Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

I'm not the one complaining about the Iraq War whiling supporting the only candidate that was part of the decision to invade.

If Cheney was our candidate, and SANDERS was yours, then you raising Iraq as an issue would make sense.

But that is not the situation.

Quite the contrary, it makes perfect sense to raise the Iraq War issue now and here's why -- You Repugs lost all rights to criticize Clinton on foreign policy. You worthless fucks voted for George W. Bush, who executed a disastrous war based on lies about WMD. Bush's lies got over 4,000 of our soldiers killed, yet all you dishonest fucks do is whine about Clinton and Benghazi.

A Repug's opinion on Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State simply DOES NOT MATTER. You've already proven by voting for Bush that your judgement when it comes to voting is fucking horrible. Therefore, no Democrat such as myself gives a flying fuck what you think about Clinton. No Democrat is going to listen to anyone who voted for Bush, so save your breath because you have no credibility.
As a millennial I didn't vote for Bush.

I guess you have to listen to me now....

I'm not the one complaining about the Iraq War whiling supporting the only candidate that was part of the decision to invade.

If Cheney was our candidate, and SANDERS was yours, then you raising Iraq as an issue would make sense.

But that is not the situation.

Quite the contrary, it makes perfect sense to raise the Iraq War issue now and here's why -- You Repugs lost all rights to criticize Clinton on foreign policy. You worthless fucks voted for George W. Bush, who executed a disastrous war based on lies about WMD. Bush's lies got over 4,000 of our soldiers killed, yet all you dishonest fucks do is whine about Clinton and Benghazi.

A Repug's opinion on Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State simply DOES NOT MATTER. You've already proven by voting for Bush that your judgement when it comes to voting is fucking horrible. Therefore, no Democrat such as myself gives a flying fuck what you think about Clinton. No Democrat is going to listen to anyone who voted for Bush, so save your breath because you have no credibility.
As a millennial I didn't vote for Bush.

I guess you have to listen to me now....

Judging by your other moronic post, I would say not. You appear to be a stupid young Repug who would have voted for Bush if given the opportunity. Hell, you would probably vote for that idiot now if that one-man disaster were allowed to run again.
I would have voted against even more retarded candidates like Gore and Kerry, not for Bush.

This is my 1st election actually voting for a Republican to any degree.

Congratulations on wasting your first ever vote on a racist and misogynist like Trump.

People like Dubya Da Last are still obsessed with George W. Bush...who's been back chopping brush on his ranch in Crawford FOR THE PAST EIGHT obsessed that they're still trotting out liberal talking points from back then about a man who isn't running for somehow divert attention from the woman who IS...and is about as corrupt as any politician ever to set foot in Washington DC!

Of course you want to forget about Bush. You don't want to look in the mirror and admit you made a horrible mistake voting for a man who executed a disastrous war and got over 4,000 American troops killed. And the wreckage he left behind in terms of grieving families still exists. Not that an anti-American fascist fuck like you would care about that.

Therefore, you worthless Repugs have no credibility when talking about Clinton's foreign policy "mistakes" and you might as well just shut up about it. All Democrats already know you Repugs are full of shit.

So...after eight years of Obama foreign policy...which has been an unmitigated disaster...we shouldn't hold him or his former Secretary of State responsible because George W. Bush took us to war? Interesting concept, Dubya Da! Clinton voted FOR the Iraq war. Why doesn't she share the blame? Obama was left a relatively stable Iraq and Middle East and he managed to turn it into a raging inferno in a few short years. Why doesn't he get the blame for that?

I didn't say members of Congress deserved no blame for Iraq. However, it was Bush's and Cheney's decision to start that disastrous war. Bush was Commander-in-Chief and he and Rumsfeld executed the war very poorly with horrible preparation for the aftermath of the initial invasion. Congress had no control over the execution of the war, that resides solely with the executive branch (i.e. Bush and Rumsfeld). So you Repugs needs to be stop being dishonest little shits about this. Even your hero Trump has stated that Bush deserves the vast majority of the blame for Iraq, which is one of the few things that Trump is actually correct about.

