Republicans Biggest Fear

You are stupid beyond belief. First of all, troops are already there. He's sent about 2000 combat boots on the ground. Try telling special operators they're not combat troops. Same for fighter pilots who can easily get shot down by all the shoulder fired shit in that place. Secondly being the stupid liberal you are, you don't understand how mission creep works. I do. It will happen. It has been happening. Just like I've being predicting with pinpoint accuracy all along.

I see my favorite senile old man loved my post and reposted it without comment. LOL
It's the putting together the coalition part. So far he's been turned down by England and Australia. The arabs aren't interested either.
They told us Obama was the SUPERMAN and he would FIX all our problems.

and then when can't just steamroll over us they whine they are Obstructing him

and now here we are with Iraq and the excuse are pretty much the same

just sad

but the majority in the country has seen the light of the Obama and he ain't no superman to 70% of the people

But it's fun watching the libs on USMB pretend they don't see the polls, huh?? LOL
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.

Yeah. I'm shakin' in my boots.

And I have looked into the eyes—the amused, malignant ulcers—
of a creature beyond redemption;
Have smelled its yellow breath,
Felt its vile touch slither up my spine like the wet lick of a wounded dog . . .
The crystalline moment of recognition, the puddle of urine on the floor. —M. D. Rawlings
Synth, this is your biggest fear:

"I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region, and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean that we'd be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we'd allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous."

--President George W. Bush, July 12, 2007

So well said. I've been using the video but thanks for the text.

That has been debunked quite well on the other threads. Try to catch up.

Oh how did I miss this one from you, Tokyo Rose, LOL? See, you're just not that interesting; it's easy to skip by your propaganda.

Now let me explain this to you again, Tokyo Rose. Here's the difference between me and you.

You sit behind some computer in your basement, living room, or maybe Democrat outpost each day writing propaganda. Nothing but pure propaganda about the Iraq War.... that doesn't even pass the smell test to those of us actually involved. You've never been in the military, you've never been to Iraq, you've never worked with the State Department, you've never negotiated with the Iraqis, you've never done one fucking thing you pretend to know about. You're not even smart enough to have READ about what we on the front lines were doing so you could at least try to speak our lingo.

I on the other hand have done all those things and I'M THE ONE that doesn't know what I'm talking about? LMAO.

Your ignorance and lies about SOFA were breathtaking. Hell you don't even show an understanding of international law in a highly developed western country, let alone in a war torn Muslim country that had almost no legal system in place.

Yes, Tokyo Rose, it's a free country and propagandizing is not against the law. But you will not see a repeat of what you liars did in 08 and 2012. The country's on to your lies and your bullshit.

Get it?
Got it?
This thread will be an appropriate place to watch the Obama Hating Crowd quit talking about the IS terrorist being decimated and driven back on a daily basis by the broad super coalition including Arab State like Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

This will be fun to watch. Here's two who have already panicked over on the Main IS Terrorist Thread.

Its getting very clear why EconChick and 1778 are getting more foul-mouthed with every passing moment.
This has to crush every Obama Hater on this Message Board:
By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Peter Foster in Washington
9:05PM BST 11 Sep 2014
A coalition of 10 Arab states threw their support behind Barack Obama’s pledge to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) movement in Iraq and Syria on Thursday.
In a welcome boost to US plans for defeating the militant Islamist group, regional powers including Saudi Arabia and Jordan pledged to “do their share” in the battle.
The announcement in Saudi Arabia was carefully choreographed, coming hours after the president told the American people that he would expand US air strikes against the militants, promising that Isil would ultimately be “vanquished from the Earth”.
As Mr Obama marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a moment of silence at the White House, the 10 regional allies — which also included Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — issued their statement after a meeting in Jeddah with John Kerry, the US secretary of state.
They promised that they would join in “the comprehensive fight” against Isil, including choking off funds and fighters to the group.

10 Arab states join the US in battle against Isil - Telegraph
Yay..Talk is cheap. Let me know when those countries have boots on the ground fighting You Obama lovers have such high hopes for that incompetent, know nothing. Who is Lebanon gong to fight? You mean Hezbollah?..Jordon is in no position to fight anyone. If they weren't next to Israel, they'd have been over run by the islamozi's by now. Qatar funds terrorist. Saidi Arabia as well

LOL, you think wishfull thinking is a policy...or even a weapon, dumb ass? Don't you even listen to the news?

Awww, are you going to lose your job in some Democrat Senator's office maybe? You smell of desperation, pops.
No just shocked if he did, If the president just happens to be successful for all American,not just some,there isn't a single Repub that would complain.

Did you praise Obama when Maliki Stepped down and there was a transition of power in Baghdad that has gone down as the Obama Administration has wanted in order to start dealing with IS terrorists without having the US military be seen as Maliki's Air Force on the side of Shiites against the Sunnis.

LMAO, dumbass. Seriously???? All that took is what he was supposed to do when George Bush gave him the SOFA with all the wiggle room to do it back when he took not only all our troops but our eyes and ears for intelligence out of the country. It's called leaning on the Iraqis using our economic, political, and military power. Just like he was supposed to do in 2011 instead of abandoning the place. In fact it pretty much happened just through the pressure of money. Dumbass.

In other words, dumbass Obama finally used the tools he had back then but didn't really want to use because he JUST WANTED OUT.

I love how you step all over your dick tying to explain how great O is when in fact it reveals how HE FUCKED IT ALL UP when we handed it to him on a silver platter in 2009.
Except this president is the consummate pussy and our enemies know it.

Are you in direct communication
with with our enemies? No rational person on our side would make such a pro-terrorist statement. You are saying the chain of command in the US military is broken and there is no way the military will follow the Commander in Chief's orders to kill and destroy terrorists wherever they are. You are one sick American.

