Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

Sure.........they did.
They just want the $$$ YOU owed, or they take your stuff back.
Miss a car payment or a house payment........the same for anything financed.

Some even contemplated, leaving people with no transport, with no messy repos.

March 3 2023
Ford has some interesting ideas on what self-driving cars might soon be able to do. Besides freeing us from the tedium of commuting, the company envisions cars that could repossess themselves.

According to a document recently published on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website, Ford said it is considering a system that would allow a car to, on its own, leave you if you stop making your monthly auto payments.

Ford's 14-page application, filled with ideas for getting people to pay up, may be more patentable than others.

Before getting to the point where the car would simply drive itself away, delinquent payers would be subject to a litany of annoyances. First, badgering messages on owners' smartphones and even on the screens inside the car. These messages would demand at least an acknowledgment or, better yet, on-the-spot payment.

If the owner persists in ignoring these messages, the vehicle would, in the words of Ford's patent application, "initiate execution of a multi-step repossession procedure."

So I was forced to buy something under the threat of violence?

I never got a letter from Amazon saying that if I didn't buy something I would be thrown in jail.
SO, the wall is a stupid idea, it hasn't stopped illegals, at all.
But moron teabaggers, keep using the same tactic, expecting a different result.

Trump convinced his cult, Mexico was paying for the wall, the gullible idiots ate it up.

It's communist republicans, like DuhSantis and Abbott providing free trips for them.

Sure send your $$$ to Bannon.

Steve Bannon’s trial on charges he defrauded donors who gave money to build a wall on the U.S. southern border might not happen until late next year, a judge said Tuesday.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchan said he anticipates Bannon, former President Donald Trump’s longtime ally, will go to trial in November 2023 — about a year before the 2024 presidential election.

Manhattan prosecutors charged Bannon, 68, last month with state-level money laundering, fraud and conspiracy charges related to the “We Build the Wall” campaign. Bannon has pleaded not guilty.

The New York case stems from much of the same alleged conduct as a federal case cut short last year by a Trump presidential pardon.

Prosecutors say that Bannon falsely promised donors that all money would go to constructing a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
It hasnt, i was in El Paso and where ever the wall was, there was no illegals, and thank you for recognizing them as ilegals. But the idiot that you voted for, Joe, shitter, he stopped building the wall, so there are wide open gaps in it, that allow hundreds of thousands of illegals in. Why is it so costly to finisht the wall for 5 billion dollars, while shitter Joe sends 10s of billions of dollars to Ukraine?

As for getting Trump, i guess you got him this time....
Sure.........they did.
They just want the $$$ YOU owed, or they take your stuff back.
Miss a car payment or a house payment........the same for anything financed.

Some even contemplated, leaving people with no transport, with no messy repos.

March 3 2023
Ford has some interesting ideas on what self-driving cars might soon be able to do. Besides freeing us from the tedium of commuting, the company envisions cars that could repossess themselves.

According to a document recently published on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website, Ford said it is considering a system that would allow a car to, on its own, leave you if you stop making your monthly auto payments.

Ford's 14-page application, filled with ideas for getting people to pay up, may be more patentable than others.

Before getting to the point where the car would simply drive itself away, delinquent payers would be subject to a litany of annoyances. First, badgering messages on owners' smartphones and even on the screens inside the car. These messages would demand at least an acknowledgment or, better yet, on-the-spot payment.

If the owner persists in ignoring these messages, the vehicle would, in the words of Ford's patent application, "initiate execution of a multi-step repossession procedure."
So lets say you own property that has 100 apartments in it. You have to pay taxes and such on that property so you have to charge 500 dollars per unit. So the Democrats come in and tell you that you now have to pay 1000 dollars per unit in taxes. Do you raise the rent to cover that increase, or do you just sell the property and take a big loss?
So I was forced to buy something under the threat of violence?
"No corporation has ever forced me to give them money under threat of violence but the fucking government does".
So, do tell.
WHEN did the government ever force you, under the threat of violence, to give them $$$?
I never got a letter from Amazon saying that if I didn't buy something I would be thrown in jail.
When did the government ever do that to you?
So lets say you own property that has 100 apartments in it. You have to pay taxes and such on that property so you have to charge 500 dollars per unit. So the Democrats come in and tell you that you now have to pay 1000 dollars per unit in taxes. Do you raise the rent to cover that increase, or do you just sell the property and take a big loss?

The government doesn't raise taxes 100%, may as well have stated $1,000,000 unit.
It hasnt, i was in El Paso and where ever the wall was, there was no illegals,

US Customs and Border Protection officers busted a group of illegal immigrants shortly after they had sneaked over the US-Mexico border into El Paso around 11 p.m. on New Year’s Day.

An eyewitness told The Post: “The migrants climb over the border wall, go under the highway and disappear into the neighboorhoods.

“The border agents left all their cars a few streets away and hid behind a dumpster. When they came out from behind it to pounce on the illegals, they all tried to scatter.
and thank you for recognizing them as ilegals. But the idiot that you voted for, Joe, shitter, he stopped building the wall, so there are wide open gaps in it, that allow hundreds of thousands of illegals in. Why is it so costly to finisht the wall for 5 billion dollars, while shitter Joe sends 10s of billions of dollars to Ukraine?

