Republicans can say what they want about democrat policies, but at least the Democratic Party is unified and can function.

Isn’t the US military unified? Democrats in office don’t always agree. They just agree on very critical things like who is the next speaker. Lol you people are so dumb. Nothing you say makes any sense as a valid point.

Dumb is thinking unified is a positive attribute.

Was anything I said untrue?

Every one of those groups were unified.

Was that a good thing?

Ask an adult to explain it to you.
Dumb is thinking unified is a positive attribute.

Was anything I said untrue?

Every one of those groups were unified.

Was that a good thing?

Ask an adult to explain it to you.
Obviously the stupid point you’re making is that anything unified is fascist. That doesn’t make any sense.
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.

Why don't you do us all a favor and move somewhere "international" where they won't know what a moron you are. (Edit: That might disqualify some are known far and wide as being a total dumbass)

A fresh start is always helpful for someone who's been as big an ass as yourself.
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
Nobody ever said the Demafascist party wasn't a hive mind...there is no room for different opinion or free thought....on that we can agree
Obviously the stupid point you’re making is that anything unified is fascist. That doesn’t make any sense.

Fascist or in your case, they are mindless drones who can't do anything unless Hillary Clinton tells them to.
Obviously the stupid point you’re making is that anything unified is fascist. That doesn’t make any sense.
You guys are clearly in lock step...the trains run on time in the Demafacsit party.
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
Obviously the stupid point you’re making is that anything unified is fascist. That doesn’t make any sense.
Only the mentally challenged would come to that conclusion.

The point is, being unified is neither a positive or negative attribute.

IOW...your point that Democrats are unified is idiotic.

Great...they are unified...unified to have open borders, unified to advance socialism, unified to murder babies, unified to tell children to cut off parts of their bodies and pretend to be the opposite sex, unified to destroy the family unit in the black community, unified to destroy Christianity, unified to have us living in pods and eating the bugs.

We are unified in telling them fuck that, fuck them and fuck you.

How's that for unity.
The fact that Democrats vote in lockstep on every major issue is proof that it is a moribund party with no vibrancy whatsoever.

To exactly nobody's surprise.
Lets be clear, Democrats have plenty of internal discussions but they know they are better together...

The GOP didn't get the candidate that a majority of their party wanted. They got a gun to their head fro a faction within there party who refused to accept what a majority of their party wanted.

Let's see can this Johnson guy actually get a bill passed that the GOP Senate can even agree on... Let's see can these guys govern or will they just send bills which know will fail... Johnson has to deal with the Democratic Senate and the President to get things passed. then he has to sell what he gets to his whole GOP, Good Luck with that...

You have a basic problem, any bill that would benefit the American people would be rejected by the MAGA s because they can't give Biden a perceived win...
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.


Yep, because this is a good thing in politics…..
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
could be worse
Obviously Jeffries has no chance of becoming Speaker, but the fact that ALL democrats are able to unite under one leader gives the stark contrast to republicans.

Some of those democrats could probably think of a better candidate than Jeffries, but they know for the sake of being functional, they vote for him.

The GOP is an international embarrassment.
You are too stupid to understand what happen, aren't you Moon Bat?

The Freedom Caucus got rid of a RINO Speaker and the Democrats helped them.

Then the RINOs would not elect a Conservative and the Democrats helped them.

Then the Republicans elected a Moderate and the goddamn Democrats still voted against him.

The stupid confused Democrats are the the Party of Hate. They don't know what the hell they wanted.

If they would have had any brains they would have voted for McCarthy because he would have given the Democrat assholes 95% of what they wanted. Now they have somebody that will kick their asses.
After a brief family squabble, the GOP is functioning and unified.

Meanwhile, Democratic Party policies still suck sugar coated donkey dicks.

It's like the old joke, "Lady, you're the ugliest woman I've ever seen."

"You're drunk, you disgraceful man."

"But, I'll be sober in the morning."
After a brief family squabble, the GOP is functioning and unified.

Meanwhile, Democratic Party policies still suck sugar coated donkey dicks.

It's like the old joke, "Lady, you're the ugliest woman I've ever seen."

"You're drunk, you disgraceful man."

"But, I'll be sober in the morning."
Oh god do you realize how pathetic you sound downplaying that House chaos? It is impossible to take you idiots seriously as adults.
Oh god do you realize how pathetic you sound downplaying that House chaos? It is impossible to take you idiots seriously as adults.
The GOP came out of it with a nearly ideal Speaker for 2024.

Can you describe the damage to the nation caused by three weeks without a Speaker?

Name the three worst consequences?
The GOP came out of it with a nearly ideal Speaker for 2024.

Can you describe the damage to the nation caused by three weeks without a Speaker?

Name the three worst consequences?
Lol right it somehow doesn’t matter at all. It’s embarrassing on an international level. That kind of shit is reserved for the third world. All in all, it demonstrates how deeply divided the House is. It’s not like the Speaker drama in January with McCarthy was unrelated to it. It’s the political make up of that chamber. Those same republicans in January are the reason why McCarthy was so easily ousted given the procedural changes to vacate the role. Why should anyone believe more procedural dysfunction isn’t coming?

Lol god you’re so full of shit. If this happened to democrats instead your dumbass would never shut the fuck up about it. Because it’s the GOP - a party that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you by the way - you downplay it. You’re a pawn.
Lol right it somehow doesn’t matter at all. It’s embarrassing on an international level. That kind of shit is reserved for the third world. All in all, it demonstrates how deeply divided the House is. It’s not like the Speaker drama in January with McCarthy was unrelated to it. It’s the political make up of that chamber. Those same republicans in January are the reason why McCarthy was so easily ousted given the procedural changes to vacate the role. Why should anyone believe more procedural dysfunction isn’t coming?
Lot of word salad to say "well, there weren't any consequences."
Lol god you’re so full of shit. If this happened to democrats instead your dumbass would never shut the fuck up about it. Because it’s the GOP - a party that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you by the way - you downplay it. You’re a pawn.

Lot of words to say, "Boo-HOO, now my vulva hurts!"
The irony is that Trump has split the republicans and united the democrats currently.

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