Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

1) The Iraq War was started over false pretenses. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld manipulated the WMD intelligence to create a justification for their war.
No, pukeboy. There's a law that makes the intelligence committee bi-partisan for good reasons. No Democrat leader has come out claiming they were given different intel. It would have been a media sensation and Democrat led congressional hearings. Iran Contra was nothing compared to that.

So pukeboy, you need to grow a brain instead of stinking up the forum with your retarded bullshit. You aren't doing yourself any favors.
Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
Dims like you have no credibility. Hillary voted for Iraq and the Dims support her while complaining about Iraq.

It doesn't get any stupider.

Trump supported Iraq too. Everyone did because if you weren't siding with Bush, you were "aiding and abetting the terrorists".
No he didn't. All the smear mongers like you have to go on is "I guess so" right after 9/11 on Howard Stern's show. He didn't know much about it at the time. Hillary sat in on briefings, held votes etc.

What a piece of lying crap you are.

"I guess so" doesn't mean Trump supported the war?? What a fucking dumb ass.
Pop your head out of your filthy anus and re-examine that, pukeboy. No, it isn't much of an endorsement and was said right after the fact before much was known.

You call that supporting the war while claiming Hillary had nothing to do with it? You are puking shit all over the place here and thinking it looks good and puts the left in a positive light.

My dog is smarter than you.
I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
Dims like you have no credibility. Hillary voted for Iraq and the Dims support her while complaining about Iraq.

It doesn't get any stupider.

Trump supported Iraq too. Everyone did because if you weren't siding with Bush, you were "aiding and abetting the terrorists".
No he didn't. All the smear mongers like you have to go on is "I guess so" right after 9/11 on Howard Stern's show. He didn't know much about it at the time. Hillary sat in on briefings, held votes etc.

What a piece of lying crap you are.

"I guess so" doesn't mean Trump supported the war?? What a fucking dumb ass.
Pop your head out of your filthy anus and re-examine that, pukeboy. No, it isn't much of an endorsement and was said right after the fact before much was known.

You call that supporting the war while claiming Hillary had nothing to do with it? You are puking shit all over the place here and thinking it looks good and puts the left in a positive light.

My dog is smarter than you.

Don't belittle your dog.
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

-- Thomas Jefferson

Repug voter suppression in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin does nothing to promote liberty.

... which, of course, you have no proof. All you have is propaganda from the left. And, of course, we'll never know, since Dems oppose voter ID laws, and won't allow surveys of their voting rolls.

And you wonder why???? Bang, bang.

No proof? You just screwed yourself, lightweight. This is too easy. -

Appeals court strikes down North Carolina’s voter-ID law

In the North Carolina case, the 4th Circuit panel agreed with allegations that North Carolina’s omnibus bill selectively chose voter-ID requirements, reduced the number of early-voting days and changed registration procedures in ways meant to harm blacks, who overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.

“The new provisions target African Americans with almost surgical precision” and “impose cures for problems that did not exist,” Judge Diana Gribbon Motz wrote for the panel. “Thus the asserted justifications cannot and do not conceal the State’s true motivation.”
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1) The Iraq War was started over false pretenses. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld manipulated the WMD intelligence to create a justification for their war.
No, pukeboy. There's a law that makes the intelligence committee bi-partisan for good reasons. No Democrat leader has come out claiming they were given different intel. It would have been a media sensation and Democrat led congressional hearings. Iran Contra was nothing compared to that.

So pukeboy, you need to grow a brain instead of stinking up the forum with your retarded bullshit. You aren't doing yourself any favors.

It's well documented that Cheney made trips to the CIA, pressuring analysts to change intelligence reports about WMD in Iraq. Colin Powell talked about it in his book.

Again, when it comes to foreign policy, the opinions of you Repugs is meaningless. You voted twice for Bush because you are a fucking idiot. So fuck off.
I can't wait for the war that will cull the losers. Of course, the *war* will just be HIllary firing on ranchers and Mormons and such...but then she will move on to killing off the useful idiots.

I am so looking forward to that.
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
Dims like you have no credibility. Hillary voted for Iraq and the Dims support her while complaining about Iraq.

It doesn't get any stupider.

