Republicans Are Now Vowing Total War And The Consequences Could Be Immense

Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?

You guys just suck so bad that a progressive millennial sides with white nationalists over you.
Millennials are flocking more to Hillary than Trump

Millennials Favor Clinton Over Trump by 28 Points, Poll Finds
Most millennials are not anywhere near as intelligent as I am.
OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?

You guys just suck so bad that a progressive millennial sides with white nationalists over you.
Millennials are flocking more to Hillary than Trump

Millennials Favor Clinton Over Trump by 28 Points, Poll Finds
Most millennials are not anywhere near as intelligent as I am.

Plenty of confidence...but even more stupidity and racism. Like a disturbingly high percentage of Repugs.
OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?

You guys just suck so bad that a progressive millennial sides with white nationalists over you.
Millennials are flocking more to Hillary than Trump

Millennials Favor Clinton Over Trump by 28 Points, Poll Finds
Most millennials are not anywhere near as intelligent as I am.
Your posts belie your self-proclamations of superiority.
I have never come within 100 feet of a trailer, moron.

Come up with a new racist stereotype.

My apologies, my dear racist retard lump of shit.

But I was right on target regarding the KKK meeting part, correct?

You guys just suck so bad that a progressive millennial sides with white nationalists over you.
Millennials are flocking more to Hillary than Trump

Millennials Favor Clinton Over Trump by 28 Points, Poll Finds
Most millennials are not anywhere near as intelligent as I am.
Your posts belie your self-proclamations of superiority.
Not even remotely.
Corruption, scandal, crime, and collusion has been exposed from the DNC to the Clintons, to the State Department, to the DOJ, all the way to the office of the President, showing the crimes being perpetrated by this administration in conjunction with the 'Clinton Crime Syndicate' are the worst ever seen / experienced in this nations History.

Says the village idiot who defecates unsourced garbaged and hyperbole in nearly every post.

(This troll talks more about manufactured scandals than policies. Ask him what he knows about Reagan's trade policies or Reagan's expansion of medicare or his social security payroll tax... or ask him about Reagan's structural adjustment programs or how he brought the global south into the global market system, or ask him about Nixon & China or ask him why Reagan supported Hussein or what happened to the region after we installed the Shaw in Iran . . . ask him anything that has to do with actual historical events and actual policies and this moron will draw a blank. He is a know-nothing. He doesn't know history, economic theory or politics. He just traffics in dirt and attacks.)
Since win is advocating and encouraging election fraud, using illegal immigrants voting as a tool to steal the Presidency 'policy', Londoner? Oh yeah - since the 2016 DNC Primary / election.

'Traffics in dirt'? You have a video of the President of the United States openly violating his oath of office, openly encouraging crime on a massive scale, openly encouraging the violation of the US Constitution / law, in what amounts in the 'overthrow' of the US government - using illegals he's helped bring in and who he has brought in to do so.

You try to distract from the crimes being committed by this most lawless President and administration in US history, much like the dumbass liberal in the thread about Hillary's e-mails tried to do earlier by claiming Hillary could not be guilty of anything due to 'COPYRIGHT' Law, using OJ Simpson as an example.


Too stupid to understand the difference between a news article and an opinion piece I see.

I never stated otherwise, lightweight. More importantly, the author is 100% correct about how you Repug extremists are dangerous to our democracy and how you are trying to use the FBI as a political instrument, like the fascist dickheads that you are.
Just think if Hillary wasn't a crook she wouldn't be getting investigated for over a year.

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.
What was your thinking on Zimmerman?

And this is relevant how??? This is only relevant for racists trying to rationalize their racist beliefs.
That's what I thought.
Too stupid to understand the difference between a news article and an opinion piece I see.

I never stated otherwise, lightweight. More importantly, the author is 100% correct about how you Repug extremists are dangerous to our democracy and how you are trying to use the FBI as a political instrument, like the fascist dickheads that you are.
Just think if Hillary wasn't a crook she wouldn't be getting investigated for over a year.

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.

"Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?"

