Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

Now you're just being stupid

I doubt that's a recent development ...

Oh my...all of the racist Repug Trumpkins on this board are ganging up on me. Whatever will I do???

I'll just keep stating the obvious -- you people are evil, mentally ill, and a threat to our democracy. Hopefully, you'll look for a new country to live in after Hillary wins on Tuesday. In the meantime, you racists may continue to live in your Repug fantasy world and give each other comforting hand jobs.
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Go hide under your table dumbass.
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

If so they are well hidden.
There is also a very large contingent of people of color who I considered my brothers. I'll leave racism to you BLM and the Black Panthers.

They wouldn't be your brothers if you told them how you really felt, racist.
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

Now you're just being stupid

I doubt that's a recent development ...

Oh my...all of the racist Repug Trumpkins on this board are ganging up on me. Whatever will I do???

I'll just keep stating the obvious -- you people are evil, mentally ill, and a threat to our democracy. Hopefully, you'll look for a new country to live in after Hillary wins on Tuesday. In the meantime, you racists may continue to live in your Repug fantasy world and give each other comforting hand jobs.

So now I'm a racist....well OK then. You're just proving my point
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

Now you're just being stupid

I doubt that's a recent development ...

Oh my...all of the racist Repug Trumpkins on this board are ganging up on me. Whatever will I do???

I'll just keep stating the obvious -- you people are evil, mentally ill, and a threat to our democracy. Hopefully, you'll look for a new country to live in after Hillary wins on Tuesday. In the meantime, you racists may continue to live in your Repug fantasy world and give each other comforting hand jobs.

I'm still not a Trump supporter, but you are still an idiot. You're just a one trick pony. Democrats taught you anti-Trump talking points. When someone else just laughs at you for your hyperbole, you have nothing
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

It's interesting how racists always come up with bullshit reasons to defend their beliefs, isn't it?
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

Now you're just being stupid

I doubt that's a recent development ...

Oh my...all of the racist Repug Trumpkins on this board are ganging up on me. Whatever will I do???

I'll just keep stating the obvious -- you people are evil, mentally ill, and a threat to our democracy. Hopefully, you'll look for a new country to live in after Hillary wins on Tuesday. In the meantime, you racists may continue to live in your Repug fantasy world and give each other comforting hand jobs.

So now I'm a racist....well OK then. You're just proving my point

He doesn't even know what it means. It's just #2 on his list. It's also #s 1, 3, 4 and 5. Oh, and the rest of them too
I guess liberals have failed to see they redefined another term...racist.

It now simply means a person opposing their agenda.
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

Now you're just being stupid

I doubt that's a recent development ...

Oh my...all of the racist Repug Trumpkins on this board are ganging up on me. Whatever will I do???

I'll just keep stating the obvious -- you people are evil, mentally ill, and a threat to our democracy. Hopefully, you'll look for a new country to live in after Hillary wins on Tuesday. In the meantime, you racists may continue to live in your Repug fantasy world and give each other comforting hand jobs.

If this "war" starts are you armed?
Are you a neeeeeegress, Mary?

Actually, I'm a white guy. But I do hate you racist KKK mother fuckers, I must admit.
Actually asshole, the way you talk to and about people I would say you are much worse than the KKK. We haven't seen any KKK mother fuckers out burning, looting, rioting, throwing concrete at the police, blocking the highways, murdering police! No sir eereeee buddy, that's your side. Your side has been acting like terrorists. It is your side that should be feared.

Of course, you have nothing to say about police murdering innocent black people...because you're a dishonest tea bagger lump of shit.

Violence is wrong, no matter who perpetuates it. However, only a flat-out racist such as yourself and others Trumpkins on this board would make the asinine comment that Black Lives Matter has a worse history of violence than the KKK. There is simply no comparison and any honest, decent American knows this. So that excludes racists such as yourself.

You racist Repug fucks are mentally ill and I say that with no pleasure, so kindly fuck off.

BLM is nothing more than a terrorist cult of racist thugs looking for any excuse to loot and murder. They make the KKK look like a bunch of alter boys

If you keep repeating this I guess it makes it true....right, racist Army puke??
It would be simpler to list the things you don't hate.
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

If so they are well hidden.
There is also a very large contingent of people of color who I considered my brothers. I'll leave racism to you BLM and the Black Panthers.

They wouldn't be your brothers if you told them how you really felt, racist.

racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ... racist ...

Your intellectual capacity. Not that you know what it means, just repeating it is your intellectual capacity
Actually, I'm a white guy. But I do hate you racist KKK mother fuckers, I must admit.
Actually asshole, the way you talk to and about people I would say you are much worse than the KKK. We haven't seen any KKK mother fuckers out burning, looting, rioting, throwing concrete at the police, blocking the highways, murdering police! No sir eereeee buddy, that's your side. Your side has been acting like terrorists. It is your side that should be feared.

Of course, you have nothing to say about police murdering innocent black people...because you're a dishonest tea bagger lump of shit.

Violence is wrong, no matter who perpetuates it. However, only a flat-out racist such as yourself and others Trumpkins on this board would make the asinine comment that Black Lives Matter has a worse history of violence than the KKK. There is simply no comparison and any honest, decent American knows this. So that excludes racists such as yourself.

You racist Repug fucks are mentally ill and I say that with no pleasure, so kindly fuck off.

BLM is nothing more than a terrorist cult of racist thugs looking for any excuse to loot and murder. They make the KKK look like a bunch of alter boys

If you keep repeating this I guess it makes it true....right, racist Army puke??
It would be simpler to list the things you don't hate.

Democrats. You're right, that was simpler
Chair Force. Talk shit but never do shit.

I've always heard the Army has a large racist white supremacist contingent. I guess you're proof of that.

Now you're just being stupid

I doubt that's a recent development ...

Oh my...all of the racist Repug Trumpkins on this board are ganging up on me. Whatever will I do???

I'll just keep stating the obvious -- you people are evil, mentally ill, and a threat to our democracy. Hopefully, you'll look for a new country to live in after Hillary wins on Tuesday. In the meantime, you racists may continue to live in your Repug fantasy world and give each other comforting hand jobs.

If this "war" starts are you armed?
It's a war of wits and he is clearly unarmed.

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