Republicans Are Going to Leave the Country and Set Themselves on Fire Due to SCOTUS

Not leaving but after this shit, it will be about forever until another Democrat is elected POTUS. A couple more justices and all the crap of this Court can be reversed.

Actually, Pee-wee, we need President Hillary Clinton and a Senate majority to protect these advancements from NaziCon destruction.
yea we need her like we need another bush.....nothing like keeping the same old shit....right lakota?...
I remember hearing the same type of stuff from Democrats if George Bush was relected in 2004 and yet your all still here.
Unless they were sent to Iraq. Worst mistake America made since Vietnam, and might be even worse as toppling Saddam like toppling Assad and Qadaffi only handed countries to terrorists.
Obama handed Iraq and Libya to terrorists -- so far.
He's not done yet. We may yet be speaking Arabic by the time he's done.
if we havent become Spanish speakers,why would we learn Arabic?....
I remember hearing the same type of stuff from Democrats if George Bush was relected in 2004 and yet your all still here.
Unless they were sent to Iraq. Worst mistake America made since Vietnam, and might be even worse as toppling Saddam like toppling Assad and Qadaffi only handed countries to terrorists.
Obama handed Iraq and Libya to terrorists -- so far.
He's not done yet. We may yet be speaking Arabic by the time he's done.
if we havent become Spanish speakers,why would we learn Arabic?....
Visit Langley Park, MD.
Frankly it doesn't matter who we elect, they're all fuckups, it's just which area they fuckup. No one can actually /win/ either way.
I for one have been making plans to leave and living my final years abroad.
Most likely most of the time in Australia.
They be gehy blokes there also shela..

I could care less about gays. I don't think two people of the same sex fit the definition of marriage, but otherwise I have no problem with them.

I have many the reasons to leave, this story below falls in that category:

Immigration Reform: Signature Collection Underway For California Initiative To Give Undocumented Immigrants Residency

An initiative to give residency permits to immigrants living in California illegally is gaining momentum in the country’s most populated state, where backers of the measure are gearing up to begin collecting signatures to get the proposal before voters in 2016, according to Los Angeles Daily News. The California Immigration Reform Act would require permit holders to pay state income taxes and bar the state from using public funds to aid federal immigration enforcement.

Backers, who gained permission to begin collecting signatures Wednesday, have until Dec. 21 to get the required 365,880 signatures from registered California voters to put the initiative on the 2016 ballot. Immigrants who take part in the program would not have to show proof of immunizations until they apply for permanent residence cards, which would be made available only after five years of living in the state. The permits would establish an official arrival date in the country and give immigrants a tax identification number to allow them to attend school or apply for jobs.

Immigration Reform Signature Collection Underway For California Initiative To Give Undocumented Immigrants Residency
Republicans won't leave the country. Nor will they set themselves on fire.

You might see an uptick in attacks on gays however.
why do you feel threatened?....

Nobody should retaliate against gays just because one of them shot up a black church last week the day after a southern church announced it won't perform gay marriage no matter what.

There are civil ways to "attack" And here are two of them:

A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Democrats Opposed To LGBT Marriage Ruling Unite Boycott DNC Candidate Donations US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

For instance, instead of setting themselves on fire, they could just set the democratic candidates budgets on fire and refuse to donate. If a nationwide movement started where preachers of all faiths opposed to fatherless or motherless "marriages" told all their parishoners to tell their friends and those friends friends to stop any and all donations to the democratic party (the party responsible for forwarding and providing a platform for this cult), that would send a far more stinging and lasting message.
Just sayin'... :popcorn:
I for one have been making plans to leave and living my final years abroad.
Most likely most of the time in Australia.
Enjoy the Islamic extremists. It is almost as bad there as parts of the UK are now, especially in Sydney or Melbourne. You are just trading one thing for another.

I hear you, but it's not the same though, I don't have an emotional investment in someone else's country.
He wasn't gay, but a gay-hating heterosexual (which goes with Neo Nazi/White Supremacist mentality).

Unless you believe that sites like Stormfront (that he must have visited once) support the existence of gay people, even though they don't want gays to exist, they want them dead or in jail.

On the other point, the church that was shot at, is part of a denomination that has women at the top as a well as men, and they have been supportive of gay people, some have even performed same-sex weddings.

So, a crazy piece of shit shoots up a church that loves gay people (as a matter of their religious beliefs and church policy), and he was brainwashed by all sorts of white supremists and neo nazis. Yet you claim he is 'gay'. If he's 'gay', then Pinochet was a communist, as neither are true.

This goes down as a silly post of yours for sure.
I for one have been making plans to leave and living my final years abroad.
Most likely most of the time in Australia.
Enjoy the Islamic extremists. It is almost as bad there as parts of the UK are now, especially in Sydney or Melbourne. You are just trading one thing for another.