That is true in a court of law. In the court of public opinion people make their own evaluations about what constitutes "proof".
Clinton publicly accepted responsibility for the negligence that cost our men their lives at Benghazi and she was forced to resign her position as Secretary of State because of it.
The head of the FBI testified before Congress stating that Clinton had committed numerous crimes and misdemeanors and her investigation continues.
That's proof enough for me.

More lies. Hillary was not "forced to resign". Only in your hate-filled, mentally disturbed mind is this true. She resigned primarily so she wouldn't have any distractions while running for President.

She was Secretary of State, so of course she accepted responsibility. That's what a good leader does.

It's pathetic how bent out of shape you Repug fucks get about Benghazi...yet Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld got over 4,000 brave American troops killed over lies about WMD in Iraq. Funny, you Repug fucks have no outrage about that. You people are intellectually dishonest assholes, expressing your fake outrage about Benghazi.
More died in Afghanistan under Obama in his short stint over there.
Just think if Hillary wasn't a crook she wouldn't be getting investigated for over a year.

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.
Obama runs the Justice Dept., moron. Hillary would be wearing an orange jumpsuit otherwise.

You Repug fuckers claim there is evidence of malicious criminal wrong-doing on the part of Clinton, so show me the evidence.

You worthless fucks can't do it and we all know it. All you have are your pathetic witch hunts because irrational hatred of Clinton controls your miserable lives.
You do realize Obama lied about not knowing Hillary had a private server. While using an alias name to email her on it?

Oh, and you actually have EVIDENCE to support this claim, unsophisticated Repug goober?? Didn't think so.
I'm Hillary's emails, but you are a Looney liberal so facts don't matter to you.
People like Dubya Da Last are still obsessed with George W. Bush...who's been back chopping brush on his ranch in Crawford FOR THE PAST EIGHT obsessed that they're still trotting out liberal talking points from back then about a man who isn't running for somehow divert attention from the woman who IS...and is about as corrupt as any politician ever to set foot in Washington DC!

Of course you want to forget about Bush. You don't want to look in the mirror and admit you made a horrible mistake voting for a man who executed a disastrous war and got over 4,000 American troops killed. And the wreckage he left behind in terms of grieving families still exists. Not that an anti-American fascist fuck like you would care about that.

Therefore, you worthless Repugs have no credibility when talking about Clinton's foreign policy "mistakes" and you might as well just shut up about it. All Democrats already know you Repugs are full of shit.

So...after eight years of Obama foreign policy...which has been an unmitigated disaster...we shouldn't hold him or his former Secretary of State responsible because George W. Bush took us to war? Interesting concept, Dubya Da! Clinton voted FOR the Iraq war. Why doesn't she share the blame? Obama was left a relatively stable Iraq and Middle East and he managed to turn it into a raging inferno in a few short years. Why doesn't he get the blame for that?
The joke is on you retard.

Democrats hate white people. You are nothing but a useful idiot who will be disposed of when your idiocy is no longer actually useful.

No, democrats just hate ignorant racists such as you. You're obviously a slow-learner, but maybe a young racist dumb fuck such as yourself can eventually figure out that simple truth. Maybe.
Democrats loves racists who aren't white.

If you possessed even an ounce of intelligence you would realize that all racists who aren't white vote Democrat every election and Democrats welcome them with open arms every election.

Sorry...I ain't having a serious conversation about race and politics with someone who uses "Proud To Be White" as his moniker. All I'm going to do is keep laughing at your sorry ass, so you best fuck off little racist boy.
Check the emotes, retard.

I have been laughing at you the entire time.

OH NO!! An ignorant, unsophisticated trailer trash racist fuckhole has been laughing at me the entire time.

I'm totally devastated, goober. Brag to all of your racist buddies about it at your next KKK meeting.

If calling everyone who disagrees with you a "racist" is the best you've got...why bother?
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.
Oh, I think that piece is engaging in the same silly hyperbole that has gripped the Alt Right echo chamber.

There will be a lot of squaking and thinly-veiled threats, but there's no movement to "undermine our entire system". It only SEEMS like they're trying to undermine it because they've lost their shit and don't realize that they're advocating stuff that is simply not realistic. It's not some organized thing, it's just crazy talk from people who have been whipped into a frenzy by the wrong voices.

