Republicans Cannot Admit That Joe Biden Has Constitutional Privacy Rights


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
ABC Sunday morning always asks if guests approve of Trump inviting foreign interference in US Election, investigating opponents: Primarily Vice President Biden. Republicans invariably deflect noting that the White House cannot send monies into nest of corrupt activities--wherein intended outcome would not occur.

The actual conflict-of-interest in the Ukraine Phone Call--corruption--centers on Hunter Biden. No one denies that taking the lucrative Ukrainian lawfully provided stipend for the directorship was a conflict of interest. Hunter never advised the Vice President's Office of the new position.

Then there is the matter of how Hunter Biden may have been the subject of an investigation. There had been a widely notorious corrupt prosecutor of sordid reputation on entire continents. Hunter had no apparent qualifications for the high-paying position.

So many might wonder if the corrupt prosecutor was using a Ukrainian investigation against the son as an extortion tactic even. Nothing political or partisan had even to be alleged.

So no probable cause exists to infer that the Vice President--Biden--may have improperly used leverage to get the prosecutor fired. The Corruption Thing, same legal basis.

In the matter of the phone call, not even any references to allegations of wrong-doing are noted in requesting a Ukrainian investigation of the U. S. private citizen, former Vice-President Biden.

The failure of the White House is tantamount to a KGB assassination attempt, even: Creating an incident outside of applicable law of Soviet, or now-Russian federation.

The President of the United States was not upholding and defending the U. S. Constitution: In the matter of creating a warrant-free request of another nation--outside the usual extradition and legal proceeding rules--to violate the private citizen's constitutional rights.

The FBI even has way more experience at it.(?). . .the matter of corruption investigations.

Federal Investigations: What Everyone Should Know

The Republicans have no basis on which to allege a corruption investigation in the matter of the subject phone call transcript between the two Presidents: Especially as the additional details unfold. Joe Biden does have Constitutional protections. The Presidents is required to faithfully execute the laws of the United States: Clearly including the Constitutional protections.

Process stuff!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(White Eyes imported even Great Fire Ant Mounds to assist in usual investigations on Lands of Many Nations--just maybe(?)!)

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I'm not sure what you're trying to say but Joe Biden and his son are corrupt, I think we can all agree on that.
Republicans Cannot Admit That Joe Biden Has Constitutional Privacy Rights


Joe's corruption must remain private.

Americans have no right to know about any Dem says so in the Constitution.
ABC Sunday morning always asks if guests approve of Trump inviting foreign interference in US Election, investigating opponents: Primarily Vice President Biden. Republicans invariably deflect noting that the White House cannot send monies into nest of corrupt activities--wherein intended outcome would not occur.

The actual conflict-of-interest in the Ukraine Phone Call--corruption--centers on Hunter Biden. No one denies that taking the lucrative Ukrainian lawfully provided stipend for the directorship was a conflict of interest. Hunter never advised the Vice President's Office of the new position.

Then there is the matter of how Hunter Biden may have been the subject of an investigation. There had been a widely notorious corrupt prosecutor of sordid reputation on entire continents. Hunter had no apparent qualifications for the high-paying position.

So many might wonder if the corrupt prosecutor was using a Ukrainian investigation against the son as an extortion tactic even. Nothing political or partisan had even to be alleged.

So no probable cause exists to infer that the Vice President--Biden--may have improperly used leverage to get the prosecutor fired. The Corruption Thing, same legal basis.

In the matter of the phone call, not even any references to allegations of wrong-doing are noted in requesting a Ukrainian investigation of the U. S. private citizen, former Vice-President Biden.

The failure of the White House is tantamount to a KGB assassination attempt, even: Creating an incident outside of applicable law of Soviet, or now-Russian federation.

The President of the United States was not upholding and defending the U. S. Constitution: In the matter of creating a warrant-free request of another nation--outside the usual extradition and legal proceeding rules--to violate the private citizen's constitutional rights.

The FBI even has way more experience at it.(?). . .the matter of corruption investigations.