That's why nothing he does will help, even if he sent 1 million troops. They know he doesn't possess the inner core to do what it takes to beat their VERY RESOLUTE asses. All we can do is wait for the next president to do that.

So your insider signal to the enemy is that if one million US combat troops were sent to Syria and Iraq they would defy orders because they from the top down all realize that Obama is a pussy (sexist bimbo you must be) and will not destroy the enemy if they are in their sight and range.

There is little doubt that you are some kind of fraud. Real Americans don't talk like that.

My god - you should be an embarrassment to real a Republicans here.


Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.
Straw, man.
And I am really not sure what is meant by a "horrific" scale. Some 250K Iraqis were killed as a result of the American invasion. After the US left, the Maliki government was trying to purge the Sunnis and this included lots of killings and reprisals.

The only reason anyone here took notice is because they nabbed 2 American journalists and did to them what they've been doing to thousands of Iraqis.
Not exactly, the media doesn't want to report anything that will make Obama look bad, but beheading of 2 Americans. Even got the uninformed voters attention, so the media has no choice but report on Obama's total mess up, and the Obama fluffers have to make up lies to make Obama look better.
It's the putting together the coalition part. So far he's been turned down by England and Australia.

So the MPs won't let Cameron fight alongside a NATO ally. So Cameron will talk tough, drop some foodstuffs, and be the dream anti-terror cowboy for old white American Republicans who can support Obama for actually
Doing something kinetically against those IS terrorist bastards.

Go Cameron. Yo da Mannnnnnn! Leading from a food truck.

Now since UK Parliament won't cooperate with the US like in Iraq in 2011, I guess its now all Obama's fault for being a weak negotiator.

Maybe we should start bombing London like real leaders would do.
If it would bring an end to the obama regime he could bomb London, Paris and Moscow.

Everyone knows obama is incompetent. Europe wants no part of him. The Arab states want no part of him. Maybe obama should go to central America and tell them they must owe us something for siphoning off so many of their criminals.
Except this president is the consummate pussy and our enemies know it.

Are you in direct communication
with with our enemies?
No rational person on our side would make such a pro-terrorist statement. You are saying the chain of command in the US military is broken and there is no way the military will follow the Commander in Chief's orders to kill and destroy terrorists wherever they are. You are one sick American.

That's why nothing he does will help, even if he sent 1 million troops. They know he doesn't possess the inner core to do what it takes to beat their VERY RESOLUTE asses. All we can do is wait for the next president to do that.

So your insider signal to the enemy is that if one million US combat troops were sent to Syria and Iraq they would defy orders because they from the top down all realize that Obama is a pussy (sexist bimbo you must be) and will not destroy the enemy if they are in their sight and range.

There is little doubt that you are some kind of fraud. Real Americans don't talk like that.

My god - you should be an embarrassment to real a Republicans here.


Well, darlin, I know it makes your dick shrivel up when I have to tell you why I'm so credible and you're such a moron....and in reality I'm a pretty modest person.... but you liberal nut jobs put such a fucking disaster in the White House that numbers of us are coming out of the woodwork that would normally just enjoy our anonymity.....and so yes, for many years I've talked to people that were considered our enemies. How any times do I have to tell you I work abroad.

Dumb fuck.

And let me tell you something else you stupid ass. I spent three years briefing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I know how the National Command Authority works. Oops, that probably went over your bashed in brain. Here let me explain it in baby talk:

You Don't Know Fuck About the Military Chain of Command.

So stop talking about it like you know the least bit of what you're talking about. You're using the same talking points every other worthless liberal motherfucker has been using on the air for the past few weeks. Not original in the least. Straight from the DNC.

You're not even noteworthy enough to be called a poser or a fraud; you're just one of the pimples on Tom Brokaw's geriatric ass. So shut the fuck up about lies and spin. A third grader can run circles around your phony baloney, senile brain.

I admit you are entertainment. The same way a water boy pretending to be an NFL coach would lie to his prey in a bar.

It's also fun to watch you become more and more unraveled as I piss all over those DNC talking listening to a fucking echo chamber morning, noon, and night on the tube/online from you Dems.

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Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.

It's the putting together the coalition part. So far he's been turned down by England and Australia.

So the MPs won't let Cameron fight alongside a NATO ally. So Cameron will talk tough, drop some foodstuffs, and be the dream anti-terror cowboy for old white American Republicans who can support Obama for actually
Doing something kinetically against those IS terrorist bastards.

Go Cameron. Yo da Mannnnnnn! Leading from a food truck.

Now since UK Parliament won't cooperate with the US like in Iraq in 2011, I guess its now all Obama's fault for being a weak negotiator.

Maybe we should start bombing London like real leaders would do.

LMAO. The boy king can't even get our closest ally onboard. Even an ally whose PM just stood in front of Parliament last week saying how serious the ISIS threat is...who took his thread level to "highly likely."

Yes, NotFooled, that is a failure of negotiations.

Not surprised you fail to grasp that. The same way you failed to grasp it with the SOFA.
It's the putting together the coalition part. So far he's been turned down by England and Australia.

So the MPs won't let Cameron fight alongside a NATO ally. So Cameron will talk tough, drop some foodstuffs, and be the dream anti-terror cowboy for old white American Republicans who can support Obama for actually
Doing something kinetically against those IS terrorist bastards.


NotFooled, let's have a truce for a minute. Are you a white American? I ask because you seem to have an emotional attachment to Obama that goes beyond politics. It's not a put down. I'd actually have a lot of respect for you if you are a black man on this site arguing so passionately for Obama.

I just wondered if my instincts were close. Just based on some of your lingo. :)

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