My main point is that you Repugs voted for Bush, the worst President in history and the architect of the disaster in Iraq. Therefore, you people have ZERO credibility on the subject of foreign policy and what Obama and Clinton have done or failed to do. No Democrat such as myself gives a flying fuck what you think about Clinton's tenure as Sec of State because your voting decisions in the past regarding Bush & Cheney were so fucking horrible.

If you shameless Repugs were capable of introspection about your horrible voting decisions in the past, perhaps you wouldn't have to ask me such stupid questions.

You want to talk about "execution"? Fine...let's talk! The invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were carried out about as flawlessly as any modern day military campaign has EVER been executed. To oust both the Taliban from Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein from Iraq with as few casualties as we incurred was almost beyond comprehension. Did Bush and Cheney miscalculate on how to rebuild Iraq? Should they have not gutted the Iraq military getting rid of all the Baathists? Probably. The fact remains however that when Barack Obama came into office in 2009 Iraq and the Middle East was relatively stable....ISIS was the JV for real...millions of Syrians were not dead or refugees...and the Iranian economy was suffering from the sanctions imposed on it.

So lets talk about the "execution" of foreign policy by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State! The Russian "reset"? A total failure. Afghanistan? More American troops killed there under Barry than during Bush's eight years in office. Syria? A "red line" draw in the sand and then abandoned...millions of Syrian civilians dead or on the run while Assad remains in power and the Russians have a foothold in the Middle East. Libya? Now a breeding ground for terrorists and the prime example of Hillary Clinton's incompetence at running the State Department with one dead Ambassador and STILL nobody held accountable for what happened. Iraq? Barry's premature withdrawal of combat troops despite repeated warnings from his Chiefs of Staff that it would create a power vacuum let ISIS roll across the desert from Syria and claim major cities and oil fields. Obama and Clinton turned ISIS from the JV team into the varsity with their total failure to see what was happening right in front of them and their unwillingness to admit they were wrong.
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Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
Dims like you have no credibility. Hillary voted for Iraq and the Dims support her while complaining about Iraq.

It doesn't get any stupider.

Blah, blah, blah. I ain't listening to any of you dumb Repug mother fuckers who voted for Bush twice and then have the audacity to criticize Obama and Clinton. Clinton was not Commander in Chief during Iraq, she was not the one who completely mismanaged the war and got over 4,000 American soldiers killed and countless innocent Iraqis killed. Bush owns the Iraq War disaster and you little Repug pussies just have to accept that.
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
Dims like you have no credibility. Hillary voted for Iraq and the Dims support her while complaining about Iraq.

It doesn't get any stupider.

Trump supported Iraq too. Everyone did because if you weren't siding with Bush, you were "aiding and abetting the terrorists".
No he didn't. All the smear mongers like you have to go on is "I guess so" right after 9/11 on Howard Stern's show. He didn't know much about it at the time. Hillary sat in on briefings, held votes etc.

What a piece of lying crap you are.

"I guess so" doesn't mean Trump supported the war?? What a fucking dumb ass.
You voted for Bush twice didn't you. Did you not notice that the mess started with Bush and is much better under Obama? .

Oh yeah, over 500 innocent people dead, including 4 Americans, because Barry armed Mexican Drug cartels is MUCH better than under Bush, who REFUSED to allow Fast and Furious to be run because HE was smart enough to realize when the weapons were across the border there was no longer any control of them.

Oh yeah, handing Barry over a Liberated Iraq with a timeline for withdrawing troops is MUCH BETTER now under Barry, after the terrorists Barry and Hillary financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and allowed to flow freely into Iraq, slaughtering thousands once there, and taking over much of the country the US military had already liberated at great cost.
-- Yes the fact that MORE Americans have died there by terrorist hands and fighting to help Iraq take back their country from the terrorists Hillary and Barry allied themselves with is MUCH better than the way Bush left it.

