Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

You need to move. We don’t need those with this mindset in this country. Had our forefathers thought the same, the US would never be in the enviable(yes, that is the case) position we are in now.
we are easily the richest country in the world and we can afford being fair to our workers for crying out loud, brainwashed functional rich ****....
everyone in the world but the greedy idiot GOP knows that every one does a lot better with a healthy middle class and working class, Super Duper

you have one bumper sticker argument and then you go all troll as all GOP based moron voters do....
You have the rich, and you have the working poor, with your utopia.
LOL do you steal your neighbor's newspaper? Then why do you think it's okay to take other peoples money they earned? You mooching left wingers are not entitled to other people's money.
your greedy idiot GOP heroes have been stealing from you for at least the last 40 years through their tax rates, brain washed functional moron.
we are easily the richest country in the world and we can afford being fair to our workers for crying out loud, brainwashed functional rich ****....
What makes you think the redistribution of wealth will benefit us?
Seems it benefits the world as our quality of life diminishes.
You want a China like government? Look at their human rights issues son.
It comes hand in hand. super-not-so-duper,
What makes you think the redistribution of wealth will benefit us?
Seems it benefits the world as our quality of life diminishes.
You want a China like government? Look at their human rights issues son.
It comes hand in hand. super-not-so-duper,
how stupid can you get? we want to be like every other modern country, Democracies that are fair to their workers. a living wage day care cheap training and college ID card 2 end illegal immigration. you are an idiot change the damn channel and learn something any other channel in the world but your crap propaganda
do you know what a living wage is, brainwashed functional moron. it means they are not poor in the working class. like they are now with your GOP minimum wage BS. change the channel someday, _ignoramus.
My God, you bypassed socialism and went full blown communist on us.
You're not as smart as your masters have told you, son.
You're the moron, just not a functional moron, idiot.
how stupid can you get? we want to be like every other modern country, Democracies that are fair to their workers. a living wage day care cheap training and college ID card 2 end illegal immigration. you are an idiot change the damn channel and learn something any other channel in the world but your crap propaganda
Well, comrade, if you get what you want, there will be nothing special about the US, and our country failed.
You are a communist.....all that free stuff ain't free you friggin' idiot.
And you do run out of other peoples money.
See you around Frankoski
Again, even if true, how is it unfair that everyone pays the same percentage? That is some seriously warped, ideological thinking there.
It's called economics. a flat tax is a giveaway to the rich and unfair to everyone else. Only the GOP Base doesn't understand it....
Keeping your own money isn't stealing. Stop parroting that lie.
Your mega rich greedy idiot GOP heroes have been stealing from regular People for 40 years with their tax rates. A flat tax is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for regular people and the country.
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Not the point at all is it?
YES, it is.
The entire point of working for higher pay is to have a better lifestyle. Who are you to take it that from them as you see fit?

You have it bad for corporations. Typical, brainwashed lefty.
Yes, I do, teabaggers blame the government, when it is corporations that are ripping them off.

November 30 2022
Corporate profits in the nonfinancial sector hit a record high of $2.08 trillion in the third quarter even as 40-year-high inflation continues to squeeze American consumers.

Profits adjusted for inventories and capital consumption rose $6.1 billion from the second to third fiscal quarters, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.

“Since early 2021, Americans have been suffering from rising prices caused by global supply chain disruptions and changing demand patterns due to the pandemic. Even combined with traditional supply and demand factors, however, these elements are insufficient to totally explain why inflation remains elevated."

Teabaggers defend them.
This is some seriously fuzzy math. If the cap is removed, a self-employed person making 300k would pay 12.4% or $37,200/yr. in SS taxes. Assuming this salary for 35 years, they would have paid $1,302,000 into the system.

Lets do the real math here. If the self-employed person takes early retirement at age 62, they would receive $3,627 in benefits per month. To break even, the would need to live 29.9 years(1,302,000/3627)/12), or to age 92. If they took retirement at age 70, they would receive $4,555/mth. they would need to live 23.8 years (1,302,000/4555)/12) or to the ripe old age 93.8 years. Both of these ages are well above the average just to break even and this doesn't even factor in the fact that they receive no interest on their money, which would be significant over that length of time. To be fair, if this person worked for a corporation, their contributions would be 1/2 of this thus everything is cut in half. Even with 1/2 their contributions being paid by their company, early retirement would require them to live to 77 to break even and late retirement(70) would require them to live to 82 to break even. Keep in mind however, that SOMEBODY, whether it be the individual or a combination of the individual and the corporation, likely put in more that will ever be drawn. If the cap is removed then this number obviously considers to rise as income rises. A person making 600k would be lucky to even collect 1/2 of what they contributed.

Now, lets do the math as it is currently with the cap, just for fun. Current cap is 160k. A self employed person makes 160k pays $19,840/yr for 35 years for a total of $694,400 in total. If they took early retirement, they would receive $3627/mth in benefits and would need to live 15.9 years or to the age of 77 to break even. If they took it at age 70, they would need to live 12.7 years or to the age of 83 to break even. Just as a reminder, the average life expectancy in the US is 79 for women and 74 for men.

Another thing worth noting is that SS taxes are not calculated on all pre-tax deductions. Typically, one of the largest pre-tax deduction is to a 401(k), but SS tax is calculated prior to that deduction. You are given credit for the pre-tax deduction for health care.

Seems to me that you need to rethink your numbers. It is absolutely clear that if the cap is removed, higher wage earners are heavily subsidizing SS, which was never the intent of the program. It would essentially be nothing more than a huge hidden tax increase on those making more than $160k/yr. As it stands now, those making 160k/yr will essentially break even if they live to average age.
yes he absolutely screwed regular people and covered it up with garbage propaganda, The corporate spokesman scumbag... Or maybe he didn't know what he was doing lol
He raised taxes and increased SS you should be happy

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