Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

Democrats all have military experience which is why it's how they know the military wants to be treated with the hate and derision the Democrat party treats them with, they all are gun owners which is how they know gun owners are all mentally unbalanced and shouldn't own guns, and they either are Republicans or were until the Supremes stopped Gore from stealing the election which is how they know Republicans are all corporate and rich loving racist gun clutching bible huggers.

That doesn't make sense to you? Hmm ... me either ...

I honestly have NO IDEA what you're stupid ass is trying to say in this incoherent rant. Most of the military veterans serving in Congress are, in fact, Democrats. But don't let this simple fact stop you from posting more of your mentally disturbed bullshit, dumb ass.
Count em, Mary...

Veterans in Congress (114th)

What I meant to say is most of the newly elected veteran members of Congress in the past 10 - 12 years have been Democrats. One reason for this is that the Republicans have lost a lot of credibility with the military after the disastrous Iraq War.

However, if I'm wrong about this, then I'm wrong. I'm a man and I can admit when I'm wrong, unlike you dishonest Trumpkin assholes.

I said in the past 10 - 12 years. A few years ago (it may have been 2006), I believe 8 new Democrats were elected vs 1 new Republican. However, with the Tea Party wave in 2010, I could be wrong about this.

So your not knowing how to use the quote function aside, you have nothing
Yes, I know lightweight. Clinton lied about Benghazi, despite being investigated countless times by Congress on this issue. On the other hand, Bush did not lie about WMD in Iraq, a far bigger disaster than Benghazi. How utterly logical to intellectually dishonest Repug fuckholes such as yourself.

Hey fucktard, I have not said a word about Benghazi, I'm good with the way it worked out. Man, you sure are a stupid fuck. Both Clinton's, Gore, Kerry and other high ranking Democrats and Generals all believed that Iraq had WMDs. I can't believe you nutjobs are so dumb.

So go fuck yourself, you are a moronic troll that has shit for brains and contributes nothing.

Damn, dishonest idiots. Man you sure are Hillary's little bitch.

Yes, they voted in favor of it after the WMD intelligence was manipulated by Cheney and Rumsfeld. If you're going to tell the story, then quit being dishonest and tell it right, asshole.

And there would have never been an Iraq War if the 2000 election hadn't been stolen from Gore and you know that's true also.

You're silent as a mouse regarding all of these Trumpkin racists, so it's quite obvious where you stand. You're a morally bankrupt little shit, just like all these other racist Repug assholes.

You are a liar, the Clinton's from the info they received before they left office said Iraq had WMDs. If Gore won we would be speaking Arabic. You dishonest trolls lie all the time, this isn't new for you.

You are a racist fucker who is Hillary's bitch.

Oh well...I'd rather be Hillary's bitch than Trump's little racist bitch, like you sweetie pie.

And did I already mention that you are a dishonest morally bankrupt little Repug fuckhole who enjoys making shit up about the Iraq War? If so, I apologize.

I don't vote Trump fucktard, I'm against the two mainstream candidates. You are a real dumb fuck and a hypocritical shit head. I don't apologize to useless racist scum like you.

You are beginning to bore me. You are only here for my entertainment and you are failing.

Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty obvious that you are a racist sympathizer, if nothing else. Go play footsie with the "The Proud White Racist' some more.
I honestly have NO IDEA what you're stupid ass is trying to say in this incoherent rant. Most of the military veterans serving in Congress are, in fact, Democrats. But don't let this simple fact stop you from posting more of your mentally disturbed bullshit, dumb ass.
Count em, Mary...

Veterans in Congress (114th)

What I meant to say is most of the newly elected veteran members of Congress in the past 10 - 12 years have been Democrats. One reason for this is that the Republicans have lost a lot of credibility with the military after the disastrous Iraq War.

However, if I'm wrong about this, then I'm wrong. I'm a man and I can admit when I'm wrong, unlike you dishonest Trumpkin assholes.

I said in the past 10 - 12 years. A few years ago (it may have been 2006), I believe 8 new Democrats were elected vs 1 new Republican. However, with the Tea Party wave in 2010, I could be wrong about this.

So your not knowing how to use the quote function aside, you have nothing

I obviously put my response in the wrong place, dumb ass. After you grow up, quit pretending that you are NOT a Repug. It's a boring, stupid act.

What I meant to say is most of the newly elected veteran members of Congress in the past 10 - 12 years have been Democrats. One reason for this is that the Republicans have lost a lot of credibility with the military after the disastrous Iraq War.

However, if I'm wrong about this, then I'm wrong. I'm a man and I can admit when I'm wrong, unlike you dishonest Trumpkin assholes.

I said in the past 10 - 12 years. A few years ago (it may have been 2006), I believe 8 new Democrats were elected vs 1 new Republican. However, with the Tea Party wave in 2010, I could be wrong about this.

So your not knowing how to use the quote function aside, you have nothing

I obviously put my response in the wrong place, dumb ass. After you grow up, quit pretending that you are NOT a Repug. It's a boring, stupid act.