Blah, blah, blah. I ain't listening to any of you dumb Repug mother fuckers who voted for Bush twice and then have the audacity to criticize Obama and Clinton. Clinton was not Commander in Chief during Iraq, she was not the one who completely mismanaged the war and got over 4,000 American soldiers killed and countless innocent Iraqis killed. Bush owns the Iraq War disaster and you little Repug pussies just have to accept that.
You aren't done puking on yourself? Not too smart, are you?

Hilly voted for Iraq, it wasn't up to one man and you can't make that go away. It just makes you look like an idiot that doesn't care about truth.

Hillary was not President, did not execute the war, and did not mismanage the war like Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. Quit being a little Repug pussy and just admit that your hero Bush fucked-up and deserves the vast majority of the blame for the Iraq War. You're such a little dishonest fuckhole that you can't accept even this basic historical fact.
The fact that you are an irrational, intellectually dishonest Repug partisan doesn't change the simple fact that Bush's Iraq disaster is far worse than all of Obama's and Hillary's "mistakes" combined.

Iraq was a disaster; however, Hillary Clinton was one of the Liberals who not only gave bush the Authority to go to war, she made the case for it. Bush did not ally himself with this nation's enemies - enemies who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and help them take over their own nations in UN-Constitutional Private Wars that were not given Congressional approval.

I posted quite a few crimes, violations of the Constitution and Rule of law, of aiding our enemies, and in return you can only respond with 1 thing - 'Iraq'. It's 'Florida' all over against for you Liberals.

You have proven that Violating the Constitution means nothing to you.
You have proven that Breaking the law means nothing to you.
You have proven that committing TREASPON by helping terrorists / this nations enemies means nothing to you.
You have proven that the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people around the WORLD means nothing to you...

...proving you are delusional, mentally ill, rabid partisans devoid of long as it is a Liberal doing it all.

I only respond with Iraq because Bush's disaster is far worse than anything that Hillary and Obama have done. The history books will agree with me, not you. Deep down, you know I'm right, but you are an irrational partisan and you simply can't control yourself.

Like I said, this is a very boring conversation to have with a Repug because you people simply have no credibility due to all of Bush's egregious foreign policy mistakes.

And your hate-filled posts are not evidence of any Obama "crimes". These posts only make yourself feel good, they are not evidence of any wrong-doing. Using drones to hunt American suspected terrorists hiding in the Middle East is the one foreign policy issue that I strongly disagree with Obama about.
Dims like you have no credibility. Hillary voted for Iraq and the Dims support her while complaining about Iraq.

It doesn't get any stupider.

Blah, blah, blah. I ain't listening to any of you dumb Repug mother fuckers who voted for Bush twice and then have the audacity to criticize Obama and Clinton. Clinton was not Commander in Chief during Iraq, she was not the one who completely mismanaged the war and got over 4,000 American soldiers killed and countless innocent Iraqis killed. Bush owns the Iraq War disaster and you little Repug pussies just have to accept that.
You aren't done puking on yourself? Not too smart, are you?

Hilly voted for Iraq, it wasn't up to one man and you can't make that go away. It just makes you look like an idiot that doesn't care about truth.
Of course it was up to one man. The resolution Hillary and others voted for was not to go to war but to make Bush the decider if we should go to war.
AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--
"As president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." - the Decider, 2005

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"Basic historical fact" Anybody who supports Hillary should be struck by lightning for saying such a thing.
1) The Iraq War was started over false pretenses. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld manipulated the WMD intelligence to create a justification for their war.
No, pukeboy. There's a law that makes the intelligence committee bi-partisan for good reasons. No Democrat leader has come out claiming they were given different intel. It would have been a media sensation and Democrat led congressional hearings. Iran Contra was nothing compared to that.

So pukeboy, you need to grow a brain instead of stinking up the forum with your retarded bullshit. You aren't doing yourself any favors.

It's well documented that Cheney made trips to the CIA, pressuring analysts to change intelligence reports about WMD in Iraq. Colin Powell talked about it in his book.

Again, when it comes to foreign policy, the opinions of you Repugs is meaningless. You voted twice for Bush because you are a fucking idiot. So fuck off.
Dims like you can't back up their shit so you just repeat it Joseph Goebbels style.
1) The Iraq War was started over false pretenses. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld manipulated the WMD intelligence to create a justification for their war.
No, pukeboy. There's a law that makes the intelligence committee bi-partisan for good reasons. No Democrat leader has come out claiming they were given different intel. It would have been a media sensation and Democrat led congressional hearings. Iran Contra was nothing compared to that.

