Republicans and their fallacious belief of government

It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".

Now obviously there is such a thing as "big government" but I fail to see what makes this government "big". Who exactly is trying to make our government "big"? It can't be Obama. Both Bush and Clinton have used twice as many executive orders as Obama. God forbid Fox News ever admit that.

So what is it? What is "big" about our government? Some sophomoric republicans see taxation and regulation as "big". They seem to have this laughable idea in their minds that some fat cat government official is profiting off of all the revenue. What the fuck is that about? Revenue pays for our country's expenses such as our badass military, highways, and public schools. Why is that a bad thing? Do republicans just expect the government to pay for everything for them?

Regulations meanwhile keep our environment clean and consumers safe. Corporations must follow laws like everyone else even if that means less profit. Now granted some well intentioned regulations do more harm than good, but republicans seem to he against the very idea of regulating the market. It's absolutely crazy. No one who proposes regulations thinks "grr I hate capitalism! People need to be controlled! I hate freedom!"

Yes, there is such a thing as too much government, but there is also such a thing as too little government. Repubs and libertarians of the like wish to see gov minimized as much as possible and it's crazy. To me what corrupts government isn't what comes from within but what comes from outside: corporate lobbyists. It is self-interested corporations that wish to corrupt the system for their own gain.

You should all be thankful for your government and the services it provides. It serves a vital purpose. Yes, freedom and the pursuit of happiness should be part of every nation's motto, but that doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as too much freedom.

Why can't republicans be more mature about this?

Hi Billy000
You come into assuming the govt represents what you believe is good anyway.
So it doesn't bother you and you blame the corporate interests for the problems.

The way the conservatives blame this problem with corporate corruption
is that the govt STRAYED from the constitutional structures, purpose and limits
and THAT'S WHY the corporate interference can hijack it.

So you are both arguing against the same corporate corruption, just blaming the other party for it.

Obama's cousing Milton Wolf pointed this out early on
when Occupy and Tea Party both came out: he said the common
goal was to expose corporate cronyism that was corrupting govt.
He originally called for these Parties to join forces, standing together to stop corporate cronyism.

Now Ralph Nader / Progresssives and Paul libertarians
have put out a call to unite the left and right to stop the corporate corruption.

Instead of demonizing the Tea Party, we'd win the battle if we joined forces.

If we keep blaming the other party,
then the corporate cronies win; they keep both parties fighting,
they fund both parties, and just keep hiring bigger bulldog bullies
on both sides to play their games like lapdogs.

The American people lose and have to pay the bills for these antics.

All Americans are the ones who need to "grow up"
and quit playing these games: Running to the Democrats
with Mommy issues or Running to the Republicans with Daddy issues.
Wah Wah Wah. That bigger bully is being mean!
And just wetting and pooping in our pants expecting Mommy and Daddy to clean up.

At some point, we need to unite and tell our politicians what we want to solve these problems,
and only hire lawyers and legislators who will write up solutions and restitution plans to
pay back taxpayers for FIXING the problems over time, where the money saved eventually pays back the debts
from this horrible learning curve we've been paying for.

At some point we will get smart, team up and quit fighting each other,
and then, standing together, demand as taxpaying citizens
to be paid back for all the corruption and collusion with corporate handouts
bailouts and abuses of govt resources, charging the debts back to the wrongdoers
to pay back over time, instead of expecting the taxpayers to foot the bill for these crimes, abuses and corruption.

Until we stand together, the corporate corruption
continues unchecked at our expense. Leaders and
members of ALL major parties need to unite and start demanding accountability
instead of just blaming each other and letting the crooks slip away unnoticed.....
Are you unable to articulate why I am wrong?
i already did. Your argument is a strawman, and thus, fallacious.
Straw man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Explain what makes it straw man. Take your time.
Wrong answer, Skippy - its up to you to prove that the points of your arguments actually exist.
In doing so, you will prove that you did not present a strawman.
Take your time.
Lol I already presented my arguments. You said I am guilty of straw man. You have to explain why. If you can't just say so....
It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".