The court decision regarding voter suppression in North Carolina says otherwise, goober. The Repug N. Carolina legislature is trying to suppress minorities from voting because they can't win an election on a level playing field anymore. The Repug Party is a full-fledged fascist party that does not believe in democracy.

And rogue FBI agents are also providing information to the Trump campaign regarding Clinton's emails, so you are incorrect on several fronts.

And I can see you're as much into the hyperbole as the right wingers are. Never mind.

Amazing how similar the behaviors of the two ends are.

Dubya Duh is nothing but a lowly troll, no reasoning, no exchanging ideas, just a leftist whackadoodle troll, who calls people names because he has nothing but his stupidity.
Look when he arrived, and when he's leaving. He's being paid by the hour.
Why do you even try ?
You are a liar, the Clinton's from the info they received before they left office said Iraq had WMDs. If Gore won we would be speaking Arabic. You dishonest trolls lie all the time, this isn't new for you.

You are a racist fucker who is Hillary's bitch.

Oh well...I'd rather be Hillary's bitch than Trump's little racist bitch, like you sweetie pie.

And did I already mention that you are a dishonest morally bankrupt little Repug fuckhole who enjoys making shit up about the Iraq War? If so, I apologize.

I don't vote Trump fucktard, I'm against the two mainstream candidates. You are a real dumb fuck and a hypocritical shit head. I don't apologize to useless racist scum like you.

You are beginning to bore me. You are only here for my entertainment and you are failing.

Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty obvious that you are a racist sympathizer, if nothing else. Go play footsie with the "The Proud White Racist' some more.

So all you have is that everyone is a racist? Lol! Wow! Liberals got a real dumb fuck! Get new materials ass wipe, your shit is old and stale. No one but idiots buy what you are selling.

No, the majority of Americans and Democrats buy what I'm selling. Which is why Hillary is going to win resoundingly on Tuesday and you little racist Repug bitches will be crying all night.

And then you will have serious introspection about your racist and misguided Repug beliefs...for about 5 seconds. Then you'll come back on this board and it'll be business as usual with your despicable Repug behavior.
Your Dim behavior is supposed to look good?
Article from the Washington Post today. If this country goes down in flames due to Repug right-wing extremism, at least one newspaper tried to warn us:

Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

The election is just five days away, and something truly frightening is happening, something with far-reaching implications for the immediate future of American politics. Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

...........Do not copy and paste this much from other sources. There's a reason links are required with outside sources.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.
Oh, I think that piece is engaging in the same silly hyperbole that has gripped the Alt Right echo chamber.

There will be a lot of squaking and thinly-veiled threats, but there's no movement to "undermine our entire system". It only SEEMS like they're trying to undermine it because they've lost their shit and don't realize that they're advocating stuff that is simply not realistic. It's not some organized thing, it's just crazy talk from people who have been whipped into a frenzy by the wrong voices.

The court decision regarding voter suppression in North Carolina says otherwise, goober. The Repug N. Carolina legislature is trying to suppress minorities from voting because they can't win an election on a level playing field anymore. The Repug Party is a full-fledged fascist party that does not believe in democracy.

And rogue FBI agents are also providing information to the Trump campaign regarding Clinton's emails, so you are incorrect on several fronts.

And I can see you're as much into the hyperbole as the right wingers are. Never mind.

Amazing how similar the behaviors of the two ends are.

Dubya Duh is nothing but a lowly troll, no reasoning, no exchanging ideas, just a leftist whackadoodle troll, who calls people names because he has nothing but his stupidity.
Look when he arrived, and when he's leaving. He's being paid by the hour.
Why do you even try ?

People pay people for being an idiot? That makes sense, he has said nothing and has no points to any of his posts. He must be paid by the Republicans because I am almost ready to vote for Trump just because Doobie is obnoxious.
I never stated otherwise, lightweight. More importantly, the author is 100% correct about how you Repug extremists are dangerous to our democracy and how you are trying to use the FBI as a political instrument, like the fascist dickheads that you are.
Just think if Hillary wasn't a crook she wouldn't be getting investigated for over a year.

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.

"Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?"