So pukeboy, you need to grow a brain instead of stinking up the forum with your retarded bullshit. You aren't doing yourself any favors.

It's well documented that Cheney made trips to the CIA, pressuring analysts to change intelligence reports about WMD in Iraq. Colin Powell talked about it in his book.

Again, when it comes to foreign policy, the opinions of you Repugs is meaningless. You voted twice for Bush because you are a fucking idiot. So fuck off.
Dims like you can't back up their shit so you just repeat it Joseph Goebbels style.

I don't need to back it up, dumb fuck. It's historical fact. You lose again, Repug pussy.
Faun, are you seriously trying to argue that Hillary was too stupid to realize that voting to give George Bush the authority to take the country to war was NOT a vote to give the President the authority to go to war?

Or are you saying that Hillary did NOT WANT to go to war but wanted to let bush take the country to war if he wanted to?

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security. This much is undisputed... This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

It is clear that Hillary Clinton MAKES A CASE FOR OVERTHROWING Saddam Hussein, and she also makes it clear she KNOWS her vote will most probably result in GOING TO WAR but casts that vote to do so nonetheless....WILLINGLY, UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO DO SO.

So, she is either too stupid too understand what's going on and the potential ramifications of what she is doing or she acts understanding perfectly what it all means. If the former then it is a demonstration of Hillary not having the mental faculties / abilities to be President.
1) The Iraq War was started over false pretenses. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld manipulated the WMD intelligence to create a justification for their war.
No, pukeboy. There's a law that makes the intelligence committee bi-partisan for good reasons. No Democrat leader has come out claiming they were given different intel. It would have been a media sensation and Democrat led congressional hearings. Iran Contra was nothing compared to that.

So pukeboy, you need to grow a brain instead of stinking up the forum with your retarded bullshit. You aren't doing yourself any favors.

It's well documented that Cheney made trips to the CIA, pressuring analysts to change intelligence reports about WMD in Iraq. Colin Powell talked about it in his book.

Again, when it comes to foreign policy, the opinions of you Repugs is meaningless. You voted twice for Bush because you are a fucking idiot. So fuck off.
Dims like you can't back up their shit so you just repeat it Joseph Goebbels style.

I don't need to back it up, dumb fuck. It's historical fact. You lose again, Repug pussy.
Sorry, Dimturd. The facts are what I said above. There would have been a long drawn out mess that the Dims would have been very happy to pursue. I'm done talking to you, you have the mind of an out of control toddler and waste of time. You do nothing but pollute the board.
I don't need to back it up, dumb fuck. It's historical fact. You lose again, Repug pussy.
That is where you are wrong. Liberals always spew bullshit, declare it is historical fact, and when challenged declare they don't have to prove anything because it is 'fact'....I guess it must be if it comes out of a Democrat's mouth, right?!

Faun, are you seriously trying to argue that Hillary was too stupid to realize that voting to give George Bush the authority to take the country to war was NOT a vote to give the President the authority to go to war?

Or are you saying that Hillary did NOT WANT to go to war but wanted to let bush take the country to war if he wanted to?

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security. This much is undisputed... This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

It is clear that Hillary Clinton MAKES A CASE FOR OVERTHROWING Saddam Hussein, and she also makes it clear she KNOWS her vote will most probably result in GOING TO WAR but casts that vote to do so nonetheless....WILLINGLY, UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO DO SO.

So, she is either too stupid too understand what's going on and the potential ramifications of what she is doing or she acts understanding perfectly what it all means. If the former then it is a demonstration of Hillary not having the mental faculties / abilities to be President.

Faun is a Lefty, lefty's use semantics and think they're being clever.
I can't wait for the war that will cull the losers. Of course, the *war* will just be HIllary firing on ranchers and Mormons and such...but then she will move on to killing off the useful idiots.

I am so looking forward to that.

Just like you expected Obama to use his stash of weapons and ammo in the White House to kill Americans once he was re-elected? And of course who can forget the FEMA camps, and Jade Helm?

I'm still waiting for Obama to take your guns. But I guess it's Hillary who's coming for them now.
Dims like you can't back up their shit so you just repeat it Joseph Goebbels style.

We can back all of it up because, unlike Republicans, liberals don't have to make up shit because their policies and agenda don't crash the economy or start useless wars.

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