Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

The end is worth a repost:

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
The end is worth a repost:

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.
Which people who uphold the law? Who are they?
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Reactions: kaz
The end is worth a repost:

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.
The end is worth a repost:

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
The end is worth a repost:

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.
Which people who uphold the law? Who are they?

It sure isn't Democrats
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.
So when did you go on active duty? When did you get out of basic? What was your first base of assignment? We need to know some of your experience so we can evaluate just where you are coming from.

He wasn't in the US army, he was in the Salvation Army. And when I say in the Salvation Army, I mean they gave him free food. But he ate it. So that's military experience, right?
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
The end is worth a repost:

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.
Paranoid and delusional.

"Attempted assasination".

It's repeating that exact kind of bullshit that shows you RWers are so easily fooled into dopey narratives and don't even realize it.
Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?

His bio was after college. But you accurately point out he lied at least twice about his origin of birth. What a dumb ass, who gets their origin of birth wrong? And you hold Democrats to no standard at all, it's pathetic
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?
The end is worth a repost:

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

If Hillary wins you get four more years of thanks I see how that turned out
No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?

His bio was after college. But you accurately point out he lied at least twice about his origin of birth. What a dumb ass, who gets their origin of birth wrong? And you hold Democrats to no standard at all, it's pathetic
I went through Canadian customs once not long after moving three times in four months (long story) and when the agent asked me where I was from, I sat there looking at her, mouth agape, completely unsure what to say. Maybe he misunderstood the question?

my bold and larger text.


my bold and larger text.

Yes, by all means...quibble about "article", lightweight. Hope you feel better now. The fact that you are supporting a racist and misogynist like Trump matters not in your unremarkable mind.

Not a fact. Simply a nasty lie.

You are correct, lightweight. Trump believes Obama was born in Kenya because Trump is NOT a racist. My bad.

Trump was endorsed by the KKK because he is NOT a racist. My bad yet again.

Fucking Repug idiot.
Your ability to commit logic is obviously severely limited. You just posted two logical fallacies in one post. Congratulations! That takes a special talent.

Yet you're the trailer trash Repug who votes against your best economic interest every year, by supporting a political party that only cares about the rich. Go figure.

I understand,'re a little peasant and you must do what your rich Repug feudal masters like Trump tell you to do. You have no choice in the matter, it's your peasant duty.
Unhinged rant?
Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?

His bio was after college. But you accurately point out he lied at least twice about his origin of birth. What a dumb ass, who gets their origin of birth wrong? And you hold Democrats to no standard at all, it's pathetic
I went through Canadian customs once not long after moving three times in four months (long story) and when the agent asked me where I was from, I sat there looking at her, mouth agape, completely unsure what to say. Maybe he misunderstood the question?
Hey Julie Andrews here is your answer. Hill's was careless...we may not know the damage she has done and lives cost for some time to come.
Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email
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