Republicans...Are You Going To Smash The Radicals In Your Party Now?

With hope Allen West and the rest of the Tea Party scum will be gone, I can deal with moderate Republicans because they do have better ideas than a lot of Democrats, but people like West, Bachmann and Paul Ryan need to go.

Yeah, you guys can keep putting Mr. Vacation in office and voting yourselves free shit until the rest of us can't pay your way any longer. Then who are you going to call to save you? Oh yeah, folks like Ryan, Bachman, Palin and Mr. West.

What has Mr West done other than flap his trolling gums and sound like a bully? Actions, not tough, divisive, partisan talk is what matters. West couldn't save his army career with his talk, why trust him?

Because he's a good man, something democrats have a tough time understanding.
How is fiscal responsibility radical? How is morality radical? How is liberty radical? please tell me.

When have the Republicans ever practiced fiscal responsibility or liberty? They talk about both a lot when out of power, I'll give them that. Why do Republicans get to define morality? You guys are going to be on the wrong side of the gay marriage issue in a few years and are already on the wrong side when it comes to abortion.
How is fiscal responsibility radical? How is morality radical? How is liberty radical? please tell me.

When have the Republicans ever practiced fiscal responsibility or liberty? They talk about both a lot when out of power, I'll give them that. Why do Republicans get to define morality? You guys are going to be on the wrong side of the gay marriage issue in a few years and are already on the wrong side when it comes to abortion.

They've been on the wrong side of history numerous times. But they sure as hell don't let that stop them from trying to return it to that point.
Yeah, you guys can keep putting Mr. Vacation in office and voting yourselves free shit until the rest of us can't pay your way any longer. Then who are you going to call to save you? Oh yeah, folks like Ryan, Bachman, Palin and Mr. West.

What has Mr West done other than flap his trolling gums and sound like a bully? Actions, not tough, divisive, partisan talk is what matters. West couldn't save his army career with his talk, why trust him?

Because he's a good man, something democrats have a tough time understanding.

Good man, with his divisivenessß :lol:
What has Mr West done other than flap his trolling gums and sound like a bully? Actions, not tough, divisive, partisan talk is what matters. West couldn't save his army career with his talk, why trust him?

Because he's a good man, something democrats have a tough time understanding.

Good man, with his divisivenessß :lol:

Hell, Obama is the most divisive politician I have ever seen. Our country has become split darn near down the middle with the Left hating anyone who dares utter a word that disagrees with their messiah.
Yeah, you guys can keep putting Mr. Vacation in office and voting yourselves free shit until the rest of us can't pay your way any longer. Then who are you going to call to save you? Oh yeah, folks like Ryan, Bachman, Palin and Mr. West.

What has Mr West done other than flap his trolling gums and sound like a bully? Actions, not tough, divisive, partisan talk is what matters. West couldn't save his army career with his talk, why trust him?

Because he's a good man, something democrats have a tough time understanding.

West is an ultra-right wing piece of shit and a disgrace to the uniform. He should have been court marshaled.
How is fiscal responsibility radical? How is morality radical? How is liberty radical? please tell me.

Fiscal responsibility involves more than cutting taxes for the wealthy. Honestly, Republicans discussing fiscal responsibility is a bit laughable at this point. Hopefully that will change.
I wonder what the future of Paul Ryan is? I found myself describing him as the male version of Sarah Palin to someone today.
Yeah, you guys can keep putting Mr. Vacation in office and voting yourselves free shit until the rest of us can't pay your way any longer. Then who are you going to call to save you? Oh yeah, folks like Ryan, Bachman, Palin and Mr. West.

What has Mr West done other than flap his trolling gums and sound like a bully? Actions, not tough, divisive, partisan talk is what matters. West couldn't save his army career with his talk, why trust him?

Because he's a good man, something democrats have a tough time understanding.

Then you wouldn't know a good man it he slapped you in the face with his....

West doesn't have a good bone in his body. He's a dreg of society that should be in a military jail...he got let off the hook. He's scum and that's why he's no longer in Office.
Of course we have yet to see the breakdown of votes by gender, race age and so forth.

But when we do what I strongly suspect what we will see is this

Obama won the womens votes, the minority votes and the votes of the less fortunate.

Now whose fault is that?

Mitt's fault.

You cannot openly insult and threaten people and expect THEM to support you.

And insulting those people and threatening them was the MITTSTER's campaign strategy.
Of course we have yet to see the breakdown of votes by gender, race age and so forth.

But when we do what I strongly suspect what we will see is this

Obama won the womens votes, the minority votes and the votes of the less fortunate.

Now whose fault is that?

Mitt's fault.

You cannot openly insult and threaten people and expect THEM to support you.

And insulting those people and threatening them was the MITTSTER's campaign strategy.

Yeah, you have to promise free everything, that seem to do the trick today
I'm waiting for when that 47% is 50 or 55% and those of us who work are working our asses off to support those folks.

America has spoken and we have another four years of that fuck running the country.

Hope we can surve it.
Smash the radicals?? Is that all you leftist twits think about, smashing people you disagree with? It seems to be a common reaction with you people.

On another note, I expect gun and ammo sales to SKYROCKET this week...

That would be those radicals hoping to avoid getting 'smashed'...
Smash the radicals?? Is that all you leftist twits think about, smashing people you disagree with? It seems to be a common reaction with you people.

On another note, I expect gun and ammo sales to SKYROCKET this week...

That would be those radicals hoping to avoid getting 'smashed'...

yes, scary that is how think of us
Smash the radicals?? Is that all you leftist twits think about, smashing people you disagree with? It seems to be a common reaction with you people.

On another note, I expect gun and ammo sales to SKYROCKET this week...

That would be those radicals hoping to avoid getting 'smashed'...

yes, scary that is how think of us

Steph, good news. Poor people such as yourself are a bit safer today and won't be vilified as they would have been under Romney. You should be happy, but unfortunately you're not smart enough to understand. It's ok.....I'll be happy for you.

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