Republicans Are No Longer A Political Party, They're A Mob

So this violent murderous mob hellbent on insurrection weren't so lawless and intent on killing that they
brought their firearms along with them.

LOL...that's some "insurrection".
You passive aggressive do nothing keyboard SJWs bear ALL the responsibility

No, no, you intolerable twit. I don't. I work, pay taxes and support a family. I have better things to do than squeal like a little bitch with a skinned knee about my social media toys being taken away for behaving like an entitled asshole repeatedly on private industry platforms and calling it 'censorship'.

I don't have to time nor inclination to protest. I do my duty as a responsible citizen and vote.

I don't have a chip on my shoulder because of my politics and/or the level of melanin in my skin.

I don't ask for anything from my government. Nor any other fellow American.

I'm not such a pathetic pussy that can't handle it when things don't go my way that I resort to supplanting reality with shitty conspiracy theories. Such low characters are your peers, not mine.
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.
Men, laws, more men, one man. Get out of bed already stupid bitch.
Go crazy. This isn't a place for conversation. It a place to broad brush parties. Always has been.
The mental health gun control agenda. Always first and foremost on the Democrat agenda. Right up there with abortion.
some are here for adult conversation
And they want a circumcision, too.
I don't.
I have better things to do
I don't have to time nor inclination
I don't have a chip
I don't ask for anything

OPERATIVE WORD: You DON'T. Don't anything. You do only for yourself then rationalize that because you pay a little in taxes, that the burden of the outcome should fall on others to shoulder.

If it works out to your liking, fine. If not, fine. Because you really don't care or can be bothered so long as you have you and yours for your own.

The definition of a self-serving, self-involved twit.

Then you're right back on your keyboard telling the world what they did wrong! :21:
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

Next time BLM and 'friends' try to burn down a city, does that mean Democrats are relegated to only being a mob?
Are those democrat or Biden rallies?


Then take your stupid question walking...
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

So all those people that burned, looted and killed, attacked govt buildings and politicians and destroyed people's businesses and livelyhoods all last summer right in the middle Covid were what, Angels?
That's right. Mind your own fucking business. Don't make it my business.

I didn't make you come here, and I ain't the one who started this conversation, asshole, YOU DID. If you can't be bothered to be involved in the world, STFU and get off of here. If the USA ain't your business nor concern, stop posting, stop telling others what to think and do, and drop dead, buttwad.
Do keep in mind that those who choose to riot, they don't speak for the rest of us who may happen to agree with them where one thing or another is concerned.

God bless you always!!!

That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

Next time BLM and 'friends' try to burn down a city, does that mean Democrats are relegated to only being a mob?
I doubt that anyone from BLM would vote for any White guy. So not Dems.

Why would you believe that?

are they racist?
You could be twins on that subject... and others I'm sure.
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

So let me see if I've got this straight...a small number of conservatives riot for a matter of hours on one day...and all Republicans are now part of a mob?
So are all Democrats part of a mob as well? Larger numbers of them have been rioting for months! Care to explain your rationale here?
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

Sad part is that this is common for the news lefties believe and rely upon. And they make sure they’re all in agreement. Parrots in an echo chamber.
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

They are a mob but they are also the minority Thank the lord
And from the looks of it....a shrinking minority.
And look at how places like Texas, Arizona Georgia are either blue now or getting bluer. No place is getting redder
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

They are a mob but they are also the minority Thank the lord
Progs want to get low and do. Progs want to being a gun to a knife fight and do. But much of what they are railing against do not do a thing to promote it.
You need to add for example....
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

They are a mob but they are also the minority Thank the lord
A dozen rednecks partied in the hinterlands last night drinking and listening to music. The mob is dangerous.
We’ll keep an eye on them. Probably making car bombs. Bunch of Timothy mcveighs

That's the kind of rhetoric that WILL get people hurt, but that's exactly what you want, isn't it.

So it’s not ok to keep an eye on whites but it’s ok to randomly stop and frisk blacks without cause?

And when they get upset and riot you call them animals who don’t respect the law. But when you riot over some bullshit and five die you don’t Even want an investigation Or charges?

Dont threaten. If you’re already triggered do it. It’s civil war time
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

This whining after 2 BILLION in damages a across the country.

Do you always go thru life with blinders?
Republicans Are No Longer A Political Party, They're A Mob

So they're just like the Democrats. Shocker.......

Hey, let's keep voting for both of them, though. It's been working out real well for the country.
That mob wasn't there to preserve democracy and "make America great again." They were there to destroy it. You've heard the old saying that we are a nation of laws, not of men? Wrong. To that mob and the congressmen and women and senators they elected — to the entire Republican Party, for that matter — we are a nation of "not of men," but of one man, Donald Trump.

So all those people that burned, looted and killed, attacked govt buildings and politicians and destroyed people's businesses and livelyhoods all last summer right in the middle Covid were what, Angels?
Pathetic whataboutism.

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