Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead
You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?
Tell us what you think of Tiggerred, Fenton lun and acelips postings? Are they racists? Or, are you gonna dance away from this question?
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The end is worth a repost:

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

If Hillary wins you get four more years of thanks I see how that turned out
The end is worth a repost:

Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

If Hillary wins you get four more years of thanks I see how that turned out
I understand.
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead

First off, there are no dangerous secrets being bandied about via email. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE METHOD OF COMMUNICATION.

Clinton neither sent nor received anything via email which compromised national security. These are Trump's lies, or at least some of them.
It's interesting how you call people with different opinions as yours racist. You've been trained well by your plantation masters

No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.
So when did you go on active duty? When did you get out of basic? What was your first base of assignment? We need to know some of your experience so we can evaluate just where you are coming from.

He wasn't in the US army, he was in the Salvation Army. And when I say in the Salvation Army, I mean they gave him free food. But he ate it. So that's military experience, right?
I would be more than happy to swap my dates/assignments/training with him. For experience allows me to accept the use of nuclear weapons far more easily than the average community organizer. Training, education and work experience is a large part of who you are...who you come to be. Not sure why the reluctance.
You mean like the IRS? You are short on facts, intelligence and substance.

You're short on facts, lightweight. Show me evidence of Democrats using the IRS as a political instrument. Otherwise, kindly shut the fuck up.
They targeted TEA Party groups and denied tax exempt status. Like I was eluding to, you're a highly opinionated dumbfuck.

Evidence please. Not your bullshit tea bagger opinion, but real EVIDENCE. Do you know what that is?

You got no facts, no game, and no intellect. Weak-ass shit from a weak-ass Repug pussy.

Tea Party Rejects IRS Apology, Republicans Vow Investigation

Good try, but you are comparing apples and oranges.

From your article:

In a statement, the IRS admitted that "mistakes were made," but it said that the errors were not due to "any political or partisan rationale."

There is NOT a shred of evidence that the IRS investigated the Tea Party for politically-motivated reasons. However, that is not the case with the FBI and Clinton's emails. Numerous reports have come to light that a group of rogue FBI agents who despise Clinton are providing information to the Trump campaign or other friendly Republican sources.

It is completely unacceptable in a democracy for a law enforcement agency to independently meddle in elections and political affairs, but it's perfectly acceptable according to Repug fascists such as yourself. What's currently happening with the FBI is completely unprecedented and dangerous, but you're so full of hatred for Hillary that you simply don't care.
While oblivious to your own hatred.
Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?

His bio was after college. But you accurately point out he lied at least twice about his origin of birth. What a dumb ass, who gets their origin of birth wrong? And you hold Democrats to no standard at all, it's pathetic
I went through Canadian customs once not long after moving three times in four months (long story) and when the agent asked me where I was from, I sat there looking at her, mouth agape, completely unsure what to say. Maybe he misunderstood the question?

Where are you from is an ambiguous question. Where were you born is a clear question. I live in North Carolina. I lived as an adult in Maryland longer than any State. I was born and mostly grew up in Michigan. So:

Where are you from? Do you mean where do I live, where do I feel is home, where did I grow up, where was I born? Sure, I can see you not being clear how to answer, especially if you are worn out.

Now tell me that you'd have had a hard time answering though if they asked, "where were you born?"
Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

If Hillary wins you get four more years of thanks I see how that turned out
Yes, this is where media laziness and intellectual laziness come into play. There's no question that Trump and the current crop of Repugs in Congress and state legislatures are full-fledged fascists trying to hijack our democracy and they don't even bother with trying to hide this anymore.
They make a lot of noise, but there aren't as many of them as you think. They will be taken down the way the Republican protester in Reno was--with great efficiency by people who uphold the law. The party will be over quick.\

What does worry me is the ACTUAL promises by Republicans already in Congress to continue an obstructionist policy if Hillary is elected, and the equal promises by Harry Reid that if they win a majority, they will do the same.
That's where the real concern should be, and any legislator of either party that makes such claims should be voted OUT of office immediately if not sooner.

The confederate flag waving, stalking down the street with their weapon on their shoulder types will be dealt with like the ignoramuses they are. The ignoramuses in the House and Senate, on the other hand, are getting applauded for their grand standing while important issues continue to get kicked down the road cuz no one wants the decision on their voting record.
THAT is what should be worrying every single last one of us.

You should probably read the Wikileaks....and pull your head outa your ass
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

If Hillary wins you get four more years of thanks I see how that turned out
I understand.

No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me
And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead

First off, there are no dangerous secrets being bandied about via email. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE METHOD OF COMMUNICATION.