Oh yeah, helping Al Qaeida - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own nation - dragging the US into an UN-Authorized Un-Constitutional war to do so - is WAY better than NOT dragging the US into the middle of a civil war between Al Qaeida and a Dictator who was HELPING the US fight terrorists in Northern Africa!

Oh yeah, attempting to BLUFF Assad, having that bluff called, cowardly backing down in front of the whole world, then trying to BLAME the whole world for his screw up while world leaders laughed at his ass, and then allying himself with ISIS in an attempt to redeem himself by overthrowing Assad together, AGAIN dragging the US into ANOTHER UN-Authorized Un-Constitutional war, in the middle of another Civil War between terrorists and a Russian-backed dictator, is WAY better than going into Iraq.

Rather than having ZERO successful terrorist attacks on US soil after 9/11/01, it has been WAY BETTER to have NUMEROUS terrorist attacks on US soil under Barry
- KNOWING / Being told about the Boston Marathon bombers in advance, allowing them to perpetrate the bombing, then asking the American people to help identify them afterward when they already knew who they were so people would not realize how badly they F*ed up....
- Declaring ISIS, who Obama had been defending / aiding, was 'contained' right before the Paris attack, then while abroad mocking Americans' concerns for our national security and their safety right before a terrorist his administration had given a visa to and had 'ok'ed after a 'rigorous background check' murdered 12 Americans in Ca.
- Wanting to protect Islamic Extremists so much that he called a terrorist attack on US troops y a fellow Muslim soldier who called himself a 'Soldier of Allah' a 'case of workplace violence'
- Using the DOJ to threaten Americans who exercised their right of Freedom of Speech
....OH YEAH, a HELLUVA lot better than under Bush. All those NON-Muslim attacks and not having to worry about repeated successful terrorist attacks on US soil was just horrible under Bush.


Save your breath, Repug. You voted for Bush twice, the architect of the Iraq War disaster who made the world a much more unsafe place than either Obama or Hillary. Hence, your criticism of Obama and Hillary means nothing.

As I've stated several times now, you Repugs simply have no more credibility when it comes to foreign policy decisions....or pretty much anything else, for that matter.
No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me

You voted for Bush twice didn't you. .

Nope, I was too young to vote his first time and the second time I abstained.

Nice try though ya old buzzard

You think the younger generation is growing up smart and capable and then you meet someone like you who has completely bought into Republican mismanagement of foreign policy and economic incompetence. Thank heavens that my children have grown up learning to question everything, fact check,

Republican mismanagement of foreign policy?


ISIS is all the fault of Democrats and their European counterparts, retard.

Nope, ISIS is the fault of Bush, for creating a power vacuum in Iraq.

Repeating your asinine Repug horse shit over and over doesn't make it true.
More lies. Hillary was not "forced to resign". Only in your hate-filled, mentally disturbed mind is this true. She resigned primarily so she wouldn't have any distractions while running for President.

She was Secretary of State, so of course she accepted responsibility. That's what a good leader does.

It's pathetic how bent out of shape you Repug fucks get about Benghazi...yet Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld got over 4,000 brave American troops killed over lies about WMD in Iraq. Funny, you Repug fucks have no outrage about that. You people are intellectually dishonest assholes, expressing your fake outrage about Benghazi.
More died in Afghanistan under Obama in his short stint over there.

Obama didn't start the war in Afghanistan, goober. He took over for idiot Bush after Bush completed mismanaged the war. Judging "who did worse" by looking at the number of casualties is fucking asinine.

If you study the history of the Vietnam War, more American soldiers died under Nixon than other Johnson. However, Johnson was the one who started the war and he deserves the vast majority of the blame for what happened in Vietnam.

It's called intellectual honesty, goober. Give it a try sometime. hard is it to withdraw troops out of Afghanistan, as Barry promised he would do? Bush even built the plan for him to follow, and he f*ed that up. Barry with Afghanistan has been like Hillary trying to figure out how to work 2 e-mails on 1 Blackberry.