Now obviously there is such a thing as "big government" but I fail to see what makes this government "big". Who exactly is trying to make our government "big"? It can't be Obama. Both Bush and Clinton have used twice as many executive orders as Obama. God forbid Fox News ever admit that.

So what is it? What is "big" about our government? Some sophomoric republicans see taxation and regulation as "big". They seem to have this laughable idea in their minds that some fat cat government official is profiting off of all the revenue. What the fuck is that about? Revenue pays for our country's expenses such as our badass military, highways, and public schools. Why is that a bad thing? Do republicans just expect the government to pay for everything for them?

Regulations meanwhile keep our environment clean and consumers safe. Corporations must follow laws like everyone else even if that means less profit. Now granted some well intentioned regulations do more harm than good, but republicans seem to he against the very idea of regulating the market. It's absolutely crazy. No one who proposes regulations thinks "grr I hate capitalism! People need to be controlled! I hate freedom!"

Yes, there is such a thing as too much government, but there is also such a thing as too little government. Repubs and libertarians of the like wish to see gov minimized as much as possible and it's crazy. To me what corrupts government isn't what comes from within but what comes from outside: corporate lobbyists. It is self-interested corporations that wish to corrupt the system for their own gain.

You should all be thankful for your government and the services it provides. It serves a vital purpose. Yes, freedom and the pursuit of happiness should be part of every nation's motto, but that doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as too much freedom.

Why can't republicans be more mature about this?


That's not that oral sex thing is it? That all the kids are into these days!
Yeah you're republican. Your limited vocabulary gives it away.

Hey Loser, you lost the election. Get over it already. You sound like a kid who dropped his ice cream cone in the mud.
It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".
Oh look - usual mindless, bigoted, partisan BS strawman post from the guy who supports state-enforced involuntary servitude.
That's it? That's all you have to say about my thread?
It's all that need be said. No surprise you do not understand this.
Are you unable to articulate why I am wrong?

No need to. You lost the election. We will explain it all as we pass our Bills. We may even invoke the nuclear option as needed.
Now obviously there is such a thing as "big government" but I fail to see what makes this government "big". Who exactly is trying to make our government "big"? It can't be Obama.

Wow. Your willful blindness is stunning to behold.

Obama isn't trying to make our government bigger? Are you really that retarded? Ever hear of a thing called ObamaCare?
It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".
Oh look - usual mindless, bigoted, partisan BS strawman post from the guy who supports state-enforced involuntary servitude.
That's it? That's all you have to say about my thread?


We responded at the polls. Yo didn't hear our response. Were you only listening to those who failed to vote?
Obama isn't the only one making government bigger. Bush made our government a lot bigger, too. He created a massive new Cabinet level Department of Homeland Security.

Our government now devotes huge resources to spying on all of us.
It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".

Now obviously there is such a thing as "big government" but I fail to see what makes this government "big". Who exactly is trying to make our government "big"? It can't be Obama. Both Bush and Clinton have used twice as many executive orders as Obama. God forbid Fox News ever admit that.

So what is it? What is "big" about our government? Some sophomoric republicans see taxation and regulation as "big". They seem to have this laughable idea in their minds that some fat cat government official is profiting off of all the revenue. What the fuck is that about? Revenue pays for our country's expenses such as our badass military, highways, and public schools. Why is that a bad thing? Do republicans just expect the government to pay for everything for them?

Regulations meanwhile keep our environment clean and consumers safe. Corporations must follow laws like everyone else even if that means less profit. Now granted some well intentioned regulations do more harm than good, but republicans seem to he against the very idea of regulating the market. It's absolutely crazy. No one who proposes regulations thinks "grr I hate capitalism! People need to be controlled! I hate freedom!"

