Republicans Are Outraged Donald Trump Isn't Above The Law

I think everyone who can legally vote should be encouraged to do so. If there are any fraudulent vote prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Of course, everything the Republicans do is to try to limit who can vote.
I agree. It's like fucking with the mail. We don't do it because we were told as kids it's a federal offense.

We tried committing voter fraud. My mom was slipping into Alzheimers. She couldn't sign her own name at this point. But for sure she loved Hillary and she voted the last election so my dad asked for 2 absentee ballots and he filled out and signed hers too and sent it in. They caught it. She's still alive. She's still a registered voter. But she's no longer able to sign her name. So no she probably shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore.

But a lot of Alzhimer patients progress differently. Some can sign their name long into it. I guess it all comes down to check the signature. As long as you can sign your name you can vote.

Wait, this brings up a whole new topic. Why can't she vote? Or why can't we vote for her? She's a citizen. At what point does she not get a say? Or why doesn't she count? We should be allowed to vote for her. This is a tough one. I see why they shouldn't be able to drive but why not vote? What if one is trying to cut funding to Alzhimers? What if one party doesn't like doctor assisted suicide and she wants to die?
We just have too wake up and demand more integrity honesty & competence from those we hire to run our country.
Looking for the best people possible, Not the best political party's self serving spewing of party propaganda.
Then we would not be so filled with hate for our fellow Americans..
32 x 0 still equals zero
He was impeached twice. Just because Republicans in the Senate protected him or didn't convict him because "he wasn't the president anymore" doesn't mean he got away with the insurrection.

Or he did but now he has to answer for it. Is that one of the 32? Probably not. More charges are coming.

And we don't care if he's found guilty in court or if he doesn't go to jail. We don't expect either. This is the USA running against Trump basically. Trump and his wacko followers like Vagorie Taylor Greene. The voters need to hear all the crimes that Trump broke while in office and after he left office. And they will hear about it constantly until November 2024 bitch.
32 x 0 still equals zero
When does the trial start January? I know Trump wanted to move it to Spring.

It will be fun watching Trump go from court to the Republican primaries in Iowa then back to court then to the next primary in North Carolina, then back to court, etc.

Will Melania be joining him on the campaign trail this time?

Is Ivanka even going to vote for her father this time?

I'm so glad Trump is your front runner.
The judge's ruling on the rape civil trial was funny. He pointed out that if he delayed the trial this time, he'd have to keep delaying it every time Trump got in more legal trouble, which means it would be delayed forever. Therefore, no delay now.
“I'm taken aback at the idea of indicting a former president of the United States at a—at a time when there's a crime wave in New York City,” Pence told Jonathan Karl on ABC’s This Week, “that fact that the Manhattan D.A. thinks that indicting President Trump is his top priority I think it—just tells you everything you need to know about the radical left in this country. It just feels like a politically charged prosecution here. And I—for my part, I just feel like it's just not what the American people want to see.”

Let’s take this one point at a time, because Pence is so perfectly encapsulating the Republican position on prosecuting Trump.

First: There is no crime wave in New York City. And former presidents should not be protected from prosecution just because of their elevated status.

Second: The Manhattan district attorney obviously does not think that indicting Trump is his top priority. He already set aside a plan by his predecessor to indict Trump for his financial dealings, and Bragg has now been in office for more than a year. Something one does more than a year after getting the ability to do it is, by definition, not a top priority.

Third: Alvin Bragg is in no way the “radical left,” although he is, to translate what Pence really meant, Black.

Fourth: This may feel politically charged because Republicans are politicizing it through their insistence that Trump should be immune from prosecution. But not charging Trump with crimes he committed would be a political move in itself. Power shouldn’t put people above the law.

And finally: It doesn’t—or shouldn’t—matter what the American people want to see when it comes to prosecuting crimes. As a side issue, it’s no surprise that the people Pence talks to don’t want Trump indicted, but plenty of people will be breaking out the party hats and streamers if and when it happens. But again, prosecution for crimes should not be a popularity contest and being famous and rich and powerful should not insulate you.

