Republicans Are Going to Leave the Country and Set Themselves on Fire Due to SCOTUS

I remember hearing the same type of stuff from Democrats if George Bush was relected in 2004 and yet your all still here.
Unless they were sent to Iraq. Worst mistake America made since Vietnam, and might be even worse as toppling Saddam like toppling Assad and Qadaffi only handed countries to terrorists.
Obama handed Iraq and Libya to terrorists -- so far.
He's not done yet. We may yet be speaking Arabic by the time he's done.
if we havent become Spanish speakers,why would we learn Arabic?....
Visit Langley Park, MD.
so what language do they speak?....and is English never heard?....and you are talking about 1 square neighborhood is bigger than that all you got?...
Republicans won't leave the country. Nor will they set themselves on fire.

You might see an uptick in attacks on gays however.
why do you feel threatened?....

Nobody should retaliate against gays just because one of them shot up a black church last week the day after a southern church announced it won't perform gay marriage no matter what.

There are civil ways to "attack" And here are two of them:

A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Democrats Opposed To LGBT Marriage Ruling Unite Boycott DNC Candidate Donations US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

For instance, instead of setting themselves on fire, they could just set the democratic candidates budgets on fire and refuse to donate. If a nationwide movement started where preachers of all faiths opposed to fatherless or motherless "marriages" told all their parishoners to tell their friends and those friends friends to stop any and all donations to the democratic party (the party responsible for forwarding and providing a platform for this cult), that would send a far more stinging and lasting message.
Just sayin'... :popcorn:
so why are telling me this?.....katz is the one who made the statement about retaliation....just sayin....
Unless they were sent to Iraq. Worst mistake America made since Vietnam, and might be even worse as toppling Saddam like toppling Assad and Qadaffi only handed countries to terrorists.
Obama handed Iraq and Libya to terrorists -- so far.
He's not done yet. We may yet be speaking Arabic by the time he's done.
if we havent become Spanish speakers,why would we learn Arabic?....
Visit Langley Park, MD.
so what language do they speak?....and is English never heard?....and you are talking about 1 square neighborhood is bigger than that all you got?...
Just a sample.

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