Bush also handed over a liberated Iraq to Barry. There was a withdrawal schedule laid out for him there, too.

Not only couldn't Barry follow that, but he allied himself with ISIS and let them freely flow into Iraq, handing over to them much of the territory our military had already liberated at great cost. ANOTHER OBAMA F*-Up!

Then there is Libya -- Qaddafi was NOTHING to us. He was no threat to us. IN FACT Qaddafi had begun to help the US FIGHT terrorists in northern what did Barry and Hillary do? They joined forces with Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans - and helped them take over Libya. After all, Hillary and Barry needed some place their International Arms Dealer buddy could use, with help from the CIA, to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS....Benghazi. (The arms dealer really appreciates the PARDON you just gave him, Barry, but he is still a little bitter that you and Hillary tried to send him to prison after he did your dirty work.)

Barry has been a Foreign Policy NIGHTMARE!
- Taking Russia For Granted ('Reset')
- Crimea
- 'Loss' of Iraq
- 'The RED Line'
- Aiding the Muslim Brotherhood
- Aiding Al Qaeida in Libya
- Aiding ISIS in the middle east / Syria
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- Multiple Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized Wars
- Benghazi - 4 Americans needlessly sacrificed
- The Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran
- Paying Iran for US Hostages
- and on and on and on...

And nothing you've written comes close to the disaster that Bush created in Iraq. There would be no ISIS if it wasn't for Bush, you imbecile. He created the power vacuum in Iraq that made ISIS possible. Not to mention that Iran is now a much stronger power in the Middle East, thanks to the total collapse of Iraq that Bush caused.

You weren't concerned about how horrible Bush mismanaged Iraq and the Middle East when he was President because he was a Republican and you're intellectually dishonest and shameless No Democrat is going to engage with you in a serious discussion about Obama's or Clinton's foreign policy until you admit Bush created a lot of this mess and that you made a huge mistake voting for him and/or supporting him.
No I blame Bush for fighting the Iraq war the liberal way. With rules for our soldiers and none for our enemy. We could have went over there and won that war in a month with the military we had. Even though Bill gutted it during his presidency.

What an intellectually dishonest little Repug pussy that you are. This is why Hillary is going to crush you worthless fucks tomorrow.
No I don't think you do understand, this nation is a mess, division, a rotten economy, a miserable foreign policy, crushing debt, healthcare is a mess....I have children and their future scares the hell out of me

You voted for Bush twice didn't you. .

Nope, I was too young to vote his first time and the second time I abstained.

Nice try though ya old buzzard

You think the younger generation is growing up smart and capable and then you meet someone like you who has completely bought into Republican mismanagement of foreign policy and economic incompetence. Thank heavens that my children have grown up learning to question everything, fact check,

Republican mismanagement of foreign policy?


ISIS is all the fault of Democrats and their European counterparts, retard.

Nope, ISIS is the fault of Bush, for creating a power vacuum in Iraq.

Repeating your asinine Repug horse shit over and over doesn't make it true.
Islamophilia created ISIS and gave it an opening to the West.
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.
Neither the Union nor the Confederacy existed anymore in 1964....
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.

These Repugs truly live in an alternate reality, it's unbelievable how they just make shit up.

It's a historical fact that Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were the champions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result of the 1964 Civil Right Act, southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond from South Carolina became Republicans.
Last edited:
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.
Neither the Union nor the Confederacy existed anymore in 1964....

Judging by Faun's post, that definitely isn't true. Northern Democrats and Republicans were much more supportive of the 1964 Civil Rights Act than southern Democrats and Republicans. Of course, there weren't many southern Republicans back in the early 1960s...until all of the racists in the South joined the GOP because LBJ and northern Democrats championed the bill.
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.

These Repugs truly live in an alternate reality, it's unbelievable how they just make shit up.