Federal Investigations: What Everyone Should Know

The Republicans have no basis on which to allege a corruption investigation in the matter of the subject phone call transcript between the two Presidents: Especially as the additional details unfold. Joe Biden does have Constitutional protections. The Presidents is required to faithfully execute the laws of the United States: Clearly including the Constitutional protections.

Process stuff!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(White Eyes imported even Great Fire Ant Mounds to assist in usual investigations on Lands of Many Nations--just maybe(?)!)

This is interesting framing.

So, despite the fact that you've acknowledged the obvious conflict of interest, you're going to claim that the prosecutor's reputation for corruption is definitely the only reason Joe Biden demanded his firing, to the point that seeking to investigate the matter constitutes election interference? You're so certain of your own perception of another man's motives that even QUESTIONING those motives strikes you as obvious corruption?

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows. . . Also, Mascale. Mascale knows.
The Constitution is a written document, and case-law volumes fill up entire buildings all over the USA.

1. The conflict of interest is not the subject of the phone call.
2. Vice-President Biden's office was not apprised of the new Hunter Biden employment.
3. The subject of the Russian annexation of Crimea does appear in the background.
4. The USA and entire continents had further condemned also that.
5. The Republicans are trapped into acknowledging that the Vice-President had widespread concurrence--and even on advice from the Obama White House: To proceed with the anti-corruption demand in that matter.
6. The President of the Ukraine--Merkel and the other named leadership--were not cited as having created allegations against Joe Biden.
7. That by itself weighs in too heavily.
8. An entire range of officials all over--on-board or not with the Crimean Annexation--were mentioned, and in the context of being replaced.
9. No ties to Vice-President Biden were alleged.
10. The aid became an outcome of the phone call, but was only legal due to the Congressional appropriation.
11. The Faithful Execution of the Laws gap is significant--many would say--way beyond just a breach of the law.

The Republicans are even stuck with the problem that the Crimean Annextion was actually a basis to not meet with Vladimir Putin.

So any traveler from the USA does not lose US Constitutional protections--on that basis--even airlines can believe in. . .and then it's on the Cruise Lines, the fishing tours, the train companies: And the circus dog acts.

What Poochie can believe in: So can . . . .voters. Citizenship applies internationally, even to Blacks(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Need more Fire Ant Mounds.. . .For France(?!))
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Re-emphasizing Toddsterpatriot post: Republicans now are of the apparent opinion that all US nationals lose US citizenship: Once they ever travel abroad.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now looking for shovels even: Now to make mounds for Corruption Investigations!)
Re-emphasizing Toddsterpatriot post: Republicans now are of the apparent opinion that all US nationals lose US citizenship: Once they ever travel abroad.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now looking for shovels even: Now to make mounds for Corruption Investigations!)


Once you're on foreign soil, you can be as corrupt as the Bidens and no one should investigate. Ever.
Privacy rights that only apply to Democrats arent rights.
The Constitution is a written document, and case-law volumes fill up entire buildings all over the USA.

1. The conflict of interest is not the subject of the phone call.
2. Vice-President Biden's office was not apprised of the new Hunter Biden employment.
3. The subject of the Russian annexation of Crimea does appear in the background.
4. The USA and entire continents had further condemned also that.
5. The Republicans are trapped into acknowledging that the Vice-President had widespread concurrence--and even on advice from the Obama White House: To proceed with the anti-corruption demand in that matter.
6. The President of the Ukraine--Merkel and the other named leadership--were not cited as having created allegations against Joe Biden.
7. That by itself weighs in too heavily.
8. An entire range of officials all over--on-board or not with the Crimean Annexation--were mentioned, and in the context of being replaced.
9. No ties to Vice-President Biden were alleged.
10. The aid became an outcome of the phone call, but was only legal due to the Congressional appropriation.
11. The Faithful Execution of the Laws gap is significant--many would say--way beyond just a breach of the law.

The Republicans are even stuck with the problem that the Crimean Annextion was actually a basis to not meet with Vladimir Putin.

So any traveler from the USA does not lose US Constitutional protections--on that basis--even airlines can believe in. . .and then it's on the Cruise Lines, the fishing tours, the train companies: And the circus dog acts.

What Poochie can believe in: So can . . . .voters. Citizenship applies internationally, even to Blacks(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Need more Fire Ant Mounds.. . .For France(?!))

