Republicans can say what they want about democrat policies, but at least the Democratic Party is unified and can function.

Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
That's good news? That "functioning" is causing economic chaos and 70% of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction. They would be better off not functioning.
"Unified" isn't the word I'd use to describe the democrat party. It's more like a fearful creepy lockstep and nobody ever speaks their mind. Something like CUSA.
That's good news? That "functioning" is causing economic chaos and 70% of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction. They would be better off not functioning.
The unemployment rate is at an all time high and inflation has leveled out lol
The fact that Democrats vote in lockstep on every major issue is proof that it is a moribund party with no vibrancy whatsoever.

To exactly nobody's surprise.

Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
Seems you are an advocate of the Hive Mind or animals that hunt in packs.

Perhaps higher life forms know instinctively how to aspire to greater things .
Seems you are an advocate of the Hive Mind or animals that hunt in packs.

Perhaps higher life forms know instinctively how to aspire to greater things .
So democrats should be more like House republicans then?
Let us know when 2 Democrats disagree on anything under the sun.
They disagree all the time. You just don’t see it. As it should be.

Republicans are the belligerent bikers with bikes in the yard who live across the street and who yell and fight when not partying.
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
I’ll give them that

Libs stick together

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