It's historical fact that Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were the champions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result of the 1964 Civil Right Act, southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond from South Carolina became Republicans.
So the LBJ quote is just an example of Republicans making things up?
People like Dubya Da Last are still obsessed with George W. Bush...who's been back chopping brush on his ranch in Crawford FOR THE PAST EIGHT obsessed that they're still trotting out liberal talking points from back then about a man who isn't running for somehow divert attention from the woman who IS...and is about as corrupt as any politician ever to set foot in Washington DC!

Of course you want to forget about Bush. You don't want to look in the mirror and admit you made a horrible mistake voting for a man who executed a disastrous war and got over 4,000 American troops killed. And the wreckage he left behind in terms of grieving families still exists. Not that an anti-American fascist fuck like you would care about that.

Therefore, you worthless Repugs have no credibility when talking about Clinton's foreign policy "mistakes" and you might as well just shut up about it. All Democrats already know you Repugs are full of shit.

So...after eight years of Obama foreign policy...which has been an unmitigated disaster...we shouldn't hold him or his former Secretary of State responsible because George W. Bush took us to war? Interesting concept, Dubya Da! Clinton voted FOR the Iraq war. Why doesn't she share the blame? Obama was left a relatively stable Iraq and Middle East and he managed to turn it into a raging inferno in a few short years. Why doesn't he get the blame for that?

I didn't say members of Congress deserved no blame for Iraq. However, it was Bush's and Cheney's decision to start that disastrous war. Bush was Commander-in-Chief and he and Rumsfeld executed the war very poorly with horrible preparation for the aftermath of the initial invasion. Congress had no control over the execution of the war, that resides solely with the executive branch (i.e. Bush and Rumsfeld). So you Repugs needs to be stop being dishonest little shits about this. Even your hero Trump has stated that Bush deserves the vast majority of the blame for Iraq, which is one of the few things that Trump is actually correct about.

My main point is that you Repugs voted for Bush, the worst President in history and the architect of the disaster in Iraq. Therefore, you people have ZERO credibility on the subject of foreign policy and what Obama and Clinton have done or failed to do. No Democrat such as myself gives a flying fuck what you think about Clinton's tenure as Sec of State because your voting decisions in the past regarding Bush & Cheney were so fucking horrible.

If you shameless Repugs were capable of introspection about your horrible voting decisions in the past, perhaps you wouldn't have to ask me such stupid questions.

You want to talk about "execution"? Fine...let's talk! The invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were carried out about as flawlessly as any modern day military campaign has EVER been executed. To oust both the Taliban from Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein from Iraq with as few casualties as we incurred was almost beyond comprehension. Did Bush and Cheney miscalculate on how to rebuild Iraq? Should they have not gutted the Iraq military getting rid of all the Baathists? Probably. The fact remains however that when Barack Obama came into office in 2009 Iraq and the Middle East was relatively stable....ISIS was the JV for real...millions of Syrians were not dead or refugees...and the Iranian economy was suffering from the sanctions imposed on it.

So lets talk about the "execution" of foreign policy by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State! The Russian "reset"? A total failure. Afghanistan? More American troops killed there under Barry than during Bush's eight years in office. Syria? A "red line" draw in the sand and then abandoned...millions of Syrian civilians dead or on the run while Assad remains in power and the Russians have a foothold in the Middle East. Libya? Now a breeding ground for terrorists and the prime example of Hillary Clinton's incompetence at running the State Department with one dead Ambassador and STILL nobody held accountable for what happened. Iraq? Barry's premature withdrawal of combat troops despite repeated warnings from his Chiefs of Staff that it would create a power vacuum let ISIS roll across the desert from Syria and claim major cities and oil fields. Obama and Clinton turned ISIS from the JV team into the varsity with their total failure to see what was happening right in front of them and their unwillingness to admit they were wrong.

You conveniently gloss over two important facts:

1) The Iraq War was started over false pretenses. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld manipulated the WMD intelligence to create a justification for their war. This is much worse than any of the "lies" and "corruption" that you Repugs constantly complain about regarding Obama and Hillary.

