on a project to help alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink less on duty (one of the Democrats' Pork Projects within the Stimulus Bill) 'providing for the general welfare' of U.S. citizens?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....


...this answer ought to be good..... :popcorn:
That was a previous administration. We are not comparing.

SINCE WHEN? For 8 years - 9 - we have heard nothing but snowflakes screeching about Bush 'THIS' and Bush 'THAT', comparing Obama to Bush while blaming Bush for everything wrong during the Obama administration.

Me thinks you just don't like to be reminded of

....the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)

...the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect and is enumerated in our Constitution.

Along with paying our, right wing Debt.

Providing for the general warfare does not engender a positive multiplier and is not enumerated in our Constitution.

Providing for defense, however, is. Face it, you're going to have to get a job.
So is providing for the general welfare. You have to read the rest of the Constitution, to find it.
providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect and is enumerated in our Constitution.

How were Obama and the Democrats 'providing for the general welfare' of American citizens by spending / adding:

...nearly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

--- How was spending U.S. Tax Dollars on a project to help alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink less on duty (one of the Democrats' Pork Projects within the Stimulus Bill) 'providing for the general welfare' of U.S. citizens?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....


...this answer ought to be good..... :popcorn:
The right wing used socialism to nationalize tax cuts for the rich.

Y'all are just a bunch of socialists and don't know it.
The right wing used socialism to nationalize tax cuts for the rich. Y'all are just a bunch of socialists and don't know it.

I notice you completely ignored my questions ... probably because they are uncomfortable and almost impossible to answer without admitting that the Democrats who were in a super majority control of Congress, the WH, and the budget who were spending our tax dollars on terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, ransoms, alcoholic Chinese prostitutes, the victims of their sexual misconduct, and lining their own pockets with cash were fiscally (and morally, ethically, etc..) Pieces of Shit....

I doubt you will answer this time, either, but let's give it another shot, shall we?

How were Obama and the Democrats 'providing for the general welfare' of American citizens by spending / adding:

...nearly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?
--- How was spending U.S. Tax Dollars on a project to help alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink less on duty (one of the Democrats' Pork Projects within the Stimulus Bill) 'providing for the general welfare' of U.S. citizens?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....


...Again, this answer ought to be good..... :popcorn:
That was a previous administration. We are not comparing.

SINCE WHEN? For 8 years - 9 - we have heard nothing but snowflakes screeching about Bush 'THIS' and Bush 'THAT', comparing Obama to Bush while blaming Bush for everything wrong during the Obama administration.

Me thinks you just don't like to be reminded of

....the nearly $7 Trillion in new debt from Obama's 1st 4 years in office (Super majority Controlled Democratic Party Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years)

...the neatly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....

Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect and is enumerated in our Constitution.

Along with paying our, right wing Debt.

Providing for the general warfare does not engender a positive multiplier and is not enumerated in our Constitution.

Providing for defense, however, is. Face it, you're going to have to get a job.
So is providing for the general welfare. You have to read the rest of the Constitution, to find it.

Sure, and we want to take care of those who are unable to work. You, OTOH, are capable of working a job. Go do it.
The right wing used socialism to nationalize tax cuts for the rich. Y'all are just a bunch of socialists and don't know it.

I notice you completely ignored my questions ... probably because they are uncomfortable and almost impossible to answer without admitting that the Democrats who were in a super majority control of Congress, the WH, and the budget who were spending our tax dollars on terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, ransoms, alcoholic Chinese prostitutes, the victims of their sexual misconduct, and lining their own pockets with cash were fiscally (and morally, ethically, etc..) Pieces of Shit....

I doubt you will answer this time, either, but let's give it another shot, shall we?

How were Obama and the Democrats 'providing for the general welfare' of American citizens by spending / adding:

...nearly $1 trillion in debt from Obama's 1st economic legislative endeavor - the failed non-jobs 'jobs' bill, the Stimulus, which contained over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar-wasting, self/DNC-serving pork...that according to the CBO cost tax payers approx. $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have created / saved?
--- How was spending U.S. Tax Dollars on a project to help alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink less on duty (one of the Democrats' Pork Projects within the Stimulus Bill) 'providing for the general welfare' of U.S. citizens?

......Billions to Iran and Al Qaeda in Ransoms; Billions to the U.N.'s new Global Initiative (even though Obama said the money was for Zika Virus efforts in the US); Billions for funding/supplying/arming/training terrorists like Al Qaeda / the Muslim Brotherhood / Isis; Millions aiding Human Traffickers bring in Illegals; Millions to Hezbollah his last day in office - to help fund their terrorist-funding drug trade which he helped protect....

...and the $17 Million in tax dollars the Democrats secretly used to pay the victims of their criminal sexual misconduct....


...Again, this answer ought to be good..... :popcorn:
we can resort to ad hominems all day; why do they keep getting re-elected?

Promoting and providing for the general welfare is in the federal doctrine.

Promoting or providing for the common offense or general warfare is not.

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