I'm against all morality laws, I am pro-choice, think prostitution, euthanasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal.

Unlike Democrats, I oppose foreign wars for non-defense and think we should bring all our troops home permanently that are not on US territory. I would slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2 and make it defensive focused.

You think I'm a Republican because you're a complete and utter fucking moron who's a complte bitch to the Democrat party and your balls are in a jar on Hillary's mantle
People like Dubya Da Last are still obsessed with George W. Bush...who's been back chopping brush on his ranch in Crawford FOR THE PAST EIGHT obsessed that they're still trotting out liberal talking points from back then about a man who isn't running for somehow divert attention from the woman who IS...and is about as corrupt as any politician ever to set foot in Washington DC!

Of course you want to forget about Bush. You don't want to look in the mirror and admit you made a horrible mistake voting for a man who executed a disastrous war and got over 4,000 American troops killed. And the wreckage he left behind in terms of grieving families still exists. Not that an anti-American fascist fuck like you would care about that.

Therefore, you worthless Repugs have no credibility when talking about Clinton's foreign policy "mistakes" and you might as well just shut up about it. All Democrats already know you Repugs are full of shit.
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Actually the biggest majority of those troop deaths happened after obama and after he changed the rules of engagement.

The country needs to divide anything that makes that happen is good.
Excellent comeback, racist turd. I'm obviously no match for the simple eloquence of uneducated, unsophisticated racist goobers such as yourself.
The joke is on you retard.

Democrats hate white people. You are nothing but a useful idiot who will be disposed of when your idiocy is no longer actually useful.

No, democrats just hate ignorant racists such as you. You're obviously a slow-learner, but maybe a young racist dumb fuck such as yourself can eventually figure out that simple truth. Maybe.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
Actually the biggest majority of those troop deaths happened after obama and after he changed the rules of engagement.

The country needs to divide anything that makes that happen is good.

Revisionist history by another dishonest Repug dumb fuck....not to mention that you're categorically wrong.
Hey fucktard, I have not said a word about Benghazi, I'm good with the way it worked out. Man, you sure are a stupid fuck. Both Clinton's, Gore, Kerry and other high ranking Democrats and Generals all believed that Iraq had WMDs. I can't believe you nutjobs are so dumb.

So go fuck yourself, you are a moronic troll that has shit for brains and contributes nothing.

Damn, dishonest idiots. Man you sure are Hillary's little bitch.

Yes, they voted in favor of it after the WMD intelligence was manipulated by Cheney and Rumsfeld. If you're going to tell the story, then quit being dishonest and tell it right, asshole.

And there would have never been an Iraq War if the 2000 election hadn't been stolen from Gore and you know that's true also.

You're silent as a mouse regarding all of these Trumpkin racists, so it's quite obvious where you stand. You're a morally bankrupt little shit, just like all these other racist Repug assholes.

You are a liar, the Clinton's from the info they received before they left office said Iraq had WMDs. If Gore won we would be speaking Arabic. You dishonest trolls lie all the time, this isn't new for you.

You are a racist fucker who is Hillary's bitch.

Oh well...I'd rather be Hillary's bitch than Trump's little racist bitch, like you sweetie pie.

And did I already mention that you are a dishonest morally bankrupt little Repug fuckhole who enjoys making shit up about the Iraq War? If so, I apologize.

I don't vote Trump fucktard, I'm against the two mainstream candidates. You are a real dumb fuck and a hypocritical shit head. I don't apologize to useless racist scum like you.

You are beginning to bore me. You are only here for my entertainment and you are failing.

Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty obvious that you are a racist sympathizer, if nothing else. Go play footsie with the "The Proud White Racist' some more.

So all you have is that everyone is a racist? Lol! Wow! Liberals got a real dumb fuck! Get new materials ass wipe, your shit is old and stale. No one but idiots buy what you are selling.
Actually the biggest majority of those troop deaths happened after obama and after he changed the rules of engagement.

The country needs to divide anything that makes that happen is good.

What do you expect from a lying piece of liberal shit.
Yes, they voted in favor of it after the WMD intelligence was manipulated by Cheney and Rumsfeld. If you're going to tell the story, then quit being dishonest and tell it right, asshole.

And there would have never been an Iraq War if the 2000 election hadn't been stolen from Gore and you know that's true also.

You're silent as a mouse regarding all of these Trumpkin racists, so it's quite obvious where you stand. You're a morally bankrupt little shit, just like all these other racist Repug assholes.

You are a liar, the Clinton's from the info they received before they left office said Iraq had WMDs. If Gore won we would be speaking Arabic. You dishonest trolls lie all the time, this isn't new for you.

You are a racist fucker who is Hillary's bitch.

Oh well...I'd rather be Hillary's bitch than Trump's little racist bitch, like you sweetie pie.

And did I already mention that you are a dishonest morally bankrupt little Repug fuckhole who enjoys making shit up about the Iraq War? If so, I apologize.

I don't vote Trump fucktard, I'm against the two mainstream candidates. You are a real dumb fuck and a hypocritical shit head. I don't apologize to useless racist scum like you.