That is true in a court of law. In the court of public opinion people make their own evaluations about what constitutes "proof".
Clinton publicly accepted responsibility for the negligence that cost our men their lives at Benghazi and she was forced to resign her position as Secretary of State because of it.
The head of the FBI testified before Congress stating that Clinton had committed numerous crimes and misdemeanors and her investigation continues.
That's proof enough for me.

More lies. Hillary was not "forced to resign". Only in your hate-filled, mentally disturbed mind is this true. She resigned primarily so she wouldn't have any distractions while running for President.

She was Secretary of State, so of course she accepted responsibility. That's what a good leader does.

It's pathetic how bent out of shape you Repug fucks get about Benghazi...yet Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld got over 4,000 brave American troops killed over lies about WMD in Iraq. Funny, you Repug fucks have no outrage about that. You people are intellectually dishonest assholes, expressing your fake outrage about Benghazi.
More died in Afghanistan under Obama in his short stint over there.

Obama didn't start the war in Afghanistan, goober. He took over for idiot Bush after Bush completed mismanaged the war. Judging "who did worse" by looking at the number of casualties is fucking asinine.

If you study the history of the Vietnam War, more American soldiers died under Nixon than other Johnson. However, Johnson was the one who started the war and he deserves the vast majority of the blame for what happened in Vietnam.

It's called intellectual honesty, goober. Give it a try sometime.
You people are morally bankrupt and you are going to lose yet another President election tomorrow and you're going to lose badly.
I am assuming you are talking about me. If not, I apologize.
As far as 'morally bankrupt' goes, Liberals just this election have run a corrupt, criminal, lying, POS for President - a candidate their party would never tolerate if she was a Republican, rigged their own Primary, and have engaged in massive, wide-scale election fraud, culminating in the President of the United States advocating and encouraging his army of Illegals to vote and help steal the election.

Violence has been coordinated against their opposition proven to have been organized all the way up to the Oval Office.

This President and his most lawless administration in US history has criminalized the DOJ and FBI in order to save Hillary's ass from dying in prison.

Barry and Hillary allied themselves with - financed, supplied, armed, protected, trained terrorists - Al Qaeida (murderers of 3,000 Americans), ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Mexican Drug Cartels dragged the nation into 2 Un-authorized wars to help terrorists take over their own country, and abandoned 4 Americans to die needlessly while they schemed and plotted on how to save THEIR OWN asses politically.

The Candidate spent most of her political career demonizing and silencing the victims of her sexual predatory Husband's sexual assaults, sexual harassments ,rapes, adulterous affairs, and pedophilia.

Today's Liberals - Obama, Bill, Barry - they are not just morally bankrupt - they have a massive deficit.
People like Dubya Da Last are still obsessed with George W. Bush...who's been back chopping brush on his ranch in Crawford FOR THE PAST EIGHT obsessed that they're still trotting out liberal talking points from back then about a man who isn't running for somehow divert attention from the woman who IS...and is about as corrupt as any politician ever to set foot in Washington DC!

Of course you want to forget about Bush. You don't want to look in the mirror and admit you made a horrible mistake voting for a man who executed a disastrous war and got over 4,000 American troops killed. And the wreckage he left behind in terms of grieving families still exists. Not that an anti-American fascist fuck like you would care about that.

Therefore, you worthless Repugs have no credibility when talking about Clinton's foreign policy "mistakes" and you might as well just shut up about it. All Democrats already know you Repugs are full of shit.

So...after eight years of Obama foreign policy...which has been an unmitigated disaster...we shouldn't hold him or his former Secretary of State responsible because George W. Bush took us to war? Interesting concept, Dubya Da! Clinton voted FOR the Iraq war. Why doesn't she share the blame? Obama was left a relatively stable Iraq and Middle East and he managed to turn it into a raging inferno in a few short years. Why doesn't he get the blame for that?

I didn't say members of Congress deserved no blame for Iraq. However, it was Bush's and Cheney's decision to start that disastrous war. Bush was Commander-in-Chief and he and Rumsfeld executed the war very poorly with horrible preparation for the aftermath of the initial invasion. Congress had no control over the execution of the war, that resides solely with the executive branch (i.e. Bush and Rumsfeld). So you Repugs needs to be stop being dishonest little shits about this. Even your hero Trump has stated that Bush deserves the vast majority of the blame for Iraq, which is one of the few things that Trump is actually correct about.