Clinton neither sent nor received anything via email which compromised national security. These are Trump's lies, or at least some of them.
Now it's being revealed that Hillary's maid printed out the president's daily brief every day. Stunning.
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Reactions: kaz
No he's calling racists "racist". If you believe Obama was born is Kenya and is a Muslim, if you're going to say that all Muslims should be barred from entry to the US, if you're going to call Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers", you're a racist.

Whether you think you're a racist or not, is irrelevant, you are a racist. I've read the hatred you spew for Obama and I have no other conclusion that you're a slightly smarter more articulate version of Shoots Speeders, but you're cut from the same low life, scumbag cloth.

Why would saying Obama was born in Kenya and a Muslim make someone racist? Because he is black? You people don't even know what you're talking about.

Obama is clueless as to what he is doing as POTUS...using your logic that makes me a racist.

You're an idiot

Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.
So when did you go on active duty? When did you get out of basic? What was your first base of assignment? We need to know some of your experience so we can evaluate just where you are coming from.

He wasn't in the US army, he was in the Salvation Army. And when I say in the Salvation Army, I mean they gave him free food. But he ate it. So that's military experience, right?
I would be more than happy to swap my dates/assignments/training with him. For experience allows me to accept the use of nuclear weapons far more easily than the average community organizer. Training, education and work experience is a large part of who you are...who you come to be. Not sure why the reluctance.

I have no problem with the use of nukes when the need arises...we should test one on Tehran to make sure ours work :)
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead

First off, there are no dangerous secrets being bandied about via email. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE METHOD OF COMMUNICATION.

Clinton neither sent nor received anything via email which compromised national security. These are Trump's lies, or at least some of them.
Now it's being revealed that Hillary's maid printed out the president's daily brief every day. Stunning.

Stunning...and pathetic.
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead
You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that.
My point is that you don't know any harm was done; if it had been--oh brother, would we know about it. You can spin tales about spies and deep dark outcomes of her carelessness, but it is all fiction. Trump's womanizing will have no effect on how he governs the country. What worries me is his lack of foreign policy understanding and I disagree pretty vehemently on things like NATO and Muslim immigration. On your end, Hillary's carelessness, which happened in the past, had no actual ramifications except possibly losing her presidential bid, and will not be repeated, is not a game changer, either.
And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead

First off, there are no dangerous secrets being bandied about via email. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE METHOD OF COMMUNICATION.

Clinton neither sent nor received anything via email which compromised national security. These are Trump's lies, or at least some of them.

So the US government doesn't send secret e-mails even though they classify them as secret, and we know that because you said so. So it's OK for them to ignore the whole secret thing.

Got it.

Interesting shit you make up. You really hate America, don't you, Mrs. Mao? Just so you know, the Chairman's not coming back
My head is just fine; I know what the Wikileaks infer in the minds of her opposition, and it has nothing to do with what I consider to be the real worry facing us.
The OP is worried about sore losers. I'm worried about what the winners plan to do for another four years.

And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?
Tell us what you think of Tiggerred, Fenton lun and acelips postings? Are they racists? Or, are you gonna dance away from this question?
WTF? Did you fall into the wrong thread, WillowTree?
If anything is a threat to our Republic it is the power hungry filthy ass anti Constitution Democrats.

They want to have the keys to the treasury so that they can raid it for their welfare queens and special interest and will stop at nothing. We have seen that from Crooked Hillary.

Keep telling yourself that, Repug goober. It'll make it even more painful for you on Nov 8.

You fuckers are good at bloviating, but very short on facts.

All this Clinton-hating and NO evidence of any malicious wrong doing, despite her 30 years of public service. You mindless Repugs don't even know why you hate Clinton, other than it's been programmed into your DNA by 30 years of hate radio and 20 years of Fox News.

You Repugs are mentally ill. Seriously.

Take you medication before you have a stroke.
Yeah, cuz the Clintons and their Democrat cohorts really care about Democracy. Sure they do. :cuckoo:
And the woman who provides her maid and IT resources without security clearances access to secret and top secret information, puts it on a server vulnerable to our enemies hacking it and tells them how long it takes us to respond to a nuclear threat being President for four years, that doesn't make you blink?
Please point to any repercussions from her extreme carelessness. Actual incidents, please.

Are you serious? I have to know what spy organizations did to hold Hillary accountable for her actions? You get more and more lost in being a partisan hack.

You first, show this is your standard. What are the repercussions to US security of Trump being a sex dog?
Why do I even bother asking you questions? I never get an answer. Ever. Which tells me YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY. Are they paying you by the thread or the post?

You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that. So yeah, if you want to ask butt stupid questions, you're not going to get serious answers.