You are beginning to bore me. You are only here for my entertainment and you are failing.

Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty obvious that you are a racist sympathizer, if nothing else. Go play footsie with the "The Proud White Racist' some more.

So all you have is that everyone is a racist? Lol! Wow! Liberals got a real dumb fuck! Get new materials ass wipe, your shit is old and stale. No one but idiots buy what you are selling.

No, the majority of Americans and Democrats buy what I'm selling. Which is why Hillary is going to win resoundingly on Tuesday and you little racist Repug bitches will be crying all night.

And then you will have serious introspection about your racist and misguided Repug beliefs...for about 5 seconds. Then you'll come back on this board and it'll be business as usual with your despicable Repug behavior.
You are a liar, the Clinton's from the info they received before they left office said Iraq had WMDs. If Gore won we would be speaking Arabic. You dishonest trolls lie all the time, this isn't new for you.

You are a racist fucker who is Hillary's bitch.

Oh well...I'd rather be Hillary's bitch than Trump's little racist bitch, like you sweetie pie.

And did I already mention that you are a dishonest morally bankrupt little Repug fuckhole who enjoys making shit up about the Iraq War? If so, I apologize.

I don't vote Trump fucktard, I'm against the two mainstream candidates. You are a real dumb fuck and a hypocritical shit head. I don't apologize to useless racist scum like you.

You are beginning to bore me. You are only here for my entertainment and you are failing.

Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty obvious that you are a racist sympathizer, if nothing else. Go play footsie with the "The Proud White Racist' some more.

So all you have is that everyone is a racist? Lol! Wow! Liberals got a real dumb fuck! Get new materials ass wipe, your shit is old and stale. No one but idiots buy what you are selling.

No, the majority of Americans and Democrats buy what I'm selling. Which is why Hillary is going to win resoundingly on Tuesday and you little racist Repug bitches will be crying all night.

And then you will have serious introspection about your racist and misguided Repug beliefs...for about 5 seconds. Then you'll come back on this board and it'll be business as usual with your despicable Repug behavior.

Man this is it? Nothing new? Nothing but silly troll? Sorry, you are really boring and your pussy arguments are not relevant or interesting. I'll give you one more chance to entertain me, otherwise I am moving on to interesting people.
The joke is on you retard.

Democrats hate white people. You are nothing but a useful idiot who will be disposed of when your idiocy is no longer actually useful.

No, democrats just hate ignorant racists such as you. You're obviously a slow-learner, but maybe a young racist dumb fuck such as yourself can eventually figure out that simple truth. Maybe.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.
No, democrats just hate ignorant racists such as you. You're obviously a slow-learner, but maybe a young racist dumb fuck such as yourself can eventually figure out that simple truth. Maybe.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

He has nothing, same old liberal BS. Tough to believe there are people as stupid and ignorant as she is.
Oh well...I'd rather be Hillary's bitch than Trump's little racist bitch, like you sweetie pie.

And did I already mention that you are a dishonest morally bankrupt little Repug fuckhole who enjoys making shit up about the Iraq War? If so, I apologize.

I don't vote Trump fucktard, I'm against the two mainstream candidates. You are a real dumb fuck and a hypocritical shit head. I don't apologize to useless racist scum like you.

You are beginning to bore me. You are only here for my entertainment and you are failing.

Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty obvious that you are a racist sympathizer, if nothing else. Go play footsie with the "The Proud White Racist' some more.

So all you have is that everyone is a racist? Lol! Wow! Liberals got a real dumb fuck! Get new materials ass wipe, your shit is old and stale. No one but idiots buy what you are selling.

No, the majority of Americans and Democrats buy what I'm selling. Which is why Hillary is going to win resoundingly on Tuesday and you little racist Repug bitches will be crying all night.

And then you will have serious introspection about your racist and misguided Repug beliefs...for about 5 seconds. Then you'll come back on this board and it'll be business as usual with your despicable Repug behavior.

Man this is it? Nothing new? Nothing but silly troll? Sorry, you are really boring and your pussy arguments are not relevant or interesting. I'll give you one more chance to entertain me, otherwise I am moving on to interesting people.

Let me know when your 5 seconds of introspection regarding all of your morally vacant Repug beliefs has been completed. Since you know Hillary is going to win, you might as well get started.

Then I'll get back to you, asswipe.
Dubya Duh, fails. Sorry I gave him all sorts of chances and he couldn't produce anything.
No, democrats just hate ignorant racists such as you. You're obviously a slow-learner, but maybe a young racist dumb fuck such as yourself can eventually figure out that simple truth. Maybe.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?

You guys just suck so bad that a progressive millennial sides with white nationalists over you.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

He has nothing, same old liberal BS. Tough to believe there are people as stupid and ignorant as she is.

Says the man talking to a racist that goes by "Proud To Be White Forever". crack me up, fuckhole.
Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?

You guys just suck so bad that a progressive millennial sides with white nationalists over you.
Millennials are flocking more to Hillary than Trump

Millennials Favor Clinton Over Trump by 28 Points, Poll Finds

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