Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

You people are morally bankrupt and you are going to lose yet another President election tomorrow and you're going to lose badly.
I am assuming you are talking about me. If not, I apologize.
As far as 'morally bankrupt' goes, Liberals just this election have run a corrupt, criminal, lying, POS for President - a candidate their party would never tolerate if she was a Republican, rigged their own Primary, and have engaged in massive, wide-scale election fraud, culminating in the President of the United States advocating and encouraging his army of Illegals to vote and help steal the election.

Violence has been coordinated against their opposition proven to have been organized all the way up to the Oval Office.

This President and his most lawless administration in US history has criminalized the DOJ and FBI in order to save Hillary's ass from dying in prison.

Barry and Hillary allied themselves with - financed, supplied, armed, protected, trained terrorists - Al Qaeida (murderers of 3,000 Americans), ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Mexican Drug Cartels dragged the nation into 2 Un-authorized wars to help terrorists take over their own country, and abandoned 4 Americans to die needlessly while they schemed and plotted on how to save THEIR OWN asses politically.

The Candidate spent most of her political career demonizing and silencing the victims of her sexual predatory Husband's sexual assaults, sexual harassments ,rapes, adulterous affairs, and pedophilia.

Today's Liberals - Obama, Bill, Barry - they are not just morally bankrupt - they have a massive deficit.

And you have evidence to support your accusations about Obama? Didn't think so. All you have is your hate-filled diatribe.
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Hillary's campaign is based on telling half the nation that that other half are nazies that will get them killed in a nuclear war.

And you are surprised that people are pissed off at being called nazis that want to destroy the world?


You people are racists and you love the red meat that the racist Trump provides you. He makes you worthless racist fucks feel legitimate. You people are "pissed off" mainly because you are racists and also because you have an irrational hatred of Hillary.

I find it hilarious that you little trolls have no self awareness at all.
You are so filled with hatred and malice you can't even think straight...wait have you fed your family yet?
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Hillary's campaign is based on telling half the nation that that other half are nazies that will get them killed in a nuclear war.

And you are surprised that people are pissed off at being called nazis that want to destroy the world?


You people are racists and you love the red meat that the racist Trump provides you. He makes you worthless racist fucks feel legitimate. You people are "pissed off" mainly because you are racists and also because you have an irrational hatred of Hillary.

I find it hilarious that you little trolls have no self awareness at all.
You are so filled with hatred and malice you can't even think straight...wait have you fed your family yet?

She is a Republican paid shill, no one is as stupid as she is.
No, democrats just hate ignorant racists such as you. You're obviously a slow-learner, but maybe a young racist dumb fuck such as yourself can eventually figure out that simple truth. Maybe.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.

If calling everyone who disagrees with you a "racist" is the best you've got...why bother?

Yes, someone with a moniker "Proud To Be White Forever" is not a racist. My bad.

You're just another dishonest fucking idiot, like most Repugs. If you had any decency, you would be trying to kick racists like this guy out of your party. Obviously, you haven't and you waste all your time attacking liberals instead.
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Hillary's campaign is based on telling half the nation that that other half are nazies that will get them killed in a nuclear war.

And you are surprised that people are pissed off at being called nazis that want to destroy the world?


You people are racists and you love the red meat that the racist Trump provides you. He makes you worthless racist fucks feel legitimate. You people are "pissed off" mainly because you are racists and also because you have an irrational hatred of Hillary.

I find it hilarious that you little trolls have no self awareness at all.
You are so filled with hatred and malice you can't even think straight...wait have you fed your family yet?

She is a Republican paid shill, no one is as stupid as she is.

Except for perhaps you...since you were playing footsie last night with the racist "Proud To Be White Forever".

Did you complete your 5 seconds of introspection yet like I instructed, you morally vacant Repug goober? You may as well start, since we already know Trump is going to lose.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.

If calling everyone who disagrees with you a "racist" is the best you've got...why bother?

Yes, someone with a moniker "Proud To Be White Forever" is not a racist. My bad.

You're just another dishonest fucking idiot, like most Repugs. If you had any decency, you would be trying to kick racists like this guy out of your party. Obviously, you haven't and you waste all your time attacking liberals instead.

You po black many whites, so little time.
Had you been more intelligent you might have found a white baby daddy and he'd still be there helping raise the's got to be tough with so many mouths to feed and so little welfare money to do it with.
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Hillary's campaign is based on telling half the nation that that other half are nazies that will get them killed in a nuclear war.

And you are surprised that people are pissed off at being called nazis that want to destroy the world?


You people are racists and you love the red meat that the racist Trump provides you. He makes you worthless racist fucks feel legitimate. You people are "pissed off" mainly because you are racists and also because you have an irrational hatred of Hillary.

I find it hilarious that you little trolls have no self awareness at all.
You are so filled with hatred and malice you can't even think straight...wait have you fed your family yet?

Yep. After all, ripping you loser Repugs some new assholes is an easy part time job for me.
And nothing you've written comes close to the disaster that Bush created in Iraq.