I hear you, but it's not the same though, I don't have an emotional investment in someone else's country.
Takes a few years, when I started living here I didn't. Then I discovered pot holes.
Yeah, right hipeter. Dylan Roof is gay and wanted to shoot up the church to start a race war to tag the gay agenda onto the civil-rights sympathy wave created by that...and to send a message to churches who like the day before, were adamant about not performing gay weddings. Nice narrative though. Anyone with eyes can see from D. Roof's social media pictures that he is gayer than Liberace.

For any of you democrats who are also Christian/catholic/hispanic/black southern traditional Christian, PROTEST. Just simply DO NOT donate to ANY democratic candidate. We're going to get hosed in 2016 anyway as a result of this SCOTUS Decision. So do the easiest protest you've ever done in your entire life: do NOTHING. No money for our dem leadership that sacraficed all our other good platforms. Then, either don't vote at all in 2016 or carefully pick a GOP candidate whose record shows clearly they support middle/sane causes that are closer to middle dem values.

Yeah, right hipeter. Dylan Roof is gay and wanted to shoot up the church to start a race war to tag the gay agenda onto the civil-rights sympathy wave created by that...and to send a message to churches who like the day before, were adamant about not performing gay weddings. Nice narrative though. Anyone with eyes can see from D. Roof's social media pictures that he is gayer than Liberace.

For any of you democrats who are also Christian/catholic/hispanic/black southern traditional Christian, PROTEST. Just simply DO NOT donate to ANY democratic candidate. We're going to get hosed in 2016 anyway as a result of this SCOTUS Decision. So do the easiest protest you've ever done in your entire life: do NOTHING. No money for our dem leadership that sacraficed all our other good platforms. Then, either don't vote at all in 2016 or carefully pick a GOP candidate whose record shows clearly they support middle/sane causes that are closer to middle dem values.

People claim Hitler is gay, even though he gassed and killed thousands of LGBT people in concentration camps. Just because you can claim BS, doesn't mean its true.
I have a dingy and matches for all of them that want to burn themselves up and leave the country because of yesterday ruling.

These are the same people that once were against interracial marriages and believe every Muslim is a member of ISIL, so who really cares what the mental midgets think!

Same Sex marriage is here to stay just like the ACA and no amount of pandering by the GOP religious nutter group will change this.

Also I thought they were leaving after President Obama won in 2008, and yet they are still here polluting our society with their bigotry...
I have a dingy and matches for all of them that want to burn themselves up and leave the country because of yesterday ruling.

These are the same people that once were against interracial marriages and believe every Muslim is a member of ISIL, so who really cares what the mental midgets think!

Same Sex marriage is here to stay just like the ACA and no amount of pandering by the GOP religious nutter group will change this.

Also I thought they were leaving after President Obama won in 2008, and yet they are still here polluting our society with their bigotry...
But different races still provided a father and mother to children in marriage, so it was allowed.

This decision was about dismantling the physical structure, the static meaning of the word "marriage" to the demise of children...unravelling the foundation of an institution that provided balanced parenting for children for thousands and thousands of years. No man comes close to substituting for a mother. No woman comes close to substituting for a father. And such a radical far-reaching change was imposed upon the majority, silencing their opposition forever, from just 5 people in DC in 2015.
I have a dingy and matches for all of them that want to burn themselves up and leave the country because of yesterday ruling.

These are the same people that once were against interracial marriages and believe every Muslim is a member of ISIL, so who really cares what the mental midgets think!

Same Sex marriage is here to stay just like the ACA and no amount of pandering by the GOP religious nutter group will change this.

Also I thought they were leaving after President Obama won in 2008, and yet they are still here polluting our society with their bigotry...
But different races still provided a father and mother to children in marriage, so it was allowed.

This decision was about dismantling the physical structure, the static meaning of the word "marriage" to the demise of children...unravelling the foundation of an institution that provided balanced parenting for children for thousands and thousands of years. No man comes close to substituting for a mother. No woman comes close to substituting for a father. And such a radical far-reaching change was imposed upon the majority, silencing their opposition forever, from just 5 people in DC in 2015.

First off your homophobic rants will not work on me.

Second, Americans support same sex marriage.

Finally, A same sex couple can raise a child in a loving home and I know many men and women in regular marriage that are not even half as good at raising children as some of the same sex couples I know.

Your bigoted view has been noted, and you are correct you will be finally silent about it because the ruling is final. In the end you can no longer treat gays differently and with prejudice, and the USSC ruling was correct.

So run along and find a new group to be bigoted against, and learn society keep marching on while those like you fade into the past as time marches on.
Article posted by Laff-Hota is fantasy. Being Indian, OP should know what really happens when you piss off white people......:laugh:.

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