My main point is that you Repugs voted for Bush, the worst President in history and the architect of the disaster in Iraq. Therefore, you people have ZERO credibility on the subject of foreign policy and what Obama and Clinton have done or failed to do. No Democrat such as myself gives a flying fuck what you think about Clinton's tenure as Sec of State because your voting decisions in the past regarding Bush & Cheney were so fucking horrible.

If you shameless Repugs were capable of introspection about your horrible voting decisions in the past, perhaps you wouldn't have to ask me such stupid questions.
Just think if Hillary wasn't a crook she wouldn't be getting investigated for over a year.

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.

"Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?"

That is true in a court of law. In the court of public opinion people make their own evaluations about what constitutes "proof".
Clinton publicly accepted responsibility for the negligence that cost our men their lives at Benghazi and she was forced to resign her position as Secretary of State because of it.
The head of the FBI testified before Congress stating that Clinton had committed numerous crimes and misdemeanors and her investigation continues.
That's proof enough for me.

More lies. Hillary was not "forced to resign". Only in your hate-filled, mentally disturbed mind is this true. She resigned primarily so she wouldn't have any distractions while running for President.

She was Secretary of State, so of course she accepted responsibility. That's what a good leader does.

It's pathetic how bent out of shape you Repug fucks get about Benghazi...yet Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld got over 4,000 brave American troops killed over lies about WMD in Iraq. Funny, you Repug fucks have no outrage about that. You people are intellectually dishonest assholes, expressing your fake outrage about Benghazi.
More died in Afghanistan under Obama in his short stint over there.

Obama didn't start the war in Afghanistan, goober. He took over for idiot Bush after Bush completed mismanaged the war. Judging "who did worse" by looking at the number of casualties is fucking asinine.

If you study the history of the Vietnam War, more American soldiers died under Nixon than other Johnson. However, Johnson was the one who started the war and he deserves the vast majority of the blame for what happened in Vietnam.

It's called intellectual honesty, goober. Give it a try sometime. hard is it to withdraw troops out of Afghanistan, as Barry promised he would do? Bush even built the plan for him to follow, and he f*ed that up. Barry with Afghanistan has been like Hillary trying to figure out how to work 2 e-mails on 1 Blackberry.

Bush also handed over a liberated Iraq to Barry. There was a withdrawal schedule laid out for him there, too.

Not only couldn't Barry follow that, but he allied himself with ISIS and let them freely flow into Iraq, handing over to them much of the territory our military had already liberated at great cost. ANOTHER OBAMA F*-Up!

Then there is Libya -- Qaddafi was NOTHING to us. He was no threat to us. IN FACT Qaddafi had begun to help the US FIGHT terrorists in northern what did Barry and Hillary do? They joined forces with Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans - and helped them take over Libya. After all, Hillary and Barry needed some place their International Arms Dealer buddy could use, with help from the CIA, to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS....Benghazi. (The arms dealer really appreciates the PARDON you just gave him, Barry, but he is still a little bitter that you and Hillary tried to send him to prison after he did your dirty work.)

Barry has been a Foreign Policy NIGHTMARE!
- Taking Russia For Granted ('Reset')
- Crimea
- 'Loss' of Iraq
- 'The RED Line'
- Aiding the Muslim Brotherhood
- Aiding Al Qaeida in Libya
- Aiding ISIS in the middle east / Syria
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- Multiple Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized Wars
- Benghazi - 4 Americans needlessly sacrificed
- The Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran
- Paying Iran for US Hostages
- and on and on and on...
Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.
Obama runs the Justice Dept., moron. Hillary would be wearing an orange jumpsuit otherwise.

You Repug fuckers claim there is evidence of malicious criminal wrong-doing on the part of Clinton, so show me the evidence.

You worthless fucks can't do it and we all know it. All you have are your pathetic witch hunts because irrational hatred of Clinton controls your miserable lives.
You do realize Obama lied about not knowing Hillary had a private server. While using an alias name to email her on it?