I see you and Jake share the same lack of common sense / intelligence....

Liberals blamed Bush for dragging us into A (1) War, with the Congressional approval to do so, for no good reason....


Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton DRUG the United States into 2 (TWO) UN-CONSTITUTIONAL (ILLEGAL) Wars, WITHOUT Congressional approval to do so, after ALLYING THEMSELVES WITH TERRORISTS - the same terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 on US soil - to AID / HELP those 2 terrorist organizations take over their own nations.
-- THAT, btw, is TREASON - violating the Constitution and doing so to help this nation's enemies.

Over 500 people have been killed thanks to Obama's arming of the Mexican Drug Cartels, to include 4 Americans.

Countless THOUSANDS not only in the Middle East but across the world have been murdered by ISIS thanks to Obama and Hillary supplying, financing, arming, training, and protecting them. Obama is the one who drafted the Anti-ISIS Coalition's Rules of Engagement, which protected ISIS' Black Market Oil Production which funded ISIS' terrorist activities, to include the Paris bombing -- OBAMA WAS PROTECTING THEIR ABILITY TO WAGE / ENGAGE IN TERRORIST ATTACKS AROUND THE WORLD!

Barry declared 'Al Qaeida is on the Run'...WHILE helping Al Qaeida take over Libya.

Barry was declaring the 'War on Terror is OVER' while HELPING ISIS try to overthrow Assad, while he was running weapons to ISIS through Benghazi, while ISIS was spreading into Iraq and taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great expense and killing thousands of innocents as they went.

Hillary and Barry was engaged in arming Al Qaeida and ISIS, with the help of an International Weapons Dealer (who Barry just recently pardoned) while Al Qaeida attacked the US compound in Benghazi twice, called for the attack on 9/11/12, called for Stevens Assassination, while 4 Americans fought for their lived for approx. 12 hours during which time Barry and Hillary planned not how to save those 4 Americans but how to save their own political careers.

If you HONESTLY believe what Bush did, invading Iraq, is worse than all of this then you need serious f*ing help!
Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.

If calling everyone who disagrees with you a "racist" is the best you've got...why bother?

Yes, someone with a moniker "Proud To Be White Forever" is not a racist. My bad.

You're just another dishonest fucking idiot, like most Repugs. If you had any decency, you would be trying to kick racists like this guy out of your party. Obviously, you haven't and you waste all your time attacking liberals instead.

You po black many whites, so little time.
Had you been more intelligent you might have found a white baby daddy and he'd still be there helping raise the's got to be tough with so many mouths to feed and so little welfare money to do it with. many Trumpkin Repug racists and so little time! I must admit that I'm very good at getting under the skin of you racists and making you reveal your true colors.

Thank you for destroying the Repug Party, it's been a long time coming. I will say that it is sad that the party of Lincoln has been completely taken over by unabashed racists such as yourself.
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

Hillary's campaign is based on telling half the nation that that other half are nazies that will get them killed in a nuclear war.

And you are surprised that people are pissed off at being called nazis that want to destroy the world?


You people are racists and you love the red meat that the racist Trump provides you. He makes you worthless racist fucks feel legitimate. You people are "pissed off" mainly because you are racists and also because you have an irrational hatred of Hillary.

I find it hilarious that you little trolls have no self awareness at all.
You are so filled with hatred and malice you can't even think straight...wait have you fed your family yet?

Yep. After all, ripping you loser Repugs some new assholes is an easy part time job for me.

Careful, don't let the Welfare folks now about your part time gig.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.

If calling everyone who disagrees with you a "racist" is the best you've got...why bother?

Yes, someone with a moniker "Proud To Be White Forever" is not a racist. My bad.

You're just another dishonest fucking idiot, like most Repugs. If you had any decency, you would be trying to kick racists like this guy out of your party. Obviously, you haven't and you waste all your time attacking liberals instead.

You po black many whites, so little time.
Had you been more intelligent you might have found a white baby daddy and he'd still be there helping raise the's got to be tough with so many mouths to feed and so little welfare money to do it with. many Trumpkin Repug racists and so little time! I must admit that I'm very good at getting under the skin of you racists and making you reveal your true colors.

Thank you for destroying the Repug Party, it's been a long time coming. I will say that it is sad that the party of Lincoln has been completely taken over by unabashed racists such as yourself.

LOL, honey the ONLY thing you might be good at is hiding your addictions from your loved ones.
Remember, crack is whacked.
And nothing you've written comes close to the disaster that Bush created in Iraq.

I see you and Jake share the same lack of common sense / intelligence....

Liberals blamed Bush for dragging us into A (1) War, with the Congressional approval to do so, for no good reason....


Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton DRUG the United States into 2 (TWO) UN-CONSTITUTIONAL (ILLEGAL) Wars, WITHOUT Congressional approval to do so, after ALLYING THEMSELVES WITH TERRORISTS - the same terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 on US soil - to AID / HELP those 2 terrorist organizations take over their own nations.
-- THAT, btw, is TREASON - violating the Constitution and doing so to help this nation's enemies.

