Republicans can say what they want about democrat policies, but at least the Democratic Party is unified and can function.

Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.

The Republicans are weak. Their biggest two problems.

1. Trump
2. They lack fiscal and constitutional conservatism.
3. Lobbyist own too many of them (along with the left)
The Nazis were unified.

The Soviets were unified.

Imperial Japan was ULTRA unified.

Hamas is currently unified.
Isn’t the US military unified? Democrats in office don’t always agree. They just agree on very critical things like who is the next speaker. Lol you people are so dumb. Nothing you say makes any sense as a valid point.
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
When you have no morals, no intellect, and anything goes, it does not display unity, rather indifference to the insanity of your fellow party members. How else can Democrats all sit under the same tent supporting Hamas, child grooming, open borders, and a slew of other things that are clearly not in the interests of anyone but niche segments of the whole?
When you have no morals, no intellect, and anything goes, it does not display unity, rather indifference to the insanity of your fellow party members. How else can Democrats all sit under the same tent supporting Hamas, child grooming, open borders, and a slew of other things that are clearly not in the interests of anyone but niche segments of the whole?
Why do you people have this obsession with bringing up pedophilia unprompted? It’s creepy.

Republicans can say what they want about democrat policies, but at least the Democratic Party is unified and can function.​

This is exactly why the Left keeps winning.

For example, the Right kept promising to repeal and replace Obamacare. For seven years, while Obama was president, the House passed 60+ partial and full repeals knowing Obama would veto them if they ever reached his desk.

Then Trump came along and jumped on that bandwagon, telling the credulous rubes he had a "beautiful" replacement and would send it to Congress on Day One.

It never once occurred to the tards to ask to see the plan. Obama put his plan on the table before he even won the Democratic nomination.

Despite this GIANT clue Trump was hoaxing them, the rubes fell for it.

Then the GOP got full control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, and the repeals suddenly came to a grinding halt!

Again, the rubes did not catch on they had been hoaxed for YEARS!

No Obamacare replacement was forthcoming, and they STILL don't realize they were scammed by a New York City grifter.

When the Democrats say they are going to do something, they fucking do it.

All the right wing tards care about is what their grifters SAY, not what they DO.

That's why the Left keeps winning.
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Trumptards could take a lesson from the Beatles:

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan


But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is, brother, you have to wait
That’s easy: Manchin and Sinema.
You're not totally correct. One of those left the party and the other one faced demands to do the same. IOW, they're not welcome in the party. They illustrate perfectly what happens when someone tries to buck the party elite and orthodoxy.
It's funny that what partisans value, more than anything else, is team loyalty.
The Republicans are weak. Their biggest two problems.

1. Trump
2. They lack fiscal and constitutional conservatism.
3. Lobbyist own too many of them (along with the left)
Progs are dictatorial. They even laugh at laws now.

Republicans can say what they want about democrat policies, but at least the Democratic Party is unified and can function.​

Every time I read something like this in here, I think about how the National Socialists (Nazis to you dims) were the most well-organized Political Party in Human History.

So were the Italian fascists. And every other totalitarian political party in history.

It hurts to see people that are so over-educated and so stupid.
Certainly, one party may coalesce in opposition without becoming unified as regards issues between strong factions.
You're not totally correct. One of those left the party and the other one faced demands to do the same. IOW, they're not welcome in the party. They illustrate perfectly what happens when someone tries to buck the party elite and orthodoxy.
Lol who cares if one left the party? She was still a democrat. It’s even more stupid you think Manchin doesn’t count. If they asked them to leave the party, that would reflect disagreement amongst the party.
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Lol who cares if one left the party? She was still a democrat. It’s even more stupid you think Manchin doesn’t count. If they asked them to leave the party, that would reflect disagreement amongst the party.
They wouldn't leave the party if they felt welcome in it. Obviously, they don't, because the party doesn't tolerate dissent.
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
Sorry bout that,

1. If there wasn't RINO,s in office we would have 20 in Congress now.
2. As it is we only have about 10 true conservatives, the rest RINO's.

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