You keep mentioning that there's case law, but I can't help but notice that you haven't actually included an example of where the constitution OR legal precedent prohibit opening an investigation in absence of existing allegations from leadership in the country where the alleged potential corruption occurred.

Now, if the investigation starts going into Biden's private documents without first establishing probable cause, then you have an obvious argument. Calling President Trump's suggestion that an investigation be opened a violation of privacy, though. . . quite a stretch, no?

Next, I'm no expert, but I find it hard to believe that the mere fact that Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid contingent upon the firing of a prosecutor who just happened to be looking into a company that had hired his son despite a breathtaking lack of qualifications wouldn't, in and of itself, qualify as probable cause. Perhaps you could clear that up for me, and I'm not saying that sarcastically. If there's case law that proves me wrong on that, I'd appreciate you pointing it out.

Minor final point, you keep mentioning that Biden's office was never appraised of Hunter Biden's employment. Hunter is Joe's SON. Acting as though the fact that the Ukranians never officially appraised the VP's office of that fact, somehow means that Joe Biden was even POSSIBLY acting in ignorance of his son's position at the company under the scrutiny of the prosecutor whose job he demanded, strikes me as incredibly disingenuous. If I'm mistaking your purpose in reiterating that point, I apologize for the accusation, but seriously. . . in what way is that fact meaningful?
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It is completely unacceptable that some people can not accept that Democrats are above the law.
Re-emphasizing Toddsterpatriot post: Republicans now are of the apparent opinion that all US nationals lose US citizenship: Once they ever travel abroad.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now looking for shovels even: Now to make mounds for Corruption Investigations!)
President is doing a great job of protecting the American Public from the corrupt Dem politicians
Yeah but Biden was V.P. and Obama was president when the Russians allegedly interfered with the election. As a matter of fact the Obama administration violated candidate Trump's rights when they used unverified information from a foreign agent to illegally conduct a surveillance on a political opponent.
Yeah but Biden was V.P. and Obama was president when the Russians allegedly interfered with the election. As a matter of fact the Obama administration violated candidate Trump's rights when they used unverified information from a foreign agent to illegally conduct a surveillance on a political opponent.

They nevah evah bring this FACT up!
Slow Joe thinks he's still VP and doesn't know what state he's in....

My bet is dementia and if I'm correct I feel for the man. Horrible disease

By the way...I read a very good article written by a Dr who thinks Hillary has Parkinson's.
Slow Joe thinks he's still VP and doesn't know what state he's in....

My bet is dementia and if I'm correct I feel for the man. Horrible disease

By the way...I read a very good article written by a Dr who thinks Hillary has Parkinson's.

He only joined the race because his evil wife has visions of sugarplums and being FLOTUS in her head.
The Mad Red-Hatters of TrumpWonderLand are likely not going to be said to up on Amendments 4, 5, and 6 on any ordinary basis.

Since the only public reference to the Hunter-level conflict of interest failure to report is from Hunter--then that is no charge or allegation against Joe. The FBI does corruption investigations, and none are reported in the matter of Joe Biden and the fired prosecutor of Ukraine. Any reference to a now initiated investigation of a U. S. national, in a foreign nation--by a sitting President--including in a really, really, wide, wide chair--now creates a basis of non-warranted seizure of the investigation targeted person, without due process, with no guarantee of speedy trial: In that foreign nation. The lock can be turned. The Key can be thrown away.

Per Trump GOP--the example in fact applies to all U. S. Nationals.

The U. S. President has acted more like an absolute monarch, dictator, KGB, (or creator of fire-ant mounds): Inviting criminal proceedings on entry by that accused--in that nation: Only with basis in a phone call.

There are no said proceedings in the United States itself.

If anyone at all is a card-carrying member of ACLU: Then anyone knows the source of case law(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending many shovels now to Ukraine Nation--for US nationals(?)!)
Slow Joe thinks he's still VP and doesn't know what state he's in....

My bet is dementia and if I'm correct I feel for the man. Horrible disease

By the way...I read a very good article written by a Dr who thinks Hillary has Parkinson's.