Oh, and you actually have EVIDENCE to support this claim, unsophisticated Repug goober?? Didn't think so.
I'm Hillary's emails, but you are a Looney liberal so facts don't matter to you.

I don't even know what the fuck this is supposed to mean.
Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?

Despite all the reckless and irresponsible Repug witch hunts over the years, you pitiful fucks still haven't been able to prosecute Hillary for ANYTHING...because you have NOTHING.

Even though you no-life Repug fucks waste your entire lives whining about Clinton on this cesspool message board, you still have NO EVIDENCE that she has EVER done anything intentionally malicious or criminal. I know how extremely frustrating that must be for you Repug fascist fucks.

"Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, lightweight?"

That is true in a court of law. In the court of public opinion people make their own evaluations about what constitutes "proof".
Clinton publicly accepted responsibility for the negligence that cost our men their lives at Benghazi and she was forced to resign her position as Secretary of State because of it.
The head of the FBI testified before Congress stating that Clinton had committed numerous crimes and misdemeanors and her investigation continues.
That's proof enough for me.

More lies. Hillary was not "forced to resign". Only in your hate-filled, mentally disturbed mind is this true. She resigned primarily so she wouldn't have any distractions while running for President.

She was Secretary of State, so of course she accepted responsibility. That's what a good leader does.

It's pathetic how bent out of shape you Repug fucks get about Benghazi...yet Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld got over 4,000 brave American troops killed over lies about WMD in Iraq. Funny, you Repug fucks have no outrage about that. You people are intellectually dishonest assholes, expressing your fake outrage about Benghazi.
More died in Afghanistan under Obama in his short stint over there.

Obama didn't start the war in Afghanistan, goober. He took over for idiot Bush after Bush completed mismanaged the war. Judging "who did worse" by looking at the number of casualties is fucking asinine.

If you study the history of the Vietnam War, more American soldiers died under Nixon than other Johnson. However, Johnson was the one who started the war and he deserves the vast majority of the blame for what happened in Vietnam.

It's called intellectual honesty, goober. Give it a try sometime. hard is it to withdraw troops out of Afghanistan, as Barry promised he would do? Bush even built the plan for him to follow, and he f*ed that up. Barry with Afghanistan has been like Hillary trying to figure out how to work 2 e-mails on 1 Blackberry.

Bush also handed over a liberated Iraq to Barry. There was a withdrawal schedule laid out for him there, too.

Not only couldn't Barry follow that, but he allied himself with ISIS and let them freely flow into Iraq, handing over to them much of the territory our military had already liberated at great cost. ANOTHER OBAMA F*-Up!

Then there is Libya -- Qaddafi was NOTHING to us. He was no threat to us. IN FACT Qaddafi had begun to help the US FIGHT terrorists in northern what did Barry and Hillary do? They joined forces with Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans - and helped them take over Libya. After all, Hillary and Barry needed some place their International Arms Dealer buddy could use, with help from the CIA, to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS....Benghazi. (The arms dealer really appreciates the PARDON you just gave him, Barry, but he is still a little bitter that you and Hillary tried to send him to prison after he did your dirty work.)

Barry has been a Foreign Policy NIGHTMARE!
- Taking Russia For Granted ('Reset')
- Crimea
- 'Loss' of Iraq
- 'The RED Line'
- Aiding the Muslim Brotherhood
- Aiding Al Qaeida in Libya
- Aiding ISIS in the middle east / Syria
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- Multiple Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized Wars
- Benghazi - 4 Americans needlessly sacrificed
- The Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran
- Paying Iran for US Hostages
- and on and on and on...

And nothing you've written comes close to the disaster that Bush created in Iraq. There would be no ISIS if it wasn't for Bush, you imbecile. He created the power vacuum in Iraq that made ISIS possible. Not to mention that Iran is now a much stronger power in the Middle East, thanks to the total collapse of Iraq that Bush caused.

You weren't concerned about how horrible Bush mismanaged Iraq and the Middle East when he was President because he was a Republican and you're intellectually dishonest and shameless No Democrat is going to engage with you in a serious discussion about Obama's or Clinton's foreign policy until you admit Bush created a lot of this mess and that you made a huge mistake voting for him and/or supporting him.

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