As for getting Trump, i guess you got him this time....
No, Bannon got the gullible........again.

The new indictment comes more than two years after Bannon was arrested on federal charges that he and three other men defrauded donors who gave $25 million or more to fund the We Build the Wall campaign. That campaign supported the intention of then-President Donald Trump to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

US Customs and Border Protection officers busted a group of illegal immigrants shortly after they had sneaked over the US-Mexico border into El Paso around 11 p.m. on New Year’s Day.

An eyewitness told The Post: “The migrants climb over the border wall, go under the highway and disappear into the neighboorhoods.

“The border agents left all their cars a few streets away and hid behind a dumpster. When they came out from behind it to pounce on the illegals, they all tried to scatter.

No, Bannon got the gullible........again.

The new indictment comes more than two years after Bannon was arrested on federal charges that he and three other men defrauded donors who gave $25 million or more to fund the We Build the Wall campaign. That campaign supported the intention of then-President Donald Trump to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.
Dumbass mother fucker, i said that the wall had openings because Joe Biteme didnt decide to finish it, so at those points millions of illegals have crossed because of his incompetence.

You give me a thumbs down Smokin'dipshit, while you dont realize that all those diseased illegals crossing the southern border are being allowed to, because the Demofascists want to replace you. And you have no problem with that, that you want this country turned into a 3rd world shithole, just like those countries they left? Man, when you look in the mirror in the morning, do you go and flog yourself, because of the hate you feel towards legal citizens.

Dumbass mother fucker, i said that the wall had openings because Joe Biteme didnt decide to finish it, so at those points millions of illegals have crossed because of his incompetence.

NO, you didn't retard.

"i was in El Paso and where ever the wall was, there was no illegals".

US Customs and Border Protection officers busted a group of illegal immigrants shortly after they had sneaked over the US-Mexico border into El Paso around 11 p.m. on New Year’s Day.

An eyewitness told The Post: “The migrants climb over the border wall....................

It MUST be true because I didn't see them.
"No corporation has ever forced me to give them money under threat of violence but the fucking government does".
So, do tell.
WHEN did the government ever force you, under the threat of violence, to give them $$$?

When did the government ever do that to you?


You are forced to pay taxes under threat of violence.

are you that clueless?
You give me a thumbs down Smokin'dipshit, while you dont realize that all those diseased illegals crossing the southern border are being allowed to, because the Demofascists want to replace you. And you have no problem with that, that you want this country turned into a 3rd world shithole, just like those countries they left? Man, when you look in the mirror in the morning, do you go and flog yourself, because of the hate you feel towards legal citizens.

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro Claims Democrats Plotting to 'Replace American Citizens With Illegals'​

So, what do teabaggers do?
Give them free rides, hundreds of miles further into the US, instead of tens of miles to Mexico.
I've never been threatened, nor has anyone I know, been threatened with violence, to pay taxes.
Money gets taken directly out of your paycheck even if you don't want it to.

And people get put in jail for tax evasion or didn't you know that?

Try not paying you real estate taxes and watch them kick you out of your home

Try not paying income taxes and watch them steal your bank account

all these things are force and the threat of force.

If you can't see this than you're an even bigger idiot than I thought and that's saying something.
Money gets taken directly out of your paycheck even if you don't want it to.
So, that STILL isn't threatening violence.
And people get put in jail for tax evasion or didn't you know that?
STILL.....NOT violent.
Try not paying you real estate taxes and watch them kick you out of your home
STILL.........NOT violent.
Try not paying income taxes and watch them steal your bank account
STILL not violent.
all these things are force and the threat of force.

If you can't see this than you're an even bigger idiot than I thought and that's saying something.
NO shit you moron.
MOVE to a country, WITHOUT............TAXES.

You want "other" people to cover what YOU don't Trump.
So, that STILL isn't threatening violence.

STILL.....NOT violent.

STILL.........NOT violent.

STILL not violent.

NO shit you moron.
MOVE to a country, WITHOUT............TAXES.

You want "other" people to cover what YOU don't Trump.
Being dragged out of your home by armed men isn't violence?
A mere 30 minutes ago.


You are forced to pay taxes under threat of violence.
NO.............Not unless YOU make it violent.
Is a traffic stop always violent because a cop has a gun?
if that cop lays hands on me it is violence.

and you may notice I used the term "under threat of violence" what do you think a show of force by armed government agents is if not a threat ?
True. Some Republicans want to sunset Medicare and Social Security, along with EVERY funded program, and then refund them as needed.

If you're looking for a good "wedge issue" between seniors and Republicans, SS & Medicare are it.

If the stupid fucks don't just "fix" entitlements and move on, 2024 might be a bloodbath compared to the "red wave" disappointment of 2022.
The republicans are nervous about the 2024 election as they are. Medicare, Medicaid and SS have always been forefront and it is now, as long as civil rights remain.

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