Parkinson's and Smirnoff's.
The Mad Red-Hatters of TrumpWonderLand are likely not going to be said to up on Amendments 4, 5, and 6 on any ordinary basis.

Since the only public reference to the Hunter-level conflict of interest failure to report is from Hunter--then that is no charge or allegation against Joe. The FBI does corruption investigations, and none are reported in the matter of Joe Biden and the fired prosecutor of Ukraine. Any reference to a now initiated investigation of a U. S. national, in a foreign nation--by a sitting President--including in a really, really, wide, wide chair--now creates a basis of non-warranted seizure of the investigation targeted person, without due process, with no guarantee of speedy trial: In that foreign nation. The lock can be turned. The Key can be thrown away.

Per Trump GOP--the example in fact applies to all U. S. Nationals.

The U. S. President has acted more like an absolute monarch, dictator, KGB, (or creator of fire-ant mounds): Inviting criminal proceedings on entry by that accused--in that nation: Only with basis in a phone call.

There are no said proceedings in the United States itself.

If anyone at all is a card-carrying member of ACLU: Then anyone knows the source of case law(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending many shovels now to Ukraine Nation--for US nationals(?)!)

Still no specific citations of that elusive case law to which you keep referring? Unfortunately, no, I'm not a card carrying member of the ACLU. I was hoping that, perhaps in honor of the tradition of proper argument, you could be counted on to substantiate your OWN claims. Claims which, the more I read, seem to be based on some seriously loose interpretations of who's conducting investigations where and on whos official behalf they're being conducted, as well as some questionable perceptions on what calling for an investigation actually entails, legally. Hoping you'll prove me wrong. Or at least say something substantial.
The Mad Red-Hatters of TrumpWonderLand are likely not going to be said to up on Amendments 4, 5, and 6 on any ordinary basis.

Since the only public reference to the Hunter-level conflict of interest failure to report is from Hunter--then that is no charge or allegation against Joe. The FBI does corruption investigations, and none are reported in the matter of Joe Biden and the fired prosecutor of Ukraine. Any reference to a now initiated investigation of a U. S. national, in a foreign nation--by a sitting President--including in a really, really, wide, wide chair--now creates a basis of non-warranted seizure of the investigation targeted person, without due process, with no guarantee of speedy trial: In that foreign nation. The lock can be turned. The Key can be thrown away.

Per Trump GOP--the example in fact applies to all U. S. Nationals.

The U. S. President has acted more like an absolute monarch, dictator, KGB, (or creator of fire-ant mounds): Inviting criminal proceedings on entry by that accused--in that nation: Only with basis in a phone call.

There are no said proceedings in the United States itself.

If anyone at all is a card-carrying member of ACLU: Then anyone knows the source of case law(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending many shovels now to Ukraine Nation--for US nationals(?)!)

Any reference to a now initiated investigation of a U. S. national, in a foreign nation--by a sitting President--including in a really, really, wide, wide chair--now creates a basis of non-warranted seizure of the investigation targeted person, without due process,

Is that worse than Obama ordering drone strikes on US citizens overseas?
The Trump Administration on drone strikes is unprecedented.
Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

Then to the matter of case law there is lots to see, contrary to Republican Allegations that Case Law regarding Amendments 4 ,5, and 6 does not exist. Anyone in fact starts with the Supreme Court. Applications from cases then get applied. Samples of such Case law applications are shown below.

Look away! Look Away!, Look Away, Dixieland! GOP has no defense in the matter of Donald Trump and the Ukraine phone call.

List of United States Supreme Court cases involving constitutional criminal procedure - Wikipedia

Sixth Amendment Court Cases - Speedy Trial Clause

Fifth Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

Category:United States Fourth Amendment case law - Wikipedia

Applications of US Case Law abound in the matters of Amendment 4, 5, and 6. Using a defense that the Executive Branch has Monarch authority in the matter of corruption cases is easily a losing defense of the Ukraine phone call.

That is just a start of what the Democratic prosecutors can start to look through.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Many fine shovels can be sent to Ukraine, GOP-directed: To build many mounds for fire ants specifically for US vilsiting tourists, following GOP case law interpretations in the matter of Presidential phone calls.)

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