Over 500 people have been killed thanks to Obama's arming of the Mexican Drug Cartels, to include 4 Americans.

Countless THOUSANDS not only in the Middle East but across the world have been murdered by ISIS thanks to Obama and Hillary supplying, financing, arming, training, and protecting them. Obama is the one who drafted the Anti-ISIS Coalition's Rules of Engagement, which protected ISIS' Black Market Oil Production which funded ISIS' terrorist activities, to include the Paris bombing -- OBAMA WAS PROTECTING THEIR ABILITY TO WAGE / ENGAGE IN TERRORIST ATTACKS AROUND THE WORLD!

Barry declared 'Al Qaeida is on the Run'...WHILE helping Al Qaeida take over Libya.

Barry was declaring the 'War on Terror is OVER' while HELPING ISIS try to overthrow Assad, while he was running weapons to ISIS through Benghazi, while ISIS was spreading into Iraq and taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great expense and killing thousands of innocents as they went.

Hillary and Barry was engaged in arming Al Qaeida and ISIS, with the help of an International Weapons Dealer (who Barry just recently pardoned) while Al Qaeida attacked the US compound in Benghazi twice, called for the attack on 9/11/12, called for Stevens Assassination, while 4 Americans fought for their lived for approx. 12 hours during which time Barry and Hillary planned not how to save those 4 Americans but how to save their own political careers.

If you HONESTLY believe what Bush did, invading Iraq, is worse than all of this then you need serious f*ing help!

Yep, I honestly believe it, lightweight. And I believe it because it is the correct analysis of American foreign policy mistakes over the past 15 years. The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me

You voted for Bush twice didn't you. Did you not notice that the mess started with Bush and is much better under Obama? No, of course not. You're so blinded by your racism and your hatred that you refuse to realize it's YOU and people like you who made those divisions, who voted for the the guy who ruined your economy, and created the crushing debt.

Too stupid to be one person.
No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me

You voted for Bush twice didn't you. .

Nope, I was too young to vote his first time and the second time I abstained.

Nice try though ya old buzzard
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

Neither Obama nor Clinton has violated the Constitution, or committed treason. They didn't help the terrorists, and they haven't broken the law.

This has been proven over and over again, but you refuse to believe it.
I have a feeling that when Trump wins, bed wetters like the OP will be as traumatised as they were the last time someone wiped his blood of their dick with his teddy bear.

No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me
I do understand. Just be sure whoever you vote into office to represent you plans to fix it, not just warm a chair in the Capital while taking perks from lobbyists.

That's why I'm voting Trump...does it bother you Clinton used pay to play as Sec of State?
I'm pissed as hell she was put up as the candidate, to be honest, but unlike you, I do not have the sheer, mad, irresponsibility to elect her opponent and just wait to see what will happen next.

So, you're fine with electing a person who is obviously dishonest and probably corrupt rather than vote for a third party candidate? Don't see that you have much room to criticize her.
Any third party or left blank vote is a vote for Trump. I've listened to a bunch of you "clean hands" guys ripping up Hillary and supposedly ripping up Trump, all innocent of any wrong doing because you're going to vote for a guy getting 2 or 3% support. Or writing in Kasich. Or whatever. Not this time. As an independent all my life, I've voted third party in the past, but not this year.

No, a third party vote is a vote for someone who is representative of my viewpoint, which is what a vote is supposed to be. A blank vote is an expression that no one represents my viewpoint. I am sick and tired of you partisans trying to guilt me into voting for Hillary when she is SO obviously corrupt. From how she moved left to try to co-opt Bernie's support when she NEVER believed in progressive positions in the past to all the money she took from her corporate masters in her quest to be rich, she isn't someone I will EVER support.
No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me

You voted for Bush twice didn't you. Did you not notice that the mess started with Bush and is much better under Obama? No, of course not. You're so blinded by your racism and your hatred that you refuse to realize it's YOU and people like you who made those divisions, who voted for the the guy who ruined your economy, and created the crushing debt.

Too stupid to be one person.

No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me

You voted for Bush twice didn't you. .

Nope, I was too young to vote his first time and the second time I abstained.

Nice try though ya old buzzard

Well, then let me give you a brief history lesson, honey...

When Bush left office in January 2009, he left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep, in the form of two disastrous wars in the Middle East and the worse economic downturn since the Great Depression. This country was losing 700,000 jobs per month when Obama took office and the economic situation is much better now. Basically, Obama has spent his entire tenure as President cleaning up Bush's fuck-ups...while intellectually dishonest Repugs have complained for 8 years that Obama hasn't cleaned up Bush's mess fast enough, while also trying to block all legislation that Obama wanted to pass during the past 8 years that might have helped clean up Bush's mess more quickly.

I'm missing a few details, but this is basically the history of Obama's Presidency.

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