Yes, there is such a thing as too much government, but there is also such a thing as too little government. Repubs and libertarians of the like wish to see gov minimized as much as possible and it's crazy. To me what corrupts government isn't what comes from within but what comes from outside: corporate lobbyists. It is self-interested corporations that wish to corrupt the system for their own gain.

You should all be thankful for your government and the services it provides. It serves a vital purpose. Yes, freedom and the pursuit of happiness should be part of every nation's motto, but that doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as too much freedom.

Why can't republicans be more mature about this?


That's not that oral sex thing is it? That all the kids are into these days!
Yeah you're republican. Your limited vocabulary gives it away.

Do you want to help him with the crow feathers or shall I?

  1. based on a mistaken belief.
    "fallacious arguments"
It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".

Now obviously there is such a thing as "big government" but I fail to see what makes this government "big". Who exactly is trying to make our government "big"? It can't be Obama. Both Bush and Clinton have used twice as many executive orders as Obama. God forbid Fox News ever admit that.

So what is it? What is "big" about our government? Some sophomoric republicans see taxation and regulation as "big". They seem to have this laughable idea in their minds that some fat cat government official is profiting off of all the revenue. What the fuck is that about? Revenue pays for our country's expenses such as our badass military, highways, and public schools. Why is that a bad thing? Do republicans just expect the government to pay for everything for them?

Regulations meanwhile keep our environment clean and consumers safe. Corporations must follow laws like everyone else even if that means less profit. Now granted some well intentioned regulations do more harm than good, but republicans seem to he against the very idea of regulating the market. It's absolutely crazy. No one who proposes regulations thinks "grr I hate capitalism! People need to be controlled! I hate freedom!"

Yes, there is such a thing as too much government, but there is also such a thing as too little government. Repubs and libertarians of the like wish to see gov minimized as much as possible and it's crazy. To me what corrupts government isn't what comes from within but what comes from outside: corporate lobbyists. It is self-interested corporations that wish to corrupt the system for their own gain.

You should all be thankful for your government and the services it provides. It serves a vital purpose. Yes, freedom and the pursuit of happiness should be part of every nation's motto, but that doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as too much freedom.

Why can't republicans be more mature about this?
The reason this is all so because........

Big governments run hand in hand with big economies, and big countries.

No way out of it.

For Tea Partiers...

They just don't want the big bucks to be spent on things Democrats like.

If it's a law the Democrats pass, it's big government fundamentally transforming America, and raping the constitution

If it's a law the Republicans pass, it's preservation of freedom and liberty, and you're helping the terrorists if you oppose it.
Obama isn't the only one making government bigger. Bush made our government a lot bigger, too. He created a massive new Cabinet level Department of Homeland Security.

Our government now devotes huge resources to spying on all of us.

No kidding. I used to go down into northern Virginia about once a month in 2006 and 2007. The rapid suburban development was jaw dropping, like going into a different place each time I drove through. All DHS people thousands upon thousands.

I worked a couple of Booz Allen Hamilton jobs contracted from DHS that paid me for just showing up. It was ridiculous.

How has our federal government's breadth and scope of power expanded since the Founding? Let's see.

A standing army.

A federal income tax.

Social Security.




Department of Education.

Department of Homeland Security.


Federal Reserve.
























Kelo v. City of New London

Wickard v. Filburn

Helvering v. Davis

Korematsu v. United States


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

17th Amendment.

Christ, I could literally go on for days.

It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".
Oh look - usual mindless, bigoted, partisan BS strawman post from the guy who supports state-enforced involuntary servitude.
That's it? That's all you have to say about my thread?


One word would be enough. Nonsense!
Obama isn't the only one making government bigger. Bush made our government a lot bigger, too. He created a massive new Cabinet level Department of Homeland Security.

Our government now devotes huge resources to spying on all of us.
Hey retard, our healthcare system is broken. Big changes were needed. ObamaCare isn't perfect and certainly didn't fix the system but it is a step in the right direction. It also really isn't Bush and Obama alone who are guilty of big reformations.