You're voting for someone who has a history of exposing our secrets. Again, to her maid, to her IT staff and to anyone on the Internet. That is dangerous regardless of whether they got anything this time or not. Stop being an airhead
You asked me as if I'd know what foreign spies were able to get and use. How the fuck would I know that? Even the military doesn't know that.
My point is that you don't know any harm was done; if it had been--oh brother, would we know about it. You can spin tales about spies and deep dark outcomes of her carelessness, but it is all fiction. Trump's womanizing will have no effect on how he governs the country. What worries me is his lack of foreign policy understanding and I disagree pretty vehemently on things like NATO and Muslim immigration. On your end, Hillary's carelessness, which happened in the past, had no actual ramifications except possibly losing her presidential bid, and will not be repeated, is not a game changer, either.

So you seriously consider it to mitigate her providing access to her maid, IT staff and hackers dependent on whether any of them did anything with it or not? It's OK, to have someone who does that as President if we can't prove it happened? WTF?

And again, you ignored my question on your standard for Trump. Show where his actions have compromised US security since you claim that as your standard
Nope, you're a racist because you believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And all of your lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations doesn't change this simple fact, racist.

Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?

His bio was after college. But you accurately point out he lied at least twice about his origin of birth. What a dumb ass, who gets their origin of birth wrong? And you hold Democrats to no standard at all, it's pathetic
I went through Canadian customs once not long after moving three times in four months (long story) and when the agent asked me where I was from, I sat there looking at her, mouth agape, completely unsure what to say. Maybe he misunderstood the question?

Where are you from is an ambiguous question. Where were you born is a clear question. I live in North Carolina. I lived as an adult in Maryland longer than any State. I was born and mostly grew up in Michigan. So:

Where are you from? Do you mean where do I live, where do I feel is home, where did I grow up, where was I born? Sure, I can see you not being clear how to answer, especially if you are worn out.

Now tell me that you'd have had a hard time answering though if they asked, "where were you born?"
Gee, Kaz, THANK YOU for that. The fellow passenger in the car with me that day still teases me about that. I like the way you explained it.
I didn't follow the born in Kenya thing, and I don't care if the man was born on Mars, I think he's a bunch smarter and a better leader than either of the yokels about to take his place. But maybe someday I'll look into it and find out what was going on when he said he was born in Kenya.
"You are correct, lightweight. Trump believes Obama was born in Kenya because Trump is NOT a racist. My bad."

Correct, that is your bad. Since when did Kenya become a race? And how would Trump's opinion about a birth place make him racist? Pathetic excuse for name calling on your part.
Speaking of pathetic exactly how do you think the KKKs opinion about anything says anything about Trump? It appears that BLM likes Obama does that make him a racist also?

Yeah, if you believe Obama was born in Africa and is a Muslim, then you're not a racist. Only an idiot racist like you would believe something like that.

Black Lives Matter does not have the same sickening history of violence that the KKK does, so that's a ridiculous comparison. And the only reason you would make that comparison is that you are a racist.

But...I believe Obama is a muslim who was born in Africa so you said I can't be a racist. Make up your poor excuse for a mind.

BTW both you and Obama are more racist than 90% of KKK members so you should feel some brotherhood there.

I was obviously being sarcastic, you fucking imbecile. Fuck off before I take a giant shit on your loser racist ass.

Try. Please.

I already did, racist pussy. Run along to your KKK meeting, you mentally disturbed fuck.
Mentally disturbed, your are.

Get a napkin, you're foaming at the mouth.
Obama was born in Hawaii. You have to admit though how hysterical it is that he got his own country of birth wrong in his bio. Then his wife got it wrong too. What an idiot. You have to agree
What was that about, anyway? He thought he'd have an easier time getting into his college if he were from away?

His bio was after college. But you accurately point out he lied at least twice about his origin of birth. What a dumb ass, who gets their origin of birth wrong? And you hold Democrats to no standard at all, it's pathetic
I went through Canadian customs once not long after moving three times in four months (long story) and when the agent asked me where I was from, I sat there looking at her, mouth agape, completely unsure what to say. Maybe he misunderstood the question?

Where are you from is an ambiguous question. Where were you born is a clear question. I live in North Carolina. I lived as an adult in Maryland longer than any State. I was born and mostly grew up in Michigan. So:

Where are you from? Do you mean where do I live, where do I feel is home, where did I grow up, where was I born? Sure, I can see you not being clear how to answer, especially if you are worn out.

Now tell me that you'd have had a hard time answering though if they asked, "where were you born?"
Gee, Kaz, THANK YOU for that. The fellow passenger in the car with me that day still teases me about that. I like the way you explained it.
I didn't follow the born in Kenya thing, and I don't care if the man was born on Mars, I think he's a bunch smarter and a better leader than either of the yokels about to take his place. But maybe someday I'll look into it and find out what was going on when he said he was born in Kenya.

So you don't believe we are a nation of laws that are to be followed? I am understanding why you support Clinton

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