Republicans Biggest Fear

Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.

You know what amuses me, Synth? How many of you progressives are STILL breathlessly waiting for Barack Obama to become a competent President even though we're two YEARS into his SECOND term! I'm sorry to be the one who breaks the bad new to you...but what you've what you're going to get for the next two years. Barry is mailing it in and has been for quite some time now.
You know what amuses me, Synth? How many of you progressives are STILL breathlessly waiting for Barack Obama to become a competent President even though we're two YEARS into his SECOND term! I'm sorry to be the one who breaks the bad new to you...but what you've what you're going to get for the next two years. Barry is mailing it in and has been for quite some time now.

What's amazing is 6 years into his administration and people are still trying to pretend as though he is competent.
It's a little late for president "present" to grow up. Hey, if he gets one right, good for him. It'll make his legacy seem somewhat less than a total whitewash of reality.
Syntias hero has a 70% disapproval rating so in his small mind that must mean all 70% are Republicans I guess

that's the twilight zone
Barry's got a better chance of getting hit by lightning the day after he wins the Powerball lottery the day after winning the Mega Millions lottery, than he's got any chance of succeeding against the ISIL. He's clueless, spineless, and isn't smart enough to listen to the experts.
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.
You can't be serious?

He's never serious. Synth doesn't even believe the stupid shit he posts.
You know what amuses me, Synth? How many of you progressives are STILL breathlessly waiting for Barack Obama to become a competent President even though we're two YEARS into his SECOND term! I'm sorry to be the one who breaks the bad new to you...but what you've what you're going to get for the next two years. Barry is mailing it in and has been for quite some time now.

What's amazing is 6 years into his administration and people are still trying to pretend as though he is competent.

They fail at grasping the simple relationship that zebras have with their stripes.
It's a little late for president "present" to grow up. Hey, if he gets one right, good for him. It'll make his legacy seem somewhat less than a total whitewash of reality.

It's never too late for people to grow up and change.

It would take a miracle though.
Hmm after listening to Obama's speech I wonder if the left is wondering when Obama turned into GWB.

I wonder if the left will tear up Obama as they did Bush.

72 days of terror bombing a sovereign country that was of absolute no threat to the US, that the left crows about.
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.
Republicans' biggest fear is the president's success in any capacity.

Well if that were true, all I can say is that Republicans haven't been scared yet.
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.
Listening to many republicans today, such as Senator Graham, talking about sending American troops back to Iraq to fight and die, thankfully Obama won't make that mistake. Indeed, that's exactly what the terrorists want: American troops to return to Iraq.
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.

Which really puts squarely what they are all about.

Republicans control the house.

The house, since 2010 has gotten almost nothing done.

And then they complain, nothing is getting done.


Amazing is the ignorance you displayed in this post. It takes two to tango, dumbass, and they House can accomplish nothing without the concurent accomplishment of the Senate, and then the signature of the President.

Don't they have to vote on a bill in the House first, then send it to the Senate?

You know what amuses me, Synth? How many of you progressives are STILL breathlessly waiting for Barack Obama to become a competent President even though we're two YEARS into his SECOND term! I'm sorry to be the one who breaks the bad new to you...but what you've what you're going to get for the next two years. Barry is mailing it in and has been for quite some time now.

Yeah, what the fuck has Obama done so far?

What the fuck has Obama done so far

"Praise be unto him"? Pretty weird stuff referring to Barry Hussein and sounding vaguely like jihad rhetoric but typical of the modern left. Is that the best we can hope for, a coalition organized by the pompous idiot John Kerry? In case you didn't notice every potential coalition member hates Kerry and disrespects Hussein.
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.

Dude! There's nothing that scares you DEMS more than being labeled as weak on national security. It's you that's scared to death because the polls have you crashing and burning on foreign policy.

LMFAO. Talk about projection.

Now since you have me on ignore, just know that others reading this thread will laugh and you won't know why. :banana:
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.
Republicans' biggest fear is the president's success in any capacity.

Oh trust me. There's not the slightest fear.
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.

The date 9-11 should be proof enough about who's weak at protecting America.

You mean when Clinton failed to put UBL away when he had the chance? LMAO
Republicans Biggest Fear is that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is going to calmly, rationally put together a successful coalition which proceeds to degrade and destroy ISIL, and mirror the success that President Clinton had in the Bosnian War.

It would once again destroy the narrative they have been pushing since the 1980s, that Democrats are weak at protecting America.
Anyone that believes Democrats have shied away from war need to read a history book, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam, Bosnia....

Those were different Democrats, Flopper.

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