Oh and in order to fight terrorism the government needs to be a little intrusive. Get over it.

The scope of "big government" is a single president making radical changes. Largely expanding certain institutions isn't what I consider big government. All the examples you gave in that previous post have evolved over decades.
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When is the left going to drop their "fallacious" assumptions of what they think republicans believe in? This old song is getting tiresome. Can the corrupt spying IRS be streamlined and improved? Does the State Dept or the Dept. of Health or Dept of Education run as efficiently as you low information lefties wish? What about FEMA? It only runs inefficiently when a republican is in the White House? How is the gun-running ATF doing or the Secret Service? How is LBJ's "war on poverty" doing? It's still on the books even though it is redundant and an abject freaking failure. Keep in mind that the main objective of any government bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. The original mission is often forgotten or ignored.
How has our federal government's breadth and scope of power expanded since the Founding? Let's see.

A standing army.

A federal income tax.

Social Security.




Department of Education.

Department of Homeland Security.


Federal Reserve.
























Kelo v. City of New London

Wickard v. Filburn

Helvering v. Davis

Korematsu v. United States


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

17th Amendment.

Christ, I could literally go on for days.

Yes as a country evolves so must government.
When is the left going to drop their "fallacious" assumptions of what they think republicans believe in? This old song is getting tiresome. Can the corrupt spying IRS be streamlined and improved? Does the State Dept or the Dept. of Health or Dept of Education run as efficiently as you low information lefties wish? What about FEMA? It only runs inefficiently when a republican is in the White House? How is the gun-running ATF doing or the Secret Service? How is LBJ's "war on poverty" doing? It's still on the books even though it is redundant and an abject freaking failure. Keep in mind that the main objective of any government bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. The original mission is often forgotten or ignored.
I'm all for making reforms in certain institutions. What I am against is abolishing the ones that have always been important.
It seems as though republicans have this belief that our government is corrupt and uncontrollable. It's as though they believe that there is some evil, shadow entity within our government that seeks to weaken capitalism and control the masses through dictatorship. They, of course, call this "big government".

Now obviously there is such a thing as "big government" but I fail to see what makes this government "big". Who exactly is trying to make our government "big"? It can't be Obama. Both Bush and Clinton have used twice as many executive orders as Obama. God forbid Fox News ever admit that.

So what is it? What is "big" about our government? Some sophomoric republicans see taxation and regulation as "big". They seem to have this laughable idea in their minds that some fat cat government official is profiting off of all the revenue. What the fuck is that about? Revenue pays for our country's expenses such as our badass military, highways, and public schools. Why is that a bad thing? Do republicans just expect the government to pay for everything for them?

Regulations meanwhile keep our environment clean and consumers safe. Corporations must follow laws like everyone else even if that means less profit. Now granted some well intentioned regulations do more harm than good, but republicans seem to he against the very idea of regulating the market. It's absolutely crazy. No one who proposes regulations thinks "grr I hate capitalism! People need to be controlled! I hate freedom!"

Yes, there is such a thing as too much government, but there is also such a thing as too little government. Repubs and libertarians of the like wish to see gov minimized as much as possible and it's crazy. To me what corrupts government isn't what comes from within but what comes from outside: corporate lobbyists. It is self-interested corporations that wish to corrupt the system for their own gain.

You should all be thankful for your government and the services it provides. It serves a vital purpose. Yes, freedom and the pursuit of happiness should be part of every nation's motto, but that doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as too much freedom.

Why can't republicans be more mature about this?
The reason this is all so because........

Big governments run hand in hand with big economies, and big countries.

No way out of it.

For Tea Partiers...

They just don't want the big bucks to be spent on things Democrats like.

If it's a law the Democrats pass, it's big government fundamentally transforming America, and raping the constitution

If it's a law the Republicans pass, it's preservation of freedom and liberty, and you're helping the terrorists if you oppose it.
Haha so very true.

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