But that is the official Trump/Republican position: Charges against Trump can only ever be a politically motivated abuse of power, no matter how many crimes he commits. In reality, of course, while Trump’s prominence has drawn the attention of prosecutors, there’s been an obvious reluctance to charge him with anything because Trump is a political figure and he and his allies will harass the prosecutors and use the charges to whip up their base.

The talking points have spread far and wide in the Republican Party.

He could be arrested on 5th Ave., and not lose any support. :badgrin:

The laws is clear, and Trump violated no law at all.
It is Stormy Daniels who clearly is the only criminal here.
I agree. It's like fucking with the mail. We don't do it because we were told as kids it's a federal offense.

We tried committing voter fraud. My mom was slipping into Alzheimers. She couldn't sign her own name at this point. But for sure she loved Hillary and she voted the last election so my dad asked for 2 absentee ballots and he filled out and signed hers too and sent it in. They caught it. She's still alive. She's still a registered voter. But she's no longer able to sign her name. So no she probably shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore.

But a lot of Alzhimer patients progress differently. Some can sign their name long into it. I guess it all comes down to check the signature. As long as you can sign your name you can vote.

Wait, this brings up a whole new topic. Why can't she vote? Or why can't we vote for her? She's a citizen. At what point does she not get a say? Or why doesn't she count? We should be allowed to vote for her. This is a tough one. I see why they shouldn't be able to drive but why not vote? What if one is trying to cut funding to Alzhimers? What if one party doesn't like doctor assisted suicide and she wants to die?

Others can vote for a person who can no longer sign.
That happens in assisted living facilities all the time.
If you are unable to sign your name, you can make a mark or use a signature stamp. Your mark should be simple. Many voters use an “X” as their mark. Instead of an ”X,” you can use a signature stamp.
He was impeached twice. Just because Republicans in the Senate protected him or didn't convict him because "he wasn't the president anymore" doesn't mean he got away with the insurrection.

Or he did but now he has to answer for it. Is that one of the 32? Probably not. More charges are coming.

And we don't care if he's found guilty in court or if he doesn't go to jail. We don't expect either. This is the USA running against Trump basically. Trump and his wacko followers like Vagorie Taylor Greene. The voters need to hear all the crimes that Trump broke while in office and after he left office. And they will hear about it constantly until November 2024 bitch.

I am far left of anyone here, but Trump broke no laws and it is illegal to try to prevent his candidacy.
The conspiracy against Trump is the only actual "insurgency".
Others can vote for a person who can no longer sign.
That happens in assisted living facilities all the time.
If you are unable to sign your name, you can make a mark or use a signature stamp. Your mark should be simple. Many voters use an “X” as their mark. Instead of an ”X,” you can use a signature stamp.
Shut the fuck up!!!! Idiot liar!!!! My dad tried to vote for my mom who had early Alzheimers. She couldn't sign her name anymore but wanted Hillary. They rejected her absentee ballot.

So stop making shit up fool.
Others can vote for a person who can no longer sign.
That happens in assisted living facilities all the time.
If you are unable to sign your name, you can make a mark or use a signature stamp. Your mark should be simple. Many voters use an “X” as their mark. Instead of an ”X,” you can use a signature stamp.
This is what makes me mad. You lie and Tom Payne hits informative on your post. In other words he swallowed your lie.
Pay close attention to the "crime" for which they wish to charge him: He paid someone to keep quiet about an embarrassing episode, but failed to report that as a political campaign contribution to his own Presidential campaign.

Name one other person in history who was pursued to this extent, successfully, for such a silly offense. I'll spot you John Edwards, who was acquitted.

Donald Trump is the only person in the United States, and New York is the only jurisdiction in the world, where someone would be pursued so aggressively for such a petty crime. AT WORST, it warrants a small fine. And they empanel a grand jury to pursue it?

It confirms the extremely low opinion that people around the country have of New York.

Quite a number of dems didn't want Bragg to prosecute on that particular violation.

But, more serious crimes are in the works, the obstruction case pertaining to the documents, the GA case, the 1/6 case, so, we shall see what happens.

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