2) By invading Iraq, Afghanistan was no longer the focus of the war on terror. This was completely illogical on several levels, since Osama bin Laden was still alive and somewhere in the region. It was inexcusable and, again, you Repugs just turn a blind eye to egregious strategic mistakes such as this by Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Everything you wrote about Obama and Clinton is childish nonsense. The fact is that the war in Afghanistan should have been concluded WAY before Obama even became President. So it's laughable that you even mention the troop casualties under Obama. If Bush and Cheney had the correct strategic priority (Afghanistan) and had not started an ill-advised invasion of Iraq, Obama would never have had to try to clean up their mess in Afghanistan when he came to office in 2009. So you conveniently gloss over this as well.
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.

These Repugs truly live in an alternate reality, it's unbelievable how they just make shit up.

It's historical fact that Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were the champions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result of the 1964 Civil Right Act, southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond from South Carolina became Republicans.
So the LBJ quote is just an example of Republicans making things up?

Actions speak louder than words. LBJ deserves most of the credit for the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King trusted LBJ to get the bill passed and they worked together to get it done.

Unfortunately, the n word did not have the same taboo that it does today. It was more socially acceptable to use that word in those days. LBJ was not expressing hatred of black people when he spoke those words, unlike the KKK and other racist folks from that time period.
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.

These Repugs truly live in an alternate reality, it's unbelievable how they just make shit up.

It's historical fact that Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were the champions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result of the 1964 Civil Right Act, southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond from South Carolina became Republicans.

You mean Republicans like Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd? What about Sam Ervin? Then there is JFK who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the guy who had MLK wire tapped and investigated over and over.

Then you have Clinton's favorite Senator William Fulbright who filibustered against the Civil Rights Act. All strong Democrats. Lol!
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Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.

These Repugs truly live in an alternate reality, it's unbelievable how they just make shit up.

It's historical fact that Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were the champions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result of the 1964 Civil Right Act, southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond from South Carolina became Republicans.

You mean Republicans like Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd? What about Sam Ervin? Then there is JFK who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the guy who had MLK wire tapped and investigated over and over.

Then you have Clinton's favorite Senator William Fulbright who filibustered against the Civil Rights Act. All strong Democrats. Lol!

And nothing you just wrote changes the fact that LBJ and Northern Democrats made the Civil Rights Act possible. Which is why blacks and minorities still overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party to this day and why there will never be another Republican President.
Civil Rights passed due to the Republican Party. It's passage scared racist Liberals shitless, causing LBJ to come up with his plan of 'economic slavery' the Libs still use today.

"These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.'
:clap: Well said, sir - spoken like a true liberal.

It should be noted that at the opening of the LBJ library Obama declared that Blacks owed a debt of gratitude to LBJ, who he called 'no better friend to blacks'.


Some things NEVER change:

DNC Emails Chock-Full of “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia & Anti-Semitism”
Civil rights passed because of the Liberal north where most of the Republican Congressmen/women were at the time.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans in the Union north. No Republicans voted for it in the conservative confederate south.


Liberalism is what got civil rights passed. The conservative south, mostly Democrat in those days, has since become predominantly Republican. That's the reason most blacks vote Democrat these days. They're much smarter than rubes like you.

These Repugs truly live in an alternate reality, it's unbelievable how they just make shit up.

It's historical fact that Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were the champions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result of the 1964 Civil Right Act, southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond from South Carolina became Republicans.

You mean Republicans like Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd? What about Sam Ervin? Then there is JFK who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the guy who had MLK wire tapped and investigated over and over.

Then you have Clinton's favorite Senator William Fulbright who filibustered against the Civil Rights Act. All strong Democrats. Lol!

And nothing you just wrote changes the fact that LBJ and Northern Democrats made the Civil Rights Act possible. Which is why blacks and minorities still overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party to this day and why there will never be another Republican President.

Dems bought them off. Thanks! And nothing you posted that